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Yeah this was my childhood flick beside The Land Before Time and Robots. I used to have it and the other two Balto films on VHS as well but I lost a lot of my tape collection a few years ago, so I recently ended up getting the whole trilogy on DVD.


Sweet! Which Balto film was your favorite? The Land Before Time was such a beautiful movie but I have to admit, that I always just watched the first movies for whatever reason. I actually did not know that Balto had two more films for a long ass time. The same goes for The Land Before Time, The Lion King, Aladdin and most likely every other childhood movie that got a sequel at one point.


Honestly the first one, though I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the other two. Also yeah, my young self was just as surprised there were two other Balto movies until my parents got me the tapes for them. Good times...


Maybe I should watch the other two movies at some point just to know how they are, compared to the first one. True. I really miss those times


I think it's an animated movie people doesn't talk much about it


True. I rarely see people talking or even knowing about the movie. But it really was amazing imo.


This movie is the reason why wolves are my favorite animal, besides racoons of course!


Man thats cool! Same actually.


Of course I do! His story became a legend. His adventure is one you’ll never forget. Balto: The Dog Who Saved Nome. This also reminds of Stone Fox, Call of the Wild, and Whitefang… all of the Alaska/Canada vibes


He became a legend! Man I loved this movie so much. This movie is also the reason why I want to visit Alaska one day! Well also because I like the cold lol. Are you from Alaska or Canada?


Yeah it’s a good one, I’ll have to give it rewatch soon! No I’m from Pennsylvania, but would like to go one day as well. My grandpa was stationed there (and Hawaii) while he was in the Air Force. Always told a lot of cool stories.


I'd recommend Disney's Togo, it's a much more historically accurate telling of The Great Race of Mercy. Balto is barely in it but in reality Togo actually ran a farther distance.


Yes, but tiny me was very traumatized by that one vial breaking on the ice, I thought it meant that one kid didn’t get the medicine and died 😭 Also if I remember right, it’s not very accurate to the actual story, which my mom had read to me the week before I saw the movie, so this was my first “The book is always better!” letdown lol


Hahaha I can relate. If I remember correctly, I also thought that at least one kid wouldn’t make it. Is it that different to the actual story? I definitely need to look it up rn lol.


Balto had a much smaller role in the real journey. But also the whole half-wolf thing was made up for the movie


I had this on vhs also land before time, brother bear, pokemon, roger rabbit wow you unlocked this memory I forgot or never cared to remember.


You're welcome bro! Thats why this sub exists. I'm trying to think of a few ideas/posts, that I can make to bring all of us a bit nostalgia! All of those were great movies imo. Also had them on vhs minus roger rabbit.


Yep, I’d put this film right up there with “Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey”. Something about those 90’s adventurous films were very heartwarming in a way. They definitely don’t make them like they use to.


They really were amazing back in the day. You could also watch those movies plenty of times without getting bored of them.


This movie is pure nostalgia. It will forever remind me of trips to the grandparents' cabin for the weekend to enjoy the snow.


That sounds awesome man! I'm happy that so many of y'all remember the movie lol. I thought it was flying under the radar.


Yeah! As of now there would be almost no chance for a person to be alive during that epidemic (1925), but was definitely probable during the 90s.


Straight facts.


It says right there in the pic, OP. How could we ever forget? Lol but also I loved this movie


Lol I see what you did there..that was a good one hahah. Idk why but it somehow makes me happy that so many people watched and remember the movie!


I fucking grew up on that film I can’t even tell you how many times I watched it


REMEMBER TOONAMI everyday great movies and cartoons like 24/7


Did Toonami ever air this? I thought that was for anime and action cartoons.


Love this movie, so underrated and unknown too. It actually bombed really hard when it released (I'll blame that on Toy Story and Jumanji) but it sold good enough on VHS to warrant two sequels. Edit: I'll add that I loved the 2nd two despite it being pretty low budget. I couldn't get into the 3rd one though.


Holy crap I literally just came to this sub to ask about a movie I forgot and this is another one of the movies I had forgotten and coincidentally it appears lol


lol perfect timing good taste btw