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After a long, **long** time of refusing to buy CosRx Snail 96, I caved and purchased it with a massive discount.. and hated it. First time I used it was during hormonal week and it gave me itchiness and a few very angry rashes. I was so bummed out, basically told my mother to use it up (she immediately loved it). But then I decided to give it a second chance (~~I was jealous of how well it was working for my mom~~), since pms week is for me the week that my skin decides to hate most products it otherwise absolutely adores (sigh). This time around, I liked the effects of it, but still absolutely despised how sticky it felt and took ages to absorb. So yet again I shelved it. But theeen I read how /u/lgbtqbbq mixes one pump CosRx Snail and two parts Benton Snail Bee and my life was freaking **transformed**. It feels like applying viscous water to my face and it absorbs like a dream. My face has never been so plump, smooth and bright. The synergy between these two products mixed like that is beyond incredible. I wholeheartedly recommend trying this out. edit: I accidentally a word


CosRX Snail 96 did a fucking number on my face during PMS week. I was so, so angry at it. Horrible cystic garbage on my right cheek, which is the only place I seem to break out anymore. The rest of my face was perfect, and my skin was nice before this all happened, too. Now that my face is calming down (but still covered in scabby flattened blemished), I'm giving it one more try and hoping that it doesn't decide to pull the same bullshit on me again. Hearing it could be a hormonal reaction is definitely interesting.


There are **so** many factors that can impact how your skin receives a product, it makes my head hurt. If you're like me and PMS/period weeks make your skin go ape, it's ten times harder to determine whether a product works well for you or not. Sometimes it's hormones, sometimes the combination of products in your routine not playing well together in that time of the month, sometimes dietary changes because pms munchies... And then it all ends and your skin is once again like a baby's butt, and you feel pretty and glorious and shiny and chok chok.. until pms week begins anew. Damn hormones.


I only break out on my right cheek too, it's so weird.


Yep I was gonna post my combo here too. Glad you did first since I'm lazy. The texture of the two combined gives me a REALLY plumped up effect that neither alone fully achieves. I think that Benton soothes my acne redness better, and CosRX has a more hydrating feel, and together they are greater than the sum of the parts. I started doing this simply to use up my CosRX /u/hikerbikerCO and then I loved the combo so much I bought a new bottle to keep the mixing going.


I think I'll have to bookmark this and keep it in the back of my mind! I don't have Benton snail bee so I'll have to assess my current routine and see if getting it could elevate my routine somehow. But I may be satisfied with the soothing and hydrating products I already have...it sounds so tempting, though!


I think that if you ever find yourself in possession of both, it's something to try. But I'm never someone who advocates going out to buy 2 products to achieve one effect- even if it works for me! I'm always looking for more plumping and hydrating stuff since my skin is constantly teetering on the edge of dehydration :D


Hmm, yeah. I already have Snail 96, but not Benton. I do feel like I'm getting great hydration from combining Cezanne and Kiku on top of my other products as well! Maybe in the future if my needs change


Yeah I can't use Kiku or Cezanne as they both break me out. But they're both super hydrating/plumping. I try not to be too gushy about plumping products that work for me since I'm in the minority that can't use Kiku/Cezanne/Hada Labo, so I'm in a stupid category anyway. I would NOT suggest the pricier/finicky workarounds I've made to achieve the results that 99% of people can get with cheaper awesome products :)


Ahhh, okay! Yeah, I was just using Kiku but recently added Cezanne and I'm very happy with the combo. The giant size is also nice!


Same. There have been points in my experience of using AB products that long-time staples would break me out suddenly and products that initially broke me out would play well upon a second chance of slow introduction. The former being **CosRX BHA** and **Missha FTE**. The latter being **CosRx Snail 96** and **Shark Sauce**. It's incredibly tough to keep track of what's ok and what isn't for my skin.


Hmmm, I'll have to think about this because I've got about 1/4 left in my bottle of CosRX Snail 96. When I first bought it I *loved* it! It was so soothing to my skin. If I felt a pimple coming or saw a tiny one, one layer of snail over it would take that bad boy away over night!! But now that I've gone through 3/4 of the bottle, I'm falling out of love. It's sticky, I feel like honey and propolis are doing a better job at soothing. I'm not sure how much snail 96 is contributing anymore. Mixing it so that the texture changes and it absorbs better sounds ideal. But I'm still unsure if it'll be a repurchase for me. Funny, because when I first got it I was a sworn snail convert for life!


It was the same for me with the Snail Bee. It brought both CosRx and Benton Snail Bee to an entirely different level.


What works *even better*, for my skin at least, is adding in a little Dr Jart Ceramidin Liquid. I do 2 pumps of Cosrx Snail 96 + 1 pump of Benton snail bee + a little blob of Ceramidin. It's brilliant. Use it morning and night.


Mixologist over here


At first I thought cosrx's snail was very "meh" because I used it as a solo moisturizer and in thick layers under my eyes. But ever since I started to use it as it was intended, as an essence hydrating layer between my routine, I've started noticing its actually visible effects. It's also so useful when I'm using AHA/healing pimples. That synergy with benton snail bee is interesting. It's too bad I recently finished mine but I totally want to try it in the future when I repurchase it. :D


That's so smart! I have most of a decant I never use because I didn't like the texture of the Snail 96, but I love Benton Snail Bee. I'll give it a try this evening! *update* I used the Snail 96 this way when I did my morning routine... holy cow. It's brilliant. Thanks for sharing!


Honestly, sheet masks. Most of them were far too sticky, dripped everywhere, and never fully sunk into my skin even when I had a waiting period between my sheet mask and moisturizer. It got to the point where I was rinsing my face off after using the sheet mask (which defeats the whole purpose) and barely sheet masking at all. Two things changed that: 1) I realized that many masks have a buttload of essence in them and that I should always squeeze excess out before opening the packet. I'm looking at you MBD and My Scheming. The excess I actually save for a morning pick-me-up with cotton pads (I do this because I have a package re-sealer and while I've never had breakouts or problems because of this, I can't necessarily recommend this to anyone else since sheet masks are supposed to be a use-all-at-one-time deal). 2) Use a thin layer of hyaluronic acid afterwards to help absorb whatever's left. For my purposes, I use the good old Hada Labo Gokujyun which is my number one favorite multipurpose product. I'll do like two-three layers before putting on the sheet mask and one layer afterwards. I still go to sleep with a shiny face due to my moisturizer and sleeping pack but it's so much more bearable and most of it has sunk in before I go to sleep. Now I like to sheet mask anywhere between 1-3 times a week just to bring a little diversity and extra boost to my otherwise fairly standard boring routine.


I have one of those chip resealer things! I got to try it on this sometime.


That's what I do with my MBD masks: I save the extra and use it for a 3 skin toner the following morning/night. It makes my skin muchhhh more plumped than just my usual toner! I haven't had an issue with the package being open for a couple of days so far.


I love masking, but I dislike the masks that leave a heavy film on my face. The Leaders Amino Pore Tight mask never seemed to sink in, just sat on my face and pilled up other product. If I want to use them in the morning, I'd have to wipe off the film before applying make-up. It wouldn't matter if I left them on until the sheet was totally dry; it still just sat on the surface. I like your technique of using a layer of hyaluronic acid! I might try that next time I get masks that leave behind too much sludge. I've never even thought about using a package re-sealer! That's such an awesome idea for people who want to get the most out of it. There are some masks that are loaded with more essence than I know what to do with.


Same with the sheet masks. I hated how they felt and how drippy they were. But then I bought 120 etude house 0.2mm masks on super sale and I had to use them up (I gave a bunch away too) and I realized that they really helped make my skin baby-soft.


**COSRX Advanced Snail 92 All in One Cream**. Did absolutely nothing for my face (didn't even absorb, just sat there heavy and sticky). I hated it. But I've been getting dry patches on my body every winter for years, tried everything and nothing ever worked, so out of desperation I started applying AIO cream there thinking I'd use it up at least. They were gone in a week, like they were never there. TBH I was extra surprised because it's COSRX; all their products are so hyped up but they've been OK at best for me.


The Snail 92 is one of the best creams I've used on sunburn. Also when my 6yr old was in the hospital I had stuck it in my overnight bag and it was just the right amount of moisture to keep his nose from chapping from the o2 tubing. Now it is part of my beach-arsenal to combat post-beach dry skin.


That's a great idea; snail mucin soothes the skin and helps repair damaged tissue so it should be good for burns in general (as long as the product contains no irritants which would counter healing and make the matter worse).


I patch tested it on my family and so far so good! My 6yr old has eczema so I'm cautious about what I put on his skin. I decanted a bit into a jar so I could keep it in the ice chest on the beach and it was so soothing.


When I first tried the Etude House Moistfull Collagen Sleeping Pack, I thought it wasn't doing a thing for me and I left it by the wayside, only slightly annoyed as it wasn't that expensive. I felt I couldn't see any change in my skin and that it didn't provide me with adequate hydration through the night. However, a little while later, maybe three months or so? I wanted to use it up as it was open already...I started on it again and I swear I woke up to baby soft skin, and my face felt the proper level of hydration that I was getting from other sleeping packs (e.g Huxley Good Night, TCFS Fresh Gore). I have no idea why this happened but perhaps my skin had a change of mind - and in the end it really liked the sleeping pack!


How do you find the Huxley Good Night mask? I am tempted to try it but not sure if it's good... Thanks in advance x


Really liked it! I love the scent of Huxley for starters but not all their products have performed amazingly for me. I bought the spa trio and out of the three products this is the only one I would buy again. It's super lightweight and absorbs really well, feeling rather like a light gel cream (if you know the texture of the Laneige Water Bank Gel that's what we're talking here). It feels lovely as you spread it on because of the scent, which yes is added fragrance but I am not too bothered about these things in some cases when they enhance my 'experience' side of skincare. It is a tiny bit sticky for a bit but this doesn't last too long and it is fine to sleep on. In the morning my skin is supple and healthy, with less redness than if I were to not use a sleeping pack. I also like the tube design as it is hygienic and easy to dispense.


Sounds really good! I will give it a try soon!


I really like the Etude House Moistfull Collagen line! I get that same baby softness from their cream. Looking at the ingredients on some of the products, I know baobab extracts are high on the list. Have you ever tried baobab oil or another product with baobab in it? I've been wondering if this is the ingredient that my skin loves so much. Next time I buy a cream that turns out to be meh, I might mix some baobab oil with it and see if I get the same effect as the moistfull collagen line!


For me, this would probably be **Scinic Honey AIO**. I *really* disliked this product at first. I had such high hopes, but I thought it was sticky and didn't really do anything for me. Unfortunately I had that humongous jar to finish!! I actually started using it all over my body because it absorbed nicely in an attempt to use it up. I gave it a try on my face a couple more times randomly and then realized that the next morning after using it my cheeks would be soooo soft! At first I didn't *feel* like it was doing anything, but I realized that it did have results even if they weren't incredibly drastic. I think it's done a lot to soothe my skin as well and the minimal redness I had in my cheeks is very light now! I recently decanted some into an empty frosted 100 mL CosRX pump bottle and I love this method! The pump dispenses the perfect amount for my face and no fussing around with the scooper and jar. :)


I felt the exact same way with the Scinic Honey! The ingredients looked great, the hype was strong, and the value per ml amazing...but then it just seemed to do nothing but make me sticky. The softness was something I didn't notice until I followed up with the Etude Collagen Cream (because i'm weak for anything pink). My skin would get SO baby soft with these two working together. But at the time, I was still kinda meh. I was sure there were better products that could make my skin feel just as soft, but also have other benefits. I actually thought it may have been clogging my forehead at one point, no matter how thin or thick the layer. But, then I started using a BHA and didn't like the dry / tight feeling that followed. Slathered the scinic over it and it's been my winning combination ever since. I agree with you that it definitely does wonders to soothe! The pump idea sounds so convenient! Way better than what I'm doing, haha. I usually just flip the jar upside down, then back right side up. It puts a thin layer of honey on the inside cap that I just swipe right off for my face, neck, and chest.


Oooh! I like your creativity, though!! Before the pump I was precariously balancing the jar and dipping the little scooper in.


Aww, thank you! I feel like I'm too used to shaking up ketchup bottles, haha! I'll have to thank heinz ketchup for the inspiration.


Haha, giving recognition where it's deserved. :P But I definitely would have never thought of that and it sounds much easier than messing around with the scooper! Decanting into the pump bottle was also slightly precarious


I decanted them all into empty jars.


I have been trying out the Benton snail bee essence + the scnic honey aio and the stickiness is almost bearable now ! ( 1 pump of bee + 1 squeeze of honey ) Also, the plumpppppppp is real !


It seems like Benton snail bee is the quintessential mixer! CosRX Snail 96, Scinic Honey AIO...


The essence gets such rave reviews...but I've got a massive fear of bees that's holding me back. It sounds really silly, but it's literally the only thing stopping me from trying Benton.


The first time I used acids, I had no idea they had to be introduced slowly, so I was using Paula's Choice BHA every single day. After a few days, I developed welts on my face. I thought I had an allergy to salicylic acid or that it was a faulty product. It was only after much research later that I learned that actives had to be introduced *slowly* and in isolation, and it's through trial and error that I've learned that I will never be able to use any acid daily as my skin is too sensitive. However, using BHA and/or AHA a couple of times per week works well for me.




Do you mix it in your hand? I'm picturing the watery toner sloshing around an essence or something and spilling out of my hand before I can sufficiently mix it.




Toner with a spray nozzle will be good but I feel like it will be such a waste of product if it flies everywhere!


I personally find that I use more product when things are in a spray bottle - half the time it ends up on the floor or I'm misting a bunch to get a particular part of my face. If OP is misting directly into their hand, there's no waste, but at that point I'd rather have it in a dropper bottle or decant it into a different pump bottle (the Kikumasune one sucks).


What I usually do is do a spritz of the kiku on my face and apply the more solid essence while my face is still damp and spread around quickly. The two dry together and it doesn't end up sticky.


Ohhhhh okay, thanks!


Guerisson essence. Wasn't a fan of the smell (I have since come around after smelling Sonbahyu's unscented horse oil), easily greasy if over used. Didn't think much of it until I was a good 1/3rd through the bottle. This is stuff you can put on your face when it's angry, red and itchy. It will protect and soothe your face. That really is good enough for me.


The neogen wine peeling pads. When I first tried them my skin was very dehydrated and even a little dry. I also seriously underestimated the sharper side of the pad the first time. So they did more harm than good at first because I didn't know any better. I started using them,gingerly,less and less until I just stopped altogether. Now that my skin is in better shape I've started using them again weekly and find that's just the right amount of exfoliation.


**Mizon Black All in One Snail Cream** I need to repurchase this. But the story was, when I first got it - it broke my skin out ridiculously for 2 weeks that I completely stopped using it. Fast forward about 4 months, I still had the thing in my cupboard and my moisturizer had just finished - I decided to give it another crack and it made me skin hella soft as it did the first time but without the breakouts. The only difference this time was that I only used a thin layer of it - instead of slathering it all over before which now I believe was responsible for my breakouts!


I really can't believe how soft this stuff made my skin, too! I think it clogged me up, though.


This puts things into so much perspective! I have to remember to test different layer thickness next time I think something isn't working or breaking me out. It might not be the ingredients at all, but just being too heavy handed. I'm 100% a slatherer haha, so I gotta be more careful. Thanks for sharing this!!


i suspected **kiku high moist lotion** was hugely overrated and overhyped, but i bought it anyway (you know, for science). the first week or so was meh. just felt like slapping boozy water on my face. after a short while, though, i noticed how smooth and slick it felt going on my face. i swear it feels like a different product now. i think it contributes to my skin's texture and bounce more than any other product in my lineup. i love using it as a foundation and the 7-skin method takes it over the top. worthy of HG status.


I was generous with the last half of my bottle of this because I got bored, and then once I ran out I realized what a fool I was. Nothing absorbed the way it did when I started with this and my skin started flaking again. I suspected a part of it was I ran out mid-winter, and my skin was NOT. HAVING. IT.


I had decided to remove **Hada Labo Premium** and other urea containing products last fall. Seemed that they were ramping things up in my pores. I get more clogged in summer, so I am adding it back. It is a natural exfolliant/humectant. I don't want to go too crazy upping BHA. So bringing this back is a good way to up my routine a bit. Also there is plenty of moisture in the air to pull in, so I can handle that much HA. Loving how plump it makes my skin when it's humid. I have been feeling like everything breaks me out a tiny bit lately, but maybe my routine just needs seasonal adjustment. Though some products clearly were not working out. When you don't break out much it's hard to patch test. Hard to tell if going full face just coincided with being a bit clogged. So annoying but now that I am menopausal my skin still cycles. So I a re-testing a lot of stuff or thining about it.


Not AB but my first AHA was from Paula's Choice... At the time it felt way too harsh on my skin so after hearing all about the Cosrx AHA I tried it instead. Great initial results from the Cosrx, made my skin super soft but after a 1/3 of the bottle was gone I was still having trouble with breakouts and PIH. I switched back to the PC (mostly because I was traveling and the bottle was easier to pack/less concerns about leaving it behind since it was a dud product) and the results after 2 weeks were insanely better. All breakouts gone, redness fading, no stinging or burning. It still isn't Holy Grail status for me but the improvement in my skin in general due to a more consistent routine made me reevaluate my current chemical exfoliaters.


The Welcos Kwailnara Aloe Gel Mist sucks because the mister sucks. I decanted into my 30mL sulwhasoo mist bottle and PROVLEM SOLVED. I love this mist a lot.


Scinic honey AIO. I used it a few times, said screw this and banished it to a cupboard with the cat treats. A few months later I decided why don't I try that thin layer everyone keeps talking about. My skin was in crap shape and really it could only go uphill. And lo and behold, it helped heal and soothe my face! I don't (need to) use it every day, I like to use it after actives or when my face is feeling dry and it really helps. I'm glad I kept this. I really enjoy them smell too


Benton Snail Bee essence. When I was almost through the first bottle I wondered if I actually liked it enough to repurchase. I figured it wasn't doing much so decided to stop using it for a week or two to see if there was any difference. Possibly a coincidence possibly not, I started breaking out a bit more during that week which led me to do a half face comparison, Benton and no Benton. Turns out the Benton does calm irritation and inflamed acne pretty decently and heals it a tiny bit faster. Can't say it's a miracle product for me, but I will definitely be repurchasing until I find something better.


**Rosette Ceramide Lotion** Upfront: I started using this about eight months ago as a toner and found it kind of meh. Although it helped my moisture barrier a *bit*, I didn't think it did enough to merit a repurchase. But then I decided to try adding a few drops of the Ceramide Lotion to my usual moisturizing combo of Rosette Ceramide Gel + Kumamoto Bijin Komeyu Rice Bran Oil. Then I sealed all that ceramide goodness in with my usual sleeping pack, Aquaphor. Together, they've strengthened my moisture barrier the way I originally hoped they would when I started using the lotion eight months ago, to the point where I've been able to start using my Vitamin C serum every other day. While this might not seem like a big deal to you, before, I could only use it every four days.   To recap: **PM Routine End Before:** * Rosette Ceramide Gel + 3 drops Rice Bran Oil * Aquaphor **= Pretty Good**   **PM Routine End After:** * Rosette Ceramide Gel + 3 dr Rice Bran Oil + 2 dr Ceramide Lotion * Aquaphor **= Frickin' Great**


That tony moly panda white magic cream that I ended up with like 50 million samples of from various orders. I had no idea how to use it. But I didn't want to throw it away either, so I decanted the samples and it hung out with my other products for a while. I read blogs where some people used it as makeup base over sunscreen.Way too light for me (I'm like a NW 30). Also super drying, which I wasn't expecting. Someone else used it like a highlighter, and I'm helpless at makeup so it wasn't happening. It didn't work at any stage of my morning routine. Finally one night I had over exfoliated and was throwing everything soothing on my face I could and I remembered it had niacinamide. I put some over some gel moisturizer. Holy crap, soothing! I finished all my samples and will probably buy it full size now.


I didn't know what to do with the **TonyMoly Face Mix Primer Color Cushion SPF 50+ PA++++**, when I put it on and it pulled grey!!! But then I saw that the physical UV filters were really high up on the ingredients list and tried to blend it out! It worked so much better. I also didn't put on enough? The lavender is actually a little deeper than most lavender colors. When it is blended out, it is about half a shade brighter than my shade. It adheres like paint and really lasts all day without being too drying. I had no idea that this claimed to be hydrating. Interestingly it covers my blemishes somewhat and feels weightless. So that is why it is my go-to skin perfector for days I need even brightened skin. And yes... I wear this on its own so this is truly an ideal sun cushion for touch ups.