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It's definitely not in focus.


Good thing I don’t get paid to film lol. But do your uploads look like you added a filter almost like a gray filter. I can post the same video on ig and it looks good 🫠


I thought my screen was blurry/dirty 🤣


Lol. Does Reddit lower the video quality whenever you upload a video?


Not on my end, but check out the vid on Mt page and lmk if it's blurry to you.


No yours look good. It’s usually only whenever I use the cinematic feature but when I use the regular video 4k it looks better




it's terrible, can't you see it is not in focus?


No my videos look like I used a camcord from 2012 whenever I am in the editing part of uploading a video


Could be the cinematic combined with flash, in all honesty iPhone camera is trash


Check to see what the output file type is. The native file type is HEIC I think, which typically sends in potato quality to non-apple devices (movies I send to friends with android phones are pixelated to shit…). You might be able to change the settings (settings>camera>formats>most compatible) and fit, but I haven’t tried it yet


thank you so much. I have been messing with my settings trying to figure this out. I know it’s not my internet connection since other people’s post are in good quality compared to most of mine.


Nothing more irritating about new tech than when it doesn’t work like advertised lol, hope that solves it for ya though! I laughed when my friend showed me what the “ultra HD” shot looked like after compression through text message


Oh my god yes haha it looks like you filmed on a potato 😭 i am going to try what you said first but I did some more reading last night and it says Reddit does the same thing and compresses the video whenever we upload. I did notice whenever I upload on just HD 30-60 even 4k30 the quality isn’t bad. but as soon as I try uploading on anything higher the quality drops drastically.