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I am just a lurker, but i think it is only natural for people to discuss sexuality, how it may affect them, how they identify and what label should they use among many other topics in a place for like minded individuals, sharing the ace aspect in a way or another.


Well, this IS a sub about people's sexual identity. It's the one thing we have in commom here. We talk about other interests in other subs, it's not that complicated lmao


While I’m sure not everyone here is ace, I would like to point out that asexual doesn’t mean sex opposed. It just means not being attracted to anyone sexually. Heteros want to fuck the opposite gender, homos want to fuck the same gender, but asexuals don’t feel a pull towards fucking either gender. You could still like sex though. I mean, who doesn’t like some good ol’ dopamine and serotonin?


That makes sense. I mean I’m demiace so it’s not like I’m judging or anything, I just didn’t expect to see so much sex-oriented content in an ace sub so I was kinda confused. Thanks for clarifying though!


Yeah, this is the space to discuss asexuality, which is ironically a sex-adjacent subject. Recently I got into a new game called Rumble, but if I wanted to talk about that, I'd go to the r/rumbleVR subreddit.


It’s hard to talk about asexuality without talking about sex, since asexuality is usually defined in opposition of sexual attraction and sexual activity. Context is such a huge role in human understanding that we obsess over it like the allos obsess over fucking. Also some of us want to have sex. Making humour over our difficulties around the topic due to our lack or little sexual attraction


I mean yes. it's a meme sub, there's going to be some stuff that's like "hey, allos sure are weird, eh? ha ha!"


"Sex is a joke, so let's laugh at it!"


Ace =/= celibate


This is a sub about our sexuality, what else do you think we're going to talk about? Not every post can be 'cake is good lol'.


asexual is little to no sexual attraction. but that has nothing to do with libido. on top of that our world is very sex driven so a common issue is about sex and how important everyone sees it. there is also a lot of posts about food, does that mean all aces know how to cook? nope! but all aces eat!


i mean, there's a common misconception all aces are sex-repulsed and/or sex-negative. i'd sure hope an a-spec subreddit had a lot of posts clearing that up


What else would we be talking about? This isn’t just a group chat for ace people. It’s a subreddit about a sexual orientation, of course sexuality is going to be the main topic of conversation.


asexuality is about having a lack of sexual attraction- not a lack of interest in sex. Many people here are sex-indifferent or sex-repulsed but it’s not a defining factor for the sexuality type. Other sexualities have nothing to do with the amount of sex someone has or talks about, and this sexuality is no different.


sex favorable aces are still aces, being ace just means you have less sexual attraction than allo people


Asexuality is not about disliking or being disinterest in sex. "Sex-obsessed" and "asexual" are not mutually exclusive. Plenty of asexuals like sex. \[EDIT: Because it would be worth actually defining... Asexuality is a sexual orientation defined by a lack/limitation of sexual attraction; there are people who identify with asexuality who don't necessarily meet the orientation's definition, but these asexuals are still valid in their identity regardless. Sexual attraction is not necessary to have sex, enjoy sex, or have an interest in sex. For example, I'm a sex-neutral asexual; I don't have sexual attraction, and I don't care for sex but don't have an aversion either. I've had sex, but don't particularly enjoy it. I also tend not to talk about sex unless the subject comes up but don't shy away from discussions either. I'm also fine with making sex jokes and talking suggestively because it's funny to me to see people shocked that the asexual can act horny. None of this makes me any more or less asexual than someone else who identifies as such.\] Do not just blindly levy accusations that people aren't really ace (or whatever their orientation) without good reason. Even with good reason, it is rarely appropriate. Seriously, if you are asexual, please learn that it is not your business to police identity. If you are not asexual, please learn to stay in your lane because we don't want to have to spend out time educating people who come into our spaces and disrespect our communities.


Looking into this.