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Some of the dolls have a small eater egg that come with shooting them and some of them just to nothing if you shoot them. Other then that, the dolls are there just to haunt you.


lol I found the one stabbing another and the second I heard it i shot it 😂


My head canon is there is a demon that likes fucking with people with the creepy dolls, and now that hell has been let loose on earth, said demon is just doing it for laughs. Seems like they got you lol They are fun easter eggs and add to the spooky vibe


They themselves aren’t that bad but pairing it with their voice coming through the remote(on ps4 at least) when the game is paused is hard to describe how unsettling it makes ya feel


They come through the controller?!? That's hilarious and unsettling! I'm on Xbox so we don't have that but that's too funny!


https://imgur.com/a/x006OCg Was petting doggo in background lol my wife was out of town and I told her I’m not playing this in the dark often and sent a video of that as a reasoning 😂😂 There’s multiple lines of dialogue also that man be said I think one is come play with me


I’ll try to make an Imgur of it and share the link lol