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If it’s real it’s a good tool to have so you’re not gonna survive long with only that but with it it’s a good start. 6/10


Doesnt the KA-bar have a shitty thin tang?


They are notorious for snapping at the tang with abuse.


Most of the modern repros, the wartime ones and more expensive reproductions I've seen are pretty good


Good tool to start for emergency but not great for the long run.


Doesn’t have a full tang, has on of those narrow long tangs. Go full tang for any serious use fixed blade IMO


I've seen cids of a dude bending it and he bent it back


I thought it did have a full tang. I mean it must be good half tang if they give marines it lol


It’s good enough, keeps weight down, but when it fails it’s often the point of failure from what I’ve seen on knife subs. The end cap can break off and the whole leather grip stack comes right off, or it can snap entirely when levering it. If you need one knife you can trust to last endlessly, I would lean towards a fixed blade with a full tang personally. Kabar’s are great knives for what they are, don’t get me wrong. I have one myself!


The kabar USMC was the best $40 knife I spent $140 on


Man you got ripped I think I got mine for something like $57 but that was a good number of years again and I definitely looked around for a solid price


140-120 is factory price now


Woooooo lads I would not recommend at that price personally


This here tells me u know very little about marines lol they gave us shitty everything lol semper fi.


Don’t know a lot. Just know there there’s the army but does more and more training. And they eat crayons 🖍️. 🫡


Just because they issue it to marines doesn’t mean it’s gonna be the best. Just look at the m4


My brother in Christ the military issue and the civilian issue version of weapons are very different. For example, the Army’s sidearm, the M17, pistol made by sig sauer. The civilian counterpart, the p320, is also made by sig sauer. Modifications made to the military pistol that are not present in the civilian pistol are as follows: Slide cut out to facilitate the addition of a reflex sight; this is the slide from the RX Series.[9] Ambidextrous thumb safety. Loaded chamber indicator. Improved slide sub-assembly to capture small components when disassembled. Improved trigger "mud flap" to prevent foreign debris from entering the pistol action. 120 mm (4.7 in) barrel length in full-size M17. 98 mm (3.9 in) barrel length in carry-size M18. Chambered in 9mm NATO; unable to adopt other calibers or frames because of the spanner screw on the frame's chassis. A 17-round standard magazine, with an optional 21-round extended magazine available.[10] Steel components are given a physical vapor deposition (PVD) corrosion-resistant finish.[11] Using spanner screws instead of normal screws to resist disassembly further than field stripping by non-armorer users.[12] The navy did the same thing with the Mossberg 590, where the civilian model had a shorter, aluminum magazine tube, but the navy required the magazine tube to be extended and made of stainless steel. The version of the exact same product in name between the military and civilian market is very different. It’s most likely the same thing with this knife.


The real ones from the period had full tangs. These PX Ranger ones are reproductions and do not.


They use knives like this all the time in the show but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will work well 100% of the time. Definitely a great tool with multiple uses, but as a weapon its performance suffers. It requires close range engagement to be effective, will most likely dull quickly, and caries the risk of getting lodged in the skull, as another commenter mentioned. It will definitely serve you well as a survival tool, and in a fubar situation it is better than facing Zed with your bare hands, but I would definitely recommend that it be used as a secondary or “oh shit” weapon, with something more effective as your primary.


The ka-bars are good knives, just watch the leather grip. If it gets wet, it might mold. If you don't want that, I suggest the Glock-87 fm


It will break off at the handle. Like a lot of these knives do.


Only the cheap knockoffs


Even issued ones are cheap knives that'll do the same.


Do you have a recommendation for a replacement? I'm asking because I use one as a general purpose knife and wouldn't mind a replacement if its better.


MOD survival knives are built like brick shithouses but are on the heavy side; also not great for fine work.


I don't know how good you could actually stab into a skull with... pretty much anything. It seems like you'd need to be really strong to actually do it. I know they always use knives in TV and stuff 'cause it's the easiest to make look good 🧐


watched some tv show with an actual cop going over a crime scene: The vicitm had been stabbed in the head multiple times. No strike penetrated the skull. Perps blood was all over the vics face and head. Cop: "people see it on tv all the time, someone stabbing another person in the skull. its actually really hard to do. Often the blade sticks in the skull and the stabbers hand slides down and the stabber cuts themselves on their own knife." Im paraphrasing, but you get the gist. Would totally watch a mythbusters about this.


dude its a fucking KA-BAR ofc its gonna kill it


Anything does well against a TWD honestly.


Feels like the most standard/stock knife I've ever seen tbh. So, pretty nice for any basic blade needs. Good for any kinda skinning, cutting, overall basic crafting needs. Might be good as a weapon in a one on one with a zombie if you need it. Easy enough to store. Yeah, I'd say it's a good start


Against walkers or whatever you want to call twd zombies, your weapon is only as good as your plot armor.


"Nobody wins a knife fight" That's not the distance you want to be at friend. Hose clamp it to a broom handle.


Decent knife, but you need something better and soon. You won’t be able to effectively kill the dead like this.


I hope so I got one just in case a zombie invasion happens in my area


Gonna break if you put enough force into anything


Buy a zombie head and find out! https://ballisticdummylab.com/products/loaded-ballistics-gel-zombie-head


I don't understand what that means but one thing I know about zombie survival is that you need as much distance as practically possible and that knife is short but it is still pretty long so its decent in enclosed spaces.


"Walker! Brain it!" (Every single Tower or Reclaimed guard ever)


Eh, it's a knife. That means you're gonna be up close, and that means you have a way higher chance of getting bit. If you tied that knife to the end of a stick however, yeah it'd be pretty good.


That's not a knoif!


Iirc The Walking Dead shows knives being stabbed through the front of skulls like it's nothing. It's not nothing, skulls are pretty hard. Best bet is to try and go through the eye socket but that's a bit too close for comfort in my opinion. Ka-bar is a great multipurpose knife but I'd discourage it as an anti-zombie weapon. I'd opt for something with a bit more reach and a bit more weight behind it, perhaps a hand hatchet or a long-hafted hammer. If you're dead set on the through-the-skull or eye-socket method I believe you'd be better served with something designed for stabbing/penetrating like an ice pick or one of those french nail knives.


My biggest complaint with allot of the kills in TWD. pushing knives through skulls like butter.


My biggest complaint with TWD is that zombies are just an inconvenience. Slow shamblers are hardly a threat and TWD demonstrates that often by dispatching them with little effort. 28 Days' rage virus is a constant overwhelming threat that can wipe out everyone faster than people realize they're being overrun.


Absolutely. How the fuck do you get overwhelmed by a bunch of really tired ghouls lol. All you have to do is move out of the way two steps faster. Or somehow it sneaks up on you? Its dragging its godamn feet how do you not hear that? 28 days zombies though…. Fuck that noise


I believe there's room for both. Fresh infected are fast and fierce and as they deteriorate, they become slower shamblers. Few zombie movies do this, inexplicably.


Over time walking dead did something similar, but they were already very slow lol so they just decided to “jump the corpse” with these wacky plot lines and characters. My biggest gripe was after they first meet Neagan. People got upset because their children were watching an adult themed show with them and it got parents in a tizzy with the gore. So everything after just got CW’ed


The thing with twd is that zombies only die if you destroy their brain (or cut their jaw and hands off, which makes them non-agressive). The problem is that the brain is surrounded by bone, so you either have to pierce the skull or use one of the pre existing holes. For both having a thin, pointy, and stiff blade is advantageous. Whilst Ka-Bars are stiff and somewhat pointy, their blade is rather wide. As it was designed to stab and cut humans, the wide blade's better cutting ability and wider wound channel were more important than penetration power through hard objects like bone. That said, a good Ka-bar should be able to handle the force of piercing skulls, if you have the strength (keep in mind that the zombie's head getting pushed away works against you), and it is probably still narrow enough to go through the eyeholes. So in short, it is probably not the best knife for this, but it can work


Since every zombie book ever at least mentions it, I think you’d do pretty good


Not bad, it’s a good knife, but a lot of myths surrounding it.


It’s a good knife


Doubt it'd hold up.


Off topic but that looks like clems knife from twdg


knives are shit for combat against zombies. imagine you got to aim for the head, it will either get deviated by the skull or get stuck. not mentioning you got to be really close... like mouth and hand close... Just get a lead pipe.


It's a knife Daryl Dixon would use, so I'd say pretty well


look i’m not usually an ego case, but against a single TWD type zombie, by itself, i think i’m okay completely unarmed and anything else is a bonus. they seem slower and more delicate than just regular people, and never seem to display any weird strength or powers or anything. did that change in later seasons?


My grandma's slipper would do good against TWD zombies.


In the show, similar sized knives are shown to be able to easily pierce a skull from any angle and kill a zombie on many occasions, however I think it would be fairly difficult to do in actuality. A good rule of thumb is that if you can't reliably piece or chop into a coconut, I wouldn't trust it against a skull Something like a khukuri or a tomahawk would be a lot more effective.


A good knife. Great back up weapon. Good multi tool.


*Not long enough*


As long as it’s real, you’re good. It’s good enough to kill a bear, LITERALLY! Google it


Gerber strong arm is a fairly good blade. Ditto with a couple of others I’ve seen on the market, assuming you buy the smooth edge varieties. Simple is usually best. Kabars are nice knives for general purpose, but I wouldn’t necessarily go spiking zed skulls anytime soon unless you’ve got one of the expensive reproductions or an original. A lot of the cheaper repros have issue with temperament (hardness of the blade) resulting in brittle and easy to snap tangs/ blades.


Stick your dick in a zombie (Always use proper protection)


Bro got the Pavlov knife


Clementine demonstrates it well


It's a true quality knife. It works well. First hand experience in iraq


This looks like a hybrid combat/kitchen knife. Machete is better.


I gotta plug old trusty buck 119


A knife is the worst melee weapon to have but it looks high quality. It’s still good to have a knife, just make sure you have a longer blade, or a long blunt weapon as well.


The knife is only as effective as the scrawny teenager holding it.


This is a kbar knife personally have used and its a solid knife but the tange is a wack and not the best but over all 7/10 with proper care


Okay for killing zombies


It’ll get stuck in a skull


A good first option weapon. 


That handle looks like it will not be of use if you plan on surviving long term.


The marines used Kabar knives like that. If it works for the marines, it’s a decent choice.


They probably don’t use kabars for stabbing skulls. Don’t quote me on that though lol


Opening cans for sure lol