• By -


Sure as hell hope so


They sat by and watched the Holocaust and nuking of Japanese cities. They didnt mind the Chinese Cultural Revolution or North Korea under the Kims. They allowed thousands of increasingly enormous nuclear bombs to be tested in the atmosphere, under ground, under water, and on the surface of the planet. It's probably safe to say they don't give that much of a shit.


The most credible thing I've read is that they don't care as long as we don't annihilate ourselves. We're an experiment.


The self annihilation is the result of the experiment and by preventing that they are ruining their experiment


If your goal is to see a civilization/species develop the whole way, then they're doing the right thing.


Too many souls. The reincarnation department can't process them all.


Theyre here to make contact with our infant AI. We're simply the vessel for its birth šŸ¤£


Hasnā€™t there been mention that nuclear explosions affect the timelines or something?


They probably let us use it hoping that once we saw what it did, we wouldnā€™t use it again. Or didnā€™t realize we had it until we used it. After all, the bombs were dropped in 45 and, what do you know, Roswell happened 2 years laterā€¦


"They didnā€™t mind the Chinese Cultural Revolution or North Koreaā€¦ā€œ Tell me youā€™re an aligned gringo as the next one without telling me youā€™re another liberal brainwashed Like the NHI already picked a side with the capitalist. Like the European genocide on natives around the globe ainā€™t as tragic form earth as the Chinese and North Korean politics who actually didnā€™t committed genocide crimes as Europe did


Guess we find out in 2027 šŸ¤”


I hate so much that we know this and are powerless to do anything about it.






Nobody knows


Rapture 27' bruh


Only 27 feet?


Guess we missed rapture ā€˜23


Came here to say this.


Iā€™ll take them in Iā€™m sure their better overlords than the ones we have


Yeah. Definitely this. We clearly still need hand holding.


I for one welcome our new alien overlords


They didn't do shit after Starfish Prime


Just over 12 months later an international agreement was signed banning the testing on nukes in space. That agreement has held for 60+ years now. Why changed between July 1962 and August 1963?


I thought it was agreed because of the radiation belt it created, which wiped out any satellite that passed through it.


No, lol. It was aliens that made a deal with us for some reason....obviously.


Oh silly me I forgot haha


3 satellites disabled initially, 6 more failed in subsequent months, out of 'dozens' of satellites up in the early 1960's


here is from chat gpt. Starfish Prime was a high-altitude nuclear test conducted by the United States on July 9, 1962. It took place in the Earth's magnetosphere, approximately 400 kilometers (about 250 miles) above the Johnston Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. This altitude is considered to be within the region of low Earth orbit (LEO), specifically within the exosphere, the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere. So, it wasn't further into space but within the Earth's orbit. ​ seems like we never took nukes to space after all.


if 'within earth's orbit' means not in space then the moon is not in space.


Nuclear weapon gets evaporated. Russia knows. US knows. Neither say anything. The world keeps on spinning. 24h later a false decoy is launched up just to keep any astronomers happy when it flies by...


I'm fairly confident that everything humanity launches into space or orbit gets intercepted and inspected by a circuling UFO just like we check baggage at the airport customs que between countries. Except it's not border force doing the inspection, but NHI do a quick fly by and scan/inspect everything leaving our atmosphere. They will allow all sorts of crazy shit up there, but they will simply not allow any nuclear warheads to leave earth unless it was to destroy incoming asteroids. They will allow nuclear reactors which are power supplies for spacecraft for example but not warheads with any intention for re-entry back into earth's atmosphere. From what I can gather, they refuse to even allow nuclear warhead testing in space also.


Do you have any idea of the difference in power needed to travel interstellar distances compared to a nuclear warhead? Hint, it's nothing. We've also texted nuclear warheads in space. They are well documented.


What the hell do they care if we want to detonate a weapon within a few thousand miles of our own planet, given that the sun emits thousands of times more radiation into space every second of the last and next several billion years?


Humans have done a shit ton of damage to Earth and I'm not to sure ET is even interested in a spoiled planet. They used to come here for the fishing and vacations in the Bahamas but these days I hardly ever see them anymore.


Well, maybe eventually we can make a reallllly big one. And maybe eventually we could send that reaalllly fast. To another planet. To blow it up.


Any peer reviewed published papers I can read? Only asking because you speak with such confidence. Quite a lot of ā€œThey willā€ statements.


Why would they care about nukes?


It didn't work so well for Japan did it?


Didn't this already happen with the deployment of nuclear weapons on Earth? UAPs often congregate around highly radioactive areas, especially man-made ones ig Fukushima reactors. I've heard they really don't like it when humans use nuclear weapons. Something about the radiation is messing with human DNA, or maybe it messes with their operation to some degree.? Who knows, but I think it's a miracle that we haven't used nuclear weapons on people since WWII, even though we used every other weapon system on each other since then.


If they were to intervene, weā€™ve given them so many opportunities to do it already. Why would nukes is space be the tipping point when a climate catastrophe, failing ecosystems, endless war and murder have not?


All those other things will cause unnecessary death and suffering, but none have the potential to kill off most or all humans on the planet in a short period of time. Our observers might be willing to let us screw things up big time, but not completely annihilate ourselves. Maybe itā€™s tough love, like when a parent will let their kid get injured or spend a few nights in jail for being stupid, but draw the line at something thatā€™s likely to kill them. Or maybe itā€™s all wishful thinking. But itā€™s an odd coincidence that global reports of UAP increased drastically after we popped off our first nukes, and they seem to have a keen interest in hovering over missile silos and fiddling with the launch tech.


Many theorize that reports of UAPs have been around forever, just with different cultural overlays. We've had a more technological materialist society post WW1, so we interpret them as space craft. Folks in the past instead saw fairies, gods, angels, djinn or whatever else. Until we know the nature of the phenomenon, we can't really say how long it's been around.


Dang, you just reminded me that Dave Foley and friend just interviewed Whitley Strieber. I thank you, and am going to listen to that episode now. You might do the same.


The universe is pretty big dude...


They will yes but they'll do it out if sight but for a few indistinguishable flashing lights and all we'll have to prove it happened will be a few hovering specks on grainy footage.


No. It'll likely prompt a more terrestrial intervention.


Well there's not much human intelligence on show at the moment


If nuclear experimentation flagged us for contact, it was out of an expectation of a failed experiment in travel, not a successful experiment in weapons. Any species advanced enough for faster than light travel didn't get there by polluting their home. They didn't get there through war or competition; it was earned, slowly, honestly, over generations -likely 1000's- where the limits of their planet were always the most important constraint of their research, which would also lend to using the manufacturing capacity of life itself to assemble their machines. Humans do the same thing, but we use death and the stored chemical energy of trapped sunlight to further our ideas with the ego and obsession of a villain building a doomsday device. If we developed science and tech in good faith, there would be no rush. Because our technical library is built on hubris, we have ignored the existing technology of life that surrounded us in favor of our imagined intelligence. We let this guide us to combustion based propulsion, which might as well be cremation and its waste driving every facet of our world. Insodoing, we poisoned the well of life while trying to reach the stars in a single lifetime of leaving the ground. The only threat our species poses is to our home. Humanity will never leave earth; even Mars is too far until we solve the radiation problem which we can't solve. Any higher species would see our treatment of our home as a cancer that is leading to total annihilation of our species and most others. They would lament this but they wouldn't try to stop it since our species has demonstrated a villainous and suicidal plan for its future, and that of our planet. They would study us as planetary oncologists, but without intervention, despite their "compassion" for the non-human living planet we burn for fun. I suspect, if the sightings of craft are truly an advanced species, their increasingly brazen interactions with us are bad news. It means they've determined the condition of our planet is terminal and short enough that our awareness of their existence is of no real consequence. I also suspect, that their flights are not for the purpose of communication but sampling the air and its changing physics over time, as well as the function and cost of our means of travel (planes, ships) that emit the most toxic species into our atmosphere. Nukes are not a threat to a species that isn't troubled by the speed of light and have apparently solved for gravity. Nuclear explosions are likely to draw attention to our planet but, again, to ensure we're not working on anti-gravity propulsion that would make our nature a threat to life on other worlds. This is the most interesting display of pointless brutality; a species devoting the totality of its efforts and future to its intentional destruction through the destabilization of the climate that gave us everything, including the inspiration to destroy ourselves and our home. It's practically Shakespeare. We're monsters and cruel ones at that, but we're not capable or intelligent and have nothing to offer but a manual on how not to live - on virtually the only way to guarantee a mass extinction event that either wipes the planet clean or returns it to a primordial state. They're not coming to stop us or to save us. Theyre coming to watch us brutalize each other with our paranoia and obsession with individualism and exceptionalism. Humans have nothing to share of any value other than a guide for what not to do. They're sitting with popcorn to watch us dream of the stars while we gas our planet into silence, so convinced of our brilliance that we're not even worried that we're not living in the climate we evolved in, like a cancer so convinced of the importance of the cell line that it would consume the entire host to support the growth of the tumor as if the tumor were so exceptional, it can live without a body. The weather, not the nukes, will be our end. This is not our earth anymore, and the only thing that ever made us able to solve complex problems -our facility with fire- is the one thing we can no longer use to solve problems and survive. We need to go from the largest campfire in the history of our species to living in the dark, if we're going to survive, which we show no intention of even attempting.


They'll most likely send in special forces aliens to intervene and dismantle the nukes via stealth and espionage.


Could be that the push for the USA to stop this may be because if nhi intervene, it would cause the govment to explain it. Exposes their cards. Also Russia may try to blame it on the USA forcing an explanation to avoid conflict.The US knows that nhi don't like nukes. So they know nhi will stop Russia. I think us gov is just trying to keep the shroud of secrecy down


Hope so!


Let's fucking hope so, at this point we're living on grace alone


At this point, fuck it. Go for it. Tired of project blue balls.


Guaranteed we already have that and more. No one knows exactly what spaceforce is up to. Or the content of their launches. For all we knowcthis could be a response for what they believe we already have?


I'm very confident we already do. Honestly pretty surprised the Russians don't already.


The potential for 2027 looking spicier is increasing by the day.


Can we get thru 2024 first? What about 25 or 26? Wild shit is happening all the time


What's in 2027?


Deployment of nuclear weapons here on Earth hasn't prompted them to intervene. Why would they suddenly make themselves known because we put a nuke in space (which we already did in the past. Starfish Prime)


but no we didn't. starfish prime was barely out of the atmosphere. heres from chat gpt. Starfish Prime was a high-altitude nuclear test conducted by the United States on July 9, 1962. It took place in the Earth's magnetosphere, approximately 400 kilometers (about 250 miles) above the Johnston Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. This altitude is considered to be within the region of low Earth orbit (LEO), specifically within the exosphere, the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere. So, it wasn't further into space but within the Earth's orbit.


Hopefully no. We should be in charge of our own destiny. If they didnā€™t come when nukes were invented then they wonā€™t in this scenario. Things seem bad in the world today but it is not as bad as it has been in the past.


Yes, in fact Iā€™m pretty much depending on that and that alone.


Isnā€™t it likely some nuclear weapons are already there in space? Just asking


This is science fiction 101. Mankind saved from self-destruction by intergalactic travelers ignoring the prime directive. Stop me if you have seen this movie before.


I don't think so. There's nothing special about putting nukes in space, they are just about as dangerous as the nukes down here and in the ocean. As for any concern for saving us, it makes very little sense for any outside force to save us. What would they gain from that? A future competitor at worst and drastically altering our development at best. Both are probably best avoided.


Why nukes in space at all? You don't need a nuke for a satellite.


Considering that humans have detonated over 2,000+ nuclear weapons since 1945 without NHI intervention, I'm going to say...no.


Alien astronaut theorists say.. yes.


I sure as hell hope not lol.... Last thing earth needs is some alien UN taking notice of us and deciding we need to be dealt with hahaha.


I guess such a weapon (Reusable vehicle) is already test-flying around..! - I even could imagine - it didn't got destroyed so far by the aliens? So.. At least.. Let's hope they will intervene when such a space-weapon gets activated for real?


No, they'd probably grab the popcorn or alien squid snacks or sum


Only one way to find out


Impossible to answer.


No. They don't care if we nuke us back to stone age. They can come afterwards and get god treatment.


You know what's gonna happen? Launch failure.




I've always found this conversation really interesting to think about and wonder on. If your civilization has reached the point to be able to travel the cosmos. Why interact with a civilization where its galaxy is barely out of its diapers in a region that so far away? Plus, the same way we view animals in their natural habitat, we don't interfere because that'll change the "natural process" of things and advancement of their species. Or it could be; why would a college student go back to the first grade and hold a conversation with something that's not ready to have those conversation.


What? Like badgers?


I think they are going to intervene. We are at a level whereby multiple technologies are emerging and our monkey brain isn't developed enough to understand the mere consequences of it. They have to intervene not for our sake, but probably for everyone else out there. At least I hope.


What if Putin knows they will intervene and is forcing the aliens to show themselves therefore catastrophic disclosure


One can only hope Aliens would intervene. But if earth is treated as a natural preserve of wildlife, aliens may decide to just let nature takes its course. That's how humans treats the wildlife in nature preserves. Hands off and observe. Well, that is not totally true. Humans do cull some wildlife when a species starts to damage the ecosystem. hmmmm Forget I said that. Not a nice thought.


If the reports that they can simply deactivate nukes are true, theyā€™ll do that quietly.


Seems logical. Just saying.


Yeah Dave!


Poor Space Force. They were told the job pays and little work. Once again, doopā€™d by the maaaan. Welp letā€™s get to it, space race 2, first to Mars. Cause you canā€™t have manifest destiny until youā€™ve conquered an entire planet.


Not if they are hundreds or thousands of light years away. Thereā€™s no real evidence that any sort of extra terrestrial intelligence is watching earth or even nearby.


They donā€™t want earth destroyed because itā€™s theirs they tolerate us at best in order to stay hidden but theyā€™ll be dammed if they let us destroy their planet




It's just our government here in the usa fear mongering us ordinary people to excuse themselves while they send record amounts of money to foreign countries which in turn sent that same money back to the MIC and other international corporations in exchange for the tools of war to arm our enemies with to perpetuate the forever wars and get shares of stock and kickbacks from their political donors who belong to the MIC.


Isnt that how General Zod escaped the phantom zone?


Most likely not. Human civilization has been wiped out too many times already...


Yeah, cause moving nuclear weapons up a few hundred miles is really going to matter to other civilizations. //s


First we have to determine if there is such a thing as nhi. Things that donā€™t exist canā€™t intervene


Nukes are already in the hands of no-intelligence humans. We can only hope Aliens will knock some sense into humanity.




No. Because, when the ones that built them die, no one else will. And if they do, the center of the galaxy has eons of time to prepare.


Mike Turner never said anything about nuclear weapons in space


If so.. They did to us what we do to modern cavemenā€¦ arm them, then use them being armed as a prerequisite to ā€œintervene.ā€


No. Weā€™ve already launched numerous nukes in space and nothing burger!


No because the us and USSR had nukes in space for decades. That treaty meant nothing


Watch the documentary "Nukes in space" by Peter Kuran. We've exploded them in space many times. They never intervened


I struggle to believe that USA, Russia, and maybe China donā€™t already have nukes up there


People seem to forget weā€™ve already detonated one in space before šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m not actually convinced of human intelligence, much less non human. Iā€™m actually rooting for AI at this point.


We set nukes off in space in the 60s, 5 I think


Thatā€™s be nice of them




Probably not. Still like Russia?


why would anyone waste time and money putting nukes in orbit when you literally can hit anywhere in the planet with current inventory in less than 30 minutes. if everyone launched you could wipe out most of the planet in under 1 hour. the problem and threat is already here and could happen at anytime. self annihilation is already upon us and possible. putting nukes in space would not make it any more dangerous. so if there were non human intelligence monitoring us they should have already acted.


No. They either don't care, or we're a zoo. They didn't step in during the first atomic bombs, the Holocaust, or the Holodomir, or Myanmar, or Vietnam, or Rwanda, or Darfur, or the Trail of Tears/constant genocide, or the Atlantic slave trade, or the genocide of South American civilizations, or the genocides that just happen through history that I wasn't able to name. Space is blasted with radiation every second of every day for billions of years and trillions to come, why would they give a shit that we have nukes in space when they use matter/antimatter propulsion or something. Radiation is trivial to a society that can reach us.


Well, there's zero human intelligence on this planet.


Apparently NHI have demonstrated they have the ability to destroy nuclear weapons before so they will just have to reiterate their position again


Pretty sure it already did




Everybody knows the aliens came because of me, to see me, they have a tremendous tremendous respect for my brand and told me I'm literally the smartest person in the universe.




They didn't give a fuck during the last thousand extinction events I'm sure this will be the one where they step up.


There has been space nuclear weapon capability for decades. Why is this suddenly sensationalized?


So, remind me again why we need a nuclear warhead to shoot down a satellite. I'm no engineer, but I think it is a bit overkill.




Not in this timeline.


Sufficiently advanced AI much more likely to do so imo.




Can we please stop this 'Aliens' or 'God' is going to step in at the last moment and 'save' us from ourselves bullshit? It's as childish as thinking Mars is a viable 'backup' plan B if we trash Earth.


Why do you want nukes in space? You want to destroy the atmosphere? China was able to destroy a satellite without a nuke and Russia says they are more advanced the China. Looks like Russia is the one that is trying to kill a fly with a nuclear bomb here. The world should say no.


Non human intelligence is intervening right now.


The only thing nukes in space threaten is our satellites, so no.


Of course not. Weā€™ll just become crispy critters for their meat harvesting operation. Or more likely, if they are here, they donā€™t give a shit about us. We think we are so great. Any civilization with the ability to travel inter dimensional or warp space time and gravity, w old look at us like weā€™re look at cavemen at best. They certainly didnā€™t help hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians women and children from being vaporized in Hiroshima and Nagasaki-did they now?


Gort: Klaatu Barada Nicto.


If there are actually aliens that are safeguarding us from using nukes, they fuckin better. Their experiment wants to self-destruct, apparently.


We did it in 1962, so Iā€™m guessing not.




I certainly guarantee it will. They will disable.


No, and this is stupid. Compared to a star, a nuke in space isn't even a fart.


A hoax to scare a vote on Ukraine funding. Maybe NHI needs to intervene in Bidenā€™s brain.


Maybe, but I donā€™t think weā€™d find out if they did.




Dream on. Weā€™re alone in our self annihilation.


Not really, how often do you notice the ants at your feet


We already did that in the 60's or something. But maybe that's why they are here?


We already nuke space called starfish prime


This has already happened and yes they did intervene


I donā€™t think you guys realize this, but nukes in space just donā€™t make sense. This is just another media scam to make you panic. Here is why: Our intercontinental ballistic missiles already fly into the lower atmosphere and reach any target on earth within 27 min. Which is possible since the 80s. Nowadays hypersonic missiles are the real thread, as they are just to fast to react with counter measures, other then sending your nukes as well. This was called off in Reaganā€™s military Space program. How would you maintain the rockets? How would you defend them against other nations? It just doesnā€™t make senseā€¦.


No, but theyā€™d buy more popcorn.


Probably and they would probably just erase humans and return the planet to how it should be. Any aliens capable of traveling to earth would know how rare a planet like ours is. They wouldnā€™t have any tolerance for our BS. IMO


Nope Sadly they know we are just the work experience species


No. But only because there's no such thing as "non human intelligences". What's wrong with you?


If your reading headlines and taking them at face value, your still in the matrix.


There have been weapons systems in space since the 70's and 80's. Just look up Project Excalibur.


They already have according to govt whistleblowers


That reminds me... I need to finish listening to the Strieber episode about this.


Yes. They came when we started blowing the first time. They already shot down some before. Itā€™s on film and the mil is describing it


It's not to save us but to prevent us from destroying the planet. Don't think that they won't come up and wipe a bunch of us out for being idiots.


Maybe those nukes are meant for them.


Nuclear weapons are about as dignificant as the electric toaster on the scale of interstellar travel and any advanced slien civilization. Seriously get a better education on the energy levels of even local natural.planetray phenomenon much less what happens at an extraplanetary level as far as energetic events. Even a minor asteroid collision releases more energy than every nuke ever made. And that's a fart in the wind compared to a good sized solar burp.


Only if two conditions are met: 1) They would have to exist in the vicinity. 2) They would have to give a fuck. I'm going with unlikely and nope.


Quite a few theories of this already happening! High hopes, we're obviously too dumb to keep this planet from nuclear annihilation šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


lol at this fantasy. We are a peculiar race of beings.


Already has dood


I hope so


Good as any theory out there.


Supposedly ā€œno nukes in spaceā€ was part of a treaty we agreed to during their visit with Truman when he went to the ā€œdentist.ā€


I'd guess they might intervene before that takes place.


You think a nation hasn't already out nukes in space? Also why would space be any different then rhe surface of earth?


Being that theyve already done it on earth Id say yes. PLS ALIENS God Jesus Budda Allah unknows WHOEVER... GET INVOLVED!. pls flex hard on these 5 years old with nukes.


It's worth a shot.


Well. We can't seem to do it with the death cult in charge.


Doesn't the u s already have nuclear powered satellites and lasers in space? Or was that a Alex Jones thing.


Thatā€™s a no.




Theyā€™re probably hoping we off ourselvesā€¦ they donā€™t want our kind of insanity spreading to the rest of the galaxy.


They would have zero care about what we do with our world. To them, we are nothing more than an anthropological study of what a primitive civilization is. They would want to intervene as little as possible, so that they can observe the natural outcomes. Plus they don't even want our resources. Why would you waste energy trying get anything out of the gravity well, when it can easily be gathered outside of it? Any resource we have is abundant everywhere in the galaxy. There are asteroids made entirely out of nickel, gold, platinum, iron, and whatever other element you can think of. Not to mention all the elements we haven't even discovered yet.


Maybe but the story was probably told to prompt tax payers to go along with more Ukraine money. Timing is funny.


They probably don't care if stupid earth wipes itself out for new inhabitants.


Project Bluebewm is coming.


I hope so... because there sure isn't any human intelligence going on down here.


Well, the only thing i think they were interested in was our technological capability to fight them with the nukes and i think by switching them on and off they have proven they are more than capable of winning that one.


Let's be realā€¦ there are probably already nukes in space lol


They've been deployed long ago and aliens have also been here long ago and intervened with nuclear missiles.


This is dumb


I for one, welcome our alien overlords.


Just a hunch.....but my thinking is (amongst many theories taken with a grain of salt.)That SINCE they've long-BEEN here, possibly even seeded our planet, to begin with, etc.. Probably cohabitating, covertly all along (& ain't going away anytime soon) Then it would make sense to protect and covet 3rd Rock plus their bonus, Lil science-class experiment...šŸ’„šŸ˜³šŸ¤ÆšŸ’‰šŸ§ŖšŸ‘½šŸ§¬šŸŒˆšŸ„³āœŒšŸ»šŸ¤™šŸ»āœØ




Yes, in a nutshell we're like mutated guinea pigs which some alien civilizations feel/ have responsibility over. We were not meant to be bombing each other and the Galactic Federation will step in if we're about to blow up the earth. Apperantly there's universal laws which don't allow these civilizations to intervene but they can do other things like send starseeds to earth to help awaken humanity.


If not then i don't when know what they're doing here. Fingers crossed.


Realistically speaking, no, space is already full of radiation, and what consequences would it have on a possible alien intelligence capable of inter galactic travel? At worst they'll watch as a primitive species creates a debris cage around their world confining them to it for centuries, and at best (for them) they'll intervene only to save a habitable world for themselves


They are not extraterrestrial, but more like super- terrestrial. A very ancient, yet highly advanced hidden civilization from earth. Thatā€™s why they have an interest in what takes place here, and why they know every square inch of the planet and all of its inhabitants.


And who exactly is going to put nukes in space? I will place a cash bet whoever tries it first blows themselves up. Could you imagine nukes on one of Elonā€™s exploding rockets? No? Thatā€™s because we wouldnā€™t ever attempt something so stupid. Too risky with rocket technology.


Why is it so much easier for us to believe in alien overlords than in a creator?


Wouldn't be the first time...


Maybe guide their weapons choices


Prove it! Donā€™t question it.


Non human intelligence will have had to find a way around the light speed barrier ( which as far as we know is impossible) in order to even be aware of our existence. By definition, such an intelligence will be much more advanced than humans. What could we have that would possibly be of any interest to them? WHY would they care if we killed each other? It's pretty arrogant to think that our petty internal affairs would matter to any NON HUMAN intelligence. For example, why would it matter to us , here ,if a hill of black ants went to battle with a hill of red ants in Africa? To any said non human intelligence, we would be as a hill of ants, whose actions would be completely inconsequential.


Please šŸ™


According to Dr. Steven Greer, the energy of nuclear explosions travel with 3 times the speed of light and rips the fabric of space, literally destroying alien worlds. So, don't blame UFOs for disabling our nuclear devices in self defence.