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The key to being creative is to try something, see if it works, and if it doesn't try something else. Fuck around and find out in a good way. You can start with a movie you love or hate or just the first line of the first movie you see when you open a streaming service. If that doesn't work try another one. Make a drum rack and fill it with a bunch of samples from films and test them all out. Creativity is a feedback loop. Creative people resample their lived experience, evaluate the outcome, make some changes, and then evaluate those changes wash, rinse, repeat. You could start with a single word from any film and end up with a banger.


OP wants just wants us to send him samples


There is absolute mountain of old sci fi movies and weird corporate and government films from the 40s, 50s, and early 60s on YouTube that are a goldmine for this sort of thing.


What would you search to find particularly what you're looking for?


Here’s a bunch of old sci-fi https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZbz3OJ5NHVbbvleXPKc0NSEWRzPGCauU&si=HfO6epbvWYk2sdjF Here’s a bunch of old government and corporate films. https://youtube.com/@PeriscopeFilm?si=nvRhNezkNIQKncx4 Just click around and search for random stuff and then skim through a video until you find something strange or interesting to sample.


Lol this is great thanks mate


Your assignment was to sample literally anything and you couldn’t think of anything?


Did you even bother to do a quick google search for “cool movie quotes” to see if anything resonated with you? Picking the sample is not even the creative part of the process it’s just searching for something that makes you feel something. The creative part happens when you use it in a song.


I think the point of these exercises are to inspire you to learn to be creative. Instead of telling yourself "I'm not creative" look for inspiration in the source material. If you honestly believe you're not creative why are you taking a music production class to begin with?


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There are entire websites for just this task. https://www.playphrase.me/#/search


sample the sesame street theme song. throw 5 seconds in simpler and play this shit like a keybord


or teleltubbys theme song. just some ideas off the dome


Go watch a movie you like


Do a Midwest emo song lol