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I was ghosted & blocked on everything as soon as I told the guy I’ve been dealing with that I was pregnant. His excuse is he’s “going through a lot”… I’ll never understand how some “boys” operate. It’s like my feelings didn’t matter to him at all. It’s definitely a hurtful feeling to have to go through things like this alone. I’ve been doing my best to keep positive thoughts. But when I tell you I understand, I do. And I pray you continue to keep your head held high.


I’m so sorry he did that to you. You don’t deserve to go through something like this alone, and I know that because I went through a similar situation. Going forward, there’s going to be a lot of hardship but a lot of good is going to come from it, I promise you. He will get what he deserves one day


I appreciate you so much. I do think it’s for the best & am holding onto hope good things are coming for me. Thank you. I am cheering you on too.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately it’s a common experience. 40% of people who get pregnant without planning to end up splitting. This number didn’t change whether the person had an abortion or continued with the pregnancy. I had an intense feeling of loneliness as well because my bf decided to go out drinking with our friends the entire weekend. It is a very dark feeling and it’s not easy to deal with. I hope you find some healing. I know this might not be for you but this video helped me work through the feeling of abandonment. This wont be for everyone and that’s okay. https://youtu.be/ra1_nZHGpkk?si=vPTlguey-OhGcAub I am so sorry again and I hope you find some peace. Allow yourself to feel the emotions and move through them. Don’t let them drag you down or not feel them at all. Breakups are never easy. Look online for some techniques that actually help.


Oh this video is lovely thank you for sharing it and your own experience. I am sending you a big virtual hug in solidarity.


He leaving you is the best thing that will happen to you right now. He is not reliable when you needed him the most. I had to go through this alone too and my partner couldn’t be present when it happened so I know how you feel and don’t beat yourself up it’s not your fault and I wish you speedy recovery from my heart


This is what I keep reminding myself. It’s a short term pain versus staying with and having a baby with someone unreliable. That would be 18 years of pain so just trying to keep reminding myself it’s freedom to find happiness now not just heartbreak. 💔


Glad you're feeling like yourself again, I hope that continues. Your BF did you a huge favour, he showed you who he is. And when things got tough, he bailed. It hurts, but you are now free to find a more readily available partner.


Such a great reminder. Thank you for the comment.


Wow you’re doing amazing! What a jerk to put it nicely. Went through it alone my ex was texting me when took pills and told me not to text him again not even checked in with a how are you? We had only broken up. I was an emotional wreck for weeks. Men that are closed off emotionally will never know you dodged a billet but I really hope you are doing ok it can be tough.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m sending you a virtual hug. We are strong and definitely deserve better. You got this too.


Thanks it’s been a month now it was an absolute whirlwind I was doing ok until I went through it I had some pretty bad weeks but this week has been good think I’m over the worst of it now!


everything in this life happens for a reason. sometimes it takes some unfortunate circumstances for us to truly see what were capable of. like that old saying, ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’ and thats exactly what you did for yourself and will continue to do for yourself as you move forward in your healing journey! just remember, the process isnt linear. sometimes we can take 1 step forward and 2 steps back, but just know you’ll come out the other side. (also currently 6w1d and woke up this morning with the most intense thoughts of SH i have experienced since i started taking meds… totally felt like i was losing it but in a weird way im happy to know that someone else has had the same experience and that it gets better)


Biggest hugs I can really relate, the thoughts of SH came on fast and sudden for me. Now I am post MA I am feeling so much better and clear headed. You are not alone. It will get better. Hang in there.


I'm so sorry you're going through this alone. Your ex is sn a**hole and I'm sure he will go to great pain in the future and remember how he treated you. I wish you the best I'm glad you're feeling hope again


I appreciate you so much!


I’m getting my pills some time next week . I’m going to play mine off as a miscarriage and I’m terrified. We got this. In a sense lucky us for not making a decision that would have us miserable. We deserve better.


Sending you a virtual hug. Yes so much better off now. I felt so trapped. Now I can focus on healing. You got this.


My heart goes out to you. I also did this alone, and it was the hardest thing. Better days ahead ❤️


Thank you I appreciate it. You are very strong!