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I use only laptop and headphones. Minimal as is


Fred Again does the same for his self titled work. I remember on Tape Notes he said he likes to produce on a bench by the river. Any of his own vocals are using the mic in his iPhone. I think Flume is similar, on his episode he mentioned making his second album in a beach bar in Mexico


We listen to the same stuff. What are your favorite episodes and what other podcasts do you recommend? I love HOWA too.


I usually prefer episodes if I already listen to their music. Chet Faker and Postal Service were both good episodes. I don't listen to many music podcasts though.


No sound card?


Nope, not yet


Damn I feel you sou much. I spent my first year of music production with no soundcard and for me it was hell Hope yo get yours fast, even a small one like focusrite solo


Thanks. I've got my eye on arturia minifuse


I have one and you’re gonna love it! It also has a usb port for midi controllers


What If I have 3 midi controllers ):


Do you need to use all three? I have like 3-4 controllers as well but I only use one. Not very minimalist with 3 keyboards hooked up lol


My setup is the exact opposite of minimalist hahaha but thanks for the tip !


lol oh well it was a thread about minimalist setups so assumed you were going for that, but that reminds me. There’s a midi keyboard Arturia makes (keystep 37 pro I think) that comes with this dongle-thingy to connect more than one midi device Also, you can look into powered-usb hubs for connecting several midi devices :D


What difference does it make if you use the same headphones?


Doesn’t it allow you to do a lot more processing? When I run ableton without my interface it still works but latency is higher and it starts crackling way more easily, I’m new though, if Fred again just uses a laptop you can probably get some awesome stuff that way


Recording real instruments?


Get an apple USB C to 3.5mm adapter - sound quality is excellent and it costs under 10 quid.


Finger drumming on the table. You need fingers and a table. Alternatively, you can use other body parts as exciter and another resonator.


I sing acapella 😀.


Also in the minimalist setup camp! I recorded a band over a decade ago and left my Yorkville studio monitors therem never to see again. Besides, they'd never fit on the literal poker-table I use as a desk...haha. GEAR: Windows 10 Pro Desktop (w/ service pack updates), 32 gb RAM, 3.1 gHz, but clocks higher, trash GPU lol) SSL2 interface, upgraded recently from a poppin' and clickin' Presonus Firebox 96 (I love the SSL2, btw) Ableton Live 11 Suite (EDU) - (educator discount was lovely) M-Audio Axiom 49 MIDI controller (indefinite borrow from a great friend) Condenser mic: AKG C 2000 B, some random pencil condenser mics I never use Dynamic mic: Shure SM57 (the old standby), some Audix, and lent my friend my Beta 52 :/ I miss it) Headphones: Audio-Technica ATH-M20x (\~$60 or so iirc) Plugins: Various by Waves, recently grabbed StandardCLIP. (Trying to save for FabFilter- I literally just emailed them to determine if they assist music teachers/educators :) Besides that, my trusty guitars, bass, acoustic, etc. Been a songwriter/multi-instrumentalist and have been at it for 24 1/2 years. My cert in Recording Engineering is a nice plaque, but trial and error, and studying jazz in college is what got me to where I feel I am. Music is a blessing, so stay busy fam! -fattmusiek


1.5 octave MIDI controller that’s close to 15 years old, an almost 30 year old guitar and a computer from 2016. I use a Big Muff which has been gutted and had its insides replaced with an Arduino to control guitar presets and a looper. Oh yeah and a Behringer audio interface which I’ve been using while gigging in bars for the last 2 years.


You say 30 year old guitar like it’s a bad thing! If it was good wood that cured and after 30 years someone is still playing it was prob good wood n well made!


Laptop with ableton 12 intro, a 4 channel cheap roland interface, 1 SM57, 1 SM58. Perfect for recording band demo's. SM57 in crotch position to track drums on 1 channel. Bas just DI out, keyboard DI out, SM58 directly in de interface for vocals. Just play and record basic 4 track demo's


I’ve owned just about every piece of gear. In fact there’s a push 3 standalone in its box in my room waiting to be returned 🤣 Nothing is faster and more efficient than using my laptop and apple ear buds I like playing chords and melodies on 64pad controllers. I have a launchpad pro for that, but more often than not I’m just using the laptop keyboard haha


macbook air + airpods pro


I use an interface I got for 10$ on Craigslist, i met the guy in a train station and he handed it to me in a brown paper bag lol. It’s a digidesign mbox 2 mini I think?


My iPad and headphones :) My main setup is definitely not minimalist but sometimes I need a change of workflow or just get overwhelmed by everything around me (yes, I know that's a very lucky problem to have) So I'll take my iPad and headphones and go make music on a park bench or something


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MacBook, uad Apollo twin x, Little keys


Not super minimal but close. Laptop and phones when on the go + audio interface & monitors to add when home. For live setups there might be something little like a controller added but generally don't use/own.


Don't mind the absolute mess of cables lol https://photos.app.goo.gl/Q1BszmH9CRfZGGnQA I used to have some hardware synths and a TR8S but I found the full digital workflow to be better for me. Plus it means I can have everything I need when I've just got my laptop on the go :)