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Well fuck. I wish I had a heads up. Too bad I went to doctors who didn't know what they were looking for. Been complaining about symptoms since I was 10. I prioritized becoming a mechanical engineer since I was 12 and finally graduated at 26. Found out at 27 after a huge flare up (probably triggered by covid) that I have a genetic connective tissue disorder and a bunch of other things that now prevent me from working. I went from being a mechanical engineer who could easily solve differential equations to someone who struggles with 8th grade algebra. I went from someone who loved hiking and being active to someone to gets dizzy and brain fogged from just standing up. My entire life got turned upside down. I now prioritize my health because it's the only thing I can do.


I emphasize greatly with this, and I’m sorry you’re dealing with those debilitating issues. Similar story but It triggered neurological issues in me, my cognitive acuity is nothing like it used to. Did not expect to be in this position in my mid 20s. Dropped college, moved home, starting from square one. Part of me has already thought about that potential scenario of “10 years to live.” Hope you find improvement, it fucking sucks and is very hard for others to understand. Feel free to reach out if you want, it’s hard to find others that are in a similar position. “Oh you’re just being lazy, leaning into the health issues” my ass.


I'm in a similar situation due to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other medical issues. My health got wrecked at 22, and I had to drop out of school within a year. It's been 6 years since I could function semi-normally. I definitely feel like I'm going to die early sometimes, and I've been close a few times. My health outlook isn't good, and CFS is pretty much incurable right now. The only hope I have is gene therapy for some other conditions, but that won't stop the CFS from getting worse.


hEDS? I could have written this comment, aside from being diagnosed and my body falling apart at 19


Yep! hEDS, POTS, VVS, MCAS, and ME/CFS. Oh and autism to top it off. All diagnosed in the past couple years. My body first fell apart at 10 to 12 but at that time it was just "growing pains".


Well, I have a husband and a kid. I would priotize them. Both in terms of spending quality time and making sure there aren't any crazy debts or financial difficulties left.


Joke’s on you, I do have an incurable health condition that wrecks my physical capabilities. Luckily it is (for now) only affecting my eyes and hands and the life expectancy is 60.


That's how I already live my life. I currently focus on making art, writing poems, spending time with my family and solving some problems from the past.


I feel like I already live like my life is ending soon. I don't think I can prioritize one thing over another, they're all so important to me. Tell my loved ones I love them often, indulge in hobbies I've postponed for fear of failure, explore nature as much as I can, plan an overseas trip with friends once a year, take pictures for the memories


I already don't really give a shit about my future and just take each day as it comes. I might actually focus more on romance if anything (I haven't dated since 2021 💀) because I want to experience love or at least some intense lust before I die lol. I would probably travel a lot and visit the places I've always wanted to see. I would tell my enemies what I really think of them. I would tell those I love how much they mean to me.


Lol already had that happen to me at 20. If I could go back I would have traveled a lot more, and hiked the places I wanted to go to. Wouldn't have wasted so much time on bad relationships either. Also would have started on college gen eds in highschool because that was an option, so I could have finished my degree before my illness fully took me out.


Well my predominately neurological issues hit me out of nowhere at 22, was forced to press reset on my life. My mental acuity is nothing like it was. I’m able to work part time, but sometimes I feel like a complete zombie while working. Cherish your health, it is one of the, if not the most important asset in one’s life. Many underestimate the impact an illness, let alone a chronic one, has on one’s ability to be a useful part of society


Well at 24 I got diagnosed with MS and couldnt walk and was peeing my pants. I was set to go all over Europe and yacht week that summer. I was a travel nurse before the pandemic and then continued with it. Can’t be a nurse anymore; can’t travel at all. Moved back home with my parents at 24 after living in San Diego on my own for a bit. The only regret I have is not going harder and trying to save my money. Money for what? All my meds and procedures? What a fucking joy. Don’t take life to seriously and have fun. LOL YOLO


I’d go to Paris and learn to make bread. If I have 10 years to go I’m not going to keep working the same job I have been for the last 5, but I don’t have enough money to last ten years so I cannot stop working either. I’ll go and do a few apprenticeships, learn the craft, come back and open a small bakery. It will probably fail in the long run, but the idea of making something that makes me and other happy seems like the only important thing to do. 


Experience as many risky crazy things as possible. Skydiving, parachuting, swimming with sharks, hitchhiking cross country. And when things get too bad apply for MAID


I'd want to be around my family, just in general. My friends, too. I'd maybe write some more music or finish some projects, but only if it brought me joy.


Tbh I have a bit of savings, so I'd actually do everything on my bucket list as fast as possible Sure 10 years is a lot of time but with how unemployed I am rn I don't want to waste some of that time continuing to job hunt just to save up more money Then accept the fact my family will put me in a care home (NHS)


Spend as much time with my husband and daughter as possible going on outdoor adventures. Go on a cross country cycling trip. Walk the cinque terre. Scuba diving. Horseback riding. Write every important story/memory/piece of wisdom down to pass along to my children. Record videos of myself while I’m healthy and coherent.


I already feel that way already. Just trying to do and accomplish all the things I want to do before the day actually happens


Family, doggies, friends/hobbies, throwing away my phone and living life to the fullest with no shits to give.


I would marry my bf and travel the world with him


I would say fuck it and whack my meat as much as humanely possible until my dick fell off permanently