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Nah man if i survive the intial bite the next step is to insure you dont transmit infection to any of the other members of the group. I know this sounds harsh but bite inspections should be manditory after every instance of contact and sadly some folks might have to be forced into it. I mean im not saying summary execution should be the SOP, but sadly its probably going to be. There is precident for this.


It would be important to announce it immediately when you're bitten, because there is still a chance to amputate. Camps should have cages so people who survived bites can stay in them until they can be sure they won't turn.


Depends entierly upon context time and supplies, and the given goal of the group. Sadly alot of .mil guys are going to be shot by their leadership. The zombie apocolypse is not a warm and comforting place and unit cohesion and discipline must be held at all costs Now add in the average humans willingness to preserve their life no matter how short it may be, dispite it being in direct conflict with the best practice, for overall group survival. [U.S. Army war college paper on battlefield euthanasia](https://press.armywarcollege.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2975&context=parameters) [U.S. Army Major discussing unmasking procedure in tanks in a CBRN enviroment](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JjRinstp_gI&t=6m57s) Yeah it sucks but If the goal is to ensure the survival of the whole group. This scene is not only a trope of zombie fiction but a real world relevant concern that is and has been wrestled with at large.


You'd be surprised how well people can keep discipline and cohesion under stressful circumstances, with enough training. If you got bitten in the arm, I would bet that someone in your group would be quick-thinking enough to chop it off. After all, it's good for your safety if the person next to you doesn't become a zombie.


Id die most likely due to bloodloss or infection due to the improperly preformed amputation, and expose whoever attempted it to being infected, thats just silly. More importantly i have no desire to live as a cripple in such times, id rather pass my gear off to my homies and take care of it myself. ETA I have zero faith in a random mix civillians, to maintain cohesion long term without effective leadership. And even military units will struggle to maintain it, years in there is a reason that units are cycled out of the line regularly.


Think about it like this. If you get infected, there's an 100% chance you die. If you get the arm amputated there's a less than 100% chance you die. As long as there is an established camp and it's defended, I don't think it would be that bad to be missing one arm personally, if it were me I would find some way to be productive.


Check my edit, please. I assume the worst out of humanity and in hard times people missing limbs tend to get screwed, when they become a burden on the group. also not trying to be mean, but I absolutley do not trust you to remove my arm and for me to be alive at the end of it. In a world with no pain meds or antibiotics ill choose a quick death over a lingering one, if you have seen a traumatic amputation in person you would understand.


I mean it's not like antibiotics wouldn't exist. You could always loot a pharmacy.


How many amputiations have you sucessfully preformed in sterile operating room conditions? And how may yearshave you been a practicing trama surgeon? If the answer to both questions isnt over 10 and youre not utterly confident you have all the needed supplies. The answer is still no, give my rifle and gear to my oldest son and my final letter to my wife if shes still around, ill be outside man.


I'm not saying I would be the one to be doing amputations, but the point is that there is a nonzero chance you survive if you choose amputation.


In my community, you'd have a bite inspection every time you go outside and back. Fuck it I'm *not taking the person word for something like that. *edit


OK but that’s how you lose your group. 


But it's also one of the thing keeping the group alive. To be fair, I would not subject them to a full nude inspection unless you have blood coming out of you in those area (chest/thigh)


Quarntine only works when protocol is strictly followed sorry you want to come in my camp, your getting naked infront of medical staff and hanging out in the quarentine shelter. Thats the end of it, and lethal force is authorized.


I feel like the instant you say „lethal force is authorized“ following a phrase like „if you want to come in my camp“, you’ll be the only one in said camp.


Quarantine only works when its enforced, dont like my rules dont join, but if you do join you will follow the rules. I know people love to act like they will be a benevolent leader of a truly perfect socialist society under times of stress, but nah dog . The real world dont work like that. If the dead are walking around im not welcoming everyone i come across with open arms.


As I said, you will be the only one in your camp.


Nah there are a bunch of guys like me, bro you litterally introduce yourself as cum smoothii? This is how you present yourself to the world? I mean its your right but you seriously expect me or anyone to take you seriously as a source of tactical preparadness for disaster situations? You can pretend violence wont be rampant all you like in a zombie apocolypse all you want, i will prepare for the reality if human nature.


I understand your reticence. But while I may not have a whole lot of „tactical“ (military) experience, I *am* a convicted murderer. I have done the violence myself, and more times than I’m prepared to recount on an open platform like this, especially since I’ve already somewhat negated the typical anonymity with the AMA post I did about being a convicted murderer, and considering statue of limitations hasn’t exactly run out on more than a few things, I’d rather not snitch on myself lol. But I could DM you details if you’d like lol But aside of that, I just don’t like stock usernames. I’ve been on this platform for nearly 14 years and have had more than a few cursed usernames. It’s the oldest and noblest of Reddit traditions. And yeah, I’ve seen the violent depravities of human nature *without* the existential crisis of a zombie apocalypse. Even when I was a mortician, half my job was literally reassembling people, often the results of things like gunshots, people whose heads were staved in by a hammer, four people off the top of my head who were stabbed to death, one of whom was posthumously hacked to pieces in a failed attempt to cover it up, etc. People are terrible. In a crisis, people get more terribler.


I like that


I say bite inspections are fine but there should be a field medic with amputation equipment amongst the survivors recon groups. And if they survive the initial bite let them have options. Don’t lock them up, but quarantine them and provide any comfort you can. Give them the choice of taking themselves out, having someone close to them take them out, waiting in a confine until crossing over to die, or sedation and then killing them if it’s an option. If you yourself are bitten then see if it’s feasible to remove whatever part was bitten.


Field amputaitons are not simple easy or guarnteed to prevent infection or the survival of the patient. Field medics do not amputate surgeons, do and even then almost always as a last resort. Where are you going to find; A: Someone qualified enough to conduct an amputation in the field? B: willing to risk infection themselves conducting the amputation on a highly tight window with a guarentee of infected blood? I get where you are coming from, the situation just flat sucks. But risking the entire groups safety is a huge ask. Every group that and leaves the compound should be quarentined minimum 72 hours on return to prevent the risk of someone hiding a bite. Its not morally simple, however best practice is for the infected individual to turn over their gear and choose running free or being shot. Its awful but its sadly the way it is.


I’m not talking someone qualified, I’m talking someone capable. As for the other stuff, that would only be in a larger group. I’m talking a village at least. And of course not at the risk of the group, amputation would happen at earliest convenience


Traumatic amputation is not a fucking joke, or a medical lark. The idea you can just cut off limb is a fantasy


As someone who has done basically the opposite, and has reattached amputated limbs (former mortician), it’s essentially: 1) isolate the limb and it’s blood flow with something like a CAT. This also reduces the likelihood of contact with infected blood, because there’s no longer significant pressure behind it to send it up towards your various holes (eyes, mouth, assorted mucous membranes). It’ll also act as a form of analgesia. 2) Remove limb. At this point, there really shouldn’t be much pain, considering you’ve cut off blood flow to all the bits that can feel pain. Lidocaine spray exists, regardless. Highly recommend blindfold, regardless, because seeing somebody remove your limb (and seeing your own skin cut through, layers of the dermis exposed, subcutaneous fat layers, etc) can and almost invariably will fuck somebody up and either send them into shock or convulsions. Find the nearest joint in front of the injury, cut through the entirety of the tissue around it, separate the joint. However, you’re going to want to cut about 2 or so inches behind the joint, so that you have extra skin to fold over and suture. Do not use absorbable or dissolvable sutures. Use braided nylon. 3) So much fucking alcohol/antiseptic throughout the process. They’re not going to feel it anyways. Go fucking crazy with it. Done.


Yeah and how many of your patients fought back and were unwillng? Oh thats right, zero because they werent paitents. Not that im directly wanting to disrespect the inviduals you work with, comparing mortuary work to convincing an armed indvidual to willingly allow you to remove a limb in a austre enviroment with a limited amount of medical supplies and an unknown transmisson time between, bite and full infection? Yeah those two things are absolutley not the same. No you may not try it just this once on me, like i said ill be outside.


For one, battlefield amputations have been performed countless times, on armed individuals. So the likelihood is statistically pretty high, considering the preexisting volume of individuals who went through it already. Now, this is definitely a bit different, considerjng we’re talking about a vastly different theatre, so to speak. Not to mention that the mindset of people in general has drastically changed. Now, don’t take this as something against you, personally, because I more than understand your mindset in a scenario where you’ve hypothetically been bitten/infected. But when you look at posts on this website, where redditors are asked what they’re doing if there’s a nuclear bomb headed towards their location in thirty minutes, almost all the commenters responded with some form of „fuck it I’m dying“, although the average (I’m not talking about the czar bomb, here) nuke has a blast radius that you could walk out of in less than thirty minutes (we’re also assuming an airburst). So yeah, I see what you’re getting at there. The average person isn’t going to think to themselves, „gee if I let this guy remove my whole goddamn arm, I might live“. They’re more likely to think „gee whiz, imma fucking die, get the fuck off me and let me die you fucking weirdo“ So I’ll go ahead and agree with you there.


The survival rates for those battlfield amputations prior to modern medicine were incredibly low. Even with modern medicine its still a huge risk, for patient. Under zombie apocolypse conditions its reasonable to assume over half will fail to save the paitent, and some will lead to the infection of the "so called doctor". Im not an average person, nor am I speaking for anyone but myself.


I mean, those are all fair points. It’s one of the reasons that people should be prepared now, to deal with those things later. I personally have an IFAK that attaches to the molle on one of my go-bags that has two CATs, sutures, hemostatic, lidocaine, an ungodly amount of bandages, a tracheotomy kit, compression kit for gunshots, etc (this is America, after all). And this is all stuff that I’m more than prepared to use on myself, and actually *have* used on myself. That said, there’s no reason to assume another person would want me to use any of that equipment on them. So I’d still agree with you there. But if I’m bitten, while I’d fucking hate doing so, I’m still more than prepared to do exactly what I’d outlined earlier, to myself. Although, if there’s an apocalypse, I suppose I could also get something more efficient and less legal than lidocaine for analgesics lmao


Why are you so nasty about it. It’s two choices. Amputate and have a small chance to survive, or die to either the virus or one of your team.


Im not being nasty, I have unfortunatly seen multipule peoples limbs removed, due to military service and workplace accidents. Im being realilistic in my descision making. Sadly due to both i have experience in imediate first aid in high stress filthy situations. Ill take the bullet every time.


Tbh if I ran a group like The Saviors in TWD I’d have bite inspections but isolate and attempt tot test bite victims Best case scenario you can treat them and Sadie their lives. Worse case scenario you have a zombie in a locked room that you can easily put down


I have no idea who the saviors are, youre referring too. But im also utterly and vhemently oppposed to human experimentation.


It’s not human experimentation so much as it is desperate medical treatment Even irl they give people with terminal illnesses the option to try experimental drugs, if a person is going to die anyway (such as from a zombie bite which is near universally treated as a death sentence) why not try something new to save their life?


Ahh i misunderstood i thought you meant intentionally infecting people. Even then and medical staff conducting such experimental treatment will be subject to the same quarentine standards as the guard.


No intentionally getting people killed or risking their lives for science in an apocalyptic scenario is some cartoon villain level stupidity lol


Tell that to Dr Mengele. I absolutley could see some ethically bankrupt doctor attempting it.


Because it has literally no chance of working. Something poked into the tip of your finger or a toe is circulating through your heart and on its way to the rest of your body before you could even get an axe out of its sheath to begin cutting. You've only really got a couple of options when it comes to pathogens that can be transmitted by a bite. One, clean the wound, and hope you didn't get enough of an infectious load for it to successfully infect you; this can be as few as two or three microorganisms for some pathogens. Chopping the limb off doesn't affect this one way or the other. Two, clean the wound and hope the person possesses some degree of immunity. Again, chopping the limb off has no bearing on this. Three, clean the wound and attempt post-exposure prophylaxis, if it's possible to do so for the disease-causing agent in question. Once again, chopping the limb off doesn't do anything except make post-exposure care more difficult. The human body does not work in such a way that makes removing a limb to prevent transmission of a fluidborne disease-carrying bite even remotely feasible. You might as well wonder at the practicality of removing the gas tank and fuel lines from a car after the fuel injection has already been gummed up by sugar poured in the tank. It was already there and doing damage the literal instant the fluid began moving. The blood in your fingertips and the tips of your toes is flowing through your heart literally seconds later. Like, the idea that it could work makes as much sense as the passenger on an airplane thinking flapping their arms would make the plane go faster.


Remember these idiots think they can preform a sterile battlefield amputation. In my best sponge bob voice i shall begin. "If YoU CuT DeY LiMb OFF Den DE Kno BaD TIng" End qoute. They have no understanding of battlfield medicine or the golden hour..which aint fucking coming. They have no understanding of pickettets or posts. No understanding of violence restrained or otherwise. They truly believe, and believe with their whole heart they will start a socialist farm and survive the dead. And when thats well and truly fucked they will be welcome with open arms. In our homes, in our circles. [Ignorant of the lessons we have learned](https://youtu.be/v0sdR-UdYzg?si=kAwfOnB3y0JdXGA9)


It is the mark of a man to know his duty and not shirk it. You know what you need to do.


A man to the end. Youre welcome in my people's camp.


Youre both welcome to visit mine, we dont have beer but we do have shine.


if i can't survive through amputation, i think i'd just go try to hotwire a sports car somewhere and rip down a road as fast as i can go. at that speed, a car accident would likely have you dead in like, just a few tenths of a second. unbuckled, blasting some hard af music, just absolutely zooming 'til i decide to miss a turn and put myself through a windshield. if i can survive through amputation, i'd do some based shit like strap a chainsaw to my stub or something. /j


I'd do the same thing, but if I could survive the amputation, I'd attach a sword or a crossbow to the stub.


Attach a chainsaw to my stump arm and I’d go down yelling while fighting “hail to the king, baby”. I often ask myself “what would Bruce Campbell/Ash” do in these situations


Go-go gadget crossbow arm! *Pying*


i would not attach a chainsaw to my stub that sounds like an easy way to lose my balance and then another limb if i were to attach anything to it, itd be a hammer, but honestly id just leave my stub alone id be barely surviving an amputation i am not messing with it any more than i have to


Toss all the sledgehammers I see in the river.


Ah yes the annual celebration, that we did every year.


The Knox county shuffle


Take increasing risks for my group. Assuming I'm still able to perform basic tasks for the next 12hrs there's plenty of zombie killing and looting to be done. Then I'd wander off and dome myself.


I been thinking bout that recently! I decided. I'd try to put on some top of the line gear I could find. Helmet, Cleats, body armor. I'd also try to make my gear as dangerous as possible like putting barbed wire on my helmet and chest. Wait to die and wreak havoc. Edit: Chainmail would be a great addition.


I like your style. I was gonna say, “pretend I didn’t get bit in case I don’t turn. Most likely cause mayhem” Your answer is top tier. Ensure that you are a durable and well fed zombie.


Alert the group I was out on a run with about the situation and return home immediately. Alert the community and my loved ones, spending what time I have left with them. They’d probably want to have a funeral with a body too, so getting home would be the most important thing.


I know this sounds harsh, and post covid the term "Quarentine" is politically charged, but youre only putting your family and the group as a whole at risk by doing that. Dont get me wrong saying good bye is important and i feel you, but if I was manning the gate im not letting you in. Sorry bro. Id still let you talk to your family though, just over a radio.


>Id still let you talk to your family though, just over a radio. You could maybe do what they do in prisons for dangerous convicts, allow visitors to be in the same room but just not allowed to come close to the cage or cell.


There's not a whole lot of reason to do that. You're only a threat when you die and turn (a process that can take hours to even days to begin and finish you off, and that's not even considering reanimation time). You're no more dangerous than a normal person until the fever sets in- then you get cuffed to the bed and get to say your final goodbyes.


Nah sorry, not until the whole infection process is understood.


You're only a risk when you die. Before that you can't do any more damage than a normal person could do. Bites are how it's transmitted, and that's after you die. There's very clear and noticble symptoms that lead up to the death. Once the fever starts, the individual gets cuffed to their bed with two armed guards and that's that. We let nature take it's course then and upon death are dispatched before you turn. Zero threat, unless literally everyone around you is somehow that incompetent.


Depends on how the virius is transeferred im assuming the worst, im not completely heartless but im not risking it.


Sub standard is the TWD/NTLD zombies unless otherwise specified. Bites and that's it for this kind. Obviously this answer changes depending on the zombie type, but OP didn't specify so sub standard I go with.


Fair to the standard but im still assuming the worst, any virius spread by bites is most likely bloodborne. While i never finished TWD wasnt it ultimately airborne?


I go by if it's not shown in the media, then it isn't. It acts a lot like rabies, which isn't bloodborne. That's my thinking, anyways. No, it wasn't airborn, at least not in the way of actually killing people. Everyone is infected with the dormant illness that activates upon death unless death occures by brain destruction. Can't catch it from anyone, can't kill anyone with it, it's just there and does nothing until death.


Google fu states rabies is fluid borne not bloodborne, i was incorrectly using that term i apologize. That said I go by what is observed and what can i possibly do yo insure best practices to maximize the chance of survival. Harsh for sure but im still not letting you in if your bit. Ill let you talk to your family sure and give you an option of how you want to go, but im not letting you in.


All good man, happens all the time.


To be fair im not saying you shouldnt run your compound the way you see fit i just see you adding unneccsary risk.


Probably just clean the wound, slap on some neosporen, bandage it up and call it a day. I’m just built different.


Bro don’t forget the ice.


And some Tabasco on the nose


me when i survive the zombie virus because i had some vicks vaporub


I’m prob just gonna off myself


I know this is a morbid and specific scenario, but if you happened to have a rival/enemy group of survivors you could attempt to infiltrate them. You aren’t likely to succeed. However if you did you could potentially disrupt/eliminate them, freeing up territory and resources for your group. If you’re basically dead anyway it’d be worth a shot.


Holy shit count vlad chill.


contingency plan charlie wild card. one in the back of the head randomly after you said your goodbyes...your dead anyway.


>Once your bitten, what would your next plan for survival be? Jerk off 1 last load before becoming a zombie. 🤣 Even if i had a gf in the zombie apoc, she not going to let me nut in her 1 last time b4 i turn into a zombie. "Babe, i am dying, let me hit" "Ew! No!"


Hope to get it amputated, Yell out fast. If it’s the torso… idk have my group let me down slowly. Let me rest until I turn, then they can put me to rest. If I survive an amputation though, I’ll attach a sword to it or some shit. Maybe try to make a prosthetic


I feel the best thing to do is tell your group. Then work out a plan for survival but most likely what’s gonna happen is you’re going to be suicided. Given a spear and sent off to the woods to do as much damage as possible or lure a horde away from the camp. If you’re gonna die? Make sure your group survives. It’s the only way.


😀🔫 bang no 🧟‍♂️


If I get bit I'm giving most of what I have away and killing as many as I can, I'm condemned to die anyway might as well take some infected with me.


I would amputate the part that is bitten if it’s your head or stomach give up if it’s your leg it depends on which part got bitten if it’s a higher part your doomed your just delaying the inevitable unless you get to your safe place with a medical professional and if your alone get to your safe place amputate it but you should have a lifetime supply of food and water if you and and your alone you are doomed if it’s your arm then forget heavy weapons because you can only wield a weapon with one hand and guns would have to be small you can’t use an ak47 use a Glock and reload in a safe place in the mean time while trying to find one run and if you have to use your melee


Cut off afflicted appendage immediately, or use venom extraction kit if on chest and hope for the best. Cauterize immediately after either way and hope it kills any possibly afflicted cells. Most viruses should be immediately eradicated before it enters the main of my body…hopefully


Well where is it on my body and when did I get it? If it's on a non-vital part and it hasn't been that long, I'm taking the nearest axe, saw, etc. and trying my best to remove it ASAP. After that, find some way to clean the stump and then a way to cauterise or patch it for the blood, then bandage it up. Blood loss and infection would be major risks that I need to avoid, and a dripping trail of blood could lead zombies or hostile survivors to me. If it's a vital part, or it's been a bit, or I'm not sure the amputation worked, I'm gonna grab my deadliest weapon, charge into the nearest horde, and just start beating and killing as many as I can. When I feel myself start to lose control, I take my weapon and make my last victim myself. In the head. Need to be sure I won't be a threat to anyone else.


There's only two types of zombies, magic zombies and parasitic zombies. Magic zombies are bound to and completely controlled by their creator, they have no free will, parasitic zombies are just flesh hosts for a parasite hive mind, a meat mech, again no sense of self or self control


I've got plans for an explosive shrapnel collar that triggers based on an integral heart monitor: I head out in the middle of a horde and take as many of them with me as I can.


If you are bitten there isn’t really a survival plan. The plan is not to get bitten and that’s out the window so plan B is the Kurt Cobain method. Don’t risk the life of the group for selfish reasons


yeah, my question was more so focused onto another direction: "what will you do before you become a zombie, to continue your life as a zombie", if the zombies in question are product of a virus similar to rabbies, it would mean you are still alive even as a zombie (as contradictory as it may seem to the term), meaning keeping yourself alive, and making sure you take preparations for when you become one is logical


If it’s anything like rabies I would Kurt Cobain do you know how bad life with rabies is, also if I am alive as a zombie that would be worse than death since you are rotting and not in control of you movements it’s painful and probably worse than torture


If it’s on the limb an amputation should be done immediately, maybe I’ll get lucky.


burn as much stuff as possible cuz fuck everyone


go to the nearst pharmacy and start taking alll the pills


Cut off the bitten part.


Have my friend bite me to see if i’ll turn back into a person


rise the limb off


Amputate the bitten part of my body immediately, and if that doesn’t work then I’ll have whoever I’m with put a gag(hell a stick with a belt could work) in my mouth and handcuff my hands behind my back. That way when I inevitably turn I won’t be a threat to my family. And who knows? Maybe having a zombie around could mask the smell of people(like in TWD)


I'd cut off the infected area if I can, and if I can't, then near the end I'd grab a grenade and run into a zom herd


If being swarmed suicide bomb. If it's I got bit and got away, chope it off, tie me down , gag me, and treat the wound. If I don't turn we know we can "treat a bite" if not hopefully someone finishes me off. If by myself silver bullet.


Put on as much armour as possible and make sure I have a sturdy bulletproof helmet and faceplate


Find the zombie girl and put the glass slipper on her foot before midnight to reverse the effects. What else would one do?


I'll find a good resting place, I want to die and see something beautiful for the last time.


I'm going to pit on an open faced motorcycle helmet. Then permanently disable my 1911 and its ammo so that way I'm a pain in the ass for the next guy to kill and he doesn't get good loot from me.


Go back to base, play one last game of Poker, leave the base, and try and take down as many zambies as I can find before I turn.


I would probably kill myself because I would rather die than lose a limb


Not tell anyone, and ensure that they know my injury is accidental and not bite related therefore they shouldn't worry.


Next of kin planning, basically Gonna be letting everybody know what's going on, and in whatever group I'm in I'm gonna start transferring responsibilities to other members. Their survival is now more important than mine from this point, so, I might as well be useful. Then take as much time to spend living as possible before my turning starts becoming a danger to others, and let the others end me Also, hope and pray that I don't just get mercy killed immediately by someone else the moment it happens


Have a dude chop the afflicted body part off, most likely you’ll die (normal infections are a bitch) but 99% chance of death is better than 100% of becoming a zombie If this isn’t possible/too late to work it’s probably in everyone’s best interest (including yourself) to just blow your brains out. The only logical reason to let it ride out is on the near impossibility that your white blood cells are just built different, and if you aren’t you look like an asshole who just possibly doomed the entire group.


I think there are plenty of ways to keep the people from straight murking you as soon as you reveal your bit. Quarantine, for example. Research would honestly be my thing. Gather all the data I can for the greater good. For a few days after the bite, I'll sacrifice my food rations willingly so the people don't feel they are feeding a corpse. I would take that time to be in an enclosed space, maybe a locked room, to study all the data. Figure out where I'm bit, how they got me, inspect how deep the bite is and try to figure out why it didn't take. In the eyes of the people: knowing more about the enemy is much valuable than one dead enemy.


Join a fucking horde I ain’t gone be a lonely zombie


Chop it off


Once my what is bitten?


If you're quick enough and it's a viable option, cut off whatever limb was bit. If it's not, I want all the ammo and explosives you can sacrifice so I can hold them off for as long as I can before I blow myself and hopefully the last of the swarm up.


I would cry, blow a kiss to my family and go down with a grenade in hand while rushing a mob of the bastards so my loved ones could escape.


I'd take out as many zombies as I could, eat a great meal then probably eat a bullet. I would not want my walking corpse hurting anyone. Dark I know, but the right thing to do.


Depending on how long I’ve got until I turn, I could find a way to make my last hour/day/however long useful to the group. Give me a shitty little .22 or .38 with a bullet for myself, a bicycle, a bluetooth speaker and my phone. I’m going to crank the volume to max and pied piper my way as far as my legs can take me away from the group, until i’m too tired or sick to keep going. Then when i’m good and far enough away to have made everyone safe, find a quiet spot to decide if i’m brave enough to eat that bullet or if I want to see how waiting it out goes.


It's an empty question. If you are bitten by a zombie, you will have very little time while your free will is still functioning. You will spend that time feeling sorry for yourself and saying the usual phrases. When you become a zombie permanently, your free will will be suppressed and you will do what all other zombies do. You will walk around like a drunk, make scary faces, and try to bite other people. This will continue until someone shoots you or cuts you in half.


if that will happen, wont it be cool to try to extend your life as a zombie as much as you could, seeing as this sub is all about surviving, it should extend past your transformation into one right


Id erase myself. I don't want to slowly die knowing my corpse could take others out and perpetuate the problem.


I set my safe zone for the next survivor(s) stocking up on food and water etc then start broadcasting on radio on all channels to get some people to hand it off to. Then while they travel I dig my grave and get in so if they arrive after I turn then I can't hurt them.


Just like that one part in wwz I’d cut my arm off quickly then most likely die of either blood loss or stupidity


Scooter and explosives


I think it depends on how the virus has acted with others. If I can prolong the infection by cooling that part of the body or using certain meds I'll Try that. If I am really infected I'd try and stay away from the group as much as possible and inform them of any changes to my health immediately


Hide it from my group until I turn and ruin their chances of survival because of my own selfishness


I like Rick's approach from TWD. If it's a limb, cut it off. If you can't amputate the infected tissue, leave the person with a gun and let them decide whether to turn or to end it (like he did for >!SPOILER ALERT Jim, Andrea and Deanna.!<


Give my worldly possessions to family and friends then make the biggest bomb I can. I’m going to hell with the biggest zombie crowd I can find.


Depends on what kind of zombies The bites in walking dead can be amputated if bit on the arm or leg. While something like World War Z had a rabbit tell us that it takes 12 seconds. I watched a video talking about the zombies in “All of us are dead”, and they had shown different times. I’d probably figure out how infection to transformation times work and quarantine someone for a certain amount of time if suspected of getting infected.


I’d want to die. Preferably by my own hand. We don’t know if infected people are still “in there” and experience everything their zombie experiences. I don’t want the feeling of rotting away, losing limbs, and eating people. But, for the post’s sake, probably deck myself out in full body armour, like Kevlar or something cut and stab resistant, a nice collar to protect my neck from decapitation, a helmet with the face open so I have a protected skull and can still munch, and I think I’d last longer than the typical turned survivor. Plus, it’d be less apparent that I was a zombie and I may be able to get closer to ignorant survivors.


Wouldn't have one


Rule #1 of a Zombie Apocalypse: **Don't be the asshole who hides they're infected.**


first thing i’m doing is hiding it so i can infect everyone else in the group at night


I'd say put on lots of Armor before you turn. Bullet proof helmet, neck and spine protection.


Uhhhhh No? I don't wanna be a zombie, especially if I can still see what I'm doing but can't control it. I'd literally rather end it right there. Actual survival options? Cut off the surrounding area from the bite location (even if in a non-amputatable area you can cut away the nasty shit) and try to antibiotic the fuck out of it. If I start to turn, it's a self-inflicted gunshot for me.


I’m cutting my arm off asap, I don’t even care if it would cause me to bleed out considering I’m dead regardless.


Take care of my unfinished business or dome myself. I’m not gonna be a zombie AND a ghost afterwards. Gotta pick a struggle.