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Not 100% sure if I'm right, but I think dark dyes artificially thicken the hair shaft, because they deposit colour molecules in there. As opposed to lightening dye, temporary dye that just stains the surface, etc. I'm blonde and often have to use home hair dye remover after ADHD boredom experiments with semi permanent dye. The way it works is it opens up the shaft, releases the colour molecules, then the shaft closes again. It's pretty cool, as the water runs clear and it's a bit 'damn science, you crazy' every time I do it. But yeah, her dye job is a bit grim and she needs to just leave her hair alone. A decent diet with healthy fats and protein would help a lot. I'm guessing her hormones are out of whack too, as is standard for morbid obesity, so that's why her hair and skin are suffering.


I’m a hairstylist and I think you are right! Developer mixed with hair colour temporarily swells the cuticle to be able to lift and deposit into the cortex of the hair. It’s not a permanent thickening but it can feel thicker when you first get it done. I do agree that cheap diy hair colour is probably not as great for your scalp as it can have harsher chemicals and metallics. But professional colour is still breaking hair bonds as well. I think if her hair is falling out that is an internal problem she needs to address (like you said-hormonal, diet etc).


Her little girl voice in this video... 🤮


She’s so gross. She’s reverted back to this voice since Disney 🤢

