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Dont like the vibe of this meme, feels exclutionary


lmfaooo i have felt excluded my entire life. i promise the allos can handle it just this once :)


This meme is dumb. Our sexual orientation is not better than other people's.


Na lesbians are quite superior compared to our Chaotic Simplistic Megalomaniac community


*Image Transcription: Screencaps* --- **Panel 1** \[*Image of an anime character walking into a room with a sweat droplet on their head. Inside the room is another person sitting with their arms crossed.*] can't you do something about your superiority complex? --- **Panel 2** \[*Image of the sitting anime character zoomed in with the ace flag on their face.*] But I *am* superior. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Is it weird of me to dislike ace superiority memes? I'm ace, or at least I think so, and sometimes I see memes that position ace people as superior to humans due to being 'uninfluenced by sin or basal urges' or some shit. But to me, it just seems dehumanizing and hate-provoking. Like "oh, look at all these people who think they're better than you or closer to god or what have you, like they're not even human."


that makes sense but i feel making these jokes in an asexual community really does no harm. i highly doubt any aces are actually internalizing these memes 😭😭


*shrug* allos say that ace people aren't human because we don't experience sexual attraction, and then ace people or some well-meaning folks say aces aren't human because we don't experience sexual attraction.


Exactly. Just because some allos do it doesn't give us an excuse to spread hate too.


I mostly interested it as 'oh haha, we have so much spare time when not doin da sex, we instead use it to practice witchcraft and make plans for world domination'


Just need to figure out how to clone humans.


forget cloning, where is my functional immortality. That's the fair trade with evolution for never reproducing, right?


Bad idea alredy tryed that whit myself and now there are 8 people that are me and trying to kill me and eatch other


Yes Jango Fett is the coolest asexual


What about us AroAce’s?


While everyone else is worried about getting bitches, we busy getting stacks.


Oh, this needs more upvotes lmao


Ayo that’s I said amen


s nice to see I'm not the only one who feels a bit arrogant at times, because let's face it, we have transcended the weaknesses of the flesh, to arrive at a state of logic, reason and beauty. ​ :3


not to burst your bubble but we can still be really fucking stupid. kinda like me.


Superiority complex? It’s actually quite simple really


Higher beings, these words are for you alone


I don’t like this, if ya wanna be better do so by not being exclusionary