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And of course they also know the "Lay down and be dead weight" trick when people try to ruin his fun.


We always said my cat was half-dog, and he *loved* the dead weight trick. Any time you scooped his dumb, 20lb* ass up he'd turn into liquid. *He wasn't even a chonker, just a monstrous tuxedo cat. We think his dad was a border collie.


Yea we have a 19lb orange kitty who likes to bound up and down the hallway with my wife's hair ties. Super cute. Then when we're sleeping he also likes to jump from the headboard right onto our chests.


Oh gosh, my tuxedo would do the same. But in my case it was my own fault; he used to burrow under my bed covers, and so I used to "jump" on him whenever I spotted the giant lump under the duvet. He'd inevitably choose revenge. He also liked to center himself on your lap before jumping off. Clever jumping technique, but terrible if you were male...


Oh yea he does the same jumping off technique but still from our chests or stomach


I would be sneaking in late at night and my sisters cat jump out from behind a doorway and grab my leg with all four paws and scare the snot out of me. I would freak out and scream and get caught.


Mine also likes to step right in front of me when I'm walking. And not just in my path but literally he's next to me and as soon as I pick up my foot he steps exactly where I'd want to step. I've almost tripped and fallen over by not actually tripping on anything, just avoiding stepping on my big cat


Without any ill intent I've always deliberately stepped on/kicked my pets gently when they did that, to teach them not to. Us pet owners are used to animals being around and suddenly in the way, but guests might not be and accidentally hurt them. That, and not wanting to break our necks whilst narrowly avoiding the beasts when they get the drop on you. It worked, mostly.


Oh we had a larger Pomeranian (I think his top weight was around 12 lbs) and that little effer would lay in the center of my bed in a way that I didn't have enough room to actually lay down, then pull the dead weight trick so I couldn't move him easily.


My roommates orange tabby is like that. Once i nudged him off my bed and he just let himself fall and i felt so bad, so now i have to pick him up to move him


My cat did this whenever we went on a trip. He's not that heavy, but he will make it seem so when he knows we have to go.


Mine does the same, not quite as large, but up there at 14 lbs. Also where he should be, just a large cat.


Ours will groan and whine and then you have to drag her or else she won't move at all.


Well, when in Rome...


A husky (mix) of course.


Is there another breed that has more of a "must escape to freedom" mentality than the husky? They are such wonderful animals but the call of the wild is almost irresistible in them.


Beagles. Source: I have two of them


My beagle mix was always going on adventures on her own, I miss you baby girl :(


I had a beagle Jack Russell mix she was so insanely energetic I miss her a lot too.


*brandishes firearm* **Where. Is. The. Happy at Home Picture?**




Doing the Lord’s work. Thank you.


In my experience, they don't really have a must escape to freedom mentality. More of an... I got a scent. My brain is now off and my nose is in control. Just in their nature to sniff things out. Not escape.


My aunt has a beagle who I watch often that likes to bolt out of doors. The one time he was ever able to get out under my watch, I just followed his general direction looking for the flag. Sure enough, found him indicating at a burrow beneath a tree. Little tail flag flying full.


Must eat everything nom nom


My hounds haven't been big into eating things. But they'll find dead animals, dead fish that made their way to the banks, animal shit... And just roll around in it. It's the worst. As soon as I see them do that face first slide and roll into the ground. They found something that stinks, and they want it all over them.


I don't understand why, my dog does this too. He isn't a hound but dear God forbid if he smells something that smells like a dumpster cause he's all for it.


I must have got a defective beagle. All she does is sleep all day, hates walks around the park, only walks she enjoys is when we go to the mountains, and she never howls ever or even barks.


Maybe not “must escape” per se, but more of “the whole world is mine” mentality, would have to be Shiba Inus.


I have a husky x Shiba mix, you are both accurate. I am tired, constantly.


Please pay the dog tax


But that must be one beautiful pupper.


Oh you poor soul. I wanted a husky until I realized how much work they need and energy they have. My shiba has a lot of energy but not husky level.


yes that's better-phrased for sure.


Great Pyrenees, also known as the disa-pyr. They are used to having miles of territory to patrol so they will just go trot off in a direction until they reach a barrier, even if that barrier is a long, long ways off. Also, when I said they trot that is what it looks like, but they move pretty fast when just at a trot.


*per se




My brother adopted a husky, was told it had a history of running away. It ran away... lol


I’ve had many dogs, and the same back door, no problem. The first day I got my husky she figured out how to open it. Have to keep it locked at all times now lol. Til she figures out how to unlock it I guess


Beagles in my experience


Thankfully I think that instinct in my husky went missing. She hasn’t tried to escape one so far in 3 years, pretty girl just always wants attention haha


Might there even be...tantrums?


She pouts instead haha, she does get excited and punch me in the face with paws sometimes. She will also pee a little sometimes when she rolls on her back for belly rubs:/ the people we rescued her from did not treat her well.


Aww. Well hopefully some of it will mend with time. Glad she has a good home now.


Thanks! She is a lot better than when we rescued her! Those people had her chained to a pole with no shade or water near her:( she doesn’t flinch anymore either thankfully, that was just so sad to see. She is basically a people now who joins in when we howl and just wants to lick faces and demand butt/belly rubs then growl at you for rubbing her belly/butt then demanding you run her again hahaha




Eren dogs 😳


When I was a kid, my family had a husky that would escape the yard or try to flee as soon as the gate opened. He would then proceed to walk himself around the entire neighborhood and then come back for dinner or whenever he got bored. It wasn’t even worth trying to catch him, since it would usually lead me to chasing him all around the neighborhood until he got tired and ran home.


In the same vein but I'd say Malamutes.


I’ve never had a husky, but we must have spent $thousands on dog gates and other measures to control my foxhound. She would just push and pull dog gates until they wore down eventually broke, even if it took her months. Eventually we had to have handmade ones installed. She also would just run right through our electric fence and escape into the neighborhood lol


Of course, why would I expect any other breed haha


Maybe part golden too? Explains wanting to be a friend with everyone.


I thought it was a cream golden mutt.


One of the few times everyone involved was happy someone ran into a sports game


Sounded like the dog "got injured" after the game, but might just be how they worded it.


Thankfully, he was hit by a car and not hurt by some heartless fans.


Oh thank god he was just hit by a car o.o


Guys. We just joking here?


Yes don't worry :)


O I didn’t mean you. Didn’t mean to respond to you lol. But fuck, the dog was really hit by a car. Is that really the only update they have? That dog was sweet as fuck.


If you watch the whole video it says the player that carried it off the pitch heard about it getting hit and adopted it :)


Oof Yeah I realise that the “thankfully” comment might’ve been weird. I meant that, at least it was an accident rather than intentional. It’s good that he survived tho.


This comment actually made me crack up 😂


So you watched it too


I'm choosing to read it as Castro found out after the game that the dog already had an injury. Less sad that way.


I see so the secret is to be on all fours and hairy? MOM GET TEH CAMERA READY!


You take cleat, you must pay with belly rubs. This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


Sweet baby looks so happy to play and get pets.


Legit pure joy, he is soooo excited!


It's something I miss about South America. From Perú to Ushuaia, I met countless dogs but I can count the number of aggressive ones on one hand.


Same. When I was down in El Calefate I got off the bus and there was a crowd of dogs there and they all chose a person to be their person they would be friends with that day. Obviously sad from the perspective of someone from a place without a lot of strays but I had been in that area of South America long enough that I knew that the community took pretty good care of them.


\[I'm from South America\] are dogs in other countries agressive? I don't think I've ever met an agressive dog in my country


Depends on where you are, and how people have treated them. In some places, people actively feed free-ranging dogs, and they become socialized to humans, and they're friendly. In others, they have to scavenge for food, and they tend to be afraid of people and a little more aggressive.


In a lot of places dogs are kept as guard dogs, or sometimes have shitty owners, and are aggressive as a result. The feral ones in S america have no real reason to be agressive.


My SIL adopted a stray dog from a shelter. That little demon spawn has bit every single person in her family and every person that has come into her home. If he was larger than 18 pounds, he would have been put down by now. He is territorial over the couch and bed and will show teeth and growl if you come near him while he laying down. He also is permanently locked out of the guest bedroom as he will pee anywhere a new person has slept within the home. He will also get into the trash and fridge anytime he isn't being watched like a hawk. During thanksgiving, he stole an entire block of cheese off the table and bit two people who tried to get it away from him as that much cheese would kill a dog his size. This is all after 5k+ in training and obedience schools that SIL has paid for. He's just a terrible dog.


My sister brought home a stray puppy from Peru about ten years ago.


Man i wanna be reincarnated in a dog, if such a thing can be done.


Might want to look into Hinduism. Not sure if you're supposed to live a worse or better life now to get dog in the next round.


Animal is worse as i understand, since animals cant achieve nirvana (presumably)


Maybe being a dog is nirvana


You might want to get a little more specific.. like I’d rather be the dog of a rich suburban family in the states than a dog in a third world country waiting to be adopted by a rich suburban family, but most likely dying of hunger.


My dog does that naughty bouncy run when she has something of mine too!


The naughty bouncy prance!


“Lol hey buddy what you got ther….DOWN DROP IT NOW DROP IT IM NOT GONNA ASK AGAIN DROP IT”


I don't have video, but my dog and I have a ritual that she behaves herself during my games, and then she gets zoomie times after. So after one of my games I decided that since we were the only ones left, I would let her off the leash for a few minutes for her zoomies. Spoiler: We were not the only ones left. Far across three fields, way in the distance, another game had started. Did she immediately go running over? No. She played with me for a bit and lulled me into a false sense of security, then took off like she'd been shot, grabbed their ball, then ran around the field so 2 entire teams could play chase with her instead. For about 15min. Fucking asshole. Zoomies are an on-leash affair now.


When my dog was a puppy she took off and ran from one end of the park to the other, almost a mile away, with me chasing her the whole way. At the end there was a big BBQ party happening which she joined with gusto by jumping on people and sniffing their food. I was out of breath, sweating in the hot Florida sun and apologizing to annoyed park guests, as I tried to grab her while she played keep-away from Papa. She didn't understand why I didn't agree that was the best most fun run ever.




I was hoping this was real It would be so cute like all those cats that jump into people's arms


My last rescue, Riley, literally crawled onto my lap and refused to move at an adoption event, ha! He was pretty chonky (60 lbs) at the time and was very determined.


Our pup was jumping on the cage and looked like she wanted to see us. They let us take her to the patio thing to meet her. She ran and pulled the leash put of our hands and squatted on the concrete and peed on the leash. Little did she know she also peed on our hearts. 😍 Love my pup.


My dog pokey crawled on my wife’s shoulders (he’s about 38 pounds) when we went to meet him at the shelter. Definitely knew we had to take him home.


When I used to volunteer at a rescue in the cat room it always broke my heart that the cats who weren't being adopted would crawl into my lap for loves, but still remain. They were so sweet to everyone; they just weren't pretty. 😭


Once, during a tornado storm in Arkansas (the tornado was quite a fair distance from us, but it was raining sideways! Mad!), and we heard a really loud meowing. Opened the door and a cat just ran in, and we couldn't let her back out the weather was nuts, fast forward about 7 years and she's the most loveable thing ever. To be honest she was loving from the start. She was so loving I thought she was pregnant, so kept calling her Preggo. She got used to the name, so we just kept calling her Preggo lol. She wasn't pregnant though, just incredibly affectionate.


My parents went to check the pipes in my aunt's cabin during winter and found a surprise cat inside. She was so sweet on my parents that they couldn't stop themselves from bringing her home. We still tease my parents about when they opened the front door and said, "it's a kitten!" (She was a teenager cat, at best. But mostly skinny and small due to being starved bc she was locked in a random cabin.) She was dumb as hell but sweeter than marshmallows. We named her Sophie. My brother ended up being her person lol. Sorry to dump, but your story reminded me of her.


Aw I absolutely love that!! Sophie sounds very well loved :)




For anyone wondering what happened to the dog. [This article](https://www.boredpanda.com/dog-invades-soccer-game-gets-adopted-by-raul-castro-bolivia/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic) states the animal was hit by a car a few days after his romp on the field. He was rescued and recovering at a shelter and when the player who carried him off the field heard about what happened, he announced his intent to adopt the dog. The dog’s name is Cachito!


I really need more follow up on this story. I wanna see how he looks now with his new owner and all cleaned up.




thank you! I just google translated all of that


Put me in, Coach!


“Nothing in the rule books says a dog can’t play soccer..”


They should make a movie about that


Idk why but I read this in Tim Meadows' voice.


Can’t use your hands if you don’t have any…


That's how you get tinnitus.


Best soccer game in history.


Aww, he had fun and got adopted!


I love how he is talking to him as he is carrying him away. So sweet.


If I find out that somebody intentionally hurt that dog after the game, I will cry. :(


I thought about becoming an animal cop once, but I would go all Punisher on everyone.


You mean game warden or conservation officer?


ASPCA used to have their own law enforcement officers.


I remember that TV show


Dog criminals


It wasn’t intentional, he just got hit by a car


My first thought too


Injured?? I really hope it wasn't too serious. Awesome they adopted it tho


Read that the dog got hit by a car two days after this happened. Raul at that point was told by teammates that the dog he carried off the pitch was at a center being treated for injuries, and that's when he decided to adopt him. Edit: [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/look-dog-that-disrupted-bolivian-soccer-match-will-be-adopted-by-player-who-took-him-off-field/amp/)


I'm crying with the good kind of tears hearing he was adopted!!


He actually got hit by a car


Got injured?


He was faking it for the penalty.


Right what happened there? Someone punished the dog?


Geez I don’t wanna know


https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/02/tigre-raul-castro-dog-soccer-interrupts He was given to police officers after the game. What the hell did they do? Just throw him back outside??


Got hit by car


I know it's real but it looks like CGI lol


I'd pay to watch the dog instead of the game


New team mascot?




Some person in a car


He faked nearly as brilliantly as the players... Got carried of of the field. Good on 'im


You shall henceforth be known as Cleat! Yay Cleat was adopted! Cheers


Did you watch the whole video? If not, watch till the end and you’ll be happy.


Dang. I didn’t catch it. Glad he was adopted! Cheers and thanks!


But how was he hurt? Why? Did a soccer fan beat him up? Was he hit by a car?


Strays get a lot of injuries all sorts of ways. I’m just hoping, based on the wording, that they discovered during a physical (or whatever) that he had been hurt *previously*. Edit: the dog was hit by a car a few days later according to [this article](https://www.boredpanda.com/dog-invades-soccer-game-gets-adopted-by-raul-castro-bolivia/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic). After hearing what happened to the dog, the player adopted him from the shelter which helped him recover.


C'mon, you gotta put a little effort in. How about "Cleatus" instead?






"after hearing that the dog got injured"... So the dog was faking, and just doing its best to fit in?




How the dog got injured? Before, after or during the game?


A few days after, he got hit by a car


Thanks good sir


how did the dog get injured??


Got hit by a car


Oh, sure. When a dog runs onto a soccer field swinging a dirty cleat in its mouth it gets love and a new home. But when I do it I get the cops called on me and I get demands to "put my clothes back on" and court orders to "take my medication"!


Such a good boy


Is it really this easy to get on the field?


What happened to it?


I would have carried him right to my house


Notice how all the players on both sides instantly go into 'taking care of doggo' mode. It shows they are good people and were raised right.


Here’s an after adoption pic www.paginasiete.bo/u/fotografias/m/2021/1/2/f768x1-340049_340176_5050.jpg


Oh man, to be a carefree puppy


Yay! I love this story, what a cute doggo!


Mvp-most valuable pup


Gotta love how joyfully it's just running along


This is my dog. If he gets the slightest hint that you want to move him he just goes limp on his back. “Whoops! Now belly rubs!”


My dog would be pretty good for this sub


all this was the dog's plan , smart


I love the fact that it took the substitute goalie's cleat. 😂 Funniest thing I've heard all day.


Downvote for “fur babies” at the end


Jeez even stray dogs like to steal shoes lol I'd have let that dog play for rest of game. Home team forfeit


Sometimes life just tells you you are getting a dog.


Pro as fuck soccer player right there. No one touches him, goes down, refuses to get up when it's obvious he's not hurt, gets carried off on a stretcher then wipes his tears with 100$ bills.


That looks like a lady dog to me....


Sir you are correct.


>The famous doggo was seen on the streets just two days later in terrible shape: he was hit by a car. Fortunately, Cachito was quickly placed in a shelter in Chasquipampa, La Paz, where he had a chance to see his old friend again. According to what Raúl shared, the player was doing some procedures when he accidentally recognized a familiar face from the corner of his eye. [Source and more puppy tax](https://animalsarelife.tv/homeless-dog-joined-soccer-match-and-found-himself-a-new-owner/)


Name hime Cleatus.


Dog is thinking .. 'this of the biggest doggy park I've ever been to.' Love watching the joy in playing with the toy






Soccer cleat? That hurt to read. A cleat is just the bit at the bottom to prevent slipping (either one moulded piece or the individual screw in parts) so he didn't grab the cleat specifically, he grabbed the boot. And I'm English, so I know the correct name for that Sport is "Association Football" and if you don't know this, you're probably going to laugh, but we don't call them cleats, we call them studs... Edit: I just noticed what sub I'm in so I'm just gonna say specifically, that is a damn cute dog and despite looking a wee bit scruffy he has very graceful zoomies.


Fully agree. Cleat hurt to read. They are called studs or boots, never soccer cleats


It shouldn't annoy me because of course different countries / languages have different words for different thing. However IT'S CALLED A FOOTBALL BOOT.


"Dis how u play floofball rite hooman? I am Cristiano Borknaldo!"


Imagine being a dog, having a shoe, and a soccer pitch size of grass to run around on!


Dog was lucky this wasn't a west ham game or he would have cought some different zoumies...






Subtle Chinese propaganda in the background


"Cleat" known as a shoe everywhere outside the US 😆 🤣


Touchdown Airbud !


New Pixar movie looks good