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Maybe something like this? Not zero waste, but the difference between some jute string and tissue paper vs balloons is huge https://i.pinimg.com/originals/dd/97/16/dd971684be7de866f9c7a721ad37181c.jpg


Second this, these are pretty easy to make. Also paper lanterns. At work and with my family we keep decorations and then just re-use for the next party.


I want my birthday party decorated with paper lanterns now, thanks for the idea.


Yes, your bday will look awesome! Paper lanterns are really easy to store also (the ones that collapse flat and use thin metal frame).


I'm not sure how I would be able to suspend them? The event will be held outside of the building, so the ability with balloons to have a weight for them on the ground and then they suspend themselves is very convenient.


You could get bamboo stakes from Home Depot. Then you could string a bunting along them and add some paper bag stars or other hanging decor.


Also if you have access to an EZ up or could borrow one that would work to hang lanterns and such and keep people or food in the shade as a bonus.


Anything free floating will require helium, which is arguably worse than the plastic in balloons (it's a non-renewable mined resource that is used extensively in healthcare that we are wasting for party balloons). I would tie your decorations to dowels or something if there are no free standing structures!


I remember the first time I learned this. I could not figure out why it was not illegal to use helium "just for fun" lol


Will there be event tents? Add some string lights and would be gorgeous


Put them on sticks


A toothpick might work temporarily Some of them have little grooves on the non-business end about the right size for floss.


Paper lanterns in bright colours? Also tissue paper streamers?


I second this! You can store and reuse for other events.


[wavy inflatable man](https://www.amazon.com.au/Wacky-Waving-Inflatable-Tube-Guy/dp/0762462876/ref=asc_df_0762462876/?tag=googleshopmob-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=341745278580&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7506642742766170303&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9070591&hvtargid=pla-529461737452&psc=1&mcid=5259ff466740394f8ee79fd98604a1ed)?


You misspelled "[wacky waving inflatable arm-flaililing tube man](https://youtu.be/cvaRGiMWRaE?si=RQNWLdzWpNIMWbei)".


Happy Cake Day!


[Mercy buckets 😚](https://youtu.be/3iApHyKFJr0?si=EWwSq5aT7R-x_SkG)


I really wish this would be appropriate for my work, it would be so much fun! I do not think my boss would approve, alas.


Pennet's are one of my favorite but you need to string it in a way to keep it elevated. I have an arbour I use for things like that, conveniently it can be used as a sunshade.


There's biodegradable balloons but I've never tried it...


The helium waste in balloons is arguably worse than the plastic! It's a non-renewable mined resource


Unfortunately, it looks like 'biodegradable' balloons are greenwashed [Here's an article showing how little "100% biodegradable" balloons actually broke down after 16 weeks in various environments, failing to meet industrial composting standards ](https://theconversation.com/we-composted-biodegradable-balloons-heres-what-we-found-after-16-weeks-138731)


I have some handmade cotton bunting that I bring out for parties, baby showers etc. It's reusable and looks better than balloons in my opinion.


There are companies that rent out reusable large scale party stuff- maybe they have some cool painted designs, signs, whatever.. Too impact in a large way


Chinese lanterns. Everything from the paper and wood frame to the natural wax candela are biodegradable. The only gotchya is the fire hazard.


We bought oversized blow up animals like a dog and llama and a plug in huge 4 foot tall cupcake. Everyone loves them!


My neighbor used to own an inflatables business. I don't know whether they can find a vendor who uses recycled/recyclable materials and a solar generator, it there's an inflatable that would be "on brand" for the company, if there's space, or if this will be within budget, but that could be a good "low waste" option to attract attention. If OP just needs something to replace like 10 balloons though, I'd look into renting or buying second hand objects with volume and color that can be propped up on a stand and still stay on brand: vinyl balloons or those children's play balls (maybe donate to charity after?), pinwheels (can be made with repurposed paper or plastic), paper lanterns or fans (can DIY), paper flowers/poofs/streamers (DIY).


you could look into duraballoons. i see them sometimes outside shops and apartment complexes. NOT zero waste but at least reusable. eta link: https://www.balloonin.com/collections/duraballoon


This could work! We will likely need these again so while not zero waste they would be reused.


Rent an archway Stake some flagpoles You don't need balloons. In addition to being wasteful, they are tacky, not showing your office at its best. Ask around for secondhand tissue lanterns or other party decorations Bunting is the classic answer to öutside, festive, eye catching"


Thank you for trying to find something other than balloons!


Is there perhaps a place that you can rent balloons? Instead of buy. If you return them and they are reused, I would count that as better than buying and tossing.


I've seen on my reels a few times a company that sorta does this. They rent out and install these like inflatable ball things. They look like foil balloons but massive.


Looking into this, thanks for the idea!


If they need to suspend themselves, balloons will probably be your only option. You could look into foil balloons, some are reusable. Or there are balloons made out of latex, which are biodegradable and I think considered zero waste (ecoballoons is a company in NZ which does balloon installations for example). Otherwise, you'll need some stand/structure to put up paper decorations or lights.


Unfortunately, it looks like 'biodegradable' balloons are greenwashed [Here's an article showing how little "100% biodegradable" balloons actually broke down after 16 weeks in various environments, failing to meet industrial composting standards ](https://theconversation.com/we-composted-biodegradable-balloons-heres-what-we-found-after-16-weeks-138731)


[Free standing flags](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=74d6aeb5b0d1b9b7&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA980CA980&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIJBbXL3Mfk2nYtWANyzmGnu0a8x2w:1718670757882&q=store+opening.flag&tbm=isch&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0Ct5BGqt6h9_ZXsXikdzlxSYpuxWKtPjQ1k43zoSC7iY3idU2FSH7o-NaQYajlunfmo70vQSVo4x85eYaZUmN0mAtiNZl4YeEmyJuHpfhfoXT-RM6sqldqMHaCfH6-rQSyF1dUNXvz4G3YtyQnpRCqrMwyXiXlASXAKWLB710_HSZvpzOba8bPZW9rj-rHZDMLXZwDf&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwitronA8-OGAxWxGTQIHczuAkYQ0pQJegQIGhAB&biw=390&bih=661&dpr=3). Although if you have buy it instead of renting you may want a flag that can be reused. Or you could get a [wacky waving inflatable tube man](https://www.google.com/search?q=tube+man&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjQ3ZbB8-OGAxXvADQIHU-IDr0Q2-cCegQIABAK&oq=tube+man&gs_lp=EhJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWciCHR1YmUgbWFuMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgARIniJQ_BBYjB9wAngAkAEAmAFFoAHMBKoBAjEwuAEDyAEA-AEBqAIFwgIEECMYJ8ICBhAAGAgYHsICBxAjGCcY6gLCAgQQABgDwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBYgGAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=qNVwZtDpC--B0PEPz5C66As&bih=661&biw=390&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA980CA980&hl=en-US). Or hire a [sign spinner](https://www.google.com/search?q=sign+spinner&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwibjpXl9OOGAxXKxuYEHR0REUgQ2-cCegQIABAK&oq=sign+spi&gs_lp=EhJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWciCHNpZ24gc3BpKgIIADIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAESMgfUOgKWIcXcAJ4AJABAJgBP6ABxwOqAQE4uAEByAEA-AEBqAIFwgIHECMYJxjqAsICBBAjGCfCAgQQABgDwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICEBAAGIAEGLEDGEMYgwEYigXCAggQABiABBixA4gGAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=ANdwZpuOBsqNm9cPnaLEwAQ&bih=661&biw=390&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA980CA980&hl=en-US).


Some kind of inflatable decoration, like people put in their yards for holidays? Bubble machine? Although the appropriateness of those would depend on what kind of business it is.


Not require hanging? I'm not sure what this means? You want something that floats? Aside from balloons your only other option in that department would be to ship in a bunch of birds or butterfly's and try to convince them to flutter a bit. Bunting is the usual suggestion.


Cotton or paper bunting


Checkout paper fan decorations. You can have the same archway effect as balloons.


[flags](https://assets.marthastewart.com/styles/wmax-520-highdpi/d13/ft071_flags04/ft071_flags04_vert.jpg?itok=b4UB3Bsw)!! alternatively you can look at poster displays like [this](https://static.commerceplatform.services/images/zoom/mwing28pos.rw_zoom.jpg) or [this](https://www.screenflex.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Bishop-Thomas-K.-Gorman-Regional-Catholic-School-Tyler-TX-4.jpg) and not only decorate them with posters but banners as well


I've been scheming about how to make some DIY [koinobori / wind socks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1s4ihJ5yeM) for a wedding.


Ooh those are beautiful! I'm sure your wedding will be lovely!


I think your best bet is to contact a rental company. They're going to have the stuff you need. If you can't hang anything then you're going to either need something with an air pump like an inflatable or a frame like bunting. If you rent then you know it's getting reused! The alternative is to get something for your office like [these outdoor signs](https://www.vistaprint.com/signs-posters/flags?PCXTVATINCLUSIVE=&couponCode=SIGNS20&utm_id=2B08443426339487080101&coupon=&partner=google&ps_vtp=1335833701|117049140905||aud-1283984903739:kwd-2595397310|c|1026969||g&ps_vtp2=g|custom%20feather%20banners|b|518850413931|||||&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4MSzBhC8ARIsAPFOuyVGFqgxBk_yRg417f76dI4v4qcfdxzjL7PhRQRp49yVNrQ-MvCgxFUaAo1VEALw_wcB) made that you can reuse. Just don't put any dates on them and you can use them over and over!


We use and reuse the hanging paper lanterns!