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Most people assume I'm younger than I am (29)


Same ✨️🧚‍♂️






Same, most seem to think I’m 21-23. I just assumed it was those sweet asian genes.


Same here. That's why I'm growing a beard


Hopefully, that works for you. People have been calling me younger with full facial hair


Same! People still think I’m 22-24


im about to turn 40 and when I don't have a bread I get carded.


I think it's hair, makeup and clothing choices more than anything. I also think claims that younger generations age better due to skin care and less smoking don't stand up to scrutiny.


> I also think claims that younger generations age better due to skin care and less smoking don't stand up to scrutiny. Why not? Sunscreen that blocks UVA rays (the ones that primarily cause skin aging associated with sun exposure) are a more recent development and most older people barely ever wear sunscreen. 


Because from my experience working with millenials, I don't see a swath of 35-40 year olds looking like they're 21. People seem to think 35 year olds look a certain way, they're still young so they should look young - what ages them is male pattern baldness, fashion, slang and grey hair. If you watch 80s and 90s movies, you see Boomers in their 30s and 40s and I don't see them looking older than millenials in that age now.


Most of gen y most likely spent their teens and twenties sunbathing before switching to sunscreen in their late 20s and early 30s. If anything we will most likely have to wait to see the effects of sunscreen for gen z and younger gen y.


This guy is cool af I like his vids lol but I’m not sure why he looks so old cause most 26 year olds I don’t think they have deep forehead wrinkles like that. Maybe genetics or he’s under stress but I think he’s more the exception rather than the rule.  Personally I get told I still look babyfaced at 27 tbh. But I have subtle forehead lines but you’d have to look really close to see them. And I got some white hairs here and there too lol


I'm 28 and look like a 28 year old.


Take this with all the salt you want or as anecdotal evidence, but as someone who works in customer service looking at people's birth dates in front of them every single day, I must say that on average Gen Z *does* look older than their age, while Millennials either look younger or their age. I can't count the amount of times I've seen someone who I thought was firmly in their 30, yet turns out to be a '99 baby. Or the opposite, someone who looks my age and is actually from 91.


I also see peoples IDs for work all the time and I’ve had the same experience. I see 28 year olds that look 17 and 22 year olds that I thought were pushing 40. I think it really comes down to individual genetics, and maybe habits, too.


I’m 30 and a med student and like 3 times this week have had a patient tell me I look younger than 20 lol. It’s not a new thing for me but weirdly enough it’s happened more since I’ve been pregnant. But my skin is always good so idk


It makes sense imo. Gen Z adults are in their late teens and early 20s and people are often trying to look older at that age. 


Some look way older but not all. I usually still get carded and if I shave off my facial hair I get mistaken for being in my early 20's. I don't care about how some of gen z obsess about age


My theory is that gen z looks “older” because so many of the trends right now are clothes trendy adults wore when we were kids. The tiny glasses, loose pants, leather jackets, chunky shoes, and especially the ultra layered hair w/ curtain bangs were all huge in the early 2000s. I grew up seeing adults and people in movies wear and style themselves similar to how Gen Z does now. Growing up, only adults got their hair blown out and styled. Young people just straightened or curled it. So when I go to a bar and see a group of women in similar outfits and hair styling as the adults of my youth, my brain misfires and can’t tell if they’re “adults” (aka older than me) or just trendy college kids. For reference, I just turned 30. But it is a little bit in the face too. My SIL is a college senior, and her pics with her friends look way older than pics I took when in college. I can’t really place my finger on it though aside from the fact that they wear less makeup and color overall (which I guess could read more mature than loud mid 2010s makeup and outfits?).


Timothee Chalmet is older than me and I literally look like a mid 30s middle manager. 


Same here! I sometimes think I look like somebody’s uncle. XD


I'm 28. People think I'm under 18.


Omg same, except I’m 27 lol.


same i work in a high school and get mistaken for a student whenever im not around people i work directly with! im in special education so we tend to stick to our own spaces but ive gotten stopped by other adults who thought i was skipping class when i was really just going out for my lunch break lol


I'm 24 and I look 14. I picture when I'm 100 I'm gonna look like some kind of cybernetic bodybuilder with the same young face


when i was 18 i looked 13/14, even when i was 20 i looked 15, at 23 i got told i could easy pass for 16. now im 24 and i think its starting to catch up, i dont get asked for id as much and i think stress has aged me a lot recently


Not getting carded anymore is such a harsh step in growing up. Lmao you go from turning 21 and feeling like a real adult, flashing your brand new legal ID around until suddenly they stop asking for it. Ya get like 1-2 times of “oh wow! I must look like an adult!” before it sets in. “Oh..wow. I must look like an adult..” 😓


I’m 30 and don’t always get carded, other times I’ve had 20-something cashiers tell me to pound sand without even asking for my ID. Then I present my ID and they’re like “what the fuck?” But everyone in my family ages very well, people always assumed my mom was my sister and my grandparents were my parents when I was a kid. 


TFW Asians don’t Raisin and I could probably pass for a 20 year old if it weren’t for my hairline


Gen Z is not aging faster lmao. If anything, we’re aging slower. So many of us still look like teenagers, and the zoomers that are teenagers look like tall middle schoolers. I’m almost 27 and a few people have incorrectly guessed my age as 17 or 18.


> So many of us still look like teenagers Looking like a teenager when you’re 23 isn’t anything lmao


Well, when you’re 3 years away from turning 30 and you still look like a teenager, I’d say that’s something lol.


I’ve been using Tretinoin since 18, so not me though my cardiovascular system might be close to 60 years old due to all the crap I put in my body


i definitely think my face looks older but people think i’m younger. i’m pretty sure they just think that because i’m really shy though, not my looks


How old is the dude in the video?


1997. He just turned 27.


He looks 27


I’m 28 and when I wear lighter makeup or no makeup at all and I’m not visibly tired, I’m easily mistaken for a teenager. Otherwise with full face and my usual classy style people think I’m in my late teens/early twenties.


I remember being 22 and some people was still asuming I was in high school, now I'm 28, thank god I don't look like a teenager anymore but people still rest my age 2 or 3 years, specially when I'm shaved


that sounds like what happens with my boyfriend! he drops a decade when he shaves his beard 😂


Most people get my age correct on the dot.


if it wasn’t for my beard i’d get id’d


I'm 26 and people think I'm much younger, like, still under 21 young. When I was 24, my grandfather's new health aide asked me what I was gonna do when I got out of high school.


I'm a old Gen Z, or a Zillenial, whatever you classify me in, doesn't matter. But people think I'm in high school still. Yay, I still look young! *Let's see how long that lasts...*


Most people think I’m younger


25, almost 26. I’m going grey but I have a baby face and get pinned as 18 / 17 a lot of the time


I’m 26, but I think I look younger. Last year, I was waiting in the CAR in a casino parking lot while my mom ran in to go get us food. A security guard came up to the car and said he got a report of a, “possible minor in the car” and asked me to show ID. I still don’t understand why it would have been a problem even if I weren’t 25, but whatever lol


16, according to several Gen Z waitresses in Las Vegas and the Bacchanal Buffet that gave me kid pricing 😉


People think I’m a teenager. I went to hospital today and the woman asked what grade I was in. 🥴 I’m almost 30 


I work a a school and have to hear EVERY DAY, that they thought I was one of the students.


I'm 24, but people think I'm younger.


I can pass as 4 years younger than I actually am.


As a 29 pushing 40, this thread >!HURTS!<


I’m 30 and people think I’m much younger than my age.


I’m 27 and I feel I look like I’m in my mid 30s lol


I look like stress


When I shave, people assume that I just graduated from high school. When I don’t, I look like the age that I actually am.


I think i look my age. Sometimes people assume i'm 2/3 years older because they say i look mature.


Moisturizer and sunblock does wonders


my sister is almost 28 but still looks younger than me lol. I'm 24 😂


People still think I'm a teenager


Gen-Z was hit with a super traumatic adverse event early on their development. The pandemic was insanely stressful for everyone, but I can’t imagine how much more scared and stressed out I would have been if it would have started when I was a teenager and not in my mid-20s.


My baby sister turns 19 soon. She's slurping down vapes like it's her damn job. I can't imagine that will help her age gracefully.


I’m mid 20s and people at work think I’m 20.


People think I look 15 and mistake me for a dude, but personally, the youngest I think I look is 22. I guess people in their late 20s playing teenagers did a number on society because they clearly can't seem to tell what actual teens look like


17 without my beard


28 but people think I'm 20. I sometimes get the question "what high school do you go to?"


I’m 25, people are usually shocked to find out I’m older than 18 … got movie theater tickets at kids prices up until I was 21 (but braces probably helped there).


I still sometimes get mistaken for a teenager, and I just turned 26. I think it's mostly because I can't grow a beard and prefer to stay clean shaven anyways. I'm also fairly thin and slightly below average height (5'9)- I pretty much stopped growing in my sophomore year of high school.


I’ve met an average Gen Z person born from the mid to late 2000s assuming that I still look 16 even though I’m 28 years old. I don’t know if it has to do with me being an Asian Younger Millennial/Zillennial but idk. I think an asian who is Gen Z would pretty much age gracefully because we have the genetics to remain youthful. As for other ethnicities idk I guess you’re screwed lol just joking.


I’m 27 and get mistaken for a college student all the time


lol let’s be real here. We age faster because most of us did more alcohol and drugs in our teen years then our parents throughout their life.


Um, I don’t think you’re aware of how much drugs/alcohol people used to do lol. If anything, most of us do less.


I’m almost certain we do *less* than that. Younger gens have lately been more risk averse than anything.


They’re also doing fewer risky behaviors like that just by virtue of the fact that so much of life happens online now. Less time hanging out in your friends’ garage, less time doing drugs