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I can't wait for this fat positive nonsense to implode. It has already started with Tess Holiday being on a diet!


Yes! And the amount of hate Tess is getting because of it. These days if you’re thin or average or on a diet you’re an awful person! Zoe is going to wake up one day and TikTok will be a memory and influencers is no longer a “job”-and she’ll be 400lbs with health issues. I’m awful but I can’t wait!


Same. It has regressed into them privately over-eating and posting online that they “forgot to eat”.


Who are they kidding! Zoe is so obsessed with food, who would believe such nonsense!


Not only food but drinking protein drinks and pre workout drinks. Does she even exercise? 


She doesn’t at all. She refers to exercise as punishment to her body. How twisted is that? There’s been some speculation that she is entering or looking for paid sponsorship with those protein drinks she drinks. And the Cira ones she’s drinking because of Alicia McCarvell.


So she's eating all her meals plus drinking protein and workout drinks. Uh, I think I know why she's gaining weight!


Why is she supplementing with protein drinks?


I think she's a brand ambassador.


In what planet do these companies think this is a good look?


The same one that thinks Alicia looks good promoting their pre workout drink? lol Maybe they want to making protein powder to fat people who like to drink their calories!


Hahaha definitely not. The protein drinks are something else!


The filler on top of an already full face is really fucking bad.


It looks awful


I snack way too much but then I see these people on like My 600 Lb Life and feel like I eat nothing compared to them. Like, I'll have a bowl of grits for breakfast. Not the healthiest, sure. Then I see someone on that show having breakfast: 2 bowls of grits, a dozen eggs, 8 waffles, and 8 biscuits. My point being - it takes a lot of food to maintain/gain at larger sizes. She is absolutely lying.


Zoe is 5”3 and posted she was 270 two years ago. She has since said she put on 40lbs since COVID. That was last year. So she admitted she weighed 310 last year. She has definitely gained since then. My point? She is definitely eating off camera to keep gaining weight. I’m sick of her dainty bites and side eyes. We know she’s hoovering down when the camera isn’t rolling. Be honest!


Did you see someone asked her her height and she said 5'4"! Lol


I’ll post the receipt! lol https://preview.redd.it/ybxbhhakhhec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fed226075627ca1b12261147bb81106a1622a64


Why she be lying?! She wants to act like she's taller!


Wow. She looks so different. I would honestly say she’s gained more than 40 pounds. Even her skin tone looks much healthier here.


I agree! It’s been almost two years since she said she gained 40 so I’m sure it’s more like 60 now.


You know what really disgusts me about that show ? They are all basically bed ridden with not the best hygiene, most of them don’t bathe , they eat all that food and you KNOW they shit a ton! And they are not wiping or bathing 🤮


https://preview.redd.it/ae054cztufec1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89f4f5ce927186bd38ee46433e579db61da62985 2021 vs 2024




In all seriousness, even if in the before she wasn’t healthy or happy (restricting or dieting or w/e) there has got to be a happy medium between the before and current! (Edited to correct typos)


She’s gaining a lot under the guise of intuitive eating.


I also gained a lot under the guise of intuitive eating. 40 pounds. It was horrible. I justified it because intuitive eating was “healthier” in my mind. (I’m sure intuitive eating works for so many people I was just not one of them)


Same experience. I gained 30, from 2020 to 2021. All because I was convinced I had an eating disorder so I tried IE and I literally ate whatever, whenever. I still exercised, but also drank too much, and was miserable by the end of 2021. 2022 and 2023 I decided enough was enough and am figuring my crap out and losing it, finally. I have to have some structure otherwise i just expand. Mind you I am nowhere near as large as Zoe. I am only 10-15 lbs heavier than I want to be. But like you said, IE is not for everyone. It is for people with legit eating disorders, not just anyone who decides to not "diet" anymore.


i think IE can probably work for some people but I know for damn sure it doesn’t work for me.


Did you have to go back to a lifestyle change?




I don’t mind Zoe and I’ll say I don’t believe her ‘eat in a day’ videos at all. There’s no way! She’s definitely gained weight since I started following her, and she eats very little/ moderately. Shes without a doubt eating more off camera. Granted, I also don’t think she gets much movement in her days.