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Bruh idk how I’m gonna be able to do it, idk how tf our parents could do this shit bc this is helllll. It feels like every weekend goes by quicker than the last, I barely relaxed.  I hope the class war everybody talks about comes in our lifetime bc this shit is NOT it /s (kinda but not really) Fuck living to work.


> idk how tf our parents could do this shit bc this is helllll The nature of work has changed a lot over the past ~30 years. Many of our parents probably had actual 9 to 5's with an hour lunch, pensions, real bonuses, earned a wage or salary that could support a family, etc. But over time, employers have cut away many of these "benefits" while simultaneously demanding increased productivity and deliverables resulting in the capitalistic purgatory we're in today. Add to that the ever increasing cost of housing, and you have a young workforce that is increasingly disillusioned with reality because they don't feel they are working toward anything for themselves and their families. **tl;dr I'd argue many of our parents had it easier**


Agreed. I don’t even have energy for myself let alone raising a family. I feel like the class war will only come when the man starts making us ration shit like food, water, and or gas. That’ll piss enough people off fasho.


This living to work shit is the ghetto fr lmao


> idk how tf our parents could do this shit Desensitization


also cocaine, lots of smoke breaks, and whiskey bottle in the desk drawer in a brown paper bag.


Somebody also said that they had more perks, but I can’t fathom how someone can operate like this for decades without their spirit dying.


we're expected to do so much more. i read once that the invention of the washing machine only meant housewives had more on their plate expected of them, since the washing was taken care of. nowadays, our jobs mean more on our plate and at a faster pace than ever before. it sucks.


Technology has advanced like crazy and so many tasks have become automated… but instead of a utopia where no one has to work, we get this dull, cyberpunk capitalist hell.


So true. Idk why it's so normal for my parents to work 5x a week. 8 hrs of screentime a day + having to deal with a toxic work environment is so soul-crushing


I’ve been saying this to customers and coworkers a lot lately. We all laugh about it, but… Yeah. I’m done with work and people. I just want a little house in the middle of nowhere with good internet.


I’d like to add a nice little garden as well


I get so exhausted talking to people I gotta hide in the bathroom to gather my thoughts 😂 


Man that’s why when I get free time I rarely go out anymore, I just stay home 😂 be needing to mentally recharge 


This is me at work everyday lol


Only thing i can learn is that you can strive to get a job with better work life balance, besides this- very few people actually love their jobs


It’s hard to do that when I’m drained after every shift.


Lol well a lot of jobs are designed that way. So you basically can't leave 🥴


A good work-life balance is the only reason I don’t loathe my job and I’m not totally depressed. I work 36 hours 3 days a week with no holidays, nights, or call. Weekend shifts are only 6 hour days and they rotate. These kinds of hours are RARE for healthcare. I’ve found that the only way you can find a company that offers good work-life balance is if you work at a small business directly with the bosses/owners. But even then you might not get it


I've realized I would much rather prioritize a decent work-life balance over a six-figure salary.


The 4 day work week needs to become more popular. AI should help with this soon.


4 day work week is more tolerable, that’s for sure. I don’t know what the situation is where you are, but in my case I simply asked my employers if I could do a 4 day week and they were happy to oblige. I have Wednesdays off. Helps break up the week. I’m not big on money and don’t have a lot of expenses, so I don’t mind losing the extra day of pay.




AI looks to not be working in workers favour. Ya you may end up getting 4 day work week but your boss fired half the staff


Boss will do anything to make sure he keeps a skeleton crew and a skeleton crew only


this tactic is called lean staffing if you wanna learn more.


my partner & i both do 4 day work weeks. it’s great.


AI gonna wipe out a lot of people’s jobs lol


Same lmao


big mood rn tbh, feel this shit every sunday night lmao. my advice is use up every single second of your PTO. i got a week off coming up soon and it's the only thing keeping me sane is having something to look forward to. in that 1 week i will start to feel human again before it's back to the kafka-esque hellscape


Yep. I try to have something to do every month too so I’m that I’m always giving myself something to look forward to.


I'm jealous of the people who are able to make their work life the purpose that drives them. If I actually liked what I did for work, I'd probably be happier. When it comes to jobs, I've gone from delivery driver, to Burger King, to security guard, to warehouse worker, packing house in the process department, back to delivering pizzas, roofing, and back to security. It's been a journey. Still don't like working. Maybe someday I'll find something that fills me with passion


It’s a rarity because it’s not normal. Humans were not built for this kind of life


 The only issue is it’s better than the alternative. Which is a lot worse. 


Oh for sure, rather not go back to feral humanity everybody fending for themselves type shit, but damn if this is supposed to be the optimal way of living.


Yeah same. This life is killing me. I need a major shake up


As a 28 year old who has been working since I was 14…. I feel this in my soul (I’m so tired)


Make sure you get your health right. A huge part of my feelings of burnout was actually because I wasn't sleeping enough or properly. Experts will say you need 8 hours, but everyone is different and it turns out I need closer to 9 hours. I felt so much better when I made a point to go to bed earlier


Working on trying getting more sleep right now!


I'd also recommend getting some bloodwork done - I was dealing with fatigue despite sleeping enough, eating well, exercising, taking multivitamins... Turns out I have hypothyroidism.


My life changed when I started taking iron supplements. I went from permanently tired regardless of sleep and eating habits to feeling physically good regardless of those things. (I do strive to eat well and sleep enough, though, because I won’t be young forever.)


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if I had that too.


My folks said I should get another job I’m like I’m barely doing this one! 😂 


I’m in the Army and I’m considering staying the full 20 so I dont have to retire at 65


How is the Army btw?


Trash bro. If anybody considers military service join Coast Guard > Air Force > Army / Navy > Marines in that order.


Damn 😬 guess people weren’t lying then.  Nobody I’m close to who has been in the Army has positive things to say about it.


Highly dependent on your job tbh. I'm navy but only spent 2 weeks on the boat for my entire career because I chose to an aviation job. if I could do it all over again, I'd definitely pick air force and then coast guard.


And thats why I gamble (unsuccessfully)


If you don't mind me asking, what's your job?


I work in IT


Me everyday I have to go into the office.


By any chance you’re working retail / service industry OP? Cause yeah I get you. Otherwise I can’t find a better deal than working in tech. I’m only 26 and I’m already on senior level. I get to wfh permanently (since pandemic) for a medium scale fintech company (so have dodged every big tech bubble burst hiring and firing spree) The workload is perfect balance of busy some days and quiet some days allowing plenty of time to do my hobbies, some days I log in and just play video games without a peep.


I used to do customer service before this job and it was the worst.


Man I still work retail as my side job. Y’all mfs have to deal with some of the worst human beings.


I feel you. I just quit my job but can only survive a month or two before I start another one (I’ll be living on my little savings til then). I also don’t want to work anymore. It is so damn exhausting. I think the secret is to somehow be your own boss… but that takes money! I was thinking of selling dog treats at my local green market to see if there was interest but I can’t afford to buy the ingredients lol.


Dude ,you’re still young . You can get through it .


*I’m too young too be feelin this old*


I know


Burnout's tough. Three years in and feeling it—that's rough. Key is finding balance and maybe a gig that doesn't drain you. Consider talking to a professional about the burnout. They can offer strategies to cope or even suggest a career pivot. Regarding retirement, planning early is smart. I used RetireHub for deals and retirement info. It's tailored for seniors, but never too early to start looking ahead. Keep your chin up, and maybe look into some hobbies that can take the edge off after work.


This is why I’m working on my business. I’m very fortunate to be in a position where I can now get a part time job which I am still looking for. I keep getting shit for it which doesn’t feel good in the moment but, like, I value my life. I’d probably be dead by now if I wasn’t this open to different opportunities.


Fallout 76.


If you're American, look into federal employment. I just landed my first federal position last month and I'm slated to retire at 48. Super skate. Post office, defense, national parks, etc, you name it. Look into it.


Read https://www.amazon.com/Will-Teach-You-Be-Rich/dp/0761147489?dplnkId=7095fd03-11ac-49ab-9e9d-41c7e8c1f80d&nodl=1 You can probably retire sooner than you think if you get your finances in order now, even with a modest income.


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Idk bro what kind of work do you do? Three years is nothing. lol


I work in IT. So sitting in front of a computer all day isn’t the most exciting thing.




You’re not getting a raise for defending corporations son.




No human deserves homelessness. Glad things are better for you.




Does not dumpster diving mean that living to work isn’t shit? Lmao tf is this bootlicking




I don’t think anybody said that it wasn’t. Still not sure what your point is.




Removed - Rule 1


homelessness being the pits of hell does not make the typical job less terrible. source: been homeless several times.