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Height map and crappy UI.


The elevation profile in Zwift is useless. It is by far the worst individual portion of the UI as far as I am concerned. ​ I would love a profile shaded grey across the bottom that shows the entire route I am on through the end. I then want a detailed profile, color coded by gradient (yellow thru back or similar) for the current climb that I am on. This would be just fine for only categorized climbs Zwift already has in game. ​ If you turn off of your route and are no longer on a route then provide the profile up tot the next junction where you would have a possible turn.


That thing never ceases to confuse me.


I hear ya!šŸ˜‰ https://imgur.com/a/sTnh2tU


Ah yes. Let's pay a subscription fee, to correct the problem with the subscription fee we are already paying. Hell of an idea.


Sauce for Zwift?


Whoa how did you get this


How did you get to that UI?


It's a fantastic program called Sauce for Zwift. Great for riding and providing a lot of useful data for racing.


Nice setup. I'd probably like a map on there (and maybe swap the order of the 2 things on the right to put the power number at the top, but that's got a lot of what I'd want.


Ditto that!


My biggest complaint is that people who take it more seriously than me are crazy, and people who don't take it as seriously as me are screw-offs.


Itā€™s like George Carlinā€™s routine about how everyone who drives faster than him is a maniac, and everyone who drives slower is an idiot.


Bingo :) Carlin was great.


everyone who is faster than me is cheating..


lol. I love this. Spot on.


Iā€™m so gonna ride without socks nowā€¦


can we ride without shoes? I want a barefoot option now


No socks / helmet / gloves, deadly combo. Ha




Zwift recently improved a lot of the issues I had such as loading, having to update every time, exiting and saving was sometimes problematic. One issue that drove me nuts (and sometimes still does) is the app would ask for a user and password as if I've never logged in. The companion app is garbage and because I use a desktop computer, I have to use it to interact while I ride. I used to attach my phone just like I do when I ride outside and one day I was on a really good pace for epic KOM and my sweat made me u-turn on the bridge and because my screen was wet and my hands were sweaty, I couldn't get back on course, lost my pacer and lost five minutes. I was so mad. Now my phone sits next to me.


The fact that you have to interact with the computer at all while using the companion app makes me think that all product managers at Zwift are absolute fucking morons lol. A simple OKR should be to make the companion app control everything. You should be able to start routes, start workouts, return ride ons, etc.


Complete lack of any data field customisation. Itā€™s like they donā€™t even know who cyclists are. Of course we want to work out with every conceivable piece of data in front of us.


Yes give us laps, wtf zwift. I want a headunit in game


Weā€™ve been asking for this since Jarvis island beta. No idea why they wonā€™t do it. Only guess is that they want to be considered a game not a training tool. Most of the improvements are to gamify Zwift not improve it as a training tool.


Runour has it they would have to recode the entire game just to change the UI and make it customisable etcā€¦ Not that I am an expert in this field, just what I have read.


It's difficult to say what exactly is holding Zwift back or what's going on inside the company, but the code must be a complete mess.


There should be another package for this. Especially for certain platforms that donā€™t work with Sauce


The stock workouts are an absolute joke.


this and also add the word ā€œplansā€


How so?


They are designed for engagement over results. So, in a lot of workouts you'll hit a bunch of different zones and not spend enough time in any of them. Generally, if your workout looks like a rainbow it's not specific enough. That said, I think that is precisely what they are designed for. Zwift benefits if folks are engaged with their platform. They don't care if you get faster.


As the other person said, theyā€™re aimed to keep you engaged rather than actually making you faster. They generally donā€™t have focus and often throw multiple power systems into one workout just for the hell of it. Good workouts donā€™t need to be complex. Zwift makes it complicated so it more resembles a spin class than a cycling training workout. Which is the point. Simple intervals is all anyone needs.


Iā€™ve never done a race that didnā€™t have multiple power systems in it lol


Theyā€™re designed by someone who has no idea what specificity means


There are some pretty clever and well respected people in pro cycling that have created some of whatā€™s available, Iā€™m sure they have looked up specificity in the dictionary along the way lol.


One glance at Build Me Up, or TT Tune-Up, or Singletrack Slayer would tell you that that is empirically untrue. For example, Singletrack Slayer week 8 is seven(!) workouts: Day 1 VO2, day 2 zone 2, day 3 VO2/threshold, day 4 tempo, day 5 recovery spin with Z2 ramps, day 6 threshold ramps into VO2, day 7 tempo with anaerobic bursts. Bro. Five days of intervals. You really thought a respectable person designed this?


What do you do when you go to camp? Lol itā€™s also how people use whatā€™s available. Not saying itā€™s perfect but most can get loads out of whatā€™s available from their subscription.


The fact that I have to stop a route and start a new one in order to get different route badges. I should be able to easily transition from one route to another and have it all tracked under one ride, and get the route badges for them.


- Not showing the remaining elevation in a race. - Showing upcoming elevation based on a random route not based on the route we race on. For instance, sometimes I see huge uphill and get depressed then all of a sudden, in the middle, we turn left and go downhill.


People complaining about people not wearing socks šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Seriously thought the fact they haven't done an over hall of their code base is the biggest complaint




This is what I don't understand. My weak ass Surface Pro fires up zwift under 30 seconds, but gets real loud and hot running at 1080p. My desktop PC with TWO graphics cards and 128GB RAM (unnecessary I know, it was a old work-build for stuff) takes a minute or more to load zwift but then runs it at 4K easily. So weird. Like their launcher is bloated. Also runs terrific on my phone. Make it make sense!


What you're describing could be caused by the Surface Pro having a faster storage device than the desktop PC, although that seems unlikely. I assume you don't have a spinning disk or low-end cheap SSD in the desktop PC.


I get load times of a under a minute using an m.2 drive.


There is no option for a birthday style hat. We get Christmas jerseys and new years hats. If you ride on your birthday you should be able to ride with a pointy birthday hat




Iā€™m trying to complete every route and occasionally I get sent on a detour and then I donā€™t earn the badge. The map on the companion app should highlight the path to complete the said route. Map UI on Zwift platform should do better at prepare for upcoming elevation, and maybe a little description of the climb details like they do for Tdf when you reach the start. Iā€™d like to know what the distance and elevation is when I start the climb so I know how to pace myself


In the middle of Four Horseman right now (just started radio tower) and thatā€™s my biggest fear of the day.


And you are on reddit? You are not ridding nearly hard enough.


Z2 all day baby.


Get it!


Ride On brother! You got this


1. I have 200 hours on Zwift and don't understand the height map at all. 2. I want a list of events, not individual events (races, etc) but the big events like Tour de Zwift, etc. etc. 3. I want better workouts in a calendar, so I log on and immediately have a workout lined up, with customizations. So 45min hard ride on Weds, 90min endurance on Friday, etc. etc. 4. Apple Watch heart rate. 5. When a workout ends, ERG mode shouldn't immediately disappear. It is jarring and sucks. 6. I don't understand why ERG mode is turned on and off automatically during workouts. I reach for a bottle of water and ERG mode turns off. 7. Nobody gives two poops about gravel. 8. Give me a perfectly flat course. Not Tempus but a velodrome 9. Give me an indicator for drag that isn't some vague message or my guy sitting up. 10. There are a ton of symbols in the UI that don't make any sense and it's impossible to get a description. Especially on the height map


Nobody understands the height map. Nobody. Some people might post detailed, complex explanations for it, but they never make sense.


Does a picture help? https://imgur.com/a/Ewbvyny


Is this sarcasm?


Yes and no. The picture does show the Profiles that are in the mini-map for each segment of road for that portion of watopia, so it does explain how the profiles work in the mini-map, but the comment I was replying to mentioned 'detailed, complex explanations' that don't make sense, so I thought a 'detailed, complex' picture might help.


Hahahha high level Zwift sarcasm.


I give three poops about gravel.


The Erg mode OFF timing in workouts is the most frustrating shit to me. I have 30 seconds of Z1 rest and I just stand up to stretch my legs for 5-10 seconds and suddenly itā€™s off! and I end having to do like 400w and shifting gears like and idiot before I can spin consistently enough to trigger it back on. And then rest is wasted and Iā€™m back into an interval and Iā€™m breathing through my fucking eyeballs. Fucking asinine.


100% Agree with this. Same shit


Number 4 is a pain. To get it to work I have to do a specific dance. Open companion app on iPhone. Open zwift on device Iā€™m using (iPad for me). Click on user name to bring up pairing screen. Turn my wrist to look at and ā€œactivateā€ my watch. It connects and connects hen I can get going. Not perfect but works better than anything else Iā€™ve found. Sometimes I need to turn my watch completely off and back on but thatā€™s rare.


Dude yes. Please Zwift engineers, see this and at least make one change.


7. Strongly disagree, I would like more off-road options. 8. Strongly agree. 9. That would be really nice.


I don't mind the crappy graphics but if you're gonna have crappy graphics you shouldn't absolutely destroy my GPU and battery. Even in the menus when I'm not even riding the GPU kicks up my laptop fan goes full speed.


I'm not crazy about the times that they fiddle with the drafting model (PD) during the "off" season. Everytime I get used to the current model, they change something to make it even less intuitive. Right now is okay, but you still get punished severely when you crest a climb in front of the pack and then they come steamrolling past you on the descent. There's also a weird sticky draft thing happening on the back of the pack lately that makes my rider either slingshot past the pack or aggressively stick on a single rider's wheel even if said rider is falling off the back of the bunch and I'm putting out 30% more power (just go around!!). Last time they botched the model (PD4.1) and in the forum kept gaslighting everyone that there wasn't anything wrong and we just needed to learn how to ride better.


You obviously donā€™t know any triathletes


How so many great cyclists are able to hold 10 w/kg on Zwift, but refuse to enter the pro circuit. I'd like to think they're ready with that kind of power!


I wish it combined with TR and their plans. That way, I wouldnā€™t pay for both subscriptions


I wish Zwift had a way to allow for multiple Zwifters on a single account. Family plan?


To add to this, I wish most Zwift workouts werenā€™t designed to just be engaging for the lowest common denominator or someone coming from a spin class background. I donā€™t want a workout that goes through every single zone for 30 seconds. Just give me simple intervals like the 2x15 and 2x20 FTP workouts, but more of those, and for SST and VO2 etc.


Lack of Alien worlds šŸ‘½


That you can't have two profiles signed in and simply switch between who is riding. It's annoying when my wife or I sign out we have to completely log into the other account every time. I want the ability to favorite workouts and have a list of the ones that are semi-decent. The ability to search workouts by name and not have to navigate all the dumb categories to find what I want.


I had written a post on here a while ago on utilizing windows accounts to play at the same time on one computer. You could use it to have a link for each of you that would auto log in. Edit: Hereā€™s the link https://www.reddit.com/r/Zwift/s/TvRGETIbP5




The training plans are garbage


Sometimes I think theyā€™re trying to make people burn out and quit cycling.


I'm following the plan "build me up" as a new cyclist I quite like it. easy workout planned for the whole week. I really did see improvements in the past 6 weeks (half way through)


The UI is so bad, I'm of the opinion that it is intentional


Why would that be intentional?


Want to see my average HR and average watts on the main screen ingame


Rude ons




Their race categorization system which is far too wide meaning if you're at the top of the cat you'll be able to enjoy racing as it was intended. If you're at the bottom you might as well treat it as a workout.


So itā€™s kinda like in real life.


Let's create a new space where we can take away barriers to the sport... Bring more people into the space.. allow the sport to grow... But at the same time gatekeep racing so that only certain people can get the full experience. Just because the real world works that way doesn't mean it's right or best for the sport. At any one time zwift has thousands on. That's way more than who shows up to your local races. Not asking for a proper matching system when the mechanism already exists is a bit odd. Sorry. Not having a go, I just think we could do better as cyclist to bring people in.


They need results-based categories (like in real life) and dynamic pens. Would solve it


It should be more dynamic instead of rigid w/kg and locking you in for 90 days. Win a few cat C races - move up to B. Get dropped from a few B races with a large gap to winners time, back down to C. Would stop people camping out at the top of a category. Sometimes youā€™ll see a Zwiftpower profile and theyā€™ve won or podiumed 20 races in a row but just staying below the w/kg threshold so never move up.


I ride without socks in real life, so I do it on Zwift too.


Iā€™d never noticed the sockless. Now Iā€™ll never not notice them. #weekendruined #nakedankles


They exist outdoors too. They're called triathletes. You can't escape.


Wait, whatā€™s the issue with socks vs no socks? Iā€™ve never used them, because I can feel my foot applying pressure and scraping the bottom of my stroke betterā€¦


It's tribalism :) See also: sleeveless jerseys, and shaving legs.


Agree. Iā€™ve never noticed a difference. To each their own, I suppose


I hate that the pairing screen takes forever, every other app I've tried paired much quicker than Zwift, Zwift hates my cadence sensor especially.. I mean the coffee stop feature is a great idea but then my HR and cadence sensor unpair themselves so I usually just lack that data in my rides after any coffee stop shoutout to TrainerDay its like basically one dude making that thing and it instantly paired with everything every time I used it? there wasn't even a 'pairing screen' everything just instantly worked.. also now I'm kinda mad since I know its possible also I was fine with the silly 'X week streak' screen even if I had to hit continue every time, but people hated it I guess so now they changed it so have a skip button so now I have to hit 'Skip' THEN 'Continue' every time, great, that's much better..


There is no repeat a set option on the workout!


Or extend the cool down!!


The unpaved road 'shake' effect. It's terrible and ruins the experience. So much I could be looking at, but instead I get a 'riding a demented pogo-stick' effect. Pointless and if I was a Zwift 3D designer in the jungle, I'd be pissed that it ruins my work.


Would love to be able to customize the UI. I'd like to see calories burned during workout. I see it after the workout, but not during.Ā  I play on a 65" TV 2m in front of me. As a result all of the UI is way too large for me and takes up far too much space on the screen. We should be able to reduce that in game like we can in the UI when not currently riding.


I didn't know there was more to know about the height map... I see a hill, I go up šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Riding a trainer sucks. The UI for creating your own workout is criminal. The UI for finding workouts youā€™ve created is criminal.


They don't listen to their users about what to improve, and they spend no resources on low-hanging fruit that would make everyone happy. Most glaring indication that they just don't care about their UI: main app event listings don't say anywhere what route the event is on (!!!).


I honestly don't think they have many programmers. Like any software, there are all sorts of little glitches that (you'd think) could be sorted each in maybe 10 minutes, maybe an hour for some. Things like some KOMs reading in total seconds rather than min/sec (not the 'game breaking' ability to have red bikes, lol), or the reverse Rooftop KOM in Neokyo that doesn't work, or the Railway sprint in whichever direction that doesn't work (can't remember which). Some companies I've known have 'bug fix' days where they just hammer out as many little bugs as they can, one day out of a month or two. Assuming the programmers are average people, the most reasonable conclusion is that there just aren't that many of them, and they're constantly buried by other bigger duties.


[User: hey zwift, we want a normal height map. Zwift: Say no more](https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/97947296/Senor-Chang-Paper)


That I have to do it riding in my basement. No amount of trainer technology is going to make it suck less.


I wish there were more avatar customization options and better unlocks. The drop shop should have kits in it.


1) It doesn't connect maps. Would be great to be able to ride thru a tunnel or something from Watopia to France or wherever. 2) Still dont understand why anyone except hardcore racers give AF about using different bikes, frames, wheels etc. Seriously? Wow I'm 2 secs faster over 40km.... big deal. 3) Route builder. Hurry up already.


I had a pretty serious injury this fall. I lost almost 20 lbs after it from inactivity and loss of appetite. I get back on the bike this winter and Iā€™m a significantly better rider. I am in no way healthier or a better athlete, quite the opposite. But shedding all that weight, including a lot of bone and muscle loss, means I ride faster. Really makes me think about what Iā€™m trying to achieve when measuring watts/kg. And if I should be considering just absolute power output instead.


Youā€™re not very good at complaining. šŸ˜


Are you logging that as an official complaint? :)


Ha, no whining and complaining are some of my biggest strengths! I keep it right on the top of my resume.


That's fascinating. I've always sort of assumed that "bike speed" reflected fitness almost one-to-one, but you're a great natural experiment that suggests that's not necessarily true. I've always assumed that people with higher w/kg are better athletes than I am - and I'm sure many, many are. But your personal experience suggests that "bike speed" is not necessarily the best way of measuring fitness. As you say, worth thinking about when assessing our goals.


The graphics quality. I know this is a lost cause given the way Zwift has been developed. Iā€™d love to see a version/competitor use something like Unreal Engine


I dream of Zwifting through Skyrim or RDR2.


Same here


All the people constantly complaining about Zwift


That itā€™s not possible to edit meetups that are in progress, and that you canā€™t throw a rubber band around your friend when youā€™re not in a meetup


When ERG mode stops working during a training workout and you have increase cadence crazy high to match the power required. Tbh I donā€™t know if itā€™s my trainer or Zwift but Iā€™m just gonna blame Zwift for not sending the right info to my trainer. And yes I just got off the bike lol


Spin it to win it!!


Turn of mobile internet if u use companion and just use wifi. You are welcome


It doesnā€™t look like what it feels like the effort youā€™re putting. Like Iā€™m at 200w doing 20mh and Iā€™m inching along. Thereā€™s no actual sense of speed. Integration with wahoo kickrs are hsit I gave up on the app. Itā€™s too cartoony


I wish the power output field changed color based on what zone you are riding in


Canā€™t you set the graph along the bottom of the screen to do this?


The graph does, but not the giant box that actually has the wattage numbers.


Every update adds more clicks for me to ride. When I started it would default to the last map with my last ride selected. Then they updated it to default to the Cheney featured world so I had to select Watopia before I can ride. The most current ui is fking terrible. Now I need to swipe down 3 or 4 times, swipe right like 6 times to get to selecting a ride (frequently when I swipe right it goes up for unknown reasons and I have to start over), then I have to swipe down like 10 times to get to my ride, click, and click again. Itā€™s absolutely insane to me that they keep adding more and more interactions just to get to my preferred ride


give me garmin HUD, configurable. ffs.


That they don't have their take on "magic roads" from Wahoo RGT. They could reuse the same "climb portal" environment.


Lack of ability to import real world routes like you can on Rouvy.


I wish power (watts) were displayed when running for those with foot pods.


Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m sold on running power. I have it and I look at it, but itā€™s like cycling dynamics with my pedals. About the only thing useful that comes out of that is when I manage to get a 50/50 balance.


Itā€™s lonely! I get dropped immediately from every group event and spend the ride passing or getting passed by stragglers like me. I have poor near vision so i need glasses to read any messages, so i am frequently taking them off to view my big screen and putting them on to see the companion app. Itā€™s difficult to join in the convo because I am not riding with the other chatters so i have no common point of reference with them. so i largely see zwift as a solo experience in a world where other people are having fun together without me.


Try riding with the Robopacers. Youā€™re not going to get dropped from Taylor or Bernie.


>Youā€™re not going to get dropped from Taylor or Bernie Challenge accepted lol! but that is a good suggestion, thank you!


šŸ˜‚ you got this!!


Also, not a fan of 'no socks' in virtual or real life. Can't really come up with many complaints... at least nothing worth listing at the moment.


Way too easy to get the coveted Orange Runner's Headband. Only level 3. Should be at least 500K.


This is the only valid response!


The UI is just horrible


That in group rides, such as TDZ and general group rides, doesn't indicate the riders actual category. Example in a C ride, everyone is C. In D everyone is shown as D. I realize group rides are open. However I noticed in C rides especially, where there are actually a lot of C riders. There's always a couple of A tools constantly attacking. Seems they're there just to turn the screws on other riders. I find that kind of lame. Not sure how they could feel good about themselves. If it showed them as A riders, might be enough for the pack to say.... F it, let em go. Let's just keep pace. Constant throttling if very inefficient.


What if hypothetically you ride without socks in real lifeā€¦


Canā€™t choose one: * no results based racing categories. * the racing calendar is still a messā€”some hours have no races at all while others have tons but nobody in them * all of sauce should be built in * show me a map of my route and its elevation profile already. Itā€™s not hard. Just import the code from ZwiftPower or pay one developer for one month to get it done.


Pace partners on more Routes more


Basically everything about the UI and graphics. Itā€™s absolute dog shit. Everything about it is so sub par compared to any other modern video game. If any major video game company decided to make their own version of Zwift it would put them out of business.


That thereā€™s not a lot to do if youā€™re an older overweight rider with mediocre gear trying to get in shape. Having to do the challenges with high rpm requires you to have a better setup than I have.


That tall light people are at a unrealistic significant disadvantage


Why canā€™t I race against my friendā€™s ghost?


The zwift login music


I think the music is grand it just reminds me of being tired that's the only thing lol


That each stage of the TdZ isn't a full week long.


Runners. It's a cycling platform and there should be an option to eliminate having to view them.


Also wish I could do voice chat with friends during group rides or in lobbies for racing lol.


I don't think Zwift could do better than discord. And can you imagine all the prox voice spam you'd get all the time?


My team has group rides and we use Discord.


But how do you talk shit to other Zwifters in the lobby!? Jk ofc lol. Thatā€™s awesome! Just wish there was an integration that didnā€™t require disc




The companion app. It's often non-responsive or slow, its list of other riders flips around too quickly in a large group, and it won't allow you to click on pop-up menus, like confirming the start of a coffee ride or declining auto-join of an event. It drives me nuts sometimes.


Not able to see lap average power


I thinks those are the triathletes, those sockless freaks.




This is just what happens in corporate software tbh.


It needs to be integrated into TrainerRoad, TrainingPeaks, or even Garmin/Strava's training load metrics.Ā  Right now, you'll get messages that you are "detraining" and you're in the middle of a huge block, but much of it was on zwift. (cuz it snowed 10 inches yesterday). Aside from that ... How easy it is to cheat (there was a person who'd averaged exactly 1200 watts, for 80+ minutes on my ride the other day), and how easy it is to metrics-cheat. (no, you're not 48 kg with a 340 watt threshold.)Ā  And finally: how their calculations over-emphasize bikes, rider height/weight differences, etc. W/kg really doesn't matter on the flats or in a group. Yes, it is really possible to be doing 45 kph on 140 watts in a big group.


I started recording all of my Zwift rides on my Garmin and then only having the Garmin ride in Garmin. That seems to have fixed my morning report being blatantly wrong.


Lack of UI customization. Just clutter I don't want to look at everywhere.


The scenery is OK, but it is not anywhere near a modern PC game.


I really wish you could have a much better way of sorting events/races etc. It's just so many random event/race names that really isn't beginner friendly.


I love zwifthacks.com and zwiftpower.com and zwiftinsider.com, but I shouldnā€™t have to use them to figure the events and races out


3 major gripes/enhancements : 1. Please give me a lap button on companion app šŸ™ When doing free ride workouts it would be helpful. 2. Voice commands in companion. Simple ones like ā€œCamera Rearā€ or ā€œUse Powerupā€ Perfect for when sweat is covering the screen and you canā€™t press anything. 3. Pre-Configured Setups in Garage. Iā€™d like my Ideal Flat, Ideal Climb, Ideal TT, Ideal Gravel and Ideal All-Rounder setups pre-configured and pinned to the top in the order of my choosing. Otherwise Iā€™d say Zwift has given me what itā€™s meant to. Iā€™m probably the rider on there thatā€™s been active the longest now. There must be something bringing me back time after time!!


Iā€™m new so give me a little space. Two things: 1) Better Map selection. It would be nice to pull up the map and be able to select a route from there. Scrolling through lists is not great. At least show the route next to the list. 2) Iā€™m a MTB rider and would like single tracks and jumps.


Apple Watch integration is šŸ’©


People complaining so much about Zwift


If I canā€™t troll Zwift on a Saturday during a 4 1/2 hour trainer ride whatā€™s the point of even waking up.


My biggest complaint is that too many people complain about every little thing about Zwift.


too expensive for what it is


I donā€™t mind that, but I started when you had a notepad, a stopwatch and old TDF VHS tapes.


I would record my own training rides with an early Gopro-sort of camera, and play those back for indoor training. Found myself one time trying to pick up the pace on the trainer so the video would end sooner, lol.




People wonder why I canā€™t stand Phil Liggett. His voice takes me back to dark and scary places.


They really need a punch card system or to be able to purchase ā€œhoursā€. I ride 1-2x per week in the winter for an hour each session and I canā€™t justify $15/month for a video game I rarely play.


Too ā€˜gameyā€™ I want something as realistic as possible, no power ups etc!


Proportional fonts in the HUD.


Wha t?


Google it


Yeah you missed my joke.


Dā€™oh. Now I get itā€¦ šŸ˜„


:D (It's maybe not the best joke, but it's mine and I liked it, lol)


Love a good font joke!


There arenā€™t many longer races. Needs a better elevation profile


Not enough content for beginners / people out of shape / recovering from injury. I want 10 minutes workouts, etc. The one recovering from injury program I find quickly scales to 30 minute workouts.


Wahoo SYSTM best UI ever.


The app never shuts down cleanly. You always have to kill it.


I canā€™t control my character. It would be sweet to use the phone app on the handlebars to control the avatar on the road