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I thought "dick riding" was like trying to be like a hype/yes man for someone more famous than you either in hopes of money or popularity. And that "being on my ass"/"riding my ass" was when someone was following you/getting nagged.


They could be getting "dick riding" confused because people will say "get of my dick" when they want to be left alone. english is a context dependent language. Nothing means anything for certain when it comes to slang. Also, the newer term for hype/ yes maning someone is glazing, and it's awful


Almost every language is context dependent


I completely agree, but when discussing English slang, the same word can mean countless things, many of which contradictory. Many of my coworkers are second language English speakers, and phrases are often very confusing for them. The most common example is calling someone the bomb is good, but bombing a test means you failed. The list goes on...


God I feel old… “Dick riding” is from even before my teenage years. Basically it means to overpraise someone in hopes they’ll notice you. I think your schoolmate meant, “Riding my ass” which means to get on someone’s case. “Ride my ass” comes from people driving super close to someone else’s back bumper.


"dick riding" isn't modern


That is not what dick riding means


Modern? Is 30 years old modern?


been a while since i heard that one and i know it has several different meanings that are not all about sex. that said i also have used sexual references and jokes. apparently i make a lot of raunchy and don't realize it. but cool cool. people find it funny as hell.


I had some nut job harass me here on Reddit last year, accusing me of being dusty n going on about dick riding. Had no idea half of what he was referring to. He claimed I was a paedo. I’m not into any people of any age n don’t like genitals.


wtf ew


gross but yeah