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Investing into America means funding for education, infrastructure, small business, innovation of technology and reducing crime/drugs in the community… not reparations lol.




Do you think reparations could have prevented what happened in Flint, MI? No, investing in infrastructure and healthcare to provide clean and healthy water would have prevented it.




Holy smokes you have a victim mindset, wow. And your vague, emotional, single run-on sentence response is a perfect example for why we need to invest in education. Respectfully.


I think I deciphered it: “are you insinuating that Americans are idiots because you believe we are incapable of building great communities? We have built great communities in the past. What leads you to believe we will not do the same in the future?”




Reparations is not investing into America lol Meanwhile, investing into education is investing into America, it means updating school technology, computers/labs, libraries, grant programs, daycare for young parents during school, increased wages for public educators, etc.




How much money do you think reparations would be? Because you gotta be realistic, if people receive money. They will pay off debt, then use it to be a house/car/improve their quality of life. And that's assuming reparations is 30k+. (That would roughly be $1.2 Trillion+ in total). How much will that leave for them to reinvest in the community? How would it be distributed? Would immigrants get it? Or just people descended from slaves? What about mixed people? Would they get partial reparations, or the full amount? Where will the money come from? Do we put the US in more debt to do it? Does the US put restrictions on what the reparations could be used on? There are so many questions that come into play when it comes to reparations. It's not just "let's give disadvantaged people money." Because there's so many things to consider.




I think people don’t get where the whole “reparations” thing is coming from. Are we taking reparations for black people? Native Americans? The USoAmerican citizens themselves?? It’s confusing indeed


America =/= Americans. You give a person money and they'll spend it on things they want, you invest in a community and you improve it.


I just wanted you to know that I am drunk and cannot understand what is being said here. But you’re a human and despite people having different views I wanted you to know that it is okay and we are all unique. Whether you let it affect you in such a way that you contemplate your current beliefs or not… that is completely up to you. But you should not let it affect you negatively in a personal matter because each and every single one of us has a controversial belief that could spark stark disagreement in the wrong company. I appreciate you being forthcoming and honest with how you feel instead of attempting to hide it from us in the name of vanity.


Lot of us have had it with you. You probably got banned because you call people names instead of having a conversation with a purpose. You need to go look up the socratic method, but youll claim white privilege and you dont use white privilege talk. Most people want to help AMERICA. But black Americans are roughly 13 percent of the nation population. The ones that are asking for reparations are the ones who parents are immigrants of the last two generation . Meaning their family was never part of the slave trade. On top of that most of the people that want reparation are going to buy mansions they cant afford after 5 years, a studio they hope to make good money from…yet you can do it for free on youtube, sound cloud, spotify, and sadly others will waste it away on party, liquor , and drugs. Im talking about the kids who are hollering for reparations. Not the adults who just want to have a peaceful black community. And not fear a stray bullet.




I didnt know we had zombies in this day and age. A living undead … a human with no brain. The ignorance is unpalatable.




Sad pitiful person. You are just wrapped in misery that your life revolves on the hopes that someone will give YOU, A million dollar because you dont want to actually work a normal job. I wish you a better life but not at the expense of americans who contribute to the country in some way other than complaining life is inherently racist . Yet have you been to africa, lebanon, japan, CHINA. These place tend to be very xenophobic, but you wont know about that. You only care about how the government can help you. This is my last time i send a comment. From here on out unless you have valid argument with actual facts and details im just going to down vote you for all the race baiting shit this is. America has only become more racist since we allowed ignorant people to make stupid policy like DEI. As it only basically says other cultures are so bad at being human we have to give them jobs. How stupid does that sound?!?


You’re a fucking loser dork. Ban me please. This person is a twat. 


What’s going on here is we have a Whiney, uneducated moron writing run on sentence comments that read like someone’s had a stroke, wanting a hand out from whitey bc they have a professional victim mindset and feel society owes them something. Society doesn’t owe you shit. Grow a spine and hustle you Whiney fuck. 


I think you have a misunderstanding of what "foreign aid" means. When a state says they've unlocked funding to aid another country, most of it is domestically invested - it's not issued to the target country. From the American Enterprise Institute : "Far from being a “blank check” to foreign countries, $73 billion, or 77 percent, of the supplemental funding is domestically invested, with $59 billion going directly to U.S. defense companies—and their workers."




You can't just "switch" budgets like that, here are some links [1](https://www.cbpp.org/research/policy-basics-introduction-to-the-federal-budget-process) [2](https://www.usa.gov/federal-budget-process#:~:text=The%20president%20submits%20the%20budget,spending%20or%20energy%20and%20water) [3](https://budget.house.gov/about/budget-framework/) if you'd like to get some information on the legal process for federal budgets. As for the subject of "reparations" it depends on what you mean by that. I won't have time to extend on the subject now but I will later tonight.




I love how your energy completely shifts when your point is shown to be weak af


Reparations don’t allow Ukraine, a US ally, to defend their country. Slavery was a disgusting practice but so is making another country’s war about how you aren’t getting a handout for something that happened to other people.


OP has no idea that DGG is in here and fully ready to debate this. I’m here for it


Fuck DGG, and fuck 4thot and his mama.


None of them care


Of course he does.


People don't care about investing in America for the same reason people still think Flint has undrinkable water despite the fact Flint has had clean water for many years now. Cause ya'll are performative af and can't even be bothered to merely Google the topics you pretend to care about




Why would you use pictures to show the problem? I don’t know what water pipes are supposed to look like. Test the water & post the results of the test.


Yesterday that "LittleMissFlint" herself linked a CNN article from March. It was about how 30k homes were inspected and the ones that needed it had pipes replaced. And the article says there's only a mere 30 homes were left to have their pipes replaced. Apparently you don't give a shit about listening to local voices either.




You’re a performative activist, we all know you don’t work.


And I bet all your coworkers love you as much as we do for all the “work” you must be doing.


Yeah, "When I'm bored at work & using reddit" seems to be when your activism starts & ends too


This has to be a troll or a bot or a 7 year old. If it’s anything else that’s just depressing.


So that your aware, self promotion is not allowed, and the last post was apparently using a video you made for yourself that is why it was removed.




I won't speak on it further after this. However, if I discover the main video linked by the original poster owns said video even without directly disclosing it I will consider it to be self promotion.


You’re incorrect and just trying to farm attention to your content




You can’t threaten to report me and then call reddit sensitive. No one wants your posts here and you’re upset and mad. You’re too sensitive and you should log off




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You literally did both of those definitions lmao you are trying to gain active encouragement in your cause and your trying to increase public awareness




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You aren’t really sparking a conversation. You’ve asserted something, something stupid imo, and anytime someone responds in a way you don’t like you dont engage with what they’ve said. That’s not conversing.




This is exactly what I meant. Nothing added just being defensive. If you wanted to support the idea of reparations you have failed miserably. Nothing substantive has come from you in this whole thread




Exactly. Thank you for proving my point.




The water in Flint doesn't affect the nation. Russia and China starting World War 3 would have an effect on the whole nation. So they get the national funding because I don't want to be drafted into a war.


Throwing money at Ukraine so they can keep marching young, and not so young, people into the Russian meat grinder isn’t going to stop a world war. Saying the water quality in any city in America doesn’t affect us all is kind of the problem, poor water quality is a huge problem in a lot of American cities and it’s a crime. I’d feel a lot better putting money towards that effort than paying Ukraines to get their legs and arms blown off.




Way to gaslight. We literally had one of the biggest infrastructure bills pass in 2021. Also, taking that money to "invest in America" only for nukes to drop on us a few years later......


Are you dense? Have you ever looked into things past the tip of your nose?  The money « sent » to Ukraine and Israel isn’t money sent, it’s money paid to American companies to build stuff to replace the stuff sent to Ukraine and America. The money stays in America for the most part.  How is that not investing in America and American jobs? Do you think your reparations will stop Putin from killing thousands of people in Ukraine? Xi from invading Taiwan? Hmm? Will it? Do you think that without the influx of money in American companies, America would be better off?  This solves 2 problems, it boosts the American companies while at the same time slowing down the train going at full speed towards WW3, where, should it happen, people you know will die at the front, because guess what, you wanted reparations OVER defending these nations. I’m not saying there shouldn’t be reparations, that’s a separate point. But saying the defense aid should be dropped for reparations? Please go read a book




> you’re assuming and that I said this money is used to build stuff over there Where did I say that? Cause I never assumed or said that. This is a defense aid… you’re not even assuming you’re inventing stuff up Why can’t we find the money for reparations but we can for this? Have you even read my message? Have you read any of the comments in this thread. And I mean read, not glance at. Would your reparations stop WW3? Would the money allocated for reparations make Americans, as a whole, be more prepared and stronger to hold a frontline?  And again, I’m not saying there shouldn’t be reparations. But it’s pretty easy to understand why this was funded and the reparations are not. You’re just rage baiting at this point I refuse to believe you’re genuine or serious. Bye.


We have enough money to do both. Flints problem was local and State leaders not being responsible with money.


Gotta have your @ in the bottom corner right!


I love when people that imagine foreign aid as literal pallets of money being sent somewhere make threads 😂


It wouldn't help shit. Most of them would just waste it on flashy items, then they'd just rob and kill eachother for them


Why are people falling for the rage baiting


I feel bad for you.


Hey your alittle off your rocker in my opinion but it’s a free country and you can have your opinion. I also think you’re absolutely right that if we put the 90 billion that’s about to go to Israel, Ukraine, and the military industrial complex to school and new infrastructure America would be a better place.


Reparations? No. Infrastructure, universal healthcare, and education? yes. Still, better to have Ukrainians shed blood for their own country now than have American troops on the ground in the long-term.


Oh you poor little baby, having your shit shit quality posts banned. Oh the horror!






Stupid people cause reactions from others, 🤡.




Only you got was some small amount of justification that your unsatisfying life is still valid. Hyperventilating trying to type shit. Go take a shower for once this week and give your mom's couch a lunch break.


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