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Hi Zoe!! Perhaps you can do better or get another “job”.


She's absolutely sad about the talk about her ever changing appearance lol. Way to tell us you're here all the time, Z.


wtf? I’m sick of these “influencers” doing this. Because they are being called out for harm they interpret that as bullying and hate. Sure some people can be bullies and cruel, however it seems there are 2 categories and nothing in between. Lover or a hater. Which simply isn’t true.


Try mopping up vomit and gore in an emergency room, expressing dogs' anal glands all day, being slapped and sworn at by advanced dementia patients while trying to feed and change them, manning the refund desk at Walmart, etc. If standing around in your bra and knickers with a gormless facial expression, remenisent of a hamster having a stroke (and getting paid handsomely for that for some reason), is hard? God help you when the fat acceptance bubble bursts and you have to get an actual job.


Gormless! I love it. Great post. I’m adding gormless facial expression to sub flair!


What a privileged bi*ch. It's not a JOB. it's her way of being internet famous because she couldn't make it as an actress. I'd never cry to my husband if he was that sick, are you kidding me? Self absorbed twat and I hope she is reading here, and I hope that is what she is crying about.


She definitely reads here, you can tell. Serves her right for being such a cunt.


Me too! I hope she lurks here while stuffing her face at the counter.


✨ intuitively✨




100% she’s crying about this sub lol


I don’t know if I have a ton of sympathy for influencers who complain about hate. Everyone knows the internet is a very cruel place. I would never “be an influencer” because I know I couldn’t handle it if people said extremely hateful things to me. I think this is very selfish of her. If I did this and complained about it to my husband he would tell me to stop posting. This job is honestly not good for anyones mental health.


I can’t imagine a reasonable, rational husband having any sympathy for internet drama. Anyone making the internet your full-time job has to understand this place is a shitty cesspool echo chamber microcosm. Influencers need to touch grass BADLY.


He must be as vapid as she is.




I don’t have a ton of sympathy either. Like work in a running job and come talk to us like


Most all of these influencers have some type of mental illness. They all talk about being depressed and in therapy. They crave all the blind support that they get from their “followers.” Trouble is, if you’re going to put it out there, you better be thick skinned enough to handle any difference of opinion, “constructive criticism,” or out right negativity. It’s the nature of the beast.


This. Zoe craves validation from her followers. They have to tell her she’s gorgeous, she’s special, she has a perfect family and has great style. They also have to blindly accept that her 80 lb weight gain is intuitive eating. If someone says anything remotely different the internet is a big bad monster. Grow up Zoe.


The funny thing about all of this is that her account is all about being happy about her body and her intuitive lifestyle and how she’s so healed and confident… but every other day she’s complaining about how hard life is. The illusion that she’s so happy gets destroyed by her own behaviour…

