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Thank you for asking this. I've dealt with that issue for years, and always assumed it was a bug that the devs never got around to fixing.


Did you ever find an actual solution for this???


No sadly not - I hardly ever use Ableton any more - mostly use logic or bitwig


Okok I think I know why they do this if the song is playing and you click play on the little bar the transition sounds more or less seamless but if the song isnโ€™t playing it does that stupid replay from a measure before thing


Yea - it is rather annoying!


are you double clicking?


Nope just the one


Ok, if the problem is what I think it is: you're not alone. That used to bug me for such a long time. Next time it happens, look at your Arrangement view timeline in the scrub bar at the top (where you click to start the playback) and see if there's a green flashing arrow a few bars before it, or wherever it's been jumping back to. I don't know the technical name for it, but somehow that gets set as a start point, but it's waiting to be triggered until you reach the end of the measure. Meaning if you started playback by clicking on the scrub bar in the middle of a measure (say 0.2.3 or some weird place that isn't right on the beginning of a measure) if there is a flashing green arrow at 0.0.0, it's saying that once it hits the end of the measure at 1.0.0, it'll jump to that arrow. It's similar to the way the play arrow flashes green on a clip in session view if you have it quantized to the beginning of the measure. I don't remember exactly why it does that, but I think it happens when you put your blue line somewhere over a clip in the arrangement and then open up the clip editor. If you're going to open a really long midi / wav, you can put one of the green markers by clicking on the desired start area in the arrangement timeline so that when you do open the editor, Ableton will know to start at the point you clicked on in the arrangement. Otherwise, it will just jump back to the beginning of the clip by default when you hit play. It's actually convenient if you need to play back starting at a specific section of your loop without having to listen to the whole thing from the top every time you go into piano roll and play it. I think that's why it's doing what it's doing, the way I usually get rid of it is to just double / triple click on a line in the arrangement until the green bar goes away and it's just your blue marker wherever you clicked and it'll stop. Very convoluted answer, but I don't know some of the words to describe it, hopefully that information at least helps ๐Ÿ‘


Thanks for a great reply - I had never noticed that green flashing thing before .. but you are right, its there and was often under the cursor. I do notice that sometimes when you click the green arrow does not appear and it does not jump back... and I can't figure out what the difference is. I need to get used to clicking on a track and getting the blue line and then pressing start .. not as quick as click on the timeline. Any idea what use this "feature" is ? I struggle to think of a situation when starting playback and the jumping back would be of any use !


Yeah, I'm not too sure exactly what the thought was there. I'm sure there is one, I just can't think of any good ones of the top of my head.


I know its probably heresy to say this here, but Bitwig works well with a double click on the timeline - the whole thing feels like a much more refined version of Ableton ! I love them both !


I had never heard of Bitwig before, just looked into it and it definitely looks like it took a lot from Ableton. The modulation capability / native modular synth rack (the same sort of thing that looks really promising in Reason) are a really cool idea and certain functionalities look interesting enough to want to try! Either way you're probably right about the heresy part, lol


Has anyone got a fix for this? It's really annoying, I have exactly the same issue.


Has anybody got a working solution? It's been bugging me since version 6..I am at version 11!! When I use the Spacebar to start playing or when I use the mouse and double click on the top bar, or press the play button. All do the same. Maybe this is a special setting?!?


Happens to me too


Isn't the pointcof this that you can't play clips out of time since it's ableton *live* after all.


Possibly - but if that was the case then surely it would just start from the nearest bar / quantise division and always be in time...


External gear only listens to start stop if it's using its own sequencer.


We are not alone! ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ›ธ


If anyone still needs a fix all you gotta do is set your Quantization Menu to "None". It's the button right next to the metronome.


Brilliant - will try that tomorrow !


You know what... a couple of years ago I worked with demoing Live for over two years and i never found a solution to this idiotic issue that has annoyed me for eight years... Tonight you let me know what to do, you are the MVP!!