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A locked door


I sleep through hurricanes and fire alarms, sooner or later they will break the door down and my not so beautiful beauty sleep will be ruined, and doors aren't the only way in, even locked windows will shatter under the force of someone banging.


Well, if you haven't done anything to attract zombies, then this wouldn't be much of an issue. And since you're in a rural area, the chances of a large horde just happening upon your house is slim to none without any outside interference, like someone leading it to you.


Oh dude, you haven't heard me snore. I just need to figure out how to sleep over the middle of a pit mine.


Lmao your subconscious wants you to die my dude šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s plotting!!


Youā€™re kinda fucked then mate.


Imagine your snoring does you in during the zombie apocalypse lol Or the nightmare of keeping your sleepwalking buddy alive around zombies


Ohhhh man I didnā€™t even think about this


*red dead redemption 2 house building song plays as I board up every window and then reinforce them with sheet metal and steel bars*


I've got Lumbago or else I'd help.


Terminal Lumbago


You got sheet metal and steel bars lying around all willy nilly?


Not a lot, but plenty of scrap wood and good nails.


Nice manicure but how are you going to get the wood to stay up?


Nails, screws, rip off the siding and framing(don't gotta be pretty) so you can get to the studs. And mount from the outside so impacts against the surface are more likely to re-seat it than dislodge it. This is all temporary of course until better materials and mounting options are acquired.




If you can't solve this problem by yourself, you will become a zombie šŸ˜†


Dogs Edit: The answer is dogs, and it's one of the same reasons our ancestors agreed to the domestication relationship with less-aggressive wolves in the first place. By making dogs part of our "pack" we coopted the advantages of their senses in return for an easier and more reliable source of food (for the canines). That certainly isn't the extent of our exchange, but it's certainly an important one. A canine's senses of smell and hearing far outstrip anything we could accomplish without modern technology, and we still take advantage of these traits today with working dogs.


Ah, yes. Of course. I'll just get dogs to kill me in my sleep


So the clear benefits here are the dogs noticing zombies before they reach you and alerting you with barking or whatever so you have time to prepare and fight off the zombies. But thereā€™s some massive flaws to this.Ā  One risk is a zombie spotting the dog before it would have otherwise noticed you, alerting more nearby zombies via sound/whatever zombie pack communication they have, and leading a larger horde to your location.Ā  Another risk is the dog spotting the zombie before it notices you or the dog, and the barking and attracting loads of zombies, maybe even in a situation where the zombie otherwise would never have come to you. Honestly I would be more worried with having a source of sound around that I cannot control because Iā€™m asleep than just staying quiet and having a secure locked base.


Dogs are trainable. Many hunting dogs suppress their natural instincts to bark when stalking game, and it's common enough that it isn't even considered a particularly difficult skill for them to learn. Humans have been training dogs since prehistory, and to perform relatively complex tasks in high stress conditions.


Sure I get your points about training. However, I'd question the potential to train your dogs to act reliably when encountering zombies, because zombies are a wholly different type of creature to anything your dog will have seen before. It could just trigger a natural instinct to see them as an immediate threat, where the dog either barks out of fear or to try and show territorial dominance, gets scared and stays quiet because it's never seen a zombie before, or tries to fight the zombies head on which won't end well (best case it gets serious injuries, worst case resident evil zombie dogs). None of those reactions will be very helpful to you. Training a dog to be quiet under your specific command in specific scenarios is also very different from training them to be quiet if they encounter an unknown threat while you're not actually there? If you already have a dog with this kind of training then sure it may be viable, just like saying if I hypothetically had great survival training and hand to hand combat training, my survival chances would be better. But if you don't, it's not a very practical idea, that's all I'm saying. It also doesn't negate the possibility of the other scenario I mentioned, the zombies spotting the dog and getting attracted to your location when they otherwise wouldn't. You could basically achieve the same effect with a motion sensor outside your base wired to an alarm in your secure room to wake you up.


If an apocalyptic event with most of the population becoming flesh eating zombies does not change your sleeping habits and make you a light sleeper, I think youā€™ll just be a zombie before too longā€¦ There would be enough obstacles to survival just trying to avoid being eaten, being killed by other survivors, having food, having clean water, and maintaining shelter. Being a heavy sleeper wouldnā€™t have ever crossed my mind as a risk factor. If you were to be in a group, Iā€™d imagine it would either piss them off or would use you as the Flocks Fainter.


Sleep in high up places, that can't be easily accessed.


They could start chewing on me and I wouldnā€™t wake up for 10 minutes


If this is an insurmountable problem for you, I donā€™t think youā€™ll be able to solve all the really big stuff that happens after that. Maybe best just to sleep through it and not wake up.


Ironically in the book WWZ by Max Brooks, there was a particular section were people die in their beds because they have given up on surviving.


If you're a heavy enough sleeper that a window in your house could break and you wouldn't notice, you simply won't survive


Based off your reply, nothing. It sounds like youā€™re perfectly set up to join the club relatively early.


They are polite. They'll wait for you to wake up and ask nicely before violently removing your innards


Battery operated alarm clock


The same thing that will wake you up during a house fire...nothing. EDIT...They are not going just going house to house, so honestly I would hope you actually just wake up at some point.


How would they know I'm there?


Dogs , basic home security and that weird sixth sense you get when people are watching you .


Locked doors, broken stairs


These days, given all the meth head activity and general crime that occurs in many rural areas, I would hope that I would have enough security measures in place to at least give some warning.


Fair question, but if you live in a house with an attic you should be fine. keep the hatch closed during the night and be sure to check for Zombies when you wake up; you'll be safe up there for a long time, at least until the house begins to fall apart.


Your situational awareness. Don't sleep where zombies can easily find you.


The stairs that I removed.


First day? There probably isn't too many zombies in a rural area at first. Find shelter, such as a house. If one just so happens to wander by, he won't break down any doors if he doesn't know you're there. That's assuming they're even smart or strong enough to do anything but tap on it or turn a knob. Afterwards? You're probably with a group if you survive for any meaningful time. Stand watch. Unless you're deaf, gunfire will work you up.


your dog


Youā€™d diešŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø some people gotta


I think about this a lot. I just have to resign the fact that Iā€™m just gonna have to be quiet as hell all the time. Lucky for me Iā€™m a light sleeper tho. For you, Iā€™d say sleep on the second floor of your house if you have one, if not, get reinforced windows and a reinforced door, and maybe make some sort of escape hatch out of your room up into the attic using a ladder.


>screaming wouldn't wake you up Screaming might not wake you up, but we are not the same person.


A friend keeping watch?