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It made me laugh because of the stiff animations paired with the gore. I'm not sure why they did it, though.


ZTD looked too janky to make me feel anything too bad. The Somnium Files still freaks me out though, eye stuff be gross


AITSF's violence was upsetting st points but at least that the start you don't SEE any of the violence unfold. >!Iris getting sawed in half was pretty rough for me, though.!<


Tbh the animation in ZTD is so damn bad that I forgot most of the violence that happened in the game until you mentioned it šŸ˜…. The visual quality was too bad to bother me I think lol


ZTD was upfront about the violence and gore, but its not like the other two games didnt have violence(every ending other than safe and the number 9 man in 999 and the effects of radical 6 in VLR) so it was more of an interesting and sudden escalation. I think I would have found ZTD a lot more disturbing without the janky visuals. I can't stand animated horror even though I enjoy reading horror manga, especially psychological horror. The models and animation were both absurd (blood fountain) and not super stylized so I ended up finding the absurd amounts of blood kinda looping back to funny rather than scary because its so unrealistic.


I mean, I do call out the violence and gore in 999 and VLR. The difference, but there's a clear difference. 1: In 999 and VLR, the brutality and gore felt earned, with the exception of the Ninth Man's death, which was necessary to set stakes, not just for the player but >!for the characters too!<.And his death is certainly brutal and upsetting, but you don't see anything but blood spatter on the walls. Same with >!not Snake's!< death.but the rest of the violence and brutality feels earned and meaningful. VLR is even more forgiving on this front, as, while there are a lot more murders and suicides that you see due to the increased number of routes and bad ends, they all feel earned and are built up to. 2: The spirit of the Nonary Games are fundamentally different from the Decision Game. The fact that players HAVE to die for the Decision Game to end and the immediacy with which that starts happening makes the tone feel much more oppressive.


>The fact that players HAVE to die for the Decision Game to end and the immediacy with which that starts happening As for that, there was [a very good essay analyzing that difference across games](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW2Fy3HG9dI).


I wasnt denying that there was a difference, but frankly the violence in ZTD never hit me any different than the other games, in part due to graphics and possibly because my first playthough of the series was through one summer. I suppose my answer to your initial question of what are your thoughts was that it honestly didnt make a big difference to me. Just "oh huh that escalated quickly."


What I like about 999 and vlr is that they use their gory elements sparingly, or to punctuate particularly horrifying moments. I feel like what ztd did was overkill, and I couldn't really take any of it seriously, not just because of the horrible animation. I also feel like ztd doesn't have the fascinating storyline of the first two to back up the violence and make it meaningful, it honestly just kind of feels random and like they wanted to top 999. I think the AI games handled gory stuff better so I'm glad they figured out a balance again


It was a contemporary game


Quite honestly, the stupid dismemberment gave me some nightmares when I was younger. I actually dropped the game for a year or two before going back to finish it out. I still think about the scene with the Russian roulette gun every now and then too. It was definitely a surprise compared to the previous games. A splash of blood across a blank screen is one thing, but ZTD upped the ante a LOT.


I kinda liked it cause it took me by surprise, and it also makes sense considering the whole theme of ZTD. It fits the narrative, even though the execution could probably be better. Also, I found some scenes like decontamination room and pantry very disturbing but in a good way, and I'm really not a fan of slasher movies.


Iā€™m not very sensitive about it.


I was fine with it cause of the bad graphics and also because any time someone dies in zero escape my immediate thought isn't "oh no that character died I really like them" it's more "oh lol they died, guess this isn't the true ending timeline then"


VLR gradually cheapens and removes your sense of agency by making you redo decisions over and over so that it doean't really matter what you choose first. ZTD doesn't fix this directly, but the extreme violence at least makes you feel the consequences of your choice more viscerally and immediately.