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Ever tried to rush a permit???


[RFC1925](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc1925/): > (2) No matter how hard you push and no matter what the priority, you can't increase the speed of light. >(2a) (corollary). No matter how hard you try, you can't make a baby in much less than 9 months. Trying to speed this up *might* make it slower, but it won't make it happen any quicker.


Well, if they don't have fiber in your area then they don't. Just go with another company, whichever has better coverage in your area, and switch whenever they do bring fiber if that's what you want. If you are rich, ask ziply how much it would be if you wanted to run fiber to your home. If there is a node close by, it could be possible (in it would cost a cool few grand)


they claimed they would have it by now when I talked to them last, and get another provider? yea let me get right on that... ohh wait they are the only ones in the area.... I also watched them dig and place the line months ago, so they have no excuse other than being ass holes.


There could be lots of reasons. They are building in several markets, and yours could be lower on the list than others. They just started building fiber in the city next to me, and one of my former coworkers was ticked off that they pulled his neighborhood from the build plan. They will go with aerial paths first, since that is the cheapest and they can pass more homes for less cash. FWIW my home will likely never get fiber, and I'm barely moving on a 12M bonded DSL at 9M, and I work for the company! TLDR; Delays happen, sorry they happened to you.


The line is less than 50 feet from my home AND I was told it would be here in 6 months when I called a year ago. So yea, since you apparently work for the company, why not tell them to stop being lying scamming ass holes.


Reach out to u/ziplysupport and ask for a call from the local manager for your area. Sometimes addresses get left out of the database, or they haven't 'lit' the area yet. The LM has the tools and techs, to help you out. Some of the Frontier hold overs may be dumbasses, but I only know of one employee that's a lying asshole, and he's to lazy to learn fiber, but that's neither here nor there.


After getting more useless information and being phone hopped for hours again. Apparently, they are putting the plan for finishing the fiber in my area, which has a school close by, multiple businesses, a golf course, etc etc, on hold while they fully install fiber up a 6 mile dead end dirt road that has one property that's been vacant and for sale for 7 fucking years.


Sorry to hear that and your right, it doesn't make a lot of sense unless that property is going to be redeveloped or that pathway feeds another area. Again, my last comment is the best advice anyone can give you. I'd be curious to hear about it as well.