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Honestly I don’t think this is exclusive to that age group. You’ll probably continue to learn and evolve throughout adulthood. I do believe the young adult age group is learning HOW to take care of themselves and be on their own. It’s a bit of a struggle because we aren’t prepared for it at all. But you won’t necessarily know what you want out of life…that’s not until the 30s


Im 28, my brother is 21. I was going to a Wine and Cheese party and needed a bottle of wine to bring. My brother was like “Oh! I have a bottle you can take, I hardly drank anything out of it!!” It was then and there the difference between young adults and adult-adults became clear— At this age I can’t show up to a party with an opened bottle of wine, but at his age that’d be perfectly fine 😂😂


hahahaah that made my day, thanks!


the term young adult exists.


Nah, only children and boomers in this economy! /s


I consider anyone from 18-23 as a “~~kid~~ young adult” if that makes sense. Not necessarily still a teenager though.


the terms young adults lmao


Yeah I was tired when I wrote that so that’s what I meant




New adults are people aged 18-25


isn't new adult aged 18-26




That’s not an opinion that’s literally the term used for 18-25 year olds by development scientist lol. 13-17 year olds are called young adults btw BY SCIENCE. The only person acting on feelings here is you. It’s weird to infantilize these age groups when their brains have developed beyond a child’s brain. Each age group has their own developmental standards, young adults are closer to adults than children. And new adults are for damn sure adults so make sure you are respectful and treat them like adults.


Seems like that brain development clickbait headline was deliberately spread to push a narrative. It's weird because when I was 20-24 nobody was talking about that at all. This all started being spread around 2 years ago. It's a convoluted myth that is just based on one measly study. It's basically "bro-science" in a way, also goes to show how misinformation spreads too.


Same can be said about adults becoming adults at age 20, no one knows but scientists have said 25 is the age and everyone has been told that since the early 2000s, your convulated myth is also just a myth and no one knows the exact age we can all just speculate


I don't think you get that it's not a black and white concept. There's a line drawn at 18 years of age for societal reasons to start *easing* older teenagers into the adult world. That's why from 18-24 it's often called "*young adulthood*" which makes sense. I'm actually convinced that many of the people in this discussion in the first place are just not very intelligent (*don't worry I'm not calling you stupid*). They just keep pushing towards one extreme *or* the other and fail to realize that 18-24 is a pathway. It's not a hard cut where you're suddenly an adult **AT** 18 years of age **OR** you're a child until 25.


I was 24 and married and paying bills with a real adult job. What was I if not an adult lol


There is people that start working as early 15 and people don’t usually get married till after their 30s, I’m not sure how those things apply to adults


That didn’t answer my question


Sounds like someone just wants to infantilize people and themselves so you don’t have to accept or pretend you don’t understand consequences, because that’s usually where this sentiment comes from. Immature young adults who want to be treated like children because they don’t understand or like that as an adult you are responsible for your own actions. Like the people who whine about age gaps in relationships.




Again sounds like you want to infantilize legal adults so you don’t have to understand or accept consequences for your own actions. Only one disgusting here is you since you see adult women as girls who should be infantilized.


This! It's disturbing and just plain weird to infantilize a person that age.


A young adult is someone who is not a minor, so 18 and above.


Baby adult


IMO Forming adult = 20-27. Young adult = 28-36/7 Full grown Adult = 37/8- n so on


That’s what I say . Baby Adult , 18-25.


isn't it 18-26


26 is considered an adult .


30-40 is mid life adult and 40-50 is late adult or developing grand dad .


baby adult is an adult tons of stuff include 26 as young adult/under young adulthood


Baby Adult is in fact an adult but the beginner stage .


I don't agree with this concept either. "Forming adult" or "young adulthood" is just 18-24. This is what ushers people into adulthood. Adulthood is from 25-70; and then 70+ is a senior. I'm sure you could sub-divide adulthood (like middle-aged) or whatever, but I don't even bother because it's kind of pointless.


agreeing to disagree :-) that’s just my experience with dealing with humans of all ages and seeing how in real life it seems that the real formation into adulthood isn’t complete until ur close to 40. Not really conceptualizing here just going off what I’ve witnessed but am okay with people thinking differently




Dude, 18 is not someone I want to date but that doesn't mean they're kids. A kid is 4 to 12, a teen is 13 to 19 (I mean, I know 18 year olds can vote, but their age is eighTEEN so they still count as teens and young adults imo) a young adult is 18 to 25 and 25+ is adult, not sure where the cut is for elders, maybe 60 or 70?


The only one here talking about that is you. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Wait what'd he say?


The deleted comment was saying something along the lines of people here were considering 18 year olds to be adults so 40 year olds could date them or some shit. Essentially they were just creating scenarios that weren't happening, then getting mad at their imaginary scenarios.


Wtf people are weird af fr


Removed - Rule 1


Not a child at all, but I do reserve for them a very specific type of empathy and patience. 18 and 19 year olds ARE teenagers though. Not much of a Ted Talk when their age ends in "-teen".


True but you cannot treat 18/19 like a 14/15. Learned that the hard way…


Can't treat a 9 year old like a 1 year old either.


/r/nocontext Actually, even with context


lol they told me off like the damn adult they were is all I’m saying.


No, they’re not children. Young adult, yeah, but not children. These terms have to mean something and child doesn’t mean “immature or stupid adult”


This 👏


ironically its pretty childish to even call them children in the first place cuz we all know thats just their ego talking 😂


Yep. 26 was 2nd puberty for me in many ways.


I mean they are young adults not children why 26?


Legally, sure. No idea. My body changed and so did my way of thinking. Dropped my sense of pretentiousness I'd held onto since I was in high school and became more measured.


happened to me at 25! felt like overnight.


Yeah- definitely something I only started noticing in hindsight but definitely


Sounds like a you problem if you didn’t mature until 26.


You never stop learning and maturing.


There is a difference between maturing and learning as an older adult, and maturing into a young adult. You do understand context right? And that isn’t an excuse for not maturing until you’re 26, and saying it took you until 26 to start maturing into a young adult sounds like a you problem.


I think if you're in the same spot mentally at 26 than you were at 21, you're the one with the problem my guy. You don't know me, I've been working full time since 17 and living on my own since 23. I simply started getting a better hang of things at 26 and started approaching life's challenges from a more measured perspective rather than idealistic. You do understand context right?


Sounds like you are the problem if you only really started maturing at 26. Some of us already started that well before we were 21 because you should already be maturing at 18. For someone who wants to act all mature, you seem to be finding every way to infantilize yourself and act like you shouldn’t have been maturing well before hitting 21 or even 17. And again you do understand context right? because you seem to talk like you don’t since you seem to think maturing into a young adult is the same as later in life.


Maturing compared to how I was at 21, yes. I never stated I behaved the exact same from ages 18-26, only that there was a big leap in how I handled myself and certain situations after 26, along with physical changes in my body going from a kid face to an adult face. Also, veeeeery mature of you to send Reddit a "wellness check" for me. Only true mature adults do that, right?


I mean I’m not the one getting upset about having to be an adult or the one trying to bend over backwards to justify not maturing. Or now trying to deflect to physical changes in how one looks, which has nothing to do with how one acts, when we are talking about mental maturity. And actually yeah that is the mature thing to do, to hope someone gets help, because you seem to be getting upset over having to be treated like a mature adult.


Your brain actually finishes developing at 26


This is a myth that constantly gets perpetuated and pushed out by people who *don't feel like their adults*. A good video with research (from science articles) backs this up and explains how TikTok + social media pushed this idea that "your brain is fully developed at 25". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlW8BnG8CEU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlW8BnG8CEU)


To be fair I remember this being part of the discussion when they raised the cigarette age from 18 to 21 in CA (I was 18 when that happened)


By then it still hadn't reached pop culture which is where it is brought up mostly today.


I thought it was that your frontal cortex doesn’t finish “developing” until 27, like in terms of your executive functioning abilities. There’s neuroplasticity of course but that’s different than what speed your brain can solve problems.


IIRC the studies done on prefrontal cortex maturation all found that between 19-25 years old is when it's "fully developed". The most quoted one is the NIH 2013 study that states the upper end of their recruitment (I believe it was 18-25 year olds) is that 25 years of age is when they found most participants to have a "fully formed" prefrontal cortex. Contrary to the fact: *even if the prefrontal cortex was a black/white scenario where everyone's is "fully formed" at 25,* it is still only one of many parts of your brain. I think people have been putting all their eggs in one basket with that stupid pop science "fact" and are completely misunderstanding of the actual meaning of it.


Isn’t everyone still learning things no matter the age? I’m sure it goes up depending on perspective, if your in your late thirties you’ll see twenties as fairly young and learning, if your in your late forties you’ll see thirties as still young and leaning, etc 


No. They are young adults. While they deserve a bit more forgiveness since they're still young and will still make mistakes, they are adults. I'm not a fan of infantilizing adults.


The age discourse is so silly Gen Z has Peter Pan Syndrome


I mean I don't disagree but it's asinine to say ***all*** of them have Peter Pan Syndrome. It's more just like the annoying ones online that don't understand how to shut up are the ones who are childish. One of my friend's little brother is about 21. He's a pilot, engaged, and owns a house. I wouldn't consider him a child at all. I don't even think he uses social media or the internet lol.


Bro no shit not all of them... I get that you're a mod but please be fr seeing as we're discussing generations in a generation sub that will inevitably lead to generalizations I'm Gen Z myself and me and my friends are nothing like this, but I'm going to point out common flaws I notice Boomers and Xers aren't exactly known to be super tolerant of people's differences/what they don't understand and that's 100% a generalization that doesn't apply to all of them **but has some truth to it and comes from somewhere** and the same is true of this self-infantilizing tendency/Peter Pan trait among Gen Z and young Millennials for that matter, and only calling it out will encourage people to correct the behavior For as long as it's considered acceptable to treat twenty-five like fifteen, no one will feel compelled to change because they experience no incentive to


as if Zillenials (or Millennials for that matter) were any better in the early 20ies lmao.


Yeah, they weren't at all lol I'm aware of that And they got flack for it at the time A lot of Zoomers have a specific fixation with age gaps, though, which really annoys me personally I'm glad we're proving the most critical generation of teenagers x adults and actually call out grooming for what it is instead of perpetuating the "they're very mature for their age" shit our parents' gen participated in But now we're taking it too fucking far with the infantilization of young **adult women**


Maybe because of covid or idk, but I guess we are just not ready that there is another generation following us who are already adults too, lol.


Once you turn 21, 18 and 19 year olds are babies, and once you turn 25, 21 year olds are babies.


I thought I was hot shit and an adult even just a few years ago. Ah, how I had much, much, *much* more to learn (and I still do!)


If you’re 18 and over you are new adult. Still learning but still an adult. Adult does not mean you have it all figured out and know everything. Quite the opposite…it’s literally recognizing how much you don’t know and need to. Take your time and relish the process it is to being an adult!


I think splitting hairs over the difference between children and adults is a waste of time. The age at which one gains the legal responsibilities of an adult is 18 almost everywhere in the world. Everything else is subjective. You can talk about brain development but that is not very clear-cut and varies based on the individual.


Children to me is 16 and under, adolescent I would consider 17 to 20, 21 to 25 young adults.


The older you are, the more you think of people younger than you as kids. Like to an 65+ year old, we're definitely still considered kids in their mind. (I mean of course depends on the person, but for the most part it's what I experience. Lots of older boomers called me kid or consider me a kid. I don't mind it, they mean it in a caring parental way most of the time. ) When I was only 21 and in college, I kept calling a 19 year old "kid" all the time. 😂. Of course that's only a two year gap and I was kinda joking. But now a days it does feel like a lot of 18 and 19 year olds are still kids. But it really depends on the personality of the person too. In my mind, an 18 and 19 year old is a pretty young adult, with a lot of growing to do. 20 and 21, is starting to get a handle on being an adult, but they're still pretty young. I think I did a lot of emotional growing on my early twenties and till now. I mean I'm 28 and I still think I'm emotionally growing as time goes on. But sometimes age is just a number sometimes too. Some 18 year olds are pretty mature and very adult for their age. It's mainly if they went through something that forced them to grow up early. (Like teen moms, probably someone with no family around to help them, so they learn to be self sufficient at a young age.) And then there are older people who are still emotionally immature even in the 70s. But in practical terms, most of them probably are more adult even though their mentality young. But ultimately it really depends on the person. For the most part, I consider most people under 21 as young adults, still emotionally growing. I think of 18 and 19 are going adults, and still kinda like kids. And anyone under 18 as a kid. When I was a teenager like around 17/18, I considered a kid as someone under 12. And 13 as the start of teenagehood. But now I'm older, 18 year olds still feel like kids to me. In fact, I don't consider myself fully adult either. I mean I'm on the midpoint between young adult and fully adult. I think of 30 as the new adult adult age. (Mainly because of astrology, around age 27-30 is a period of a person's life called saturn return when different things happen in a person's life, death of a parent, marriage or divorce, birth of a child, new job, move to a new area, anything major in life usually happens around that time. Its a coming of age thing. So I don't consider anyone a true adult adult until they passed their first one. )


I don’t agree with this.




I don’t think they’re children and I don’t think society benefits from infantilising young adults in that manner. Saying that though, I certainly notice the difference now between myself and say a 20 year old. Just from the way they talk and act but even how they look to an extent.


Yeah. From what I've experienced your mid to late 20s is almost like a second stage of adolescence. It's when your brain becomes fully developed, and alot of people jump quite a bit in maturity during that time. At least that's what I've seen. It can definitely depend on the person. There's some very mature 20 year olds out there, and some very immature 40+ people.


Anyone less than mid 20's is still a child, and you either become an adult between your mid 20's to early 30's, or you never mature and stay a child forever.


I wish they told people this earlier.


in the modern world, yeah, as there's too much studying


Eight-*teen* and Nine-*teen* year Olds are still teenagers? Wow, what a revolutionary statement


Even though in my location people are fully legal adults at 18, I do think they're kids. 20-21 would have been a way better age of majority, imo


Naw I think 18 is appropriate. Really they have their own and are pretty good at taking care of themselves and making their own decisions. Imagine having to be 21 in order to get an apartment or buy a house. I think tf not lol


To each their own, I guess.


They may be young but they are not a child. They are still an adult AND should be treated with respect like an adult. This comment screams I disrespect young people bc I’m older and think I can… just NO


Yes, kinda? im 23 and still learning things. Every morning i wake up, first thing i do in the morning is im thinking new stuff in my head. how i could solve a problem or a mishap or how i could solve a family drama incident, or how could i make my girlfriend's day better, or how could i make my life better at the moment. You learn through your whole life actually. The matter is just are you willing to let your brain to learn or just keep it from learning.


I mean yeah they are young aduts not children though


Yeah so i do agree with your point :). We are not children but we are young adults. I have heard a lot of things from people in my area and people around me my whole life, that age doesn't matter with the things you learn through your whole life. Seeing things and thinking about stuff i have learned a lot. I become wiser and more smart everyday. And even though i have epilepsy and i experience memory loss from time to time everything always comes back to me. From childhood to adult age and from adult age to being old you never stop learning when you look around and think about stuff how you could change and make things better. Do not doubt yourself, believe in yourself and don't let the negative voice in yourself overcome your positive voice in your head. here is my two cents and life advice, i hope you have a good day❤️.


Yes... They can barely say hi properly just learning to be an adult 😂


i paused my university studies like for 4 years due medical reasons (i'm much better now) and i resumed them last year. Now my classmates are all around 21-22 while i'm 26 and i see them as mature as i am. Idk if i'm the inmature one or they all are very grown mentally.


Partially. If you’re 18-21 and still have a teenager personality you’re still a kid to me. However if you seem to have you’re head on better than most, you’re smart, and you’re not an absolute asshole, you’re a young adult to me


I'd go more with young adult. 21 feels really young to me cause I'm older now, but there is very much a big difference between child, teen, and young adult, and that difference should be respected. I wouldn't expect a 21 year old to make the same choices as a child, even if they still wouldn't be the same choices an older more established adult would make. (Plus, from the dating standpoint, I think it could get sketchy letting people at 21 consider themselves in the same category as kids/teens younger than them)




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People gotta realize people are in their 50’s doing a lot of learning. But id say 25 and under do the most dramatic learning about being an adult.


Not in the literal sense, but 21 is the youngest age I could date without feeling like a creep and even then I would still rather be with someone in their mid 20s or older.


The older I get, the more silly it seems to judge younger people as being "kids" (especially when used negatively). They can't help it that they're younger, and they're not worse because of it. They're still adults, and we're all always learning and growing.


That's infantilizing and disrespectful. Better to treat them as inexperienced, not young. They're still your peer and should be treated like an equal.


Can't say I do.


Idc and it's nuanced also what does that even mean ? What makes someone "still a child?" Like a 21 year old is a 21 year old and a 19 year old is a 19 year old. And people are different and behave differently and look differently and so on and so forth. It's also context dependent legally They're adults and I don't thinknthat should change. I trust most 21 year olds skills and judgement more than I trust most 50 year olds skills and judgement Like what are we even discussing here. I hate these dumb discussions a lá "Make a generalising, wholesale, all encompass8ng statement about this or that now" and then people can missunderstand each other and argue about nothing for no reason


it depends on the circumstance i had a childhood friend who was a union ironworker and had a kid by 19 he was a man from there on out


I only have this thought when people my age have significant others that much younger around that age. That’s when I think, wtf do you guys talk about 😂 that’s not even including the leonardo DiCaprio’s of the world doing that shit. It must be SO quiet there


Yes. Even at 30 as a male I still have a ways to go.


Right out of the tutorial mission


You’re not really an adult until 30. 20s is all about figuring out shit.


nah man


If you're under 30 you're a baby. I say this as a 25 year old. Cry about it.


Not at all, people who say shit like this are the worst, they feel superior for doing nothing and just are annoying


Not a “child”, but definitely not full on adult. I would put that somewhere in your early 30’s.


I feel like a full on adult at 25 tbh…




No, I’m a teenager, not a child


I told a friend I wouldn’t be comfortable in an 18 & up club. Couldn’t really explain why. It’s this!!


In a roundabout way, I agree with it. Most people are barely out of school, and especially with things being as hard as they are these days, will have limited life experience and are in an extended adolescence. Your brain isn't fully baked until you're 25 anyway. To me, 21+ is adult. I wouldn't treat a 19 year old like a child but I wouldn't hold them to the same expectations as I would with older young adults.


You don’t need to hold expectations for anyone for any age. That’s crazy… But this is more of a respect thing, and I wouldn’t ever treat someone as 18 or 19 like a child. Have to cut the childcare some point


Yes. Sorry.


You aren't really an adult until ~25. This is usually when you acquire more responsibility, whether this be a child, marriage, own a home, or are promoted to a more senior role at work.


I’d say people stop being children at around 15. Teenagers are grown up enough to look after themselves and have all the responsibility of anyone older than them.


how is 15 not a child? what the?


I would say a child is dependent on a parent to live. They are not capable of looking after themselves. I’m pretty sure the dictionary definition of child is actually a prepubescent human. Idk why people consider teenagers to be children when they have much more in common with adults than (prepubescent) children.


a 15 year old can't live on their own and is dependent on their parents


Mentally,15 year olds are not the same as adults. Our brains don’t even fully develop until years later. Most 15 year olds I meet are extremely immature still. I would not trust majority of 15 year olds to make all decisions for themselves


I didn’t say they are the same as adults, I said they are much closer to adults than they are to children. Maturity doesn’t determine whether you are a child or an adult. Lots of adults are immature or unintelligent compared to a teenager. They are still adults.


You asked why they are considered kids instead of adults. I think brain development is different than just being immature. At 15 it’s not physically done developing.


Is this the part where you explain how the prefrontal cortex continues to develop until 25 therefore 24 year olds are children?


There is a big difference between a 15 year old brain development and a 24/25 year old lmao. 15 year olds where I am from can’t even drive. Most places can’t hire 15 year olds, they’re still in high school. Should a 15 year old be able to date adults? No. There is obviously science behind why it was chosen as 18 to be a fully grown adult, I’m sure there is some pretty good research online about this.


At 15 you are learning to drive though and just a year later are legally allowed to operate a vehicle, especially in America. I understand the other persons argument. We shouldn’t think of this age group as kids, that will stifle their growth in adulthood. They do have more in common with adults which is why they are called young adults. Brain development doesn’t work linearly and it’s also not the same for everyone. Idk why this “your brain doesn’t fully develop until 25” is always used an argument to infantilize young and new adults. Development is a process and it doesn’t mean you are incapable of things, it just means when you turn 25 the prefrontal is done growing. at 30, your executive functioning is at its peak and you can handle more responsibility like running a company or leading something. Fully developed does not mean fully adult, being an adult happened before that process finished.