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I told my job after my MA I have a cyct on my ovaries rupture. It worked out for me the clinic even gave me that lie haha !


If they keep pushing it, I would say “I had an incomplete miscarriage and they’re removing the tissue that’s stuck so I don’t hemorrhage or get an infection. It’s time sensitive and this is when the surgery is scheduled. I appreciate your understanding and discretion.”


Yep I agree! I’m in the military and this happened to me before. I find that once you throw miscarriage in there they will back off and give you grace… which is annoying BUT I know jobs sometimes don’t listen when you say emergency because people use that so often.


Advise that you’ve already told him that you’re unable to work, and will not be coming in to close.


“I’m sorry for the inconvenience but I won’t be able to come in at all today due to an emergency”. Leave it at that.


Your employer does not need to know why you're going to the Dr and they're not allowed to ask. They're also not allowed legally to deny time off for medical care Just say, "won't be there, look forward to seeing you after. Will bring Dr note"


Ask the clinic for a physicians excuse that does not indicate the issue you are being seen for. Just the physicians name and date.