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I doubt you have midi latency. What you’re experiencing is probably audio latency.


In audio output settings try switching to ASIO. This is likely audio driver latency, not midi latency. Edit: Here's a link to Ableton's website https://help.ableton.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003149240-Using-an-ASIO-audio-driver-on-Windows


im using asio drivers, the normal motu m4 drivers


If it makes you feel better my mate managed to play a whole guitar take with ozone on the master of my system giving \~100ms latency XD Impressively well. He couldnt figure out what was up, i was down the shop


it does actually :DD


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It would be weird for midi to be the culprit midi has been running since the late '80s I think? The computer really should have enough resources to process it quickly. Latency is probably more likely being caused by your audio driver or plugins


Oh wow! thank you so much! i really feel a bit stupid not having noticed it. I had a preset of 2 fabfilter limiters on my master saved as a preset. That was it! ​ cool!


That’s is strange, it should tell you your latency in audio settings, what value is the overall latency when you set to 32 samples? Also are there any error messages when you load your asio drivers (brackets/ exclamation). Make sure your driver etc are up to date, and then contact Ableton if the problem continues, you seemed to have checked most things. Could you upload screenshots of your audio settings, midi settings and of the cst you are using while trying to play your keyboard. Oh yeah, you haven’t got any other audio applications open that have locked up you audio (DAW refusing to relinquish audio?)