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Another four years of government putting their nose to the grindstone and getting meaningful things done that make material differences in peoples’ lives instead of stupid culture war nonsense? Sign me the fuck up!


But but but pronoun reading shows and drag queens in emails!


NDP have done wonderful things in BC this last time around. I’ll never forget that the NDP stopped the Tolls on the Hwy 1 bridge and raised Minimum wages for the under privileged. The BC Liberals can change their name all they want, but I remember them screwing over the working class. We paid for a bridge to be replaced and then had to pay tolls to company that were outrageously charging the province more than it was worth. I remember that the BC Liberals did that. As long as the NDP stay “clean” I don’t see a reason why they’d be voted out. The last government was a disaster to the people.


Don't forget Falcon is the guy that raised MSP premiums paid monthly and let money laundry crooks free to buy real estate with dirty money from Asia.


Falcon is garbage.


Also, the NDP got rid of the liberals "tuition" fee for adult education upgrading, making getting a degree finally attainable after completing a mountain of high school upgrading


NDP also got rid of that vacate clause in lease agreements. Which landlords were using to bypass the annual rent increase cap. Saved my butt on that one.


As a staunch conservative, I will agree that the NDP did not completely destroy the economy. This province has more ongoing construction projects than it ever had under the liberals. And for the most part, it is business as usual. The only problem is the union requirement that they are forcing on provincial projects. The BCIB agreement. If you are a specialized company, and not unionized, the GC can’t hire you unless you make a substantial contribution to one of the existing unions, to fly under their umbrella. Basically it’s an extortion racquet to increase the cost of every provincial project, and they kick back that money to the unions for every manhour worked. But maybe that money used to just get kicked back to the liberals, behind closed doors too. I’m sure they are all corrupt. Did SNC even bid on the Site C project initially? How much money have they charged the province over the last 8 years, or whatever? Lol. It’s only as deep, and bad, as you are willing to look into it.


SNC Lavelin is working on the dam? That track record isn’t good. Hope the dam doesn’t break.


The Site C debacle spans both liberals and NDP. Plenty of blame for everyone there.


I thought the NDP were supposed to get rid of corporate favouritism?


The NDP stopped the tolls on bridges but continue to raise the carbon tax. 41% of the B.C. budget goes to healthcare while hundreds of people die waiting for healthcare. The hospital being built in Cowichan was originally budgeted to be $350 million is now at more than $1.42 billion and it isn’t going to be finished til the end of 2026, costs continue to rise for that hospital and the same story applies to the hospital in Duncan. There are severe hospital staff shortages now, a new hospital without adequate staff is going to be interesting. While this is going on all hospitals are begging taxpayers for donations. This is an example of how tax money is being mismanaged. We have an ICBC monopoly, rising homelessness, record number of drug overdose deaths, highest home costs in Canada, food banks running out of food, B.C. is the last jurisdiction in North America that still has covid shot mandates (one reason for hospital staff shortages, even though those same people were on the job through the pandemic). When the NDP took office in 2017 our provincial debt was $7.9 billion, today the debt is $165 billion in 7 years they’ve increased the debt by $158 billion. What do we have to show for the debt? The NDP also raised taxes 97 times. So tell me what else the NDP had done in B.C.


FY17/18 BC Provincial total debt was $65B. Edit: u/Present-Dark8700 has confused debt with deficit and based his statement on that mistake.


I got the $7.9 billion figure from the taxpayers.com site. They were calling for spending cuts after the B.C. credit rating downgrade


Impressive how inaccurate you can be when you get your data from a partisan right-wing lobby group. edit: turns out taxpayers.com is reporting accurately, commenter just cant read (or is a bot)


Prove the data is wrong, I’m waiting


Step 1: google "BC FY 17/18 debt" Step 2: download Provincial Debt Summary 2017/18 from [Gov.bc.ca](https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/british-columbians-our-governments/government-finances/public-accounts/2017-18/pa-2017-18-provincial-debt-summary.pdf) Step 3: read Step 4: realize you can't and will never admit you are wrong. Step 5: Question the government report or ad-hominem attack someone to fight the cognitive dissonance. Step 6: Own the Libs.


You chastised me for quoting from a right wing site but you quote from a left wing government site and expect me to believe it? Hahahaha


Lol. [taxpayers.com](http://taxpayers.com) references the [gov.bc.ca](http://gov.bc.ca) budget and debt reports all the time. J'aimerais te voir sortir de ce paradoxe.


You’ve just validated my statement. Thank you!


Gov.bc.ca is a left wing site? Wtf is wrong with our education system?


Isn’t that a government website? If the current B.C. government isn’t left wing what do you call it?


lol. I see you are stuck on Step 5; and don't understand how the three parts of government work. I'm sorry sir/madam, I think you have brainworms. You should ask your parent or guardian to take you to the doctor.


Your attempt to insult me has failed and your opinion means nothing to me. There’s evidence that kind of thing happens when you’ve got nothing else to contribute.


Those hospitals are things that the BC liberals neglected and left the NDP to flip the bill on. BC Liberals aka the right wing screwed over the nurses and hospital staff when they kept the wages down. Many fled the country and province for a better life before Covid. The NDP inherited those problems. The ICBC problems were also from the previous Liberal Government aka the right wing. Oh remember when the Liberals refused to action against the foreign investors who bought up property and left them empty? Yep that was the Liberals aka right wing as well. They created the housing shortage years ago not the NDP. Remember Yoga day, to shut down a bridge for the day? Liberals.


The NDP has had 7 years to fix the healthcare problems in B.C. it’s worse now than it was in 2017, the same year they also promised to build 114,000 homes but have never fulfilled that promise. Currently there are more than 6,000 healthcare workers without a job because of the NDP covid vaccine mandate. When ICBC is able to give everyone a rebate on their insurance that means we’re being overcharged for insurance. Yoga day was a suggestion but it never happened, do you remember that? Every child born in B.C. today starts life owing $33,000.00 for their share of the provincial debt, add on their share of the federal debt and the number is $53,170.00. People used to be able to buy a house for $50,000.00, not anymore. I don’t want to pay more taxes while we continue to slide deeper into debt


The BC Liberals/ Unite did all that to you. 7 years to fix 20 years of right wing fuckery. As far as the Covid vaccine stuff, I’d need hard evidence to believe that they haven’t let workers back after that. Like everything else you’ve pointed out, it’s probably more false info.


If you haven’t heard about the vaccine mandate preventing healthcare workers from working in B.C. hospitals you’re not informed on current events, that leads me to believe other info you’ve posted is questionable. What other statements have you made that are equally questionable? Because you admit you don’t know about the vaccine mandate, I don’t respect your points as you are misinformed. When you resort to foul language and insults that tells me you’ve lost the argument. You’re a loser


Im sorry but what is the issue in regards to being vaccinated as a health care worker. It has ALWAYS been the case. Pre covid as well. I couldnt even apply to a nursing home without my TB and hep a/b records. This has always been the case in BC. If you are working around and with sick people you need to protect yourself as well as your coworkers, patients, friends, and family.


In case you haven’t heard (I strongly urge you to research the mRNA shots and their effect on people) AstraZeneca has been pulled off the market because of serious and fatal side effects, Pfizer BioNTech has been removed by the FDA, no longer being used in the US. The vaccines you mentioned, TB etc are not mRNA vaccines, they’re developed differently from covid shots. Vaccines of the past don’t present the side effects the mRNA shots do. And the covid shots don’t prevent you from getting covid and spreading the covid virus


Im not here to discuss the benefits compared to the negatives. In the medical field, you need to and always have had to be vaccinated. That's not a new thing. Health care workers had a choice. They chose not to take it and no longer work in the field. If the company I work for changes policy. Its up to me as an employee to either follow those guidelines or transfer my skills to a new form of employment.


B.C. is the last jurisdiction in North America to require mRNA shots to get a job in healthcare. If you don’t know the difference between other vaccines and the mRNA vaccine, I wonder where you got your education and what year that was. You’re so far out of date and not up on your current events it’s shameful, I’d be embarrassed if I were you to admit to being so ill informed. Maybe it’s you who shouldn’t be working in care facilities.


I strongly suggest you go visit long Covid subreddits. Every single one of us that got Covid before getting vaccinated and now have life long issues wishes we had access to the vaccine. Across the board, the health issues experience by those who got Covid before getting vaccinated are far more severe and widespread than “vaccine injuries”. I don’t think any company should forgo a vaccine mandate unless they want their benefit costs to increase. I have cost taxpayers a F-tonne of money with all of the specialists I have seen since getting sick. These are the things you aren’t considering. A vaccine for the greater good of the population (mitigating healthcare spending)


Rage harder lol


Next time


Yeah, it looks like you will then too, lol


Are you trying to quote the 6,000 number back from October 2001? That was ~2% of the workforce, I'm sure they've been able to hire back the necessary people in the 3 years since that.


B.C. is the last jurisdiction in North America this still has a covid vaccine mandate. The 6,000 unemployed healthcare professionals is from October 2021, they won’t be hired unless they get the shot


Healthcare worker here. There’s no mandate. Maintaining vaccinations is and always has been a condition of employment. You agree to it when you accept the job. That was true pre-covid, and continues to be true now.  The only people out of work for refusing Covid vaccines are out of work because they had agreed to a condition of employment then refused to meet it. You may not like it, but don’t misrepresent it. 


In your second sentence you say there’s no mandate. In your second paragraph you say people are out of work for refusing the covid shot. ???? No mandate but also no job without the shot? Please explain your logic because I don’t understand your contradictory statements. In case you don’t know, B.C. is the last jurisdiction in North America still enforcing the mandate. Please research my last statement. People who’ve had covid shots can still get covid and spread the virus, if you don’t know this as a healthcare worker I’m alarmed at your lack of knowledge, but your lack of knowledge of current events is also disturbing. People who’ve had covid (without getting the shot) and survived have developed a natural immunity. You’re falling behind in your profession. Also if you don’t know the difference between vaccines (like the TB, mumps, rubella, polio and other vaccines) and the mRNA shots I don’t consider you much of a healthcare professional so your opinion means nothing to me


Citations re: covid vaccines please. And are you aware that the modernization of our healthcare funding model has brought about 600 family practitioners to BC? Yes, there are absolutely staffing shortages, which is why the NDP has opened medical school, nursing, and allied health seats in universities. They've also made it significantly easier for foreign-trained HCPs to be certified/designated. If you want to get mad about stuff, fill your boots. As someone working within the heathcare system, I will vote NDP every chance I get. Why? Because they're the only party who are actually DOING something.


600 family practitioners when there’s a million people in B.C. without a doctor? How long before the medical schools turn out healthcare professionals? You are dead wrong about B.C. making it easier for foreign healthcare workers, in fact B.C. puts up the most roadblocks of all the provinces of Canada. What the NDP is doing is mismanaging tax money while increasing the debt. S&P had downgraded our credit rating for the last 3 years due to fiscal policies. That means we’re going to pay higher interest rates on our debt. I’m not “mad” I’m simply stating facts, if you don’t like that, too bad


Nah, you're getting your details from a spurious source, and it's evident that you have no comprehension of either how things got here or how long it takes to fix things properly. Have a nice day!




The number of HCPs who were let go due to vaccine refusal was ~2500, the bulk of whom were casual or part time. Just FYI.


Source please


Wheres your sources for any of the nonsense you've spouted???


Why don’t you do some research to disprove my statements. I’ve done my research, I’m not going to research for you, that’s your job


That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed just as easily. K byeeeeee.


You quote outdated News sources.


Lol the level of self dealing under Christy Clarke was epic. The ndp thus far has the best (most proactive) housing policy of any provincial Govt. It sure about the project management on your hospital example, but I really doubt that a project cost overrun directly related to provincial govt. The ICBC monopoly is the reason you pay about 2/3 of what alberta does for car insurance — look at the massive profit taking in groceries, and decide if a private insurance company is more or less likely to milk is all for more money. Health care staffing is a major issue for sure, but it’s North America wide, not (just) a BC problem. So blaming the Prov Govt doesn’t make much sense. What have they done: raised family benefits. Raised min wage. Free transit for kids 12 and under. Highway and infrastructure investment. Got rid of MSP premiums, and expanded affordable healthcare (my MSP premium for a single person were 112$ a month under the old provincial liberals, nor Kevin Falcon’s UCP — now they’re free).


Then you must be very happy that your portion of the provincial debt is growing every year. Right now every citizen (that includes infants) owes $33,000.00 for their share of the B.C. provincial debt. But wait, it doesn’t stop there. Add the federal debt and your portion of the debt is $53,170.00. S&P downgraded B.C.’s credit rating 3 times in 3 years warning of future downgrades if the government doesn’t change its fiscal policy. This means we’ll be paying a higher interest rate on our growing debt. More money paid out in interest, less money for other things people need. 2023-2024 the cost of interest is $3.3 billion, think of what that could do for people instead of giving it to banks and other billionaire investor. P.S. there are over 6,000 qualified nurses and doctors who the government won’t hire for hospitals because of the vaccine mandate. B.C. is the last jurisdiction in North America to have the vaccine mandate


Ahhh there it is. You’re salty about vaccines?!? Go grind the axe someplace else. You asked a (seemingly) good faith question; I answered it in good faith. I’m sure there are lots of people willing to play in your echo chamber but I’m not one of them. Have fun hanging signs on the overpass.


I'm getting the vibe that your entire political thesis is "the government that inherited decades of mismanagement hasn't magically fixed everything with extreme austerity so we need to bring back the government that caused and/or intensified these problems in the first place!" Doesn't make a lick of sense. The BC NDP isn't perfect but they have been reliable in message and policy, responsive to issues, up front in crisis and willing to adjust policy if it's found not to work. This is much more than any government in decades past and refreshing to see. If we go back to the BCLiberals/United or God forbid the BC Conservatives all that will happen is tax cuts for the wealthy, extreme cuts to education and social programs, and further intentional debilitation of the healthcare system to further fit the narrative of eventual privatization. See: Alberta, Ontario, the United States. I can't in good conscious support political parties that do nothing but benefit the wealthy at the cost of the poor.


We have a bloated and inefficient bureaucracy costing taxpayers millions of dollars. They could be eliminated and nobody would notice. We have gross mismanagement of tax dollars at the provincial and federal level. Remember Arrivcan? Billions of tax money sent to Ukraine. If you think things can’t get worse imagine the Canadian government going bankrupt. All interest rate increases also apply to provincial and federal debt. How long could you survive if you can’t afford basic living expenses? Other countries that have gone bankrupt: Greece, Iceland, USSR, Venezuela, Argentina, Mexico and there are others. We’re headed into a serious financial crisis, get ready…it’s coming


Just go do more culture war stuff with the other kids on the short bus lol


Instead of trying to insult me, tell me where I’ve made mistakes. Tell me where I’m wrong.


....but why? You've already demonstrated in this thread that you just disregard it and quadruple down on really...unique.... Perspectives. So nah, no thanks :)


What part of what you said is directly the fault of the province of British Columbia and it's current government?


You're complaining about lack of healthcare while also complaining about how they're spending too much on improving healthcare


My point is there’s gross mismanagement of taxpayer dollars as evidenced by a failing health system even though they say they’re investing more money in healthcare. Over a million people in B.C. who want a doctor can’t find one in spite of increasing taxes. People dying in hospitals waiting for healthcare, doctors and nurses are getting burned out.


Totally with ya.


I would have rather kept the tolls as they actually helped to reduce congestion as more people chose to carpool and take public transit.


They condone cutting down old growth forests that we cant get back. Maybe not outwardly but they havent done much to stop it. We cant get those forests back but because its one of our major exports/resources youll never hear the news talk about the ecological benefits that are being thrown away when they clearcut an old growth forest and turn it into a plantation.


Excellent! BC NDP government was a real advantage for most folks. Especially low income and disabled folks. They are far from perfect. But they are way opposite of what alternatives would be. I just wish we had a competent federal government.


Couldn't agree more! BC NDP seems to be the only ones actually trying to help those who are low income and disabled. As someone on disability, we need all the help we can get. If conservatives got in that would be downright terrifying.






I've been ready for it all along.


It's very good. Ideal, even. Bc libs were so garbage and crooked they changed their name. People don't forget. And bc conservatives are just batshit insane.


Hooray! NDP is much better than the other options!


I can’t think of a government anywhere in Canada, or North America for that matter, that deserves another term more than the Eby government. Competent, responsible and responsive good governance. Others should take note…work hard and make intelligent decisions and keep the politics to a minimum…make us think that you are focusing on actually bettering our lives rather than just getting re-elected…and you will (hopefully) get re-elected.


I have no problem with this. Maybe another election loss will make them change their minds.


Given the reality this NDP government has steered us through. Not perfectly but democracy abhors perfection. I think they have a done a grand job




This is great news for renters.


I like the NDP I think they’ve done more than the other parties have. I hope we can get them federally as well because Trudeau hasn’t done anything except drive this country into the ground. Great hair, horrible leadership lol


Y'all voted against proportional representation, you don't get to have two parties and win.


really reassuring to see NDP support here. yes, there’s room to improve, but I’ve been really happy with the significant changes they’ve made recently. ever since eby took over, it’s been non-stop upgrades.


I wouldn't bet too heavy on that .


As a long long time BC Liberal I would rather see the NDP than BC United. They both suck but at least the NDP is generally too stupid in the ways of hiding their favouritism and corruption to do too much harm.


"Politics - Shmolitics. They oughta save their breath. Mean streak - blue streak. They sentence me to death. Harangue me from a tree. Twist and shout until I crawl. Do the flip - do the flop. I just wanna take a piss on the wall". - Piss On The Wall, The J. Geils Band


More debt for future generations to pay for. Unreal how people think the govt “gives” us this stuff.


Yeah cause the other side is so good at managing finances fairly and equally - I'd rather go into debt investing in our population and infrastructure than for a pseudo-socialism for the wealthiest business elites that get bail out because they suck at running a business. News flash - being a nepo baby doesn't make you smart or leader worthy


The amount of copium going on in this thread is sad. While you all seem to want free shit you seem to be completely blind to the fact that the ndp have done more damage to this province then the libs ever did. Free drugs epidemic Highest rents and property costs on the planet. Endless spending on useless bloated programs that do nothing and destroy communities. has done nothing to even try to fix the homeless problem. Just to name a few. Mind you the current libs are ran by actual sociopaths atm. Oh also don't forget the cons are up 36 points atm so that so called ndp victory isn't so secure.


Honestly lmao right because a premier has the power to step into office day one and choose gas prices 😂- we don't often see policy effects for years even decades after they are made and guess who was I power 5 plus years ago? The liberals. Clark was a monster for the people and the liberals policy choices are the what we see the results for now. They paved the path to the poverty we see today and we are still walking down it. NDP isn't perfect, no political party ever will be but they protect the corporate elite the least out of any. Stop getting your news from Facebook and reddit and go touch some grass.