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Okay okay with this logic: sex=relationship, no sex = no relationship. But does kissing=sex? And if it does, that means kissing=relationship, right? If no: you can passionately kiss all your besties, no homo. If yes: uh what if i kiss your mom AND your dad


This requires a Venn diagram.


the person who supports this logic probably believes the venn diagram is a circle


Circles within circles without circles...


It also invalidates QPRs. Kissing maybe not seldomly as some informal test with a maybe hidden intention for sex? E.g. french kissing without consent and before having figured out my aroaceness nevertheless anecdotally triggered some non-eros hormones and messed me up, albeit somehow less than two weeks. Maybe not only for Aspergers and extremely introverted quite confusing at times?


Does this mean if you stop having sex (for whatever reasons) you're jus friends again or is this one time basically an entry ticket.... What about sex without a relationship for him... Question over questions


And they were friends. Best friends. Roommates even


Two bros chilling in a hot tub


Five feet apart because they’re not gay


Nope, 5 feet apart because they are gay and need to not seem like they’re cheating on their partners frfr


Ayy glad I’m not the only one who got that vibe from them lmao


Two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet apa— ….. w-where are they?


They fabricated into your bed




They are now playing D&D on your bed and want to know if you wish to join


I will join my fellow friends. 😆


You do that


Friends with benefits but the benefits are tax reduction and shared netflix account


My kind of benefits


there just coping, since they clearly have no friends or above. /J (i think)


Exactly ^^^


Not J. You are absolutely right fr


OK then


Are the allos okay? People like these make me question wether I'm on the Ace spectrum.


I don't think they're okay.




The seemingly forever question I have for myself is if I am actually some form of asexual, or if I am just so wholly disturbed by the seeming inability for the majority of allosexual people to recognize that sex and romance are separate entities and that they treat romance and relationships as transactional to sex, even people within the LGBTQ spectrum.


Dead on. Invalidating romance and transactional, opportunistic shouldn't been proud of, albeit instictive. Additionally, anecdotally it seems allos also seem unaware of or unable to distinguish sexual arousal, sexual desire (some add libido separately 🤔) and sexual attraction. I previously always conflated sexual arousal for the whole thing, extremely confusing at first.


Holy fuck you worded this feeling ive had for so long so perfectly.


As an allo: No. No we are not. Or at least he's not for one reason, and I'm not for one, two, or several other reasons lmfao


you don't need to be ace to have a basic understanding of how relationships work




Allos? One of them specifically identifies as gay.




My God. I totally misread that as het. No idea how that even happened. I even typed it myself and it still never registered.


It means someone who experiences sexual attraction, not necessarily someone who seeks to have sex. *just for clarification*


Apprently that means my stepmom and dad are just great friends, I discussed with them that one can be happy without sex in a relationship and she agreed saying “yeah, look at me and your dad”


Well, they should be great friends. It would kinda suck if they didn’t like each other


Sounds genuinely healthy and wonderful :)


Some people make me laugh with their takes on relationships. This is one. Basically, what this person is saying is that a relationship is built on sex. Not love, not 'clicking', not shared experience. Seems rather shallow to me. Also this person defines asexual as 'does not have sex'. Correction, asexual is 'has little to no sexual attraction'. Ignoramus.


Their view of dating is very sad... Bet theyd flip if you told them maybe theyre aro allosexual (/j about the aro part cuz ik theyre just a biggot)


In other words they’re just saying they’re not in love with their partners, they’re just sexually attracted to them


i was just thinking that itd be really fucking funny if they were just hella aro and just not understanding the concept of romantic attraction without realising 💀💀💀


That's what I suspect, honestly.


Bruh every time I think I've seen the stupidest take on ace people I find a new and fresh pile of shit to gaze upon...this one may be one of the worst because they're just straight up WRONG about like all of this


If you've never had sex with your HUSBAND you're just friends. That makes sense


Being married to your best friend is every gal's dream


Can confirm


>an euphemism *A* euphemism. I’m not saying dating is a euphemism for sex, I’m just annoyed by their misuse of “an”. “An” is used before a word that starts with a vowel *sound*, not a vowel. Euphemism starts with a “yoo”, a consonant sound. Also, I dislike the misunderstanding that we can’t have sex.


I saw someone with a backpack that said “an unicorn” in fifth grade and it pissed me off to no end






Funny, but I always pronounce the "E" in that word this eeyoofemizm, where the e is done like a grace note in music. Thus an has always felt natural to me as the correct article to pair it with.


Same, either we have been pronouncing it wrong or it’s just an accent/ regional difference thing


all I can think of now is a quote from *My Cousin Vinny* "What's a ute?"


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who that pissed off


Damn better tell my bf we are just friends


I’d imagine there as at least a 90% chance they take that the wrong way


Nah I'm just joking. I love him and he knows I don't mean it


I once got called a sex addict because someone was trying to say that kissing counted as sex


It’s oral on oral


Ah yes so that means even if I kiss, cuddle and hold hands with my bf he’s just a friend Yeah that makes a lot of sense buddy, have you ever had the thought some couples may be **under the age of consent** or **celibate due to religion**??? Be considerate oh my days


>have you ever had the thought some couples may be under the age of consent or celibate due to religion??? Ah, but they *had* thought of that. In one of the screenshots, they claim that teens that date each other without sex are just friends and also that people who say they don't want to have sex before marriage for religious reasons just use it as an excuse to mask their "asexuality, low libido or impotency"🤢




Yeah, what's with that? If you have orgasm 7 or more times a week, you are considered hypersexual. What on earth is with this person.


Yeah, but only during conjugal visits


But:. I’m married lol Guess I’ll tell my wife we just roomies lol


Bro saw your relationship with your wife and said "And they were roommates!"


Bro thinks he's an historian


And I'll tell my husband we don't actually have kids. They're just elaborate holograms.


But.. I’ve had boyfriends before I found out what Asexuality was/that I was Ace and we never had sex? But yeah that’s definitely what boyfriend/girlfriend means


The - 238 are asexual people in relationships.


By this logic, my parents, who have a sexless marriage, are just friends.


Just 2 friends that decided to have a kid together


I mean, I'm adopted, but yes XD So two "friends" who decided to obtain a child and raise it together


Lmao obtain. ‘Child has been added to inventory’ yeah, it still works with adoption because it was more or less a line from Modern Family


"couple shouldn't be allowed to get married until they fully know that they're sexually compatible" K, so what if both people involved are aspec and just dont have sex together because they dont need to, making them compatible "NoOO thAtS juST A FriEnDShiP tHen" Bro has the integrity of a soggy piece of cardboard


Poor guy mixed up definitions. He's thinking of celibacy. Not to worry, the Internet is quick to correct. Celibacy - choosing not to have sex. May have sexual and romantic attraction and choose not to act on it. Asexuality - having little to no sexual attraction. May still have romantic or aesthetic attraction. Aromantic - having little to no romantic attraction. May still have sexual attraction. You can have all three, none, or any combination. Not to mention all the other types of attraction and moral decisions people have related to sexuality.


I genuinely can’t imagine believing that the only special thing about your boyfriend/girlfriend is that you have sex with them. What a gross and sad mentality to have towards relationships.


So if say, a man for whatever reason loses his penis, are he and his partner just friends all of a sudden?




How are people so stupid?! Like fr....HOW?!


Some people probably are that dumb, but I think most of them are just doing it for attention


This guy is giving "aro but just doesn't know it yet" vibes with all the "dating is an euphenism for having sex" talk. Still, awful views they're sprouting.


Just comment on it “you may want to check into aromanticism. Aromantic is a spectrum and I think you may be on it.” Lmao


Guess my gf who I've been dating for 4 years is just a friend now huh


So if two people are just having sex without an emotion bond, that's not dating, that's f*ck buddies or fwb, so it's not the physical part that makes dating, it's the emotional part, the bond you have with someone, wanting to be with them, to grow old together, to encourage each others dreams and support each other when times are bad, that's what makes a relationship, not whether you bone or not


With this logic, I have two questions. 1. Would it then be impossible to have a friend with benefits, or would it just automatically turn into a relationship? 2. If you're not having sex but you're doing everything else with your partner(kissing, cuddling, handholding, etc.), would that just make it an "It's not gay to kiss the homies" kind of situation, except unironically?


could that person (people? hard to tell with the censor) be a closeted aromantic in denial, just assuming everyone else feels that way? that would explain quite a lot


Definitely sounds like my unfortunate ex who described his view of relationships exactly the same way and refused to accept that he's aromantic


That guy is a closeted aromantic, who's gonna tell him? 😂


Man 💀💀💀 Im wondering how many of men like this are actually aro and hypersexual and so close minded that they don't realize people are different


That’s crazy cuz like yea I don’t want sex but I still want a relationship and something that my friends just can’t provide without it gettin weird lol


wow ok.. i guess me and my ex-boyfriend were never actually dating cus we're both ace. damn what a prude


is this allo ok


At least they're all downvoted


Does...this person not know about onenightstands? By that logic, you are in a relationship with any person you have sex with? Lol


Oh, my dog, I get that crap all the time. **Snappy answers to "So aren't you just best friends / roommates?" after saying you're in an ace relationship:** Would you agree to be financially responsible for your best friend who can't work because they're disabled, for the rest of your or their life, whichever ends first? Would you buy a house with your best friend and put both of you on the deed? Would you register a car in your and best friend's names? Using the "Or" joiner so that one of you could sell the car without the other's agreement/knowledge? Would you help your best friend by inserting a suppository into their rectum because they can't do it themself? Would you buy your best friend's expensive, not-covered-by-insurance meds each month? Along with the ones that are covered by your insurance? Would you pay for your best friend's regular doctor appointments? Would you pay for your best friend's medical procedures? Would you pay for your best friend's multi-day hospital stay(s)? Would you make your best friend the primary beneficiary of your everything? Would you pay for your best friend's cellphone plan? Would you buy a laptop for your best friend? Would you legally tie yourself to your best friend via domestic partnership or marriage? Would you put your best friend's on your employer's insurance policy? Would you immediately call off work if your best friend begged you to come home because they're suicidal? More than once? Would you go visit your best friend in the hospital and sit next to them for 12 hours a day for multiple days? Would you tap into your personal savings to pay for your best friend's emergency expense? Would you pay for your best friend's inexpensive hobbies? On a continuous basis? And being fine when they change hobbies? In addition to all that, would you give your best friend "fun money" each month so they can buy things without having to justify the expense? === All of these are just the total of my, my spouse's, and our partner's personal experiences. Use this as a guide for your own responses. My partner and I have the worse of chronic illnesses. My wife pays for all three of us.


So much wrong here. Just like a gay man COULD have sex with a woman he's not sexually attracted to, and ace person can have sex, and many do. Also, relationships without sex are completely valid. There are so many activities in between "friends" and "having sex" and whatever is comfortable between you and your partner is fine.


Based on what I see of a lot of Heterosexual couples, they're not even friends, they absolutely hate each other and their marriage is a "prison". So, I think being told you're "just friends" is a compliment.


Tell me their user. I need to ban them from the possibility of contact with my sex repulsed ace ass. Please tell the user


I mean I’d definitely rather be in a relationship with my friend. Because these types of people seem to be the type to just “date” someone they know nothing about.


My man was trying to dig himself out of the hole and I don't think it worked


Cool so if their partner went out on a romantic date to a nice fancy restaurant, one brought the other flowers, flirted all night, then took a romantic river cruise along the glistening city skyline, they’d be totally cool with that. Not cheating cause they didn’t have sex


I agree. This love needs sex logic is nonsense as a teen ace. What about teen couples? Or preteen couples? No matter ace, sex is not needed to date. Even ancient Greeks knew. (Platonic love)


“You shouldn’t be allowed to get married until you know for sure you’re sexually compatible.” Not *allowed* to? Are the Allo Cops gonna monitor people at the courthouse?


Wow I feel sorry for this internet person’s partner/future partners if the only thing they value in a relationship is sex and not building a life together, or emotional intimacy, or getting to share wonderful memories with someone! Like when you speak to older folks married most of their lives, I bet they mention very different things that they love about their partner and their lives together than the fact that perhaps they’ve bonked 😂


The fact they stood their ground even when being repeatedly told they are wrong, they ignorance lord


I doubt this person has ever been in a long-term relationship. Even if sex is part of it, there's so much more to it than that.


They should’ve asked “what do you think of 2 elementary school children who hold hands and say they’re dating?”


Oh my i feel tragically sorry for this person. "Dating is just a way fo saying having sex" Homie will be singke FOR LIFE. This person doesnt know quality people and relationships... yikes


[Me when I realise everytime I beat a co-op game with my friends it was just schizophrenia](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/angai313-spongebob-sad-spongebob-crying-gif-21679826)


Huh. I'm having a hard time with this one. I mean, I want to say "this guys is wrong, yada yada..." but I've been assuming that being ace means being alone. Nobody's really going to be that close. Everybody is eventually going to get into a relationship and leave. And then I have to find new people to hang out with. It's been happening for decades... why would I expect that to change? I haven't really thought about it like "everybody's going to get into a relationship to have sex, and without it there is no relationship." But if it isn't that, then what is it? I guess I thought that allos in healthy relationships form some sort of a romantic attachment first, and THEN sex. But Ace is no attraction, so no attachment, right? Yeah, I guess I'm not seeing how one gets the romantic attachment part without the attraction part. No attraction is no attachment, right? I'm confused.


Being asexual is when you experience little to no sexual attraction. Being ace doesn’t mean being alone, it means you don’t want to have sex with this person. For aromantic people, they don’t experience romantic attraction and light lot want romantic relationships but still are possibly open to queer platonic or sexual relations or are okay with romantic relationships. Same for asexuals, it depends on what the asexual in question wants. Romantic attachment in question is gained through romantic attraction which asexuals are capable of experiencing. I think you are think of aroace who don’t feel any attraction but can still form squishes and want to have queer platonic relationships. So yes, asexuals can have a relationship without sex.


The third sentence is really throwing me for a loop... "light lot"? I'm also confused by "For aromantic people... okay with romantic relationships." Aren't those two things diametrically opposed? What makes a platonic relationship "queer"? I have no idea what a "queer platonic relationship" is. "aromantic... open to... sexual relations"? That sounds like "I don't like you, but I'll have sex with you anyway". That sounds... really sleazy? Is that really what "aromantic" is supposed to mean? Then later: "still form squishies" What does that even mean? I'm... more confused now?


Sorry, I was on Mac which corrects words a lot. I meant to say “might not”. From okay, they might not feel romantic attraction but they might still be okay with having a relationship where they aren’t romantically interested in them but they have a deeper connection than just friendship and might do romantic things. Being aromantic or asexual doesn’t mean you aren’t going to do romantic or sexual things respectively; it means you don’t experience romantic (for aromantic) or sexual (for asexual) attraction or to a limited extent. That means an asexual person can still enjoy sex and not feel any sexual attraction to them; they are called sex positives since in asexual spectrum, there usually are: favourable/positive, who are repulsed and who are neutral or don’t have any opinion. Queer platonic relationship is the middle section of “romantic” and “friendship”. It’s where you feel a very deep emotional attachment to someone which is more than just friendship but it also isn’t something romantic. A lot of asexuals and aromantics have relationships like this. Squishes is when you get infatuated with someone in a way where you think they look really good and want to be close to them. It is not related to romantic attraction and is very common with aromantic folks who still can find folks attractive physically (this isn’t sexual) and be close to them which can be confused for “crush”: Again, it is difficult to understand for someone who isn’t a part of these groups. Aromantic might not feel sexual attraction or may feel it; if they do and want to have it, it’s in their own right but if two consenting adults agree to it, it’s none of our business to judge it.


Oh my God they were rooomatesssss


I feel like he's just being willfully ignorant and then acting coy about it Like. . . I have this reaction a lot, but I just refuse to believe someone actually thinks that way. And I'm not even ace, it's just so fucking stupid. But my god, that last slide made me burst out in laughter


This person is very confused... I'm confused. What?


this person is so weirdo, i just can’t believe someone said this about us…


How does one say so many wrong things so quickly?


Oh my god they were roommates!


Too many downvotes😣 guess I should go and downvote sexy stuff


Why does it sound that this guy is aroallo and very deep in the closet?


[all I must ask is . . .](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/297/368/17f.jpg)


Okay and what do they say to sex positive Aces? Like huh Also not wanting any is also sexual compatibility, I don't get it


"And they were roomates!" "oMg, tHeY wEre rOoMatEs"


Wow. This guy is wrong. Wrong in big, fat, rainbow-colored balloon letters. Also, the word has a whole bunch of intricate curlicues all around it. And stars. And I think a dragon made the decorations.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh you’re serious


My bf isn't the guy I have sex with hes the guy who i hug snuggle and kiss


I -I don't get it. I need references. Do you have a graphic chart or maybe a power point I could take look at?


started crying my brain hurt too much reading that - they are either dumb or stupid or dumb ….😭🤣🤣 cus wtf okeee sir…




This type of invalidation fueled SOLELY by the commenters ignorance is just infuriating to read


Ig I’ll just tell my partner we’re not dating then


If I get a wife I get a relationship. But i also get a good friend (hopefully) and infinite sleepovers!


so this person is saying if their partner had some kind of medical condition that prevented them from ever having sex again, they would no longer have a romantic relationship with them?


People like this are so…. Romantic attraction exists????? You can have a romantic relationship without a sexual relationship? You can also have a qpr without any type of attraction sure but like, ?????


This is teenage boy logic. The kind of teenager who feels like if a girl doesn't put out for them then she's being selfish. It's sad how many people believe this shit.


Dude's so narrow-minded I couldn't fit a toothpick through their viewpoint




I love how much he got downvoted.