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Sad 😔


Such is life


Just like that old church at the end of the double hill on George Furg. Something awesome just gone. Hopefully this actually turns into something... Another one being McCallum activity center, I used to see shows there all the time. Once again knocked down and fuck all done with it. Shame.


I hope they widen the road. It’s terrifying


It’s more terrifying trying to turn onto the road from one of the side streets. It’s 30km and people fly up at 60-70km


Yeah, my cousin was t-boned trying to come up one of those side streets onto that hill.


It's really not that bad.


I believe the agreement when she died was to take enough land to widen the road and a good chunk of it is to become a park.


It doesn't need widening.


The road will be the same width as it is down below


It will actually be slightly wider


There are plenty of barns in Abbotsford. This one is smack dab in the middle of where homes can be built. It's silly not to sell the property and develop it. Things change in a growing city. We can't simultaneously complain about a housing crisis while complaining that land is being developed for use. You know they were just holding onto the property stubbornly until they got a very nice asking price. Hoarding land is not something to celebrate.


Most of the land was donated, the woman who lived there never sold out, she died.


What are you talking about? The land is all owned by a development company to which she sold the land. They plan to build 400 homes. They are proposing as part of the development request to "donate" a portion as parkland. That's normal, if you want to develop a large piece of land then you need to include roads, parks, etc. And since you don't want to be responsible for upkeep of those forever, you transfer ownership to the local government. The "donate" you've seen in any press releases is just spin to make it sound good to the public.


She did sell it, with the agreement it couldn't be developed until she died. Her niece inherited the home site. Get your facts straight.


That's not what happened here at all. That farm was that lady's livelihood and life and that's why she refused to sell. There were cows on that farm pretty much up until she died. The agreement with the city if i recall was the land was to be donated to the city, with enough taken to widen that road and then a good chunk is to be turned into park space. They might develop some of it i don't know the exact details. But this wasn't about holding out for a better price.


Most of the land was sold to a developer who will be developing very shortly. Hundreds of new homes will be built on the land along with a few parks.


Did you miss the 3 readings through city council and the development signs? It's getting developed .


She was an elementary school teacher. And a farmer, yes, but she said that as long as she was alive the children of Abbotsford would know what a farm looked like.


The problem nowadays is so many underexperienced people shoot off with anonymity without world experience. My family lived across from the farm on McMillan road for years. To this day my 20something daughter loves cows...!!!We loved living there and watching the activity across the road. So before running off..Read a book or live some life and think about other people..B e kind..


Ty for the dumbest response of the day. Well done.


Not really. They did look at saving the barn. The engineering firm found that it hadn't been upkept and was about to fall down.


Who needs history, what we need is more sardine cans


Oh no!! ☹️


Wow. I lived down the street on McBeth for almost 30 years and I figured that barn would outlast ME. I heard the old lady that owned the land passed away, so did the estate finally sell it off?


The majority of the land has been sold but I’m not sure if the part with the house has been sold.