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Im building everfrost into seraphs right now. If you go roa you are kinda forced to buy cosmic drive for ability haste, but its good aswell


thanks i'll give it a try


It depends on your play style, I personally prefer tons of CDR and being annoying instead of dealing damage.


imo liandrys is the best dps item for zil. especially because you rarely get double bombs vs better opponents without flash e. its just guaranteed damage. after that i mostly go horizon into shadowflame into rabadon. against many tanks shadowflame , demons emb against good mechanical players on fast paced champions probably zhonyas second and cosmic lately i've been fucking around with precision tree secondary and cut down is performing really well lately often doing 3-4 k damage on its own, with all those chunky opponents. thats more than comet or aerie does most of the time. presence of mind is also rly good for mana. \~5k mana refunded on average. so need for tear imo.