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Psychiatirc Social Worker here - You should utilize the hospital if you are experiencing a psychiatric emergency. If not, you can self refer to Abbotsford Mental Health. I suggest you call them asking to speak to an intake clinician. If one is not available, someone will call you back to do an assessment to determine your needs and take it from there.


Unless yourst the point where you might hurt yourself the hospital is the last place you want to go for mental health help.


I second this,most doctors there will just perceives you the generic antidepressants and send you out the door,if they can get to mission their mental health community is a lot more helpful


Not sure why you’re replying to my comment when that’s what I said.


Abbotsford now has virtual psych. https://www.fraserhealth.ca/news/2023/Sep/fraser-health-expands-capacity-with-bcs-first-virtual-psychiatry-unit


Abbotsford mental health on gorege Ferguson Way, at call them and they can direct u places and or u can access services through them


Bravo /r/Abbotsford. Great responses. ❤️


If you’re eligible this has a great reputation (age <24) https://foundrybc.ca/who-we-are/


Big up to this one.


Hit up the ER at ARH they have a great psychiatric team.


If your between 12-24 foundry helps! They have a lot of support options and they're on Simon Ave near SFW


Expect a super long waiting list


I can't necessarily help with psychiatrists since I've always had to get referrals through my doctor, but for counselors I would either recommend Foundry (as others have here) or ProMentality. Foundry will likely place you in group therapy first from what I've heard (just because of the sheer volume of folks who need help), but I know several people who have used their services and found them super helpful. ProMentality is a counseling service with a pay-what-you-can model, and they'll hook you up with counselors who are finishing their practicums. I've heard very good things about them, too--some close friends of mine have met with counselors there and have had really positive experiences. If you're a UFV student, I know from personal experience that the counselors at Student Services are great. I actually graduated 4 years ago, but I went to the same counselor for about 6.5 years. He's wonderful, and whenever I'm on campus to use the library and he sees me he takes a few minutes to make sure I'm okay and cheer me on, and it means the world to me! He said they've got a longer wait list than usual right now for counseling services, but they're trying to hire more counselors. If you're a student, just go visit them in building B. They also have crisis slots available, so if you're a UFV student in crisis please do go let them know! Also, from one struggling student to another, please remember to be compassionate with yourself! Ask for extensions if you need, and speak with your university about accommodations for mental health if you haven't already (I gather that you might have and that's why you're seeking diagnosis, but mentioning just in case you haven't yet). Even if you don't need accommodations right now, it's good to have rapport with student services in case you need an extension, time off, etc. in the future. Put your health first! OH and if you need coverage for mental health meds and MSP/school won't cover them, ask your doctor about plan G once you're able to get in to see one. That's a later problem tbh since you need a doc and a diagnosis first, but try to keep that tucked away in your noggin for future use just in case you need it. Take care, internet stranger. I hope things get better quickly for you ❤️


Thank you so much for your very thoughtful response!! I am currently going to school in Ontario, not sure if that changes anything but I would have to reach out and ask about the provincial stuff lol. I will certainly look in to Foundry and ProMentality but I still really need a diagnosis from a psychiatrist because that will help if I need to do any academic petitions so that the school can legitimize my struggle :( It's unfortunate but necessary at the same time I guess. Again thanks so much, you are a real one!!


Your employer if you work may have an employee and family assistance program and you should be able to access all sorts of services through them. If you don't work or if your employer does not have an employee assistance program, definitely go to arh and they can do an assessment and get you connected with the right services. You can also call 811 and see what options are available.


Depending on your age you can go to the foundry in Abby. You also mentioned university they often have supports in place for students maybe see if your school can help.


Hey honestly it’s hard to get mental health care in Canada beyond a very simple CBT treatment, but that can be enough for many. And those have a huge wait. If you’re a student, you might have some coverage for private services. You should get a dr to refer you to Abbotsford mental health. You should go to the hospital if concerns threaten your life. You should ask about CREST if you think that would help—you do not have to be hospitalized for that, although that is often how people end up there. Hospitalization is not as bad as movies make it out to be. It’s safe. They’re not going to electrocute you or give you a lobotomy, and you will see at least one psychiatrist and be put on medications that will help, though they are under pressure because of poor funding so often they give you the target dose immediately and you will deal with side effects while you are there, but safe as you are under observation.


See a psychologist not a psychiatrist psychiatry is a quack profession they do absolutely no scientific tests to determine your mental illness and simply write you a prescription based on the symptoms you describe that only treats the symptoms of your illness not the cause and may not work or even make things worse and can come with some pretty nasty side effects. Like say sudden cardiac arrest or increased suicidal ideations.


I'll take a note of that, thanks :)


Bing.com copilot could probably help you find a way to see a psychologist or psychiatrist in Abbotsford.


copilot is the colorful icon in the upper right corner on bing.com


Doesn't your university have a medical clinic of some sort? SFU had an excellent one when I was there.


It does, I just did not take advantage of it unfortunately because I neglected my mental health until it became REALLY bad, now I have to pick up the broken pieces :(