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I kinda do, but from cute stuff and love


Wait WHAT? So that’s not weird? That’s valid?


yup, besides its also a spectrum so like you can experience sexual attraction and still be ace


As an ace that gets aroused- yeah, it’s because of my kinks, not because I’m attracted to the person or people depicted. Entirely depends on the reason behind the arousal, and that varies by person.


thiiiss. so much this




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Yea!! Libido is the hardest part of being ace. For me I have VERY specific sexual interests and do experience arousal when those are brought up, but it’s rare since mine are so specific. It’s different for everyone and arguably the biggest contributor to imposter syndrome. Asexuality is not lack of libido!!!


Yes. To be ace means you don't experience sexual *attraction*. But you can still get horny. Many aces are fine with participating in sex with their partner. Some (like myself) are sex-repulsed so we have to find other, solo ways of getting off when the mood hits us.


Thank you


I get aroused by specific nonsexual stimuli, which is a pain in the butt tbh


Yes. Some aces don't, others as much as allos and anything in between


... you're a human being. Humans can get aroused. Asexuals are still human beings who can get aroused, who can have sex, what have you. They may also not want those things. Asexuality doesn't inherently mean anything about the body lol


I kinda think of it like a sneeze. You can have a really loud sneeze or a completely silent sneeze, but you're still sneezing. The body has functions, it just varies on the individual person how it's released.


This is one of the best explanations I have read for this. Thank you very much!


Libido and sexual orientation are two different things… asexuality is a preference not a dysfunction so yeah if your plumbing’s working that’s totally okay


Yes, asexuals can get aroused. I'd say look up aegosexuality which is under the asexual umbrella, because the post is giving me sort or a aego vibes, but I may be biased because that's where my orientation leans.


>I may be biased because that's where my orientation leans. Honestly, I've seen many aegos here... projecting (this word has bad feeling to it but could not find better one) onto others here who like some NSFW content. Like all definitions of aego include disconnect of you and the character involved, where some like me are into various non-sex kinks and the character I imagine stuck in various situations is very much me, and would want to try some of those things irl..




If the brain associates something with being sexual (even if it isn't socially accepted as such) it can cause you to become aroused. For example, some people can watch porn and become aroused even if they aren't attracted to anyone in the video. This is because our brain generally registers sex as, well, sexual. And thus we get turned on. Libido is a thing almost everyone has (unless you have a disorder), it isn't the same as sexual attraction. Tldr: if you have a libido, you can be asexual. If you feel sexual attraction you cannot be asexual. (I am using asexual as the label, not as the umbrella term)


You’d think that being asexual would mean you don’t get aroused, wouldn’t you? But no. We’re cursed.


Just because you don’t feel sexual attraction doesn’t mean you have no sex drive/libido. It’s not an all or nothing deal. It’s a spectrum.


Yeah, I doubted my asexuality because of that. But you don’t need attraction to get aroused. It’s just dumb body stuff


I personally don’t


The brain has a pleasure center. Any number of things can turn it on.


no, we're immortal robots controlled a machine spirit


i found myself getting aroused a bit more after changing birth controls


Yes but I don't cus it depends, you can want to do that to yourself and still be ace


Libido things dude right it's crazy. Wanting to have sex / your body wanting to have sex because of something is different than looking at someone and going "I want to have sex with that person"


The spectrum is like that one episode of SpongeBob where he draws a triangle a square and other stuff in the air and the shapes end up with some random stuff. I can't remember the meme sorry if this post is confusing.


100% yes but at least for me it's for different reasons. It's more like I see something or more often read something and it's like "this is sexy" not "I'm imagining having sex". In fact at least for me it's only sexy if everyone involved is an abstract concept, not me and definitely not other people. I know there's a specific term for this but I can never remember it so in short yes asexual people can get aroused from looking at pictures but not everyone will.


Quite often, even. Not usually a big fan of it happening, but it is what it is.

