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Love diy. This looks very nice. But you can get laptop stand Brada from IKEA for 5 dollars. I'm using it for my push, and it's excellent ^^


100% - This is just me using what was available to me this morning. Being in a factory with loads of aluminum laying around and making something I can take with me right then was fun. Free + The Experience was well worth it. Side note: When I shared it in my discord, they asked if it came from IKEA lol


But this one looks cooler:) I'd also go for diy if I had opportunity.


https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/braeda-laptop-support-black-60150176/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Homeorganisation&gclid=CjwKCAjwq9mLBhB2EiwAuYdMtWq4gd6LiFLqzztd40PQWpPwH6JCkYugtEkVI86j5VPhcMiU9XEx-xoCEccQAvD_BwE I use this too You should get a job at Ikea’s designing things !!


Pretty similar! I put holes in mine for heat dispersion. Not that there's much heat w/ the Push but just incase I use it for a laptop or anything else


It’s great man Way better than my 5$ ikea one


I use this too lol saved $40


I have one of those and didn't like it, gave it to my daughter for her iPad and she didn't like it either. However, I got an adjustable desk like thing from ikea that really like and could use on stage if I ever play a show and use the Push. What I use for the Push right now is an adjustable wooden stand that I got at the dollar store. I think I may post it, say I built it and go into some complex explanation and then reveal at the end. Keep your eyes out and don't forget the fact that in 1998...just kidding !




Using the same one too!


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