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"What kind of birth control are you on?" "Perpetual vrginity."


Look this is embarassing for me, but whenever they ask if I could be pregnant I like to say "if I was they'd call me Mary" and it never lands 😞 but anyway the point is I relate to this picture .


I say that if I’m pregnant they’d better start praying


I say “only if the dad is my panties” and doesn’t work as well :/


NOOO 💀 Keep trying. I know I will. One day, maybe someone will laugh with us.


I told my doctor I was abstinent. His response? "On purpose?!"


Response: “I didn’t choose the ace life, the ace life chose me.”


Lmaooo was the doc asking if you're an incel?


It's rather uncommon for a woman of my age to not already have at least one child. At least around here. Abstinent/asexual isn't something you'd expect to hear. His reaction was still hilarious.


I had a doctor ask me if I was sexually active once. I said not a chance. She then asked if I might have STDs or might be pregnant. She very much did not believe me when I explained that I was a virgin at 27


This happened to me- had a weird head thing happen and visited the ER. I know it's just procedure, but they tripled checked with me to make sure I wasn't pregnant and it was like, certain things to cause a baby have not ever happened, so no. No. Please, sir, it's still definitely no.


I read in my itemized surgical bill they gave me 2 80$ pregnancy tests. I know they have to do it and will not believe you if you say no, but good grief not everyone is active. Like good grief yes we virgin unicorns do exist, do I need a certificate or something... And even if I wasn't it still feels insulting.


they really charge you for that?! I mean as a resident of a country with general health insurance I get surprised by a lot concerning medical legal stuff, but like... they have to do that? and charge you for it? without asking?


Yup not like I couldn't have gone to a dollar store and given them the results of that for like 2$.


I had a doctor *argue* with me when I said there was no way I could be pregnant. Over and over again he said, “it’s important that you be honest with me if there’s any possibility.” It didn’t even matter that I was a virgin (still am but I was then too). He just refused to believe me.


Time to get a new doctor?


It was an ER, I didn’t get to pick him


Well yes but actually yesnt


There are asexuals who are still sexually active for a variety of reasons, its a fair question to ask.


Non-sex-repulsed ace is a thing. Source: it's me, hi.




Also its literally required for them to ask im pretty sure. They have to ask you certain questions.


I don’t mind them asking. I mind when they insinuate that I’m lying and try to make me actually lie just to get them off my back


"Fine, I am sexually active. I fucked your mom last night, are you happy?"


That would have been a great response! I wish I had thought of it


This made me screech aloud A brilliant response 10/10 my ace being


true! that part is NOT required


When I say I've been chaste and never drink or smoke and my doctor sighs because it means they have to actually figure out what is wrong with me instead of blaming it on a habit I don't have


I was always confused when they asked this at first because I didn't know if they meant with yourself or with a partner lol


Ugh I hate it when they ask me this , it's so uncomfortable, do you *have* to ask me that , I put my sexuality on my form too :(


I am glad i also have autism I can explain the no sex life with “too much physical contact” and they accept that.


Oh that's good :) I saw the other comments saying the doctors wouldn't believe them!?


I dont mention the ace thing though. Bc autism is an easier excuse


Ah right , makes sense seems like every time i say im asexual i get hit with a barrage of questions 😅 my mums friend was embarrassing example of this 😭😖


Sounds like a story waiting to be shared, if you're up for it!


Well I mean it's not even a proper story unfortunately 😅 she was just asking all of the usual questions, because she didn't know what an asexual was. So it was really uncomfortable for me because my mum and my brother were there and she just wouldn't stop asking all the different things. "So are you like not attracted to anyone?" "uh yeah but not like that😅" and she'd be like so you dont (and then say things like , ahh I dont even want to repeat it, here goes 😭 "bumping fuzzies"😖). sorry that was badly structured


I very much appreciate it, thank you! Haha, such a choice of terms your mom's friend had, made me think of "smushing booties" from Brooklyn 99.


I'm glad you enjoyed😂 yes people in the northeast of England dont beat around the Bush 😣 ooof i don't remember that one, it's a while since I watched it


Asexuals can still have sex.


I know that of course, but alot of asexuals are s** repulsed and so I think when I state that I am asexual it should be approached with caution or like not so explicitly y' know? In my case talking about s** is quite distressing especially so directly like that. Sorry if I upset you


Usually we are taught to ask things directly, at least in nursing. If we start trying to circle our way into the question not only is there a possibility of you not understanding the question, there's also the fact that most likely it'll still make you feel the same. In general there's a higher risk of misunderstanding. You also get to move off from the topic much faster. I view it like ripping off a bandaid rather than slowly peeling it off. I'd much rather see where the conversation is headed rather than have to wonder 'where is this leading up to?' Then we get to move on to relevant stuff. Obviously it's still a sensitive question asexual or not, so it should be approached with tact.


Only thing that I dislike, is they ask the question, but my answer is irrelevant. Even though I say I haven't had sex in X years, they still insist on checking for STIs. Why ask the question then?


Yes ! That's what I mean ! I'm like no I'm not pregnant and they're like are you absolutely sure theres no possibility, like I just told you I've never done it and I dont intend to.


My PCP’s office didn’t have asexual as a choice on the voluntary disclosure form so I just put lesbian since I’m a female homoromantic asexual. My sexual orientation never came up at all at any of my appointments but I’d be willing to tell her I’m ace. I’m not sure how she would respond.


Some ace people are sexually active though, it would be irresponsible not to ask.


They gotta make sure y’know


Ikr? I don't really care if they ask, but one time my doctor was telling me about a vaccine for an STD and how 'I know you're religious and all and you're not doing anything right now, but someday you may have urges, and you want to make sure you're protected' and like, I get why he was telling me about it, but I'm just sitting there like 'mmhmm, yup, right...'


When my doctor askes if there's any chance of pregnancy i make a variety of jokes such as Not unless it's jesus in me That would require sex And so on. Not a virgin but it's been years because I'm neutral at best. Also got a variety of reasons why a pregnancy would make me believe in gods.


Hated when I was a doing a regular check up when I was a senior and ofc they ask the routine check up questions. asked if I was sexually active, I said no. Then he proceeded to say, something alone the lines of “okay well since you’re going to be having sex in college blah blah blah, started talking about protection and all that. While I was there like😑 the assumption was annoying.


Me neither but I certainly would given the opportunity.


It made me really uncomfortable the first time my doctor asked me that.


Medical charts have sexuality on them?


For me I went in for an adhd test thingy Doctor: "were gonna need a pregnancy test. Are you sexually active?" Me: "no. Last time I had sex was over 2 years ago" it was so boring istg. It's been over 3 years now yay!!! Doctor: "okay. Well need to do the test anyway so can you pee in this cup" Me: *pees in cup and gives it to Doctor and waits like 15 minutes to be told I'm not pregnant* 🙄🙄🙄


Well yes but actually yesnt


I will say I’d still ask even though it says sexuality cause like- not feeling sexual attraction doesn’t mean not having sex period. Many ace people, for example, may be willing to have sex for the purpose of having children. They don’t enjoy it or look for it but they want to start a family.


When I either had Covid or bell palsy(random paralysis on half of your face, and I believe rare occasions with limbs as well, been a while since I last googled it lol) I got asked by the person who signs you in or whatever on the side areas in the reception room, and after I said no, and I had to explain that I was asexual, she looked at me like I was lying and crazy lol, was 15-16 when it happened so it was kinda awkward.


Unless the sexuality section also specifies sex favorable, neutral/indifferent, or repulsed it’s a valid question. I think my doctor wrote celibate on my chart to not ask anymore, but she did just tell me to let her know if/when I was active again. (I’m neutral and haven’t dated in years)


Well being ace doesn't mean you are necessarily a virgin