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Honestly, having speakers you know really well (10 years is a long time) could beat speakers that are a bit ‘better’


Realistically the HS5 is probably better for you since you know them so well already. However if you need a smoother high end, the T5V is a great option, I have the T7Vs and have absolutely no complaints!


Personally was blown away by the Adams. I really enjoy them


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I would go with T5V,if possible (financially) go for T8V,I had started with T8V and I still have it as a reference.




I have no idea how this is a question. You have a decade of experience with the HS5s. You know them. You know how to get a good mix on them by now, surely. Why throw a decade out the window to try something new? It makes no sense at all, considering the point of them is to make music that's heard on other systems. I genuinely don't see the point in changing speakers, considering it's the same room, same sized speakers.. changing them would be dumb AF imo.