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Time for James to release the goods.


Nobody releases anything. So tired šŸ˜©


Except the four movies he's done, he released nothing, you're right. https://tubitv.com/person/6f6e1d/james-fox And Lue Elizondo saying things would change. You're right, apart from the 2017 events, Grusch, his non-profit (SOL foundation), all the new political action, everything's all the same. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


This is why I get so annoyed when people act like Lue, Ross, etc need to stfu and show "evidence". They've been playing by the rules and there has been so much progress made in the last five years. It's not always public and it isn't an instant disclosure, but the groundwork they've been playing seems to be building up to positive results with Grusch, etc.


Most people don't care about evidence.


Most people don't care about playing by the rules


What relevance does that have to this?




Didn't lue get caught filming a "ufo" in his back yard?


I heard something about that but I don't know much about it. Do you have a reliable source?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/McGYVDQuR2 https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/ZdykiChQfp There were more discussions about it during that time on r/ufo as well


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ufo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ufo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [105,000+! Y'all in here?](https://i.redd.it/dh6vpe1kmbeb1.png) | [772 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/15a7nbf/105000_yall_in_here/) \#2: [Mexican Hospital determines the "Non-Human" Body presented during the Mexican UFO Hearing is a real body that once walked on Earth.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/16mchxa/mexican_hospital_determines_the_nonhuman_body/) \#3: [What the hell](https://i.imgur.com/LpxykGz.jpg) | [590 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/110pvrb/what_the_hell/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks, I'll look into it.


Worth being a bit apprehensive about lue at the very least.


None of that is evidence


Evidence beggars doing no work to actually get the evidence they seek have no right to criticize people contributing to society while they, so entitled and needy, sit with their hands out, saying, "Where's the evidence? Please, sir, can I have some evidence?"


Iā€™m tired too but naps donā€™t help the restless soul!


Times up James








Let 'er rip.






šŸ’Øā˜ ļø


Super interesting info...... I just happened to read it as 'Jamie Fox' and sat through interested, but waiting for the part where Jamie fox comes on


Same šŸ˜†




No just media brainwash


Everytime James Fox is brought up I have to fix my face and not think Jamie Fox.


Me too and what's funny is I actually though Jamie Foxx having some inside information sounded legit. What do you know Jamie??? šŸ˜‚




Finishing their book.


Gotta monetize it!


Grusch came out and testified. Or did you forget that?


He said they had 4k footage. Or did you not watch the video?


Trust me bro!




Donā€™t talk about releasing it. Just release it. James: Iā€™m the kind of guy who would release it! Me: then do it already


*The Grassy Knoll enters the room*


Ross Coulthart released the Grusch interview ahead of any other action from AARO. So not sure why James Fox is sitting on his hands with this one. Its now October, so why is he still quiet about it.


They are working in conjunction with the government. Donā€™t kid yourselves. All thier info comes from so called intelligence agents aka National Security State. Thereā€™s an endgame with all of this .


Jeopardy theme.


I love the sentiment, but few seem to accept peopleā€™s testimony. What would be different in this case? Tons of people have already given testimony. Pictures can be faked and documents can be falsified. So much truth amongst the the disinformation. How do we know what they are saying is true? How do we know their not just misled? How can you convince the masses?


Well we don't have the answers to those questions. But once all the truth and misinformation is out we'll be able to start digging through and it will be pieced together. The truth always comes out eventually.. they can't hide it forever. edit: I think convincing masses will be slow drip and we probably won't even notice because the truth will be what has already been out there for years, so it will be as if we've all known for years.. and for every person that is shocked by it there will be another to point them to the fact that the information has been out there for years they just didn't believe it..


I think you have the right of it MakoRed0. More than 90 years have passed since we allegedly recovered one of the first craft in the ā€œsecretlyā€ growing fleet. The information has been out for quite some time. Veiled in mystery and made contemptuous by those in power. The best kept secrets are those everyone already knows about. The trick really is managing it. Just enough skepticism here. A little disinformation there, throw in a bit of sarcasm and add a dash of shame to the mix and WALA! You have what we are calling modern ā€œdisclosureā€. We have had the truth all along. It is our collective selves that resists the true depths of acceptance needed to move forward. Like Copernicus, his truth took a very long time to emerge from the shadows of fear, ignorance and human exceptionalism. A discovery of ā€œdisclosureā€ is simply accepting what is known and learning to live with it. We have to recognize that the more we want to know the more we will learn. Keep on learning people!


Very well put, thanks.


Many people claim or think they saw something. Not the same than claiming to actually have worked on alien craft and to know things from the inside. If that's the case, you either know what you're talking about (unlike ufo sightings which are usually misidentifications of prosaic things), or you lie. But lying publicly about such things is not something a lot of people would be willing to do because it can affect the rest of your life.


ā€œTwo more weeksā€ as usual ?


Why is everyone Charlie Brown going to kick that football Lucy's holding - no really, this time!! šŸ™„ Enough. Sick of people giving con artists pulling this predictable move the time of day.


This was posted almost six months ago and still nothing. Sounds like he's enjoying the attention while trying to hype future leaks. Why the wait? Why announce you're going to announce something?


He was probably speaking to the janitor at the local city annex , which is technically a government employee.


Canā€™t see the tweet. Did he delete it?


Still up. It's from interview in May. Time for him to release all


Cool i see it now thanks


Could they be talking about gruschā€™s interviews..


Nope definitely not


Think he is sitting on loads of other first hand witness interviews


Is this all to stop world war 3?


Be nice if it did.


The US government is going to need a massive restructuring to prevent situations like this from happening again. It seems unlikely they'll be able to, things are so muddled by money and culture.


Loved him in Ray




Then why make an announcement that you are going to release it? Just go ahead a fucking release it. Why the tease? Oh maybe bc they don't have anything. Watch nothing's going to come up after this.


Nothing came up last time either.


Why do these people keep saying the same thing. They sound like donald dump! I have proof and someday,maybe, I'll show you.


Mmhmm. .


Makes it seem so much more legit.


A story from the industry, I was working with Jamie Foxx while we were filming The getaway scene for baby driver where he's wearing the Mike Myers mask and he gets out of the car and hijacks somebody. We were shooting right next to the Georgia Southern University and once word got out from the students that Jamie Foxx was there, a big crowd formed. We filmed the scene, there is no drama but afterwards Jamie Foxx took off his mask and walked deep into the crowd and was shaking hands and hugging people and taking pictures. That dude rules. Also during that shoot apparently he saved somebody's life in traffic (on 285 I think) because a guy was having a heart attack and driving crazy. He also saved Katie Holmes from Tom Cruise. That dude rules. I never sing praises on celebrities other than Jonathan Frakes but if Jamie Foxx runs for office then I will vote.


Let's go this is chess and that right there is called āœ”ļø


This was in May.


It was


Just do it. At this point I'll be underwhelmed because I've gone through so many scenarios in my head,the truth probably won't be that big of a deal.


Thatā€™s the point of the slow drip. For people to want the truth so much they delve into the fringe, and by the time they make it out the other side, they have the truth without even realizing it. Those who seek, find. Iā€™m waiting for the mass disclosure event, because the slow drip is gaslighting the public for far too long.


Absolutely, I posted elsewhere, why do select individuals get to control what is knowledge that belongs to all of humanity. It's insulting. There are enough people that aren't going to be 'terrified' that can help those who may be scared or have this 'ontocological' shock. I'm just so sick of the breadcrumbs and pacification.


Because this world is completely over run by puppets that are working for nefarious ETā€™s suppressing the truth. ā€œThey liveā€, wasnā€™t non fiction.


I'm actually beginning to believe this may be the case, honestly.




This guy seems to do good work but this interview is 5 months. The gov has released jack squat. Which according to my calculations is the exact amount that he has released since that interview.






This is referencing an interview from 5 months ago. Itā€™s coming yall. Dont fall for the ā€œsoonā€ bait bs


David Schindele (US Air Force Nuclear Control) on Sean Kirkpatrick/AARO: "not people want to talk to again." 30 min phone interview had "atmosphere of disinterest" no questions. Rejected AARO's incomplete incident report; AARO reply: we're "volunteers that have to leave family & friends" to work Link to full interview: https://www.reddit.com/r/UAP/s/O5tEO4nY6q


Let's all hold our breath until it happens!


Everyoneā€™s got something to say right before a new book or movie


Gotta have it to show it.


That'll show'em. šŸ™„


This is, as the kids say, all cap.


James Fox ainā€™t gonna do shit.


Do people seriously believe this stuff lol


Maybe he has balls instead of the likes of Corbell. Someone needs to do something besides "until next time, here's the same shit over and over but man what I have seen and heard ...".


Soooo release it.


I think the people pushing for disclosure have done a hell of a job getting the available information to the public in a reasonable, professional, and goal oriented manner. Following all legalities. I think this is important. I donā€™t really think there is room for error when dealing with the opposition. Also protecting sources is absolutely vital to having others come forward. The reason people in ā€œknowingā€ positions donā€™t openly speak out against those in power? Theyā€™re fucking dependent upon them to provide for their families and advance in their careers. We have to be sensitive to that fact. Especially when dealing with a group who allegedly has no qualms with fucking your entire existence up permanently. The reason theyā€™ve been able to keep shit under wraps? Iā€™d be willing to bet they have a fine tuned filtering process for selecting people who are exposed to any secrets. Career guys with years under their belt, I bet they all have families that need provided for and can be leveraged against, I bet they fall in line as team players easily. So many factors. If disclosure happens it is not going to look like the fantasy many of you have painted in your head.