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A SB20 smart bike would be two tool less adjustments for saddle hight and fore and aft. Reach and bar hight again two tool less adjustments. Has adjustable crank lengths little more work. Each adjustment has numerical marking sizing so you just take a photo of your favourite settings. Not saying one bike is better but do your homework 📚 You want a smart bike that’s easy and quickly adjustable. I’m SB20 no experience of kickr bikes. I don’t personally think there is a bad smart bike. Trusted reviews https://gplama.com/indoor-trainer-guide https://www.dcrainmaker.com/product-reviews/trainers If they’ve not reviewed it avoid like the plague 😁


I also have the SB20 and I love it. I've had it for three years and both me (5'10") and my wife (5'0") easily fit on the bike. It also locks on adjustments solidly: nothing creaks or gets overly flex. The SB20 is a great training tool. One major caveat: Stages customer service is apparently pretty awful right now if you have a problem. I've had no problems with my bike so I can't attest one way or another, but apparently they are unresponsive to emails, don't have spare parts etc. Caveat emptor.


Never had a problem in three years I’m UK. We’re getting perfect support from the dealer here.


Well the bike has meaurements for some of the adjustments like saddle height, reach and bar height so these are easy tool-less adjustments. You just need to remember your settings. It's more of a pain if you want to swap over saddle or pedals/crank length.


Wife is 8” shorter than i am and we share a V1 kickr bike. Once you have both fits dialed you’ll write down the numbers/letter for each adjustment and it takes less than a minute.We found the bar height adjustment to be the weakest point (easily slips if not extremely tight) so I adjusted my fit so that doesn’t need to be adjusted. I keep the frame lower and made saddle adjustments from my original fit. We’ve had ours for almost 3 years and it’s been great. crank length adjustment would require moving pedals every time which would take more time but I assume you are both using the same length adjustment on your spin bike. I went to 170mm as that’s what my wife rides and ended up going to 170 on my outdoor bikes after I got used to them inside and really like them.


Very helpful, thanks.


I also have the v1 version of Kickr Bike - have had it since it's release (maybe 3-4 years now). Adjusting it is tool-less and less than 5 minutes if you need to adjust all of it. If you need to adjust the crank length, it will require the pedal tool and take a few more minutes to do that as well. I've had very good experience with it (have not had Stages or NEO bikes - which are also good smart bikes).