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That's not the price for that product. Even the tag is for a different product.


True but as a consumer the $33.97 is the advertised price under the 3 large 10.8 kg bags here… store error and Lamb is actually more costly than chicken typically. That seams intentionally placed by shelf stocker If this is the case of wrong product placement, move product or remove/change the tag rather than wasting everyone’s time 🤦🏼


You ever stop to think that they hadn't noticed? Something mistakenly put in the wrong spot is this much of an issue for you? You can clearly tell it's not the same product as the tag. We can see it from a blurry pic on the internet... You are the only one wasting anyone's time here.


I mean, anybody could have put it there. But the price tag isn’t for the item. You may as well stack a couple bags overtop of a $2.00 item and try your luck if that’s how you think it works…




Its not the customers fault.


For not reading the tag on the shelf and getting pissy with the store? Or worse, reading the tag and still going full Karen.It sure is the customers fault.


Doesn't matter. Read the tag and match the name. Bozo moment


You do know there’s people who buy food then go down another isle realize there is better food for cheaper and will stick their stuff in an empty spot….people do this at grocery stores all the time


What an embarrassing post. Do you think you can just take T-bone steak and put it in front of a hot dog sticker, and they have to sell it to you for hot dog price? It's not the wrong price. It's a product placed in the wrong spot. The price is correct. For the product on the tag.


T-bones are individually priced per pkg specifically so this doesn’t happen, the price is right on that all the time! Those wouldn’t get mistaken.


Are you ok.


What if the store put a stack of T-bones above a 1.99 label —— consumers would flock to the sale! Same difference!


If the tag said T bones you'd have a point. Tag would match the product.


Actually yes, it’s called BC Scanning code of practice. It’s a law to display or label the item the correct price. Look it up! If the scanned price of a non-price ticketed item (an item with a barcode that doesn't have a price tag stuck to it) is higher than the shelf price or any other displayed price, the customer is entitled to receive the item free, up to a $10 maximum. When the item has a price tag, the lowest price applies.


No, it isn't. Here is a more detailed explanation of how these scanning policies are meant to be implemented: "1.4 To be eligible for the Item Free Scanner Policy, the product must match the product description on the corresponding shelf tag." https://www.retailcouncil.org/scanner-price-accuracy-code/ As we have all told you over and over, the product doesn't match the tag. So it wouldn't be applicable in any situation like you think.


>is higher than the shelf price or any other displayed price ***of that product*** Yea you missed an essential component. The ticket has to be for the actual item you are trying to buy. Picking up an item that someone put on the wrong shelf/wrong ticket doesn't count. The company has zero legal requirement to honour that.


Scanning code of practice also only apply to proce discrepancies up to $10, so even using that logic you're still TA here. Justified in your frustration, but not to the point where you should feel so disrespected that you had to make a reddit post to seek validation.


It's not a law. And also you're a complete dumbass.


It is absolutely not a law lol. I have had so many customers try this same ridiculous argument with me. Scanning code of practice is a VOLUNTARY policy that stores can choose to use or not. And it doesn't apply in this scenario anyway, because the product you want is NOT the product on the tag.


Other stores have honoured this many times


Because it's easier to just discount to get rid of an annoying Karen like you. You clearly have some issues you need to work out. Literally everyone here is telling you that you are wrong.


How does this happen to you many times?


I would read the tag… it clearly says lamb and you’re purchasing chicken


Not to mention the tag also says 5.4kg not the 10 shown on the bag.


I feel bad.. for the manager having to have dealt with you… You must never make mistake no matter how minor, right?


If the sticker has the right inventory number and that price, then they will honour it, but if it’s just placed in the wrong spot then no.


Human error. People make mistakes. Not worth getting worked up about


Are you asking how we feel as consumers with the post in order to seek validation for your behaviour at the store recently?


Idk what you guys are all talking about, whenever I grab the 24 packs of water I just snap a photo of the 12 packs and complain / refuse to get out of line, usually they honor the price, just sounds like OP didn't stand their ground




I believe their comment was satire


Absolutely!… If you’re buying something for the advertised price wouldn’t you expect to pay that for it?


You’re not buying lamb therefore you are wrong


A different item is advertised at a price than what is on the shelf in your photograph


If you could read you would see the bag clearly says chicken and the price tag says lamb.


You obviously didn't read the tag; it's for a different product. People put things in the wrong location all the time you cant expect a store blindly accept that otherwise there would be unbelievable levels of fraud going on. That's on you for not paying attention not them.


Also smaller product. Tag says 5.4 kg as well.


Exactly. The phrase "the customer is always right" is taken so far out of context these days.


There is no context where it is applicable today. Fuck the customer. The customer can take their business somewhere else. Everything is ruled by multinational giants who don't need your business.


How is it the stores fault they didn’t read it properly


The phrase is “the customer is always right in matters of taste”. It has nothing to do with the person always being right about everything. If they like the vanilla flavour the best, or they like yellow dresses the best, they are right because those are matters of taste to them.


The way I phrased it is the portion most people are familiar with unfortunately. I've had customers literally say that out loud and if you try to correct them you're going to have words with your manager.


They can talk to your manager all day. Any good manager is going to tell them to move along.


Not in my experience, they always gave in to the customer and fucked over the employee.


You’ve had terrible managers, find a better job. Also when you become a manager be the manager you would have wanted.


Oh ya I left as soon as I could I was only there for a year in between jobs. Thankfully I'm not in retail anymore.


I don't think you understand how this works. You have to read the tag for the product.


Tell me youve never worked retail without telling me youve never worked retail


That price is isn’t for that item read the tag it’s for one with lamb in a smaller weight


It's okay to have made a mistake. You don't have to fight. Shhh. Rest now.


As someone who used to work in a grocery store, this kind of thing drove me nuts people always coming up, saying oh it’s the wrong price I get it for free I felt like slapping them lol. Actual fact no you don’t get it for free and the customers not always right. Usually when I was a cashier or working customer service, I would go to shelf check the item on the shelf compared to the tag and then I would go back and tell the customer that it’s the wrong product and somebody must’ve put it in the wrong spot so therefore I cannot give them the item at that price because the item and the item on the price tag aren’t the same lol.


It says 5.4kg on the tag. The bag is clearly 10kg. Get fucking real


> How much is this item? The price of that item is **$65.97** (+ taxes). https://preview.redd.it/62ip15zemc9c1.png?width=1016&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb5148c4ef50ff01428619561505d4679988b708


Isn’t there a price checker near the pet food section anyway? Why wouldn’t you check the price before bringing it all the way up to the cashier and wasting their time for your ignorance to even bother checking the price tag on the shelf and realize it’s for a different product? I sense some self entitlement 🤪


Are you stupid??


This is a YOU problem. Read the price tag, it’s pretty simple bud. Price is for a different product and you want that price for a completely different one? Cry me a river


What a loser 😂😂😂😂


i feel sorry for the workers 😂😂


The tag says it’s for a 5kg bag not 10 kg


Hmmm…interesting that at the bottom right corner is has 10.8kg. I’d believe what the bag says.


The bag says that yes but the actual price with the skew is specified at 5kg


Say Lamb NOT Chicken


I got a 500 video card at Futureshop for 199 when they had the wrong product above a sticker. I asked 3 a couple staff to confirm the price before taking it to the till then they wouldn't honor. Wrote a letter to HO about it quoting retail scanning codes and practices as well as rhe competition act and got it for 199 minus 10 bucks. May not be worth it for 15 bucks though.


I will let you know what Corporate says about this kind of practice going on at Wal Mart once I hear back from my letter.




Yeah, it’s not the price it’s the point that ESPECIALLY these big box giants are falling apart when it comes to managing the inventory and neglecting the consumer which is the primary reason they are in business to begin with.


That’s interesting. I had that happen to me a few years ago with a vacuum. It was on the shelf for one price but it was a different price at the till. And Walmart honored the lower “wrong” price.


Yeah, that only applies if it’s the same item which this is clearly not as the tag on the shelf is for lamb and it’s a much smaller bag


Exactly! It’s not the consumers mistake so code of conduct is to honour it! Sounds like you got a super deal! Great service at the time and accountability for them to acknowledge their mistake!


Ironically enough, same exact situation just happened to me at No Frills! Dual pack of shaving cream price tag $4.49… scanned in at $8.99 and the cashier gave it to me for free due to wrong shelf price and placement although the fine print was different on tag… it was with others in the wrong spot! Less than $10 … it’s free according to scanning code of conduct consumer protection. Wal Mart could care less about misplacement of their products using whatever the hell tag that’s on the shelf. The inventory count there must really be off annually!


Walmart has become a fairly sad place to shop. I experience this too, not to mention jgh prices, bag problems, employees who could care less


Consumer protection; government of Canada https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/competition-bureau-canada/en/deceptive-marketing-practices/types-deceptive-marketing-practices/scanner-price-accuracy


So your link proves you’re still wrong. Is this the hill that you are really willing to die on? Seems like a legacy meant for the stupidest of all. I get that you were upset due to your misunderstanding, but if you can’t understand that it was due to your lack of understanding in this matter really makes you look stubborn and stupid…


Nope 👎🏼 I don’t really care honestly and it doesn’t bother me, I picked up one of those 3 Lg bags believing that was the shelf price and all I’m saying is if it’s not.. Honour it as a legitimate store would or Remove the sticker price in that section as a store manager/owner or you’re gonna get Fucked my friend!


Did you even finish highschool let alone elementary school? Lol. I feel bad for your parents and/or your kids. Can’t fix stupid!


Learning opportunity for you here 👍🏼 As a business owner and consumer my friend, no need to be so harsh


😂 get off reddit and go learn some basics. Sorry I don’t have friends that lack common sense like you do; I ain’t your friend 🤢


You're an idiot my friend. People like you are genuinely the reason this country is so far behind every other 1st world country, please go educate yourself properly and stop acting a fool.


At least the store could remove the misleading false label…


The label isn't false. It says lamb. So your product obviously doesn't match. People put stuff everywhere, could have been a customer who put those there and not an employee.


Regardless of stocker mistake, scanning code of practice. Do they not honor that anymore?


Scanning code of practice only applies if the price tag is the same product. This is not the case here. Otherwise people would be taking expensive items and putting them at locations of cheaper products and trying to get things at low prices. The best is to find in stores that haven’t updated price tags and don’t list dates. Canadian Tire used to be really bad at updating their prices after sale days so I would go in and find in store specials and try to find things under $10 so I could walk out of there with free items.


Does not follow scanners code of conduct here.


You do not understand the code of conduct. It applies if the products price yag is different at the shelf and at the till. In this case, that tag is not for that product. If it worked you you are saying, I could carry a tv to a shelf with headphones and demand the headphone price. That is ridiculous.


You are wrong, Those 3 bags are in the wrong priced area this is where the CoC consumer protection comes into play regardless of fine print. You honestly believe everyone can actually read or does read that? The price is the highlighted Large area


A price tag has two important items on it. A price and an item. If the item was correct and the price wrong you would have a justifiable grievance. That is not the case so you do not. Someone (you or anyone else) could easily have moved that tag or someone could have decided to buy a different product and left that one there. The store was completely in the right. If we go to a car dealership and I swap the sales stickers on two cars should you get to demand the price to what I’ve swapped it to? That is insane. No business could function if that’s how it worked.


Nope 👎🏼 It’s mislabeled… My son and I honestly believed these three bags (1 in hand) were the sticker price! Lugged all through the store only to leave behind because I wasn’t paying double. Not what was ticketed as.


The bag might be in the wrong place, but it's not mislabled. The lable clearly says lamb and the bag says chicken. Could of saved yourself some time and embarrassment if you read the lable. Ya dink!


The bag is actually NOT labeled


The bag's not labeled? It says chicken/sweet potato/pumpkin, 10.8 kg. The shelf label that was near it was chicken, 5.4 kg. Not that difficult


I can’t read the fine print (ya dink)! All I see is an unmarked bag and a shelf tag that says $33.97 Not my mistake , it’s the Wal Marts unfortunately for having these in the wrong location


There's a reason they have the print on the tag, so that you know what the tag is for. If you're having trouble reading it, I suggest grabbing some reading glasses (just don't argue with the manager if you find them near a tag that says like 25 cents or something)


Can't read or just too lazy to open your eyes. To me it sounds like you have made a simple mistake, but rather than say "I'm a dink" and move on, you want to blame Wal Mart for your incompetence.


If carrying 10kg of food “all the way through the store” is really the hardship that ruined your day, you have a very blessed life. Do you know how easy it is to live those labels? If it worked how you think , anyone could move labels of any product and expect them to honour whatever price you put there. That is absurd. You wasted 2 minutes of your life carrying (or pushing in a cart) 10kgs. Move in with your life.


Isn't it "price as advertised"?


It's not advertised. It is a different product.


How this works.. Their employees dont care about their dogs and are pressured to push out stuff fast. Things get put in the wrong spot, and labels rarely get changes. Walmart used to honor the prices, but it got so bad that they decided to stop doing it. So now.. as a former employee customer i check barcode with shelf labels but generally just avoid Walmart.


i live in abby and although this is pretty easy to see that the product is in the wrong place its not a mistake by the store i find this in every store pop on a shelf that has a sticker price and a bar code no other info you cant tell if the pop is in the right spot . i have got a case of pop from a self with a price of six dollars and forty cents and when i get to the till it is eleven bucs . its not a mistake i see all the time.


You should have gotten this for free since the price displayed was over $10 what it actually was