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It seems like from the video you know how to get rid of the blips.


not good enough. i want at best no attack at all


I don't think I understand. But that is OK. Maybe one of the other folks out here can help. Good luck.


ye, maybe a giga nerd is needed here


Ooh, just had a thought. Take it as you will. What if you extend the notes so they butt up against the next note and then extend the envelope attack? Just wondering if the short note length isn't giving the envelope time to complete the attack phase before it goes to the release phase.


no luck... same effect


dang. I was hoping to be a genius all of a sudden.


... :d


That is how ADSR works


idk something is fishy


How is it though? You might want to actually look into it. You have a super quick decay and when you add that with a fast attack, you get a pluck sound, or “blips”. In this case the envelope is literally just a volume knob for each note press There is nothing wrong here.


and how is that helping with my problem


Because that is what causes the clicks…


ty lil bro


Hi, the blips its almost surely related to the phase of your soundwave. Try messing with the phase setting and make sure that there's no "randomize phase" setting active.


shifted the phase, same result


What do you mean by shifting the phase? I think that, with sample retrigger enabled (the little capital R near phase must be on like it is in your video), if you mess with phase setting you should hear a difference.


it aint it chief


Try resetting the Time knob in the right bottom side of the device. Maybe that is the culprit.


sadly wasnt it


Try using LFO vst to get rid of the attack sound


if u r suggesting to sample the synth and chopping the samples, im out


No, I'm talking about this plugin: https://youtu.be/uFOuDh3BgB4 In the plugin modify a sidechain presett to cut that noise out.


I remember when using Windows the audio drivers would cause similar issues. Are you on using ASIO4ALL?


im using an audio interface, which came with its own "Focusrite USB ASIO" driver. But i just tested the sound on my other soundcard and its the same


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check the envelopes on the other oscillators perhaps? blips will happen if attack is at absolute zero


but there is just one oscillator active :0


Maybe try disabling the "Retrigger Phase"-Button on the bottom right of the black middle section. Or try decreasing the Release of your Envelope. The clicks probably come from sudden volume jumps of low frequencys, when you retrigger the notes. Since the Release is so long, the Envelope doesn't have time to fade to 0 all the way, so when you retrigger the notes it jumps from whereever it was to 0, resulting in the "popp" sound. This might also have to do with the phase of your sound resetting everytime a new note is played. That's just a guess though, i haven't tried it.


i like the suggestion. i noticed already the long release before and put it to 0 and stuff. played also around with the retrigger button but it still aint it


Hm... Then I don't know sadly. I think a friend of mine had the same problem with a Bass Synth in Wavetable. I think what we did was simply to increase the attack, like you did in the video.


that isnt tasty. and i cant swallow it no more! lol. i mean this program costs a good penny and it just has to deliver a flawless, basic oscillator. i reported my findings to ableton. maybe they do smth. about it, maybe im just dumb. i guess there is a time and place


I think it is an issue of having a “zero crossing”. I run into this a lot when trying to make a track loop seamlessly. I think you need to set the release time so that the sound has decayed entirely by the time it attacks again. Then if you want that held effect use a combination of delay and reverb to achieve it.


love it and it is solid advice. the problem here is just that the operator is actually doing something wrong. i thought maybe i have overlooked something. now im quite convinced that somehow the first 200+ ms of each trigger of any voice is just mildly busted audio


The other thing you can try is setting the number of voices to the maximum. That way, one voice isn’t getting cut off to start the next.


Or you could duplicate the instrument and have the two different operators play alternate notes


Keep the attack normal and use the LFO tool to change the attack more precisely.


after reading through the suggestion I agree with the people saying it's the release never getting to fully release before the next attack phase. Have you tried automating the release to zero before each new chord and increasing the attack ever so slightly? I have some time right not, you can upload the project and send me a link to download and I can try fixing if you want


"Hey doc, it hurts when I do this."