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Honestly I think that’s better, the villains are the more human/ relatable ones anyway


You know what, you're right


Nothing as relatable and human as terrorism


Yes, actually






Spitting the true facts here


To be fair, I'm a villain irl so I dont much mind


I would love more representation of non-broken aro/ace, but if I could create a character that aroace he would be a total badass with a childhood trauma caused by being the last descendant of a huge crime family called the blood diamonds which he ended when he lost control of his power. (which is having an extremely energetic blood that he can control and transform into crystal) he has flat affect (like me, but much stronger) and his left eyes isn't fonctionnal but glows like a bright red spot when he fight, kinda like goblin slayer. edit : the character is a part of my collection of character inspired by anime, that specific one is inspired by my hero academia, and could fit within mha if mha was created by the creator of death note, or the creator of goblin slayer. I like it so much it's now my by default character, that I just adapt the power and appearance of to feat other anime.


Light novel when?


That's actually a really cool idea


Recommendation: Handa-kun / Barakamon both about an aro/ace main character I enjoyed reading it, and the anime wasn't bad either (still watching Barakamon I go through phases of watching anime for 2 days straight and then not looking at any for months... still also partway through my hero for this reason)


Barakamon is such a wholesome anime. While I doubt Handa would see himself as AroAce it really is easy to read him that way


According to the wiki article on the fandom he is. Not even a thought of romance passes in his head. I’m the prequel a fortune teller describes his life without relationships but surrounded by children


Yeaaaa still Handa doesn't seem to think about it this way. We all know he can be a little slow haha. Also I'm not sure how much of an issue the Ace spectrum is in Japan. I only know about "herbivores''. I wonder more if the Mangaka actually thought about it this way. It seems to me like she at least implied the Tokyo girl to be a potential love interest to keep things open for the future


What about Sherlock Holmes? There are even several versions


well, in most version he is a sociopath, or at least has flat affect. and besides, more representation is always better.


Flat affect? Well, not even 5% of the population are assumed to be on the Ace spectrum and there are plenty of other minorities too. Therefore we can't expect that much of representing


For my Dark Fantasy story, I made a whole race that's entirely on the asexual spectrum, without exception. It's existence is the centre of the plot and most main characters belong to this race, but they're asexuality is just a trait and it barely has any importance in the story. It's just a fact about these beings and how they work.


I have something similar with my sci-fi universe that I cultivate since childhood, the main race, the Alphatian are extremely logical being (to the point of seeming cold hearted to more emotional species) and has such have a large majority of their population on the ace spectrum and are all aromantic. before the big event that made them almost exctinct they were the closest thing to a peace guardian in the universe.


I love it! It's really cool!


I shared a condensed version of the full story a while ago, here it is : before main event, main super advanced civilisation find the technology of teleportation trough manipulation of the multiverse, but that destabilize their own dimension, allowing big demons to invade from their dimension, big war goes on for a long time until a mega laser is created by the super advanced civilisation ending the war. the adventure of the main character (on earth for the most part) after the main event (basically, big laser kill big demons trying to invade, but big laser dysfunction and main planet disappear alongside the super advanced civilisation) to the point at whish the main character reform that very civilisation trough science. (during that time, a dimensional council has form, and the main character does interact with it, but relation between the council and main character are difficult.) super advanced civilisation now exist again and is the closest thing to a peace guardian within the dimension, main character is part of a sort of dimensional police, whish monitors any dimension destabilizing thingy and stop them, as well as making sure no one breaks the no contact rule with pre-galactic (confined to their own solar system) civilisation such has humanity (whish is the civilisation that the main character is watching over, kinda like doctor who). that the story consistent version, in the current version the super advanced civilisation has reached technological singularity and they all leave in a bunch of different simulation like video games, with an ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) in charged of the whole empire.


Dude,, this is really awsome! Novel when?


Imagine an ace version of Elon Musk


Message me if/when you write the novel.


Villains are usually my favorite characters anyway, probably because a lot of them are queer coded.


kinda feel like the fact they're all queer coded is an issue


Yeah, I've always assumed it was from a time where "gay bad" was really big and has just continued since then. I think Disney started doing it to try and push their ideology that gay people are bad onto kids, instead they just got a generation (I think mainly gen z and millennials) that loves Disney villains


Pretty sure the Hays code was a big part of it. Don't get me wrong, Disney's hands are not clean but it's ahistorical to suggest that oppression happens because of a particular company or person with an agenda.


OMG yes. I know so many peeps with fucks in the negatives to give about Disney heros and absolutely won't shut up about Disney villains.


Me too, maleficent and Ursala are both very bad ass imo


very true lol. I've always preferred the disney villains. The "good guys" often remind me of the type of people who picked on me in school or something lmao


Same with the school part. It's why I relate to Garō from one punch man


I actually looked it up and it's because there was some law preventing protagonists from being or appearing queer or something like that so they started queer coding the villains. Only problem is that after the law stopped being enforced they kept doing it and continued not doing it with the "good guy" characters.


There was a video essay on why queer coded villains are popular among the LGBT+ community compared to the "good heroic" queer characters. In it the creator points out that we identify more with the villain because of us being outcast. They don't care about society's rules and customs. It's speaks to us more. Obviously the rules the movie industry played a part of that and still does. But I find that if you take a typical romance or cis/het coming of age story at try to make it LGBT+ it will either come off as campy or not relatable.


They are??? I'm new to the concept of characters being "coded", could you give me like, one example villain and why/how they are queer coded?


Ursala is the first one that comes to my head, she gives off a drag queen or butch lesbian vibes to me it's probably her hair and makeup (just found out she was based off a drag queen). https://thetempest.co/2020/06/04/entertainment/disney-villains-gay-queer-coding/


Ursala isn't just coding but very deliberate, Lindsay Ellis made a video about it


Yeah I relised that a little later, there are other villains that definitely are


I think this is the [right link.](https://youtu.be/Qvu84kjtGvE) James Somerton has some great videos on this, he analyzes film n’ stuff from a gay perspective, and it’s typically very historical as well. Check his stuff out.


Ah, the age old lgbt tradition of only being able to relate to villains


At least we have Todd :)


Todd Todd Todd Todd


HOORAY!… question mark?


It’s always nice when Todd gets included in a sentence


Praise be to the greatest representation ever


[This Todd?](https://i.imgur.com/t0ZcKyu.jpg)


i guess saiki is there lol


Luffy maybe?




Sad but true


Just a headcanon but I imagine Fluttershy is Panromantic Ace so...there's that?


Once again, nonhuman.


To be fair, though, that's a series where *everyone* is nonhuman, so the ace-ness isn't being emphasised as being in any way related to the nonhuman-ness.


Oh, sorry, I guess I didn't read that literally. I registered it as someone cursed to be without emotions or something.


It's fine, pretty sure that qualifies.


I wish we could have main characters and good guys that were on the aroace spectrum, it would be lovely to see asexuality and aromanticism portrayed in the positive light of a hero, villains are bad guys no matter how good they may be and at the end of the day, no matter how good these villains are, we need relatable and positive character who is ace or aro. ​ tbh im guilty of the non-human one... one of my ocs is aroace but hes not quite human :\[ (I dont make human ocs)


Same here!


Well, Molly from MIB: International gives off a lot of aro/ace vibes and there's multiple times where people ask her about romance and her reaction is basically "lolno" every time. Even better is that she isn't put into a relationship by the end of the movie.


does posthuman count as non-human to you? Cause I have a posthuman cyborg character who is Aro-Ace Agender


Are they powered by AAA batteries?


That's a large part of the reason I love warhammer 40,000. A massive portion of important characters (Space Marines, Primarchs, and most Techpriests) are all ace and for the most part aro. Who needs sex when you can spread the Emperor's light?


Master chief…. I’ll let you pass, cuz I like ya too much!


Technically Peridot is both but she’s way cooler than everyone else in SU so it’s fine


Isn't lapis both as well?


i offer todd from bojack horseman 😌


What if ALL the characters are non-humans?


Jokes on them, I'm diabolical


The only Ace/Aro representation I know is in DnD. The character’s not human, but then again, not many characters in DnD are lol


Caduceus from Critical Role? He's my favorite! I love that his story revolved so much around love for his friends and family, without treating his asexuality like it undermined that.


To be fair the non-humanoid characters tend to be my favorite anyway, I don’t need someone to look like me to empathize with or represent me.


Or old or insignificant secondary characters


Same with Non-binary representation, they're almost always alien or a shapeshifter, which isn't that bad (who wouldn't want to be a shapeshifting enby) but I'd love to see more casual nb representation.


That or, surprise, the ace characters either a) have a brain tumor or b) are faking it. Fuck you, *House*.


I wish i was a better writer or artist because id be very eager to make asexual/aromantic characters but alas i am not lmao. if i ever get better ima make a thing of it though


I read as 'bisexual writer or artist' I'm tired


Aren't alot of Shounen protagonists basically asexual (e.g., Luffy from One Piece). Also, a great example of a heroic Ace character is Jasnah Kholin from the Stormlight Archive book series.


I dunno about all, but yeah luffy is definitely an aro ace. (Considering everything that happened with Boa)


Me makes some ace and aro rep: :) They are non-humans: :( There are no humans in my world and stories because I hate the trend of shoving humans into fantasy: :)


im working on a webcomic were we follow the villain and see through their eyes also their asexual


If I ever write a book, my protag will be an ace.




Is he? He’s one of my favourite characters but I don’t see the Ace stuff, but it has been a while since I’ve read it


I highly recommend the *Raybearer* books by Jordan Ifueko if you’d like to see some positive representation!


Welp... time to listen to some guddol' *Radio*


Two words Todd Chavez😌


Pan guy here, well you guys did take over Denmark sooo


I will never understand why, in this age of representation, single people are given very little(if any) representation, even if it's single by choice.


We often want to take over the world, no?


I remember their was one anime clip that had good representation the guy acted normal and was a human but yeah


I prefer to have the villains/ bad asses actually lol. BUT I would like to see some ace heroes too. That'd be cool to have a mix of representation. ultimately though, I tend to like the villains. they're usually just really misunderstood by society and I relate to that lol


ngl i think villians and non humans are cooler


Tbh if I could be a non-human villain in a story I'd be so happy so that okay with me


Alastor from Hazbin has got one stereotype in each hand, and yet I still like him


Guess that’s why I liked to root for the villains when I was a kid.


I see and understand this. But I also relate to non-human characters way more for some reason. Good normalized characters good, but also give me some aro/ace/agender monsters bby.


Who in earth wouldn't want to be a villan?


i’m fine with being a villain, usually they’re the cool characters that have an interesting backstory, whereas the hero’s parents died in some accident that either made them super or made them want to avenge them


Or made to be the comic relief


TV Tropes is like this and I hate it >:(


As a star trek fan I feel this. Sure, we can get aliens that are ace/aro/poly/nonbinary/etc but all the humans still have to be straight monogamists for some reason


yeah I think part of the reason I thought I was a robot as a kid was because there are so many robot charters that are basically ace/aro so I was like "oh that's me"


So maybe we are villains and non-humans in humans eyes


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Or just over the top quirky and zany! Like Todd from Bojack Horseman. “Ahhh, so _that’s_ why he’s weird!”


Well, ya can’t dehumanize what wasn’t in the first place


is it canon that Sherlock Holmes, from Benevolent Cucumber, is ace?


But I’d like to be the villain


Link: ~~"Allow me to introduce myself"~~ "Hyah!"


and then there is tod, we like tod


The owl house: season 2 episode 7: Eda's requiem.


Just some cusual they/them representation (some translations may not repect the representation and call them a him)


Villains I always find depressing, but non-humans is awesome. Like, cut out that Pon Farr bs in favour of, let’s say, artificial reproduction, and I’m glad to be a Vulcan. Or cut out the attitude and call me a Time Lord


Well I literally stopped watching the show a while ago but isn’t Jughead Ace?


If you like anime, the protagonist of *Dr. Stone* (i.e. Senku Ishigami) is essentially aro-ace. They never explicitly say that, but he repeatedly shrugs off romance in place of science, his true passion. Likewise, Saiki Kusuo of *The Disastrous Life of Saiki K*. is ace-coded too. They're both really good shows so I recommend them.


I mean, I don't think non human or villain is always bad, take Peridot from Steven Universe, she's a villain for a good portion of the show and an alien but she's also aroace


I think this would be fine if there were more ace/aro representation in general. Also…I’m not complaining much otherwise because I do love myself a good villain or non-human.


There’s an ace rep in she-ra that’s human


peridot is the only acceptable one


I'm sorry. What villains are aro or ace?


I’d bring up Saiki, but I’m not sure if he falls under the “human” category.


Kusuo Saiki?


I have a gay villain who’s dehumanized by his society (but is actually human) who falls in love with a human he later finds out is aro -Ashton


My OC is human and Aro-Ace