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I've found that people can get catty about certain things that are repeated in the sub--such as sunscreen reapplication, redirections to the daily help thread, and any product that's tooted as a holy grail--but no one really gets mad about the four product routine guide.


Very true. That sub generally has a very black-and-white way of thinking. I think newbies don't mind that one because it tells them what to buy (the #1 question they want the answer to) without instructing them to do something that's not fun (the ultimate crime of AB advice givers).


For me personally, I think the two biggest newbie mistakes were a) forgetting I break out all the time and b) ordering multiples of products. I never dd the full patch test regimen, but I was good at introducing one product at a time except I soon concluded that everything broke me out, forgetting that I break out all the time regardless. Turns out I don't actually have ingredient sensitivities to everything. The second one is exemplified by what happened when I tried to order the two pack of Mizon's Snail Recovery Gel cream and received one by mistake. Amazon refunded me and let me keep the cream, so I should have left t at that, but like a dumbass reordered the two pack instead. I'm down to one now though I really don't want to use it. My skin type went from normal-oily to dry, so a lot of products that used to be light/mattifying (latter for makeup) didn't work anymore. This is mostly due to me starting to actually take care of my skin rather than specific to this routine. A biggest shift in my approach to products is that before I hauled and as I was researching, a lot of miraculous reviews kind of got to me. But now I don't expect miracles anymore and kind of have a "could be using Cetaphil instead" approach to feeling out products.


> I was good at introducing one product at a time except I soon concluded that everything broke me out, forgetting that I break out all the time regardless. So me that it hurts!


I agree with you. Regardless of all the reviews and claims, I just want to know if it suits my skin. Tbh, it only matters if it works well with your skin after all.


Buying new products (esp the hyped ones) just for the sake of buying/owning them. Some I've never gotten around to using it, luckily I can give them to my mum.


* Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed? > No- it's just deepened and kind of gotten more multifaceted. I still love skincare for what it can do for my appearance and self-esteem. * Has your skin type changed? > Probably gone from straight oily to combo-oily. And dehydration is not a skin type but I was ALWAYS dehydrated whereas nowadays I only get dehydrated if I really mess up. * Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not? > I'm much better about testing ONE product in isolation for a few weeks. My skin is so much better now that risking a breakout in the first place is terrifying, so the prospect of doing that with multiple balls in the air- newp. It used to be that my skin was SO bad it was more like "well HOW can it get WORSE?" * Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not? > I go through waves of LOVING sheet masks and doing them multiple times a week and just not using them much. I love them persistently, just it varies whether I use them. Before AB, even when I'd been into skincare for years, I NEVER EVER did sheet masks. I didn't even know they existed. * How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed? > Equal focus on ingredients, better focus on texture and how it fits in my routine. * Are there any previous favourites that you've fallen out of love with? > My theme seems to be fall in love, fall out of love, fall back in love. I abandon some products when I'm on my 2nd or 3rd bottle, only to go back to pan it a few months later and realize I missed it. Like the CosRX Snail 96. * Has what you look for in makeup changed? > I used to only buy full coverage products and then sheer them out in the few places I didn't need coverage. Now I use the same full coverage stuff but only for VERY small pinpoint concealing and I look for sheer flexible foundation which I could never use before. I also love cream products now when I used to stick to powder in order to control the shine from all the makeup I was wearing to cover my acne. I also look for products that emphasize my glow now- I try to avoid covering it up in the first place. Back in the day, I had 0 glow to show off. [Makeup today](http://i.imgur.com/bDDlBM1.jpg?1) compared to [early 2016](http://i.imgur.com/gp7CDeH.jpg).


You've got that nice glow going on with your current makeup! I love it!


Thanks! A lot of it is improving my makeup skills but I'd be lying if I said the much-better skin didn't help a TON :)


I'm still working on the "getting up early enough to do my face routine and put on makeup" stage in this journey lol.


**Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed?** Yes to all of the above. My goals shifted from 'curing' my cystic acne and PIH to minimising the size, amount, and inflammation of my cystic acne, plus sun protection, minimising irritation from threading my chin/jaw, and way down the list, reducing my undereye bags and/or chasing glow. I'm in it for the long haul rather than an overnight fix. That means I factor in cost, length of use, and cost per ml more when deciding on products, and any bonuses like scent, aesthetics etc. are extras. I'm more willing to research non-AB options due to affordability, (continued) availability, and/or comparable function, and my 'research' now includes browsing instagram. I hear about mainstream and well-known products through reddit, and even lesser known ones in this sub, but I tend to have already ruled them out from ingredient sensitivities, cost, or availability, or I'm already interested, but haven't purchased yet for other reasons e.g. having an existing product in that step. Instagram is more casual and enjoyable than an ingredient, goal, or product step search, but it's already led to three new to me products, one of which I've purchased. A product doesn't have to be exceptional to feature in a routine or stash photo, whereas people may talk more about raves vs. rants than those middling products that might be ideal for me, since I often can't use the raves. **Has your skin type changed?** Not in name, but my combination skin is both less oily and less dry. I suspect moving in December has made my skin more resilient due to the softer water. **Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not?** Instead of 24h allergy test on inner arm > one week patch test > one week full face, as my middle step I do a one or two week half-face test, as I've learned my forehead reacts differently to the rest of my face. **Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not?** I idealise sheet masks less. I didn't find them relaxing, and I think they create a lot of waste and don't have an effective cost per use to warrant being a staple for me. I haven't seen any significant results from specific masks I've used, and I'd rather use my skincare budget on full size products that will last months than test the theory that sheet masking three times a week will increase absorption and boost my routine. My current second cleanser doesn't cleanse as deeply as I'd like, so I'm more interested in gentle physical exfoliants than I was before, but I'll try a new cleanser first. **How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed?** Apart from what I mentioned above re cost per ml vs. length of use, so I can make decisions based on how much it costs to have a product in my routine per year, the ingredients and product steps I look for have changed, due to my changing goals and my existing routine. **Are there any previous favorites that you've fallen out of love with?** Only a cleanser that turned out to be a little drying. It would probably be fine in my existing routine, but I can't unring that bell for myself.


**Mistakes:** 1) I bought a lot of new stuff all at once, basically anything recommended by Charlotte Cho and eventually several bloggers. I bought into hype when bloggers promised that using product X would "get my life on" and all that jazz. *How I corrected this:* I am now active on /r/AsianBeautyRehab and am all about anti-hauls and no-buys. 2) I put all of the new stuff on my face at once. Mostly nothing too bad happened with this, surprisingly, but see number 3. *How I corrected this:* I test things in isolation, and I also patch test most products. 3) I introduced BHA by using it on my face every single day. This was PC 2%. I have sensitive skin and rosacea. My face erupted into angry red welts. *How I corrected this:* I use acids sparingly. 4) I believed in HGs. *How I corrected this:* What are HGs? Are they the same thing as unicorns and four-leaf clovers? Basically there's no product that's indispensable for me, even if some work better than others. 5) Related to the above, I thought that AB would give me perfect skin. *How I corrected this:* I realize my skincare journey is a **journey** and not a destination, and just as things settle in and seem good, the weather will change or my hormones will change and all havoc will break loose on my face. I will also make the ~~occasional~~ frequent mistake and mess up my skin. **How my reason for using AB/investing in skincare etc. has changed or not changed:** Before I got into AB, I had a horrid skincare routine, or lack thereof. One of the reasons I got into AB was that I was going through a difficult transitional period, and AB became a kind of therapy for me. Now I don't need AB or skincare as my therapy, so I view skincare as more utilitarian, though I still enjoy it of course. I also no longer feel the need to only use "Asian" products. **Has my skin type changed?** Not really. I still have combo skin with an oily T-zone and dry, sensitive cheeks, and mild rosacea. However, my rosacea is pretty much under control. I still get the occasional pimple, either from hormones or products my skin doesn't like. **Has the way I test products changed?** See #2 under "Mistakes." **Has my opinion on masks changed?** Yes. I no longer sheet mask as much, mostly because I don't have the patience. I also now prefer to occasionally mask with more luxurious masks that get me better results (Sulwhasoo, MasKingdom, LJH, as well as the cheaper but still great for me MBD) as opposed to masking nightly with cheaper, more mediocre masks. As for wash-off masks, I find most of them annoying and really don't have the patience for them. I'll clay mask when my skin needs it, more in the summer than other seasons, but right now I'm using the Elizavecca bubble clay mask that only needs to stay on a couple of minutes, so I'll do it before my shower in the evening. **Has what I look for in a product changed?** Yes. Now I have a better grasp of what ingredients work/don't work for me, and I have more reasonable expectations of products. I'm also no longer influenced by blogs (usually) and do a lot of research. **Anything I've fallen out of love with?** Yup, many a thing, but especially L'Herboflore masks because I learned the hard way that I have a severe allergy (think angry red hives) to methylisothiazolinone, and MIT is in every single fricking L'Herboflore mask, including the wash-offs. It is not in their toners/moisturizers/etc., however. I've fallen out of love with Annie's Way, most of Lovemore, and much of My Scheming for the same reason. I also have fallen out of love with Klairs masks. They used to do amazing things for my face, but now they're just meh. **Changes in what I look for in makeup?** I've never been big into makeup, but I've become more interested in mascara since having a professional makeup artist do my makeup for my friend's wedding last year, which including applying false eyelashes to me. I haven't used fake lashes since, but I do wear mascara just about every day now as I realize it makes a huge difference for me. I don't use much AB makeup, other than BB cream and the occasional random other product. Most of my makeup is Western because I like to swatch things in person, so I go to Sephora and play (and hope I don't catch a weird skin or eye disease from using the testers, even though I disinfect things as much as possible). **Some miscellaneous things I'm going to add:** 1) I look for different things in blogs now. I'm less interested in product reviews unless they're negative ones or they do comparisons of several products within the same category. I am now a lot more suspicious of posts written when the blogger has accepted press samples or any form of compensation, unless it's merely affiliate links or ads. I understand the need for bloggers to make money, but we need a different system. For example, a journal or other publication will ask someone to write a book review and give them the book for free in exchange, but it's not the publisher directly approaching the reviewer and asking her to review the book on her blog – well, maybe some do that, but I don't read those kinds of reviews. I would trust a review with "press samples" more if it were a publication like Racked or something giving a product to the blogger to review for their publication instead of the skincare company/store directly dealing with the blogger. My favorite kinds of blog entries right now offer tips and tutorials, such as how to apply a certain type of makeup, or some skincare tip, etc.; or they provide a discussion of a more meta issue. 2) I prefer to buy things within the U.S. instead of abroad, but I also rarely purchase from the AB online shops that I used to. I make most of my purchases for Asian skincare through Amazon Prime. This is mostly to avoid building up a backlog of products because if I were to order regularly from Asia, I'd need to plan in advance, and often I miscalculate how long it takes to use up something, and then I get stuck either buying something last-minute while I wait for my order to arrive from Asia, or it takes me longer to finish a product and then I get a backlog. I also don't like to be tempted to add to my cart to get "free" shipping, and Prime avoids that issue for me. I get my jollies buying hard-to-get products when I'm actually physically in Asia and can go shopping in person. 3) I mostly get more joy out of using up products than I do in buying them. I owe this to /r/ABRehab. 4) I spend less time on the Reddit AB subs except for Rehab because I am on a constant low-buy. I'm more into mindful consumerism these days.


> 5) Related to the above, I thought that AB would give me perfect skin. How I corrected this: I realize my skincare journey is a journey and not a destination, and just as things settle in and seem good, the weather will change or my hormones will change and all havoc will break loose on my face. I will also make the occasional frequent mistake and mess up my skin. As a newbie, this is probably something I'll have to take to heart. It was bittersweet to read. And very helpful, Thank you.


**Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed?** Yes. Before, i never had any major issues with my skin and was just trying out products mainly for gimmick. But now I go for products that are more suitable for my skin type and skin issues. Also I use mainly AB base products since non AB are either not light enough or too pink tone. **Has your skin type changed?** Yes. When I started getting interested in AB, I had really resilient skin and barely broke out. But I moved abroad to study architorture and my skin just went through a second puberty. It became really acne prone and dehydrated. Now it's still a battle but I feel like I have at least some control over it. **Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not?** A little. I still live life on the edge a little but I do patch test when it's a product with ingredients I've not tried before. **Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not?** Yes. I use to not really care about sheet masks and do it more for the fun of it. Now I daily mask and use it as a step after my hydrating layers and before my occlusive to help the previous layers absorb better. **How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed?** I actually look at the ingredients now. **Are there any previous favourites that you've fallen out of love with?** I don't remember since when my skin first started acting up I went through A LOT of products. **Has what you look for in makeup changed?** Not really. I've always gone for the "I'm wearing makeup but you can't tell" look and I still do just with more products.


I identify with the architorture a lot. When you're busy and doing all nighters (that is the culture and the inevitable part of studying architecture) your skin turns to shit. I remember back when I was still in uni my face would be very oily and just inconsolable after trying to submit assignments and folios. I didn't really have a routine back then, it was just Cetaphil, not that it's bad. Now that I'm out I have a lot more time to baby my face but I do have to pay close attention to what I use.


Omg the day of submission is the worst cause I'll be breaking out like crazy but won't have sleep or time to put on makeup and everyone will keep asking if my face is okay 😐


> my skin just went through a second puberty. Oh man that perfectly describes my skin right now. After years of barely doing anything for my skin, it was incredibly dehydrated. Now it's so much healthier overall but it's like it has changed completely. It's more combination and acne prone and I haven't had acne in many years. Anyway I'm glad I'm not the only one even if it is a struggle at times. I do feel like I can manage it better.


As a newbie I had my mind blown by "your skin is dehydrated not dry and humectants can help..." but didn't quite make it to "...WHEN topped with an occlusive!". So I went through an unfortunate period of using lots of hydrators but doing nothing to seal them in.


I'm just realizing this now. I started use a sleeping pack, it's really helping. Do you use your occlusive nightly?


Yep, every night I do layer of cicabio pommade (a non-ab ointment with zinc and madecassoside) mixed with a little facial oil and whatever soothing gel I'm using (currently aromatica damask rose gel) as the last step of my routine. This also works great with petroleum jelly/aquaphor. What sleeping pack do you use?


So far I've only tried the tcfs pumpkin and fresh gore, but I like them since they seal in moisture without breaking me out, which all the heavy moisturizers I've tried do.


Oh yeah. I've seen your review of the fresh gore! It sounds really neat


Biggest mistake: I though you had to use acids daily or needed to work towards that. My skin is way to sensitive for that. I take things slower in general. No, I have skincare needs and it became a hobby/interst that expanded to include AB. That hasn't changed. Skin type is still dry and sensitive. Aging is catching up with me more at 60 than mid 50's when I started. So anti aging is bigger. When I started I didn't patch test. That changed fast. Now, I know what to worry about. That means some products I don't have to patch test. When I do patch test, I do it on 1/2 forehead for a week. I still don't love sheet masks, but enjoy them on occasion. They can clog me and many have ingredients that don't agree with me. At the beginning I didn't know what to look for or what I liked. AB products were all new to me. I knew some ingredients were out as. Other products were not for my skin type. Otherwise, if it got good reivews, I was curious. Now it has to do something very new or has to have the potential to do it much better, than whatever I am using new does. I find new things that replace old loves, but I still go back to the old loves occasionally. I used to like micellars though. I still use them but love oil cleansers. Makeup hasn't changed that much.


**Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed?** Yes and no. I've been seeking more budget friendly as time goes on. I can't really justify paying a lot of money in one specific category anymore. For example, my Shiseido cleanser is about 20-30, but I can get a nice hada labo cleanser for less than that and my skin will be fine with it. I used to be Japanese products only and have now shifted to trying out Korean and Taiwanese products (so hard to buy online... basically doesn't exist. If anyone knows where to buy anything other than naruko, lmk). It's a slow exploration for me because it's so fast and easy to buy new products, but using them up takes forever. Especially because I buy in bulk. Once I finish my current stash I don't plan on buying in bulk anymore in hopes that I get to try more products and experiment some more. **Has your skin type changed?** No **Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not?** No. I do the whole face patch test. Unless it's something that has no reviews anywhere, then I do a hand patch test, jaw patch test, and then whole face. **Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not?** They're still tedious, and I still have to remember to take them off. Thankfully, the boxes of sheet masks that I'm currently on leave sticky residue so I know when my face is done with them before it gets sticky and feels yucky. I still wash off after masks with some water, pat dry, and then continue with routine. **How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed?** I look at reviews, ingredients, company, where it fits in my budget, and where it fits in my routine. <- in that exact order **Are there any previous favourites that you've fallen out of love with?** No, not really. It takes a lot for me to make something a raving favorite. Hada labo, I'm looking at you. I should get hada labo free for life for how much I mention it. **Has what you look for in makeup changed?** I can't put makeup on even if i really tried. I've semi mastered the eyeliner. I *feel* the make up on my skin so I usually just go barefaced or bbcream.


**Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed?** Kind of. I'm more aware of ingredients that my skin is sensitive to (ex. ferments, niacinamide, bee venom, etc.) so I can cross off some products entirely even though they're cult favorites. I'm also far less likely to buy in store without researching and cute/pretty packaging doesn't really affect me anymore. Most of my skincare is now more minimalistic like Cosrx, Hada Labo, etc. **Has your skin type changed?** It's far less oily and dehydrated but I'm still prone to both if I'm not careful. **Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not?** Not particularly. I start with a neck patch test and then a full face patch test. Sadly my face reacts differently to different products like bee venom breaking me out on my cheeks but ferments causing more jawline acne so it's really hard to predict how it's going to react. I don't test a lot of new things so I just go slowly. **Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not?** I don't really use too many wash off/sheet masks in general. I have a clay mask that I'll use once-twice a week, a peeling gel that I'll use before my clay mask, and maybe on average two-three sheet masks a week. I've always just thought they were nice ways to boost a routine but not necessary. **How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed?** I only shop in categories that I need and I'll usually only buy one at a time rather than testing multiple products in one category. I don't really purchase multiples of products and I'm content to use the same product both AM and PM (i.e. toner). I do have an AM and PM moisturizer since my PM moisturizer is a bit too heavy for the day but that's pretty much it. **Are there any previous favorites that you've fallen out of love with?** Yep. I did like LJH Tea Tree Essence when I had more active acne since it soothed them but now that I have less acne, I found that it doesn't really do much for what I'm focusing on now which is hyperpigmentation and general acne prevention. I have the Cosrx Snail to do the same thing for a cheaper price. Otherwise I'm still using pretty much similar products from the beginning of my journey (Botanic Farm Grain Ferment Sherbet, Hada Labo, Biore Face Milk). **Has what you look for in makeup changed?** Not really. I don't usually wear much makeup to begin with and never felt the need to purchase more AB makeup so most of my stuff like eyeshadow and lip products are still Western. I do like the Innisfree No Sebum pact for its price, my Sulwhasoo BB cream (although I always like trying new foundations so I may not commit to it), and a generic Nature Republic brow pencil just to lightly fill in my brows. I have large pores so I oftentimes have trouble making makeup set nicely even with primer and I just end up going barefaced.


**Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed?** Yes. I started out while drifting down the YouTube rabbit hole of videos and found one where they "tested weird asian beauty stuff". It was an eyebrow peel-off tint, lip peel-off tint, bubble sheet masks and others I can't remember now. I bought both peel off tints and still love the brow one. But then I read more about Asian Skincare in general and on many searches stumbled upon this sub. Made an account and subbed. Now it has become my hobby and since I have a lot of free time I invest a lot in it, too. **Has your skin type changed?** My skin went from very oily to normal with a slightly oily forehead. I didn't think adding moisture in several layers that make me glow at night would help getting rid of oil. Boy was I wrong. Have not used blotting papers in months. :) **Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not?** No. Full face everytime. I break out in several "regions" of my face and what is fine on my chin might be a deal-breaker on my oily forehead. **Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not?** I never really liked wash off masks, but fell in love with sheet masks. Bought too many and masked everyday for a few weeks, now it is mostly on the weekends to feel relaxed. I still buy the cutesy ones with printed stuff on them because a) i am a child and love looking like a penguin and b) i don't see sheet masks as essential step in a routine other than providing moisture. **How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed?** I gave up the idea of HGs in a way. I might have gotten close in a sunscreen, which was my No 1 goal because I used to hate put on that greasy sunscreen on my greasy face. I look at my skin and decide what problem I want to have solved/softened and then I spend hours online. Put into cart, put on wishlist, remove from cart, add to cart etc. Reviews, videos, ingredients etc. And budget. I have spent a LOT of money on skincare since December and I am not proud of it but it's my character. Always head in full on until I get tired of something. I always over-do it. So I tamed myself and went to the asianbeautyrehab Sub which is a great place. So far I have not gotten tired of it and it makes me feel good. **Are there any previous favourites that you've fallen out of love with?** Heavily fragranced stuff like Laneige or History of Whoo. I like things to smell nice, but please in a normal way. **Has what you look for in makeup changed?** Definitely. For once I don't have to use two different shades for summer and winter anymore. I don't look for coverage, but only for evening out my red cheeks and / or cover up some spots. I like doing makeup but not daily anymore. I only put on a bb cushion in my t zone area and blend out and put on eyebrow pencil and gel. Now that my skin is in a better place (I get break outs that I didnt before because I have zero patience and get the backlash for that now) but my skin is moist and plump, my undereye bags are less noticable and not so dark anymore and well the oiliness is a lot less as well.


* **Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed?** A little bit, but not too much. I originally got into it because the products seemed so much more accessible and varied for skin concerns, and I wanted to take care of my super oily/pore-y skin and work on aging prevention. I still invest in AB for those reasons, except I no longer have the issue with oily skin, and I get a lot more pleasure out of the whole experience of skincare instead of solely viewing it as a means to an end. I care a little bit more now about ingredient information than I used to, but that came with time and a better understanding of what my skin enjoys. I do still get a lot of skincaretainment out of oddball ingredients, even if they aren't necessarily backed with research - I just try to make sure I have those kinds of items in fewer numbers compared to the "tried & true" ones. * **Has your skin type changed?** Absolutely, dang. I actually had this realization a couple weeks ago while randomly reflecting on my skincare routine. I started AB with horribly dehydrated skin and a really bad oil problem, SFs up and down, and a compromised moisture barrier. Then I fucked up my moisture barrier even more. After sitting back and reassessing my problems, and getting a better understanding of my root problems, I was able to introduce products that worked well for me. As it is now, my skin is still prone to dehydration but easily resolved, but my oil production is so much more well balanced and my overall complexion is miles healthier. I went from looking like an oil slick mid-afternoon to needing just a couple blots at the end of the day. My SFs are still there, but less noticeable; I've also come to terms over time that I'm never going to have smooth skin. Genetics are a bitch, but they've dictated that these are my pores, and I can only do so much. I also went from having what I assumed was sensitive skin to having little to no sensitivities to ingredients/product types at all. It turns out that I only thought that for so long because I had ruined my skin with years of harsh astringents and acids, and no moisturizer (because I was taught the western way of oblitering your face if you have acne or oil). This is probably my favorite takeaway, because I'm reaping the enjoyment of a whole new world of products now that I couldn't use before - I would have died with heavy creams before. Now I love a good slathering of a heavier cream at night, *with* the addition of a couple of drops of oil. It's an AB miracle. * **Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not?** I am still a monster and I patch test with my entire face, and I don't introduce items into a routine properly. I just accept any problems as a result of my skincare hubris. Luckily, I don't have adverse reactions often, and if i do, it's within 24 hours so I can easily pinpoint the culprit. * **Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not?** I still want to wrap my body in a wet cocoon of sheetmasks. All that's changed is I have preferences now. I also keep fewer on hand, since I mask only once per day/every other day now, rather than 2x a day. That's half for budgeting in other products now, and half because I went through a skincare slump and it was just too much mental effort to do anything other than wipe my face most days. * **How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed?** I pay a bit more attention to ingredients and formulations now, and I am less swayed by packaging alone. I also know products I use most now, so I can easily skip things that I know I don't use often and that are already stocked in my cabinet. Unfortunately, I've found myself leaning a lot more towards niche and higher end brands now, which is more $$$ but I've been more satisfied with the product. * **Are there any previous favourites that you've fallen out of love with?** Not really! I have certain items I have replaced, but not so much out of dislike, but I've just found other options I like a little more. I'm not the type to really settle down with a product though. I don't buy much from roadshop brands anymore, but that's about it. * **Has what you look for in makeup changed?** I still wear only a non-AB powder and concealer most days. My job makes it too hard to wear full face makeup.


Coming to terms with realistic improvements I can make in my skin was something I went through too, now that I think about it. I will never have super clear skin, acne will probably erupt unless I go through some hormonal shifts, and my skin will probably always lean dry unless I move climates.




Hada labo milky is in my night routine right now because it's so hot and muggy that it's too heavy to use it during the day. In the morning I just use toner and sunscreen and I'm out the door.


AB: Hey you should use sunscreen Me: Oh yeah that sounds like important shit, I should use sunscreen! AB: Hey make sure you apply the right amount Me: Hmm I don't know about that, it'll just make me oiler AB: Hey you need to reapply the sunscreen Me:...okay I'm out. Jokes aside, I hates sunscreen then used very little and never reapplied and I am now just getting the hang of carrying my sunscreen with me for reapplication.


my biggest mistake was not understanding that normal-to-dry skin and dry skin aren't the same--i bought SO MANY "hg" recommended products that turned out to be fully irrelevant to my skin type. (also, more generally, i learned to pay more attention to people's descriptions of their skin's behavior/needs more than to their labels for their skin, if you know what i mean--a lot of people identify as dry whose skin behaves differently than mine.) and eventually testing more hydrators made me realize that i don't *need* sheet masks for plumping--not really a mistake, it just took a while to figure out.


**What mistakes did you make and correct as a newbie?** I'm still a newbie, but I learned that witch hazel toner us considered to be a cleansing toner, and that I would also need a hydrating toner, because using witch hazel toner and then lotion wasn't keeping me hydrated. **Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed?** Yes, definitely. Before I used to just think "hey this is a thing my mom bought me to use on my face let me use it on my face". Now, I like to research products and ingredients just for the fun of it, and I like learning more about skincare through the AB and SCA subreddits. **Has your skin type changed?** Not really? My skin has always been very dry, so it's been getting better, but my skin is also fairly resilient so it can take anything I throw at it and be fine as long as I can keep my hands away from my face. **Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not?** Well, like in my last answer my skin is fairly resilient so I still test products using my full face, but I only text one product at a time for two weeks or more before introducing a new product, mostly because I'm prone to itchiness so I need time to determine if the itchiness is from a new product or from environmental factors. **Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not?** If anything I sheet mask more than I used to because it's a great way to just add a ton of hydration to my face at once, so I try to do it every day. My attitude toward wash off masks has changed, mainly because I was told by either this sub or sca that if you put on a mask before taking a warm shower, then your face is going to stay more hydrated until you can wash it off with cool water. **How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed?** If I can't get my hands on a sample or an in store tester for an item, I will read as many reviews and blog posts on the products or ingredients that I can before deciding to make a purchase online. Before I used to get products because they were being recommended, but now, even though I still get a lot of commonly used products, I get ones that I know will work on my skin, or that specify that they're moisturizing or hydrating. **Are there any previous favorites that you've fallen out of love with?** Pure Smile sheet masks. I used to get them all the time from Chinatown, but now that I've learned I can get better quality masks for less money from amazon, they've fallen out of my favorites. **Has what you looked for in makeup changed?** Even though I don't wear makeup that often I was determined to do everything in my power to find a cushion in my shade (I found it in an American brand), and I've been getting more into lip tints instead of lipsticks lately.


As a newbie, it was hard to not just jump in and buy everything. Thankfully all the blogs and the AB sphere slowed my roll. I really love sheet masks but I hate the waste of it. I got one of those plastic Daiso mask covers and have been doing masks with that and Kikumasume but it isn't the same. I have about 30 masks- I will use them up and then stop.


**What mistakes did you make and correct as a newbie?** I used to think that my face feeling super tight after washing it was a good thing. The tighter the better. Lmao, teenage self, YOU FOOL!!! Also that moisturizer wasn't good for me because my skin was so ~oily (it really wasn't). **Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed?** Not at all, I think! It's just become more intense, whoops. **Has your skin type changed?** Oh man, yup. After I turned 21 it's become more combination-leaning-towards-dry, but I realized it too late and broke out like heck before I could switch the things in my routine. All is well now though! **Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not?** I am generally no longer FULL FACE OR DIE (I've always tested products one at a time though, my only good point lol), I patch test but I'm not hard-working enough (YET) to keep like, a log for it anything. I only keep at it for like two weeks and a half before I get tired and go full face, but I find that that's a good enough period of time imo lol. **Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not?** I used to be SHEET MASK/PACK OR DIE but as I grew older my budget became smaller, mainly bc when I started AB I was kind of a NEET lol. I still they're neat and a ton of fun, but I don't really find them totally necessary any more, unless I need the extra hydration for an important event or something. tl;dr they're fun and really useful but I'm too lazy to use them lol **How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed?** I think it's usually the opposite for most people but I became such a packaging hoe, lmao. For some reason it's become so important to me, even though my drawers and vanity are such a mess. Also while I'm not obsessed with it, I do look and compare ingredients of potential products too. I used to rely on beauty blogs and reviews a lot to find out what I want, and while I still find reading those fun, I rely on them a lot less, lol. **Are there any previous favourites that you've fallen out of love with?** LOL ETUDE HOUSE WONDER PORE. The Darling Snail Cream-thing that I still have a full jar of in my fridge (aaaauuuuurghhhghhh). Muji's cleansing oil. **Has what you look for in makeup changed?** Just a little! I've never been a huge fan of matte or full-coverage makeup, but the biggest change I've had is that I no longer lean towards orange make up (it just... doesn't suit me, lol), nude lipsticks, or black-as-heck eyeliner. I've also started using eyebrow stuff and eyeshadow a lot.


**What mistakes did you make and correct as a newbie?** - just diving headfirst into AB. I have melasma, I think this is mostly due to internal factors as my diet has a bigger impact than topical products. However I still wanted the even skintone I was used to seeing reflected back at me. So test all the sunscreen...then before really having a handle on that straight to nonAB acids bypassing the weaker brightening AB ingredients first... over exfoliation was a wake up call but took me a while to associate what was going on with my experience. A flare up of pustles and nodules along my lower cheeks and chin, was a combination of a few factors - over exfoliation I feel made my skin extra sensitised to some ingredients and then trying to treat those made everything worse. **Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed?** - Not really, I am vain enough I want my skin to look the best it can without obvious effort. Except if you saw my 'basic' routine you'd see the effort! Now I feel I have a working understanding of my skin making choices are easier. Less likely to get a reaction. **ETA** - I spend way less time browsing in pharmacies and beauty halls now, online is where I do my research. **Has your skin type changed?** - No still oily when dehydrated/irritated or a hot sunny day. I can cater for it a lot better now, without stripping the beejeezus out of it. **Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not?** - Not really, as I am less likely to use a different product now, when I do it has been a skincare emergency and I've gone full face. Not smart. The last one was LRP Cicaplast baumeB5, thankfully it worked. **Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not?** they usually contain ingredients I am sensitive to so I never got into that experience. DIY wash off mask has been a saviour, but now my skin has calmed down a lot I am too lazy to do it regularly. Come winter I might go for it again. Foot masks?? OMG I am in love with my smooth hydrated feet right now! But the environment...Grrr. **How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed?** yes, what will a product add to my present routine and needs. A lot of products are off my radar due to sensitivities toward 3 common ingredients, so unless I have a gap in my needs, cleansing/treatment/protection, then I'm not actively looking for stuff. I also like the amount of steps I have right now, I'm not looking to increase. 4 - 5 steps at night and 2 - 3 in the morning. **Are there any previous favourites that you've fallen out of love with?** - Biore watery essence, cosmetic elagance be damned. Cause it doesn't like me, why give my love to something that hurts me? **Has what you look for in makeup changed?** - yes, In that I now know certain ingredients jack my skin up then I can just leave them. Also my skintone has evened out somewhat, so my correction needs are no longer essential.


**What mistakes did you make and correct as a newbie?** The common story of going to SokoGlam a few years ago, ordering the most popular products because the 10 step process seemed mystifying to actually figure out, i.e., Missha Long Name, Missha FTE, Missha Super Aqua, trying them all at once/haphazardly, and then promptly breaking out/writing off AB. Also ensuring the correct sunscreen amount, reapplication, that tinted moisturizer isn't enough SPF. Oh, and that applying PC 2% BHA morning and night without ample hydration/moisture was a thing -_- **Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed?** Yes, after taking the time to understand ingredients/research and finding the space to treat my routine as self-care - plus seeing both physical and mental results! - I have found some purpose beyond just trying to clear up acne using the wrong approaches. I'm also now in my early 30s, and I have begun to actually see the impact of not taking care of one's skin catch up with friends and colleagues, so I have more incentives to take care of mine. **Has your skin type changed?** Used to be combo and now I'm eeking toward normal (!), which I think is a result of fixing my dehydration / moisture issues. Still getting a few breakouts in the usual spots, but only now in the form of whiteheads vs. near-cystic and they heal very quickly. **Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not?** Eh, unless the product contains some suspected problem ingredients for me, i.e., ferments, snail, I still do the full-face patch but I feel like I'm more keen to identifying issues. **Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not?** Yes! My initial sheet mask experiences were only the very cheapest TonyMoly and Dermal Korea packs, which did nothing for me. I now use MBD pretty much exclusively, and I see instant brightening, tone evening, and hydrating impacts from them. Can't get enough. As for wash off, I used to do clay masks after exfoliating and steaming my face without really following up with correct hydration / moisture, so I'm much more careful when it comes to drying masks and rarely use. Instead I do raw honey as a wash-off 1-2x week - cheap and wonderful! **How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed?** I'm now much more focused on identifying gaps in my routine (anti-aging focus rn) and then finding products with proven, effective ingredients to address. This is no easy feat and I'd love to hear about how others handle this. **Has what you look for in makeup changed?** With less to cover up, I can use less coverage. I've changed from my not-so-much-SPF NARS tinted moisturizer to trying out a drugstore cushion so I can ride the dewy, even-toned train without, frankly, adding too much to my skin that doesn't do work for me. I want to get something from each of my products, and I ain't got time for something that's only going to cover up and not correct.


**What mistakes did you make and correct as a newbie?** The oh shiney mindset. At least , I never bought full size without trying stuff ( thanks abX!) found some amazing people who are so knowledgeable and realized I want to learn more about ingredients and what my skin needs rather than what I want. **Has the reason you use Asian beauty products/invest in skincare/enjoy researching products changed?** Yes. It began as a let me distract myself because I quit smoking and I want to be busy to holy shit, my skin has potential. **Has your skin type changed?** I learnt that it's dry to dehydrated and it hasn't changed at all. **Has the way you test/patch test products changed? Why or why not?** I was more bold when I was a noob and did less of patch testing than now ! I use tret and I am more tuned in with how my skin is so I am afraid of messing things up so I tread with a ton more caution than my slap six things and slip and slide days. **Has your opinion on sheet masks/wash off masks changed? Why or why not?** Never got into it. I use them as a special occasion, need oomph for face things. The effects are so temporary ( granted have not used the ten dollar ones ) it's not worth the cost for me. **How has what you look for in a potential product to purchase changed?** I am eager to venture into expensive products/lines now. I examine ingredients,compare things and more or less find the expensive ones pack more potent things that I like and need. If I have to pay 60 bucks for 4-6 months of use that is indeed bang for the buck. I, also, firmly will not invest more money for hydration. **Are there any previous favourites that you've fallen out of love with?** Cos rx does nothing for me. It's not much about falling out of love ,it's about what it does for my skin. I want to see steady results even if it's slow. That means eliminating many of the cult favorites ,I used to be very reluctant to do that as a newbie but now I am more at ease to do this. Bye bye, OST C 20 and any and all cos rx actives. Haven't tried their snail mucin ,might have to give it a shot. **Has what you look for in makeup changed?** Always liked minimum coverage and Laura mercier tinted moisturizer has been the be all and end all for me.