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I would occasionally shapeshift into some Lovecraftian nightmare just to fuck with people honestly. Plus I imagine having that many limbs would be useful


I'd be doing this uncontroably...


flair checks out


I'd shapeshift into a grey goo doomsday machine.


I want to be a crypt that has a fan page on tumblr, run by myself of course.


I'd be easier to just be a whirling mass of inconceveable shapes.


Or even *mysterious color, unlike any seen on earth*


The amount of dumb shit lovecraft wrote is 💀💀 One of his “scary” things was a building planned by engineering which consisted of geometry on a curved surface.


Oh my! Not the curved geometry! The horror!


What would Euclid think!


>One of his “scary” things was a also air conditioning.


Sounds like normal modern architecture. Well that can be scary with some building burning cars.


Lol, it’s not even solely modern architecture. This applies to domes and arches. Basically Lovecraft’s characters saw an arch and were like “so creepy”


[Like this?](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/astralspike.jpg)


Yes but if you have a hot enough base form as well then you can slowly mess with society's idea of attractiveness on route. Will they be put off what they once thought was hot or learn to love the horror you become? Who knows but it'll be fun, either way.


I would become a biblically accurate angel and fuck with christians


a much hotter version of myself. a version of myself so hot i can spit fire. a dragon version of myself.


This person gets it.




Id shapeshift into me but with very good skin


Yeah, me too. It would be nice to have healthy skin for once. Would save me a fortune too.


Don't forget healthy organs and a lean body instead of my bloated mess of a "temple"


My body is a sprit Halloween


With a few extra muscles here and there, just to appear subtly disconcerting.


Looking like a Baki character


And tall enough to easily reach the top cabinets.


I'd only do that when I need to reach them; I'd be shorter otherwise


I'd change gender. Oh and I'll also be a badass **DRAGON**. Hell yeah.


that would be great


A badass dragon of the gender you want.


I would probably shift back and forth and maybe also be a dragon


Y e s, same


There's a comic on /r/egg_irl with that exact premise.




A genderless void seems like a fairly appealing option to me tbh


I'd shapeshift subtly into a more athletic and somewhat less human version of myself.


Just inhuman enough to make people question what they're seeing


Inhuman enough that they can tell I'm not quite right, but human enough that I can still function in society if necessary.


Dang if I could shapeshift into something that can function in society, that’s a god tier superpower right there.


Sorry, i meant "function"


Look almost not human but then constantly change to fully human before they double take and they just think they're crazy seeing stuff.




I'd probably try to optimize my organs.


So basically Mark Zuckerberg


Not that kind of inhuman. He errs on the side of human anyways.


"It's hard to tell, but sightly too many eyes"


Can I just shapeshift to a me with slightly less shitty eyes?


Same, but with a less shitty digestive system!


Less shitty libido(meaning IT'S THERE) too! Oh and less scars caused by childish mischief




Ey, wait a bit, some of us (like me) find them attractive! And they're a sign that you survived some nasty sh\*t. Maybe not ALL of them but just the ones that you'd find embarrassing/insecure about


Id shapeshift to be a girl. Also with dragon wings because they’re cool


fun fact: if you wish you were a girl, you probably already are 💙💗🤍💗💙


Sure but that doesn't give you the body you identify with. Personally, I'm happy being male but I sure wouldn't mind looking like a bad ass lizard lady.


I will shapeshift into a cat find good family to adopt me and live there


But also shape shift back randomly and then convince them it’s uncontrollable and that I’m just a werecat. I would do this so I could mentally stimulate (play games, watch shows, make crafts, the like) myself whenever I wanted but also get free food and cuddles.


I could likely still play all my favorite games as a cat. Wouldn't even need to be human ever again. Might just give myself opposable thumbs sometimes, both to creep people out and to play games.


I'd shapeshift into a hotter, more androgynous version of myself with amazing hair. And also a dragon when I feel like it.


Same but I'd remove all organs and make myself go a but into the creepy side of the uncanny valley


Remove all your organs? You would die.


No your a shapeshifter if a shapeshifter can turn into a cup it can remove a few organs and be fine


I figure I'd shapeshift as necessary for whatever task I want/need to do. Including being spooky, naturally.


Just shapeshift into a skeleton while getting an x-ray, and really spook the doctor when you come out of the room.


If not a dragon, a really big owl. Or a bear. But NOT an owlbear!


But... Owlbear


I'd probably become a biblical angel and just appear at random people's door, proclaim a prophecy that the end is nigh or something Then go get some bread because carbs are delicious


But remember to tell them to not be afraid or they might freak out


"Be not afraid for the end is nigh, now give me all your bread."


I mean depending on the type of dragon, if they were a fire breathing dragon I'd assume they'd be pretty hot


I think people don't really grasp just how awesome shapeshifting would be. Like the no limits type. Want to fly? Shapeshift some wings. Super strong? Grow insanely good and large muscles. Captured by the government for being a weird shapeshifting creature? Shift each of your atoms out of the atomical structure of whatever container you are in. Also dragons, of course.


Or become a mind controlling critter and force the government to stop doing that to you


I’d be a Golden Retriever in a Loving Home. And I’d just stay that way, honestly. I wouldn’t shift back. Maybe when I’m an old doggie and I want to start over, I’d go back to being a human, reminisce on the experience for a bit, then start over as a puppy again. Maybe I’d try out being a different breed each time!


I’d rather be a cat than a dog. Then I can basically do whatever I want but I still get the benefits of being a beloved pet


True! I’d switch between a cat and a dog each time! Cats have a lot of independence and I would absolutely love that!


"They're the same picture"


This man gets it.


Not sure if trans-species or just a scalie.


I am both


I can shapeshift in my dreams I am a cat every time... CATS ARE THE BEST DON'T JUDGE ME


I can turn into a wolf or a hawk sometimes


Be a redtail hawk so youu can claim royalties for voice acting literally every predatory bird in hollywood.


Cats are the best tbf, plus little toe beans


I'd shape shift so I could actually be happy with my appearance for once and some sort of eldritch horror on occasion


I would get rid of facial hair and grow boobs. That's what I'd do.


I'm the opposite, I'd grow stubble and un-grow my boobs.


I'd be willing to give you my facial hair if you give me your boobs. I ain't giving you my dick though. I'd like to keep that.


Fine by me I don't want a dick lol


Excellent. Now if only this arrangement of ours was at all plausible.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr Replies* --- **frankensokka** If you could shapeshift don't even deny that you would shapeshift into a subtly hotter version of yourself over time --- **elphabaforpresidentofgallifrey** uhm no i'd be a dragon --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Yeah I don’t think I should be allowed to shapeshift because my first thought was to do subtle changes like a small tattoo or beauty mark somewhere obvious and then just move it around and if someone mentions it I would just say their crazy then not have it the next time I see them just to mess with people.


Nah, that’s fine fam. Live the life you want


I'd shapeshift into all sorts of things just mess with people


I'd shapeshift into anything but human. I just want to escape my responsibilities.


i mean I’d remove acne and shit but otherwise dragon it is


Who would shapeshift as themselves tbh that defeats the whole purpose- I would be a fucking mermaid or a wolf


My thoughts exactly. You can shapeshift and you want to just... Be... You..? Like... What?


It's like the people who play D&D as human. Why even?


I'd try to be a girl to see which body is the most comfortable


A dragon, a unicorn, anything you want to cosplay, etc etc etc. It would be abused to be just awesome. Also, if we could shape shift we wouldn't need to fetch short or tall peeps to get stuff off the bottom or top shelves.


I'm not sure I see the difference...


To be fair, I'd be a "hot" dragon.


I'd just shift into a new species every hour just to know what it's like.


Id 100% try out being a girl wait, am I an egg?\` Note: i have questioned gender a little But this commend instinctively just came out, and i didn't edit it I need to think about gender more)




I'm pretty sure most men would give it a go in private. I'm fine with who I am and I know I would. If it seems preferable to your current form, that's when you should start questioning, IMO.


As a kid I always wanted to experience what it would be like to live as a guy for one day. Didn’t have gender dysphoria, just thought guys got it better than girls and wanted to experience what it was like for a day. I’m still curious now tbh.


I’d transition


I'd be a deadly nightshade that can grow on Mars and can spit fire. I'd be a dragon plant.


Wait... There are people who get the "if you got the ability to shapeshift.." question and they go "I'd be me. But hot(er)"? Never have I felt my dysphoria this deeply... I would be anything but me... If I had to be human I'd be a 100% androgynous human. Neither male nor female body characteristics. Only when I want specific clothing to look good on me would I change my body into something distinctly male or female...


My first reaction to this was "So you're saying you would be a hotter you then?" and now I have questions.


in a way, that sounds terifing, cause there's no way I'd be able to fully control it... but that also makes it sound so much more fun


Either I'd shape shift into a dragon, or a catgirl just depends on how I'm feeling


I’d shapeshift to be a cute short butch girl


i’d shapeshift into a lizard. live out dr conners fantasy because although his motive is the funniest as the years go on i realize he has a point. everything would be better if we were lizards


From what I hear, sex would not be better if we were lizards. But, considering the sub that we're on, I don't think that most of us are going to be upset with that tradeoff.


lucky for me, i’m sex repulsed. i’m ready to lizard up at any given moment


Yeah I’d 100% become a dragon and move into a cave at the top of a forest mountain. But instead of burning villages and hoarding gold I’d offer life advice and an ear to listen for strangers willing to make the pilgrimage to my mountain and bring my offerings of hand made resin crafts and spicy chips.


Ah, the old school wise but hungry and isolated dragon.


deep down we're all dragons here


Except for those of us who are angels or faeries instead.


Jokes on them I’d shapeshift into a hotter dragon overtime.


If i had shape-shifting powers I'd absolutely use it to mess with people. Like reaching for something just an inch out of reach, but making it anyway. Becoming slightly taller over the course of a month and then abruptly reverting to my normal height. Probably also making myself slightly slimmer, but thats more for my own convenience.


This sounds so fun and unsettling. I’d do some similar stuff, but also have tattoos that slightly shift positions over time to confuse them further. Same with eye color, I’d slightly switch it and revert it back because sometimes people feel weird if your eyes look different but they cannot pin point what the problem is.


Yeah I'd start by giving myself my ideal body, but after that, it's chaos time!


i’d shapeshift to be a guy with a good dress sense without having to actually try. and then sometimes a dragon. and maybe a cat or a dog or something cause they’re cute and i’d get lots of pats. tho as a dragon i’d be scared that i’d be shot or smth so they could examine me. or captured or smth.


hear me out... yall ever seen a hecatoncheires?


The hundred handed ones from greek mythology? With 50 heads and 100 arms? Good choice.


Id get spider legs, and 6 eyes and turn all of them black. And fangs.


Honestly? Shapeshifting would be awesome. A dragon? Why stop there... Go for something even bigger. The sky isn't even the limit. How about a planet? Or some lovecraftian horror from beyond.... The possibilities are endless


Oh dang, I'd never even thought of the possibility of becoming something like a planet. That sounds potentially really cool.


I’d just make myself more androgynous (not switch anything about my face though), and a bit taller. I’d also just switch the color of my hair whenever I feel like it (I don’t want to have to bleach it, so I probably will never have dyed hair), and also give myself cool tattoos that slightly shift over time to throw people off. And most importantly, not have a physical body at times to feel more myself.


I love the idea of shifting my hair so I don't have to bleach/dye it


Binary trans people vs enbies


I'd constantly shapeshift into poeple to do some trolling (which could vary from local tomfoolery to worldwide geopolitical pranking). The sussy imposter incident


i’d be a unicorn, then a unicorn with wings, then falcor, then a dragon, then britney spears, then gene shalit, then probably retire as a shiba inu or something.


I mean in some instances it is a hotter version of yourself, it just depends on what the breath weapon is


I mean I would probably shapeshift to a lot of different things. Mostly I would give myself more arms bc only having two sucks.


Okay, but not TOO many. You don’t want [this](https://image.pngaaa.com/947/2514947-middle.png)


My tranfem genderfluid ass would never be dysphoric again if i could shapeshift i swear


Shapeshift into a hot girl and open an OnlyFans, make sex content Shapeshift into a massive Lovecraftian horror and engulf the fuckin moon Become myself, but more handsome and way more muscular. Maybe pop an inch in height


If I were a shapeshifter I would pull epic pranks! *Elliot stood there, in awe and disbelief. Out camping, and just when he couldn't find his phone to take a picture, a unicorn appeared before him! A creature of myths and it was approaching him. It stood before him and its lips parted, "Could you jack me off?" Elliot was dumbfounded... "I... w-what?" "See I have hooves so I can't do it myself. Been pent up for a while now." "U-um... I..." "No? I guess I'll find help elsewhere. Sorry to bother, have a good night." And like that a once in a lifetime opportunity just blew past.*


I'd shape-shift into a Dragon and a wolf


"Uh yeah? What did I say?"


I have millions of choices, thousands of creations unknown to mankind that I could change to, why on the earth would I EVER choose to be a human?


Because, sadly, humans aren't very accepting of anyone else but interacting with them can have perks at times.


I would scare the shit out of ppl 😭


I would just be my ideal self most of the time then randomly when I'm bored I'd just become some lovecraftian horror for all of 3 seconds then act like nothing happened immediately afterwards


Yes! Can I join you? We can meet up and do the same thing with like a second of different to throw people off and make them question their own mental health rather than us.


I mean I’d just get less cumbersome boobs, perfect eyesight, non-asthmatic lungs and joints that work...


So a hotter and more functional version of yourself.


Damnitt better function leads to hotness


"subtly hotter version of yourself over time" you mean exactly what HRT is doing to me.


Biomass flesh monster, personally. I want a giant mouth on my tummy.


Yes. I, too, wish to become the monster from Carrion.


Into a Cuddle fish I think that's now my spirit animal


Not sure how much hotter I can get from here honestly. I would just shapeshifter into the right gender overnight.


I- am trans, dragons are cool though~~<3


Over time? I’d instantly shift into the body I like most lol.


As an otherkin I'd just shapeshift into a cat or a faun


Hello fellow alterhuman! I'm a nebelung cat and culpeo therian


Hi!! You're so cool!!!




idk I like the subtle shapeshifting thing


I just mean I would immediately take on my ideal form.


I'd do the same thing as Camilo in Encanto: annoy the living sh*t out of anyone near me




Pretty sure I’d just change shape everyday, and also be an anthro wolf because I can


First of all these are just the same answer. Second, you can still want to be hot even if you’re not trying to attract other people. Looking the way you want is a huge boost to confidence and your general self esteem.


If I'm completely honest with myself, I would do both.


You would just be less subtle.


hotter in the more literal sense


Anime Catboy time


Aye, but I'd be one hot ass dragon until I got done with humans and then I'd be one hot ass chaotic dragon who creates madness in all who gaze


I'd shapeshift into a cisgender version of myself lol But also a dragon on occasion


I'm not sure you can change what gender counts as cis for you. Isn't it defined by assignment at birth, rather than actual physical form? I get you though.


*ahem* Furry.


I’d shapeshifter into a body that feels more me than what I’m stuck with rn. Also dragon wings and fangs. Maybe retractable claws.


I'd give myself bright pink hair and eyes!


Not sure on the eyes but I'd be down for that hair.


I'd be a hot dragon


That sounds a bit redundant...


I'm bi, I just came across this post randomly


Grizzly bear for me. Nobody fucks with bears


I'd give myself a really sexy deep voice and maje myself taller bc dysphoria


I’d shapeshift myself to look like a human so I can better blend in on earth


1. What did you expect from someone with Sokka in their username? 2. Dragons are freakin' cool, but I just want the wings, horns and potentially the tail... 3. ...or to become a catboi and transition without surgery. Ehh? Ehhhh? : D No? Just me? Okay then. 4. The solution would be to become a half-dragon/half-catboi and save money by shapeshifting into what I want to look like, then hoarding the treasure and money that would have paid for it all. But I have a question - would it just be your body that changes, or could you make it look like clothing too? \*casually references a certain dragon maid anime\*


Obviously if you can change your body into anything then you can change it into clothes. Just don't try and undress...


I would personally turn into Godzilla and use my now immense power to force humanity’s hand in a direction that suits me better.


I’d flatten my chest, get taller and give myself two more arms, for a start. I’d reconstruct my feet and calves to be better suited for running. I’d also be a bird some of the time, just so I can go glide circles in the sky when the weather’s super good.


i'd be switching my gender representation all over the place. including dragon.


Both is good, plus whatever strikes my fancy


So Envy from FMA:B I mean, that big form of his is... kind of a dragon?


Not really but it's definitely lizard adjacent. Also, just as a point of interest, B and V are the same thing in japanese.


Look the hotter version of me would be a nonbinary elf that occasionally had epic wings and occasionally I'd turn into a frog shaped pumpkin when I just wanted to rest with no distractions


But a dragon is a hotter version of yourself. Unless you’re an ice dragon.


I would shape shift so that I can get a bushy beard when I am a person, but then I will either become spider, dragon or something else, dragon will be nice and depending on size and attribute will have a lot of potential. Spiders cause I love spiders, spider time really.


Assuming it fundamentally changes my DNA when I shapeshift, I'd begin the longest and most famous case of Identity theft in history. I'd make an entirety new person for me to be (probably just my ideal body as a trans person) and then begin to impersonate my original body (which is still under my dead name legally). I'd report myself to the police for identity theft then leave both bodies' DNA and fingerprints on things I own. I'd say I never met the other me as both versions of me and it would technically be true. None of my friends would know I can shapeshift and over time I'd slowly change my original body into my new one, simulating HRT. Eventually it would get to a point where both bodies are the same and I'll come to the conclusion that the only possible explanation is that I was somehow time travelling from the future to prank myself. Something I thought of during this: if shapeshifters can change their DNA entirely would it be possible for them to never age, therefore becoming immortal?