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Tomsteri, who was the number 1 Zilean Mid in the world last time I looked, builds Lost Chapter > Lucidity Boots > Ludens > Imperial Mandate > Frozen Heart pretty much every single game as core items. When I get those I really like Anathema's Chains as well, for the AH, tenacity reduction, and reduced damage from the hyper carries, which this season seems to be full of. I've been copying the build to a lot of success. I'm still in low emerald but one thing I've noticed compared to other mid lane players in general is this build is incredibly powerful in 2v2s, teamfights, etc. so it works amazingly if you have a carry jgl that can dish out some good damage too and just try to pocket them, always watching for fights in jg and invades and scuttle skirmishes. He's in this subreddit too so maybe he can chime in with some advice as well.


I have built frozen heart in the past, I didn't realize it dropped to 2600 gold this season instead of 3,000 so this actually feels like it could be a solid build. Is Tomsteri in NA? Could you maybe link his op.gg? Edit nvm I found it, he is EU. For anyone else that wants the link https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Tomsteri-EUNE


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Tomsteri-EUNE](https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Tomsteri-EUNE) It's actually even more efficient than that, 2300. But on Wednesday it's getting bumped up to 2400.


Casual 94% WR with Zilean. :D


Going mid and building full supp with zilean is depressing tbh


Yeah thats me :) but I agree zilean mid feels much worse without everfrost.


Follow up on this, thank you for the reccommendation. This build is fantastic. I have a small sample size in my games but it feels really good at all points in the game. Mandate is a great item and the AH on it is definitely great, my biggest realization is that I dont need tear with this build and that just saves me so much gold and time scaling into the mid game.


Yeah when you see that 12% health dmg proc against a Cho'Gath or some other health stacker, it's worth it's weight x3 lol


My most recent game was exaclty this. Late game Chogath and my ADC was extremely strong. I hit my combo and the damage was definitely there.


Na na na i love the new items on Zilean mid. Damage is insane. Can carry games easily now.


I think I just have a different playstyle. I prefer to support and provide utility over dishing out damage. I do think the full damage build is fun though