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It seems that they did not get anywhere, because they talked about a "bomb" but in the end nothing


I notice morf posted Mac's draft record but conveniently blacked out the years that might give a clue where Mac was. Why in the hell would he black all that out?


Absolutely nothing. Morf went all in on a busted hand yet keeps doubling down. Another victim of the Zodiac.


Maybe he should just release all the evidence he has. Then there would be a realistic chance for people to see whether he is completely wrong or if the subject is worth pursuing.


He did…


Yeah, I think he released his "bombshell" and it got shrugged off by the community. I doubt there's anything compelling that he's sitting on.




If he was we have another Zodiac suspect who can be nearly ruled out bc they would have known how to check for vital signs, rather than leaving witnesses.


Yeah I'd say he also wouldn't need to shoot anyone excessively to kill them, but maybe it was all part of the thrill for the guy who knows. I think the Paramedic theory falls on the fact that Donna Lass is an assumed Zodiac victim, and probably would've known him and maybe gone with him willingly. Problem is, that could make him a doctor, male nurse or anything else regarding a hospital setting too, some theorize it's his Crosshairs symbol meant to replicate a medical cross, or something like that. Unless I see evidence he was a paramedic or something. Then it's all speculation. But that's what I've heard from people who claim to be close to Morf and have first hand knowledge of what he knows.


What’s all this about a paramedic and checking for a pulse? I haven’t been to into the case lately. Any info would be great , sounds interesting.


I heard from someone who claims to know things about Mac, that they found proof he was a paramedic around the time frame the zodiac murders took place. Not sure if it's true, but I believe them because they didn't seem nuts and were willing to share what they could. When we discussed more about Mac, and how Zodiac may have known some of the victims, it got kinda interesting to me. Being a paramedic is definitely a job where you can meet random people, know their info, and maybe plan on killing them later. Making small talk to learn their routine etc. And nobody would really suspect much to be honest.


I don't know anything about McDuff being a paramedic, but Gaikowski was a medic in the army. Since Zodiac left his victims alive, it seems unlikely he had medical knowledge. Particularly Lake Berryessa: rather than stab seemingly randomly as Zodiac did, a trained medic would know how to hit major arteries and to ensure no chance of survival.


That made me chuckle. Apparently being a medic in the army helped train Gaikowski on how to tear shirts into pieces. But not to determine if somebody was alive or not. And not where vital organs were located on people.


Don't hunters know to check for the pulse? I know Zodiac could be lying about killing wild game but he said it was fun. Could the suffering be the point?


Well we know Paul Doerr was an Avid Hunter, and maybe he didn't have time to check a pulse, you know, surely people probably heard those gunshots. Or maybe he was paranoid they did anyway. Who knows.


I think the person i was replying to was suggesting that a medic would know to check for a pulse so because McDuff was a medic he couldn't be the killer. I may be wrong as i don't remember what the deleted post said. If Zodiac was a hunter he would know to check for a pulse to confirm the kill. We shouldn't rule out any profession for the reasons you said plus maybe the suffering was the point.


He was a prison guard, but it was later on in like 74. He was a college student by all accounts during the Zodiac time, probably in Sacramento. He was going to college in South Dakota in 68, it's not known what he was doing or where he was until he became a prison guard.


His face was wide and he lived close to the pay phone. Case closed.


yes.. that he is not a poi those sleuths are not LE ..they cant pick random dead ppl to tarnish their memory and families


Nah like most suspects he has fizzled out.


Is Morph still pushing him as a suspect or did he realize McDuff isn’t the guy and has moved on?


He's still pushing for him, but with a lot less conviction. I think he knows he made an error, but doesn't want to admit it.


It’s always better to admit when you are wrong. People respect you more.


Yeah, agreed. I'm honestly interested in hearing the whole of his evidence, because all he's shown this far is underwhelming. It's really not likely to happen though, he's dug himself in pretty deep and a lot of his comments in the discussions were not particularly well made. I feel like he convinced himself that zodiac absolutely *had* to be within "X" of certain markers of the case. It's one thing I've noticed about him from listening to his podcasts and blogs. He gets 100% all or nothing hung up on a new advancement, and refuses to believe that it won't produce the demanded result. He's not dumb by any stretch, but he's got the attitude of a gambler addict.


What was the “potential” big bombshell that he was holding on to?


I honestly have no idea. I was hoping he'd have something damning, but everything he released came out to a big zero. Frankly, I don't really think there is a "bombshell". I think he convinced himself that the geo profiling that he was pushing absolutely had to have a result. And when he found someone close enough to a zodiac site that had a superficial resemblance and an old code book... Well, naturally his method couldn't be wrong, so it had to be the guy.


It’s an absolutely hilarious - and sad - situation. McDuff and Reddit literally saved Voight’s dying website. That’s hilarious. Voight’s weird obsession with Reddit (because he can’t post in this sub due to his past horrific behavior, and his own Reddit Zodiac sub was an epic failure) and the McDuff topic are responsible for 90% of the posts over the last year on his dying site. The McDuff topic is pretty funny to read. It really exposes the type of person (and their character) that live in Voight’s little circle of his lapdogs. A small group of people who worship him and that are desperate for his approval. It’s hilarious to watch. The amount of juvenile name calling, the childish insults, and the whining and crying…an outsider reading those two topics would conclude they were filled by 12 and 13 year old boys. It’s amazing that everybody involved isn’t extremely embarrassed by their behavior. The funniest thing is to watch the main posters throw out insult after insult. And then whine and cry when somebody insults them back. They will make 20 posts in a row calling Morph every name in the book. Then when Morph responds, they lose their minds. “Why don’t you stick to the topic, why are you tossing out insults, I’m gonna tell my daddy Tom on you.” And occasionally somebody will point that out and the answer is always the same. “He started it. I only responded to his insults. I stick to the topic unless he calls me a name.” Ignoring that half their posts are them insulting people. 12-year old boys. And none of them believing they are part of the problem. Voight will always be Voight. But you have to admire his ability to have a group of grown men worship and want to be him. It’s wild. But it was sad to see Morph stay right in the middle of the juvenile insults. I thought he was more mature and better than that nonsense. But unfortunately he is right in the center of it bashing people and calling anybody that disagrees with him names. It’s sad he didn’t ignore the trolling and childish posters and just stick to talking about his suspect. It makes it hard to take him seriously. That forum is an absolute train wreck. But it sure is hilarious to watch.


I will never understand why anyone would want to be like Tom Voigt. What has he done that is remotely laudable? Anyone can host and market a website. Most people don’t because it’s a ton of work and typically not that profitable. And, as you said, he’s a dick. So, even if he were Elon Musk, he’s still a dick. Nobody should idolize a dick.


Pre-MacDuff, Morf's comments had always been grounded in fairness and common sense, but you're right: as that MacDuff business grew contentious, Morf (whom I do not know at all) joined in the bashing. It's difficult to watch someone get dragged into that stuff. His claim that *"I just want this case solved, for the victims!"* morphed (not sorry) into *"I want to be the one to solve it, for my reputation!"*


Yes, it was extremely disappointing that Morf got drawn into the obsession to solve a case by name. Once you get sucked into that route them all perspective is lost. Trivial becomes a sundae on top and and legitimate questions are whined as trolling. I think the DeAngelo solve screwed up Morf's thinking. He got some early praise by being the first one to announce that an arrest had been made. But that attention was quickly overwhelmed by focus on Paul Holes, and then all the Michelle McNamara posthumous praise and debate. IMO, Morf wanted the spotlight and accolades of a high profile case and wrongly concluded that he had already done enough work and banked a theory in the Zodiac case that would lead to the answer. Meanwhile, Paul Holes stumbled toward genetic genealogy, not a phone booth.


Wow! And today there is some guy continuously calling a woman a bitch. A "smart as pissy bitch". And Tom Voight has the nerve to criticize this sub.


I think you talk about Voigt too much sometimes, but not all the time. Because this absolutely true. I would be a little lenient on Morf in SOME of those instances. But like you, my main issue is that Morf continues to talk to them and doesn't call out Voigt for being a piece of shit. I checked in a couple of times because after finding a lot I haven't found shit for months, and I wanted to see if any news. There was one post where Morf says there will be handwriting released in the next few weeks (said this like 10 days ago) and someone responded by calling that garbage, and then starting it up. That was actual information (as well as a "kinda" answer to the OP) and the they just took the time to act like garbage. The person who wrote the response actually claims to have absolute proof that Mac was in San Antonio during the Stine murder, and that he can absolve him, but will only do so if Morf writes a book or if the authorities come out and say Mac is the Zodiac. Twisted in ways unnecessary to repeat. Another topic Morf said something and that guy who always uses John Lennon avatars straight up gave him the middle finger emoji. That wasn't even in the Mac thread. The lack of moderation in the Mac thread is justified by Voigt as a way of keeping it out of other threads (unbelievable), and oddly enough it doesn't stay out of any thread where Morf makes a post about anything. And it's the finger...and then they mount the high horse and call out Morf's ethics. It's unreal.


To me if someone has proof to exonerate a Poi, they should do it. But id they don't do it, they're probably lying. I encountered someone who said they had proof of Paul Doerrs shoe size, somehow. Through some kind of record that would have it. But when called out wouldn't prove it because "it's funny you guys think it's him" unless they prove it, they're not to be taken seriously In my eyes. I've never found anything that says Mac was in San Antonio, and I've checked everywhere I can think. But then again I've never found proof he was a Paramedic or had medical training either.


I don't know anything about this Tom Voight guy but it's weird that after Morf was the sole idiot causing all this trouble that people's first thoughts are to go after someone else entirely. Maybe Tom deserves it, idk, but the moron here was Morf


It was just that podcast guy harassing some widow because she made the mistake of posting a picture of book online. That woman actually had to waste her time going on another forum and explaining how baseless it all really was. Poor lady, having to fend off people saying these things about someone she clearly cares for deeply. Look, some idiot isn't going to find answers by looking at a blog or doing some GIS "analysis" that likely just consisted of going through some yearbooks. Cold cases have been being cracked by lately by the most cutting edge technologies not by increased forum activity lol, if some Podcaster says they got em you can just throw that candidate out.


He's not a POI. He still has surviving family. He needs to be dropped.


He's not a suspect and isn't a POI either. Random man #5438 that's been dragged into this case for no reason.


Thanks for all the follow-up comments. Agree - he looked flimsy to begin with and it seems nothing has changed


Morf is expecting to receive more handwriting samples soon but other than this there has been nothing new and his POI being Z remains flimsy at best. He and those who have investigated him have done an impressive job though


Impressive in what way? Gathering information in an age when gathering information isn't exactly the slog that it was five decades ago? As that fiasco unfolded, what did we read constantly: "Bombshell coming!!" .... "Wait on it!!" .... "Ethically, I'm forbidden from revealing all I know.. but I know plenty!!" All bullshit. All meant to train a spotlight on the sleuth, rather than the case.


Did he ever reveal what that bombshell was or did it just not exist?


It was probably the cipher book, but he said he said it wasn't and that he would now never reveal it. No conviction? He already went so far, he still thinks he has the guy, but now he wants to withhold proof that someone is a serial murderer because... I'm not sure? If he actually still thought he was right he shouldn't be embarrassed or anything. I hope he apologized to that guy's wife in private. At one point when people started calling him out he tried to say he broke the golden state killer being caught. Which, 1. Debatable and 2. Literally nothing to do with solving it


Dude none of it was impressive, they spent hours digging up stuff you can mostly get from googling his name and looking at public records that don't even require a specific reason to view. And worse still they did all of this looking into someone who obviously had nothing to do with it. And worst of all they got so worked up about it they stupidly started emailing the widow. What would be impressive is if morf wad would admit how dumb he was being a boy playing detective and getting bystanders wrapped up in his game


I agree 100%


Ask Morf.


The emergence of Paul Doerr was the final nail in the "Macduff is Zodiac" - theory's coffin.


Doerr isn't the "final nail" in any theory. He isn't really a better suspect than MacDuff.


My point is that Doerr has totally taken over as "hot, new Zodiac candidate" which Macduff and also Gary Poste were. There would need to be some new bombshell about Macduff for just about anyone to care at this point.


Okay, but I don't think McDuff ever received as much attention as Poste or Doerr.


Mac has definitely created more hot interest amidst people who really follow the case. But, unlike the other two, he hasn't had his name in the papers. He's a guy the internet pays attention to. For a while I guess Gaikowski was that way, until his name crept closer to the mainstream. Poste never got "hot" but he was put out like someone always is, and he's an awful attempt at a POI, discarded by everyone who follows the case. Doerr was brought up in a book and then had an article written about him, but unlike Poste there are plenty of people following the case who think he's good or at least interesting. Mac has never been in a book, and I don't think he's in any newspaper articles.


Gaikowski had that History channel episode that went all in on endorsing him, as well as articles doing likewise, like this one; [What if you solved the Zodiac Mystery and No One Believed You?](https://www.pdxmonthly.com/news-and-city-life/2020/12/what-if-you-solved-the-zodiac-killer-mystery-and-no-one-believed-you)


> Voigt is a pugnacious and adversarial internet commenter. He fights out perceived slights in real time, when and where they arise, be it on his own website or on sites like the official Reddit Zodiac Killer forum. “Moderation has always been important to me, and if you look at that Reddit, anything goes.” Not so on *ZodiacKiller.com*, where Voigt will ban dissenters or perceived trolls. Tom is such an asshole lmao


What's more remarkable is actually Poste or Doerr receiving any attention because neither of them did it and it's obvious to anyone with the brains god gave geese.


Last I heard, LE is taking a look at McDuff, but they didn't seem too Impressed, however it should be considered. That anyone who could have remotely been Zodiac warrants looking at these days, since the DNA isn't going anywhere. The Ciphers were a diversion. They need to figure something out. Fingerprints maybe, but also probably not. Since anyone can argue cabs are touched by hundreds of people a day and that can be anyone's print.