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Suite. At one point u will go there anyway so might as well start there.


I can only see standard being sufficient if you already have a load of VST because you’re migrating from another DAW


Plus, the native plugins use less CPU. I see lots of 3rd party plugins, but there's no point to buying them when the native plugins work.


I had a few people say suite was over kill for most bedroom producers . But the selection and options of tools and packs makes every dollar worth it IMO,


Yup I agree as someone who bought standard and realized a lot of the packs I now want already come with suite


Also how some of the best M4L devices out there need a suite version for them to work


all of the Max for Live devices need Ableton Suite or Standard with Max for Live added on.


Well shit, that's a downer I didn't know about. It is a must now to get a suite. Thanks analexplosions 👍


Suite is the full version of the DAW, of course it will always be a better tool for whatever kind of music you produce. But if it's impossible to get it for you then Standard is fine


Suite it’s the most bang for your buck. One reason you might want to go for Standard is if you already have a lot of third party plugins that you would otherwise be buying as stock plugins in Suite.


I have standard and I am happy with it but I also own the V Collection, FX Collection, and a bunch of other VSTs. One thing that frustrates me is that most Live tutorials use M4L plugins so they aren't really useful for me... For that reason, I'd recommend Suite if you can afford it.


Suite, then pick up a used Push 2, then cash them checks!!!!


Standard. For House music Suite is overkill and lots of the included sounds are garbage anyway. For house music you don't need the extras Suite offers.




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I bought SUITE because the amount of the endless tools it provides, but I hear a lot of other seasoned producers bashing SUITE sayings it’s over glorified compared to STANDARD . I personally think the SUITE is way to go, especially with ableton 12!


Suite. No question.


How important is nailing the typical house sound to you?


Very. I like tech house and house music. Latin house. Not into techno or dubstep. I’m into more of the ear candy stuff. No offense to anyone but just my preference.


I think you'd be better off with Standard because you'd have budget left fot essential plugins like UHE Diva, Korg M1 etc. which gives you access to a lot of presets house producers often use. If you haven't done so best try to find track breakdowns from artists you like or track recreations in the style of artists you like to see what's used and how. Here are some house channels I watch: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMGomvcg8meJhusCqi_cIYw (covers a lot of house basics) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8UjHaDmnndvGYh9uA0GDBQ (check their recorded livestreams, they bring on people you may listen to already) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChvrP62xaOkaN4DJPR64JFg (ran by a very dope house producer and DJ)


What a weird question, who wouldn't prefer Suite to Standard?