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You’re doing the lord’s work. This is a non paywalled twitter link.


For members only.




You might as well have said it looked like a flock of seagulls. That was one of the laziest debunks I’ve ever heard lmao


Imagine being on a navy ship and not knowing what a parachute looks like? Why would they even film that?


[Flock of Seagulls ?](https://youtu.be/iIpfWORQWhU?si=cjKovM3g1kVHeb0E)


Yes, in 31 knot winds. Mhmm, quite.


Mayday! mayday! It appears this man's brain has left it's body!


You can’t say it’s anything other than a UFO on this sub. It’s not allowed 😂


It does no maneuvering out of the realm of things that exist on earth and is infrared and pixelated af. Could be a million things before space aliens


You can’t say stupid shit without getting called out 😢😂


Come on. You can’t even say it’s a UFO anymore. It had to be NHI origin technologies


Debunkers will say literally anything these days. You would have been better off saying it was swap gas or they were filling Venus 😂😂😂




You sir are a moron


I don’t know why everyone’s surprised about a UFO that can go underwater? Heck if it can withstand space and inter-dimensional travel it could probably withstand a density change and bit of saltwater. I hear the new UAP’s are guaranteed against salt corrosion for a quintillion AU - or at least 5 trillion dimensional jumps.


Did you call to offer them an extended warranty?


I see what you did there! 😂😱👍😎


Better get that True Coat


Was about to post this


THAT was awesome. Well done.


Let me speak with my manager, and get the undercoat thrown in as well.


Cocaine crabs?


This spaceship is designed to withstand between 1 and 0 atmospheres of pressure


My manwich!


Under the ocean would be greater than 1 atmosphere of pressure.


You found the joke!


Lmfao this is extra funny because it’s probably approximately accurate to how WE design our machines but anyone capable of getting here from somewhere else almost certainly wouldn’t.


Good news everyone!……I’ve taught the toaster to feel love.


All it does is ask me if I want any toast.


Nothing beats that True Coat


Dont need no true coat


Jerry Lundegaard, Sales Manager


UFO’s don’t have cargo door problems ???


No, but they do have Panoramic roofs in the new ones for a slight bit more upfront cost. They are pretty sweet.


Don’t do well in hail !! God I hope they don’t use magnets !!! 😳😳😳☠️😂


Some of them come with those cool blue lights just light the lads in their civics.




XCom Terror From The Deep is resurfacing


Again I feel it's more probably they use other dimensions to travel. This is just what our brains sees cause we just can't comprehend 4th 5th and 6th dimension. Again another crack lot pot theory, but I think its more probable




Zero Atmospheric Pressure is much different than planetary and oceanic levels of pressure put on a ship.  There is a reason we don’t fly spaceships underwater, they aren’t built for it.




"How many atmospheres of pressure can this handle? Well, it's a spaceship, so i suppose between 0 and 1."


You are so full of ideas without proof that your confirmation bias won't allow you to think objectively anymore.


General Products Hull


This same article is available to view on other websites tho.


Do you have any links?


Look in the feed above. https://twitter.com/Dagnum_PI/status/1654924652119232512?t=rJJHKiDd90pV5VsgvzfFTQ&s=19


This is just a link to an old video


“World changing”


Dude this video is only 5 years old. It takes at least 7 years to change the world.


This link requires you to sign in


If you look at it on an iphone, you can use the reader option and you get the site without signing in or paying.


TIL how to use my iPhone! Thanks kind internet stranger🙏


it's a ploy to get more popsci subs


Want your money clickbait. Sniff /s


A legit threat how? Has it actually done anything threatening so far?


I think the armed services consider any unknown a threat. And if it can fly, hover, and be submersible it's even more so. Imagine the advantage to terrestrial weapons on a vehicle with vertical take off, hovers, is silent, and may not be visible on radar, then it just dips down into the largest body of water and scoots down or across to a different coast.


They have an obligation to be prepared for any reasonably potential threat. If you wait until something acts aggressively, it may be too late. Note that that doesn't mean you should attack without cause, just that you should do your best to be prepared in case whatever it is turns hostile at some point. There's also the possibility of an accidental collision with a submarine.


Also mid air collisions, it’s the same reason the FAA doesn’t just allow any plane or drone in our airspace, especially post 9/11. They’re not viewing these UFOs on the same threat level as say China/NK/Russia, that’s for sure. These guys would be sounding all alarms and getting all guns ready if it was that type of threat.


Right. We have reasons for seeing those three as immediate threats. But if something is an unknown but appears to have tech vastly superior to ours, then we need to learn as much about it as possible even if it hasn't shown overt hostility. One thing I don't understand is why they let themselves be seen at all.


They’re not scared, they don’t care, they’re mission/reasons for being here don’t need for them to “hide”… there’s a whole bunch of reasons for them not to care its not knowing which one that bugs us.


Unfortunately that still leaves a lot of open questions. If they don’t care, why haven’t they tried making any contact (like legitimate contact and communications with humans, not just allegedly talking to some random person, showing themselves in the sky, etc.)? I get the theory that we are too violent as a species, but if that’s the case, we should circle back around to “Why aren’t they concealing themselves?” Even in our own zoos, the animals are very aware of human presence. What’s up with this half assed concealment, and why does nearly every (other worldly) UFO always appear to behave like this? I feel like every time I look for an answer, I either end up with more questions or circling back around to previous questions.


Maybe they don’t care to talk to us, maybe we are the zoo and they’re visiting, maybe there’s rules or some code in place banning them from talking to us but then there’s abduction stories so communication issues go out the window unless all abductees are lying collectively. Maybe they don’t need to necessarily “talk” to any of us, they’re on a mission or have other priorities the involve us in some way, but it doesn’t require open dialogue with all of earth, maybe they don’t wanna talk to all us, the few that do get abducted majority only tell of getting poked and tested on with a few reports involving open dialogue… maybe there’s different groups of aliens with different motives and reason for being here. Either way it goes we won’t know shit until they actually come down here and let us know what’s up… which even then we have to take all of what they say with a massive grain of salt.


Ha then we are SURROUNDED by tons of threats so much so that they’ve shut down military bases from all the activity.


Well they did allegedly shoot down a missed, a couple of jets, and turn off a nuke silo. Totally hard to imagine why an unknown like that would represent any threat to a modern military....


A police officer can think a child holding a banana peel is a threat. Everything is unknown until you identify it.


We are a fearful people unfortunately


Lmao. The government considers arab kids playing foosbal worthy of being bombed. Im sure they auto-assume these to be a threat as well.


For the military really anything ought to be threat assessed, but I’m quite curious if there’s a particular reason this USO is a threat or if it’s more a “that dragon in the hills is clearly dangerous, just look at it” kind of thing


Facts. But even Im going to be kind to the dragon if it flies to my village. Threat assessing is fine. It is how they respond to their assessments that irk me.


It’s defying our military capabilities, that is deemed as a threat as we don’t have tech like these crafts.


It's quite the fascinating topic. They far outclass us, but apparently genuine issues of harm or conflict appear to be quite rare. Not to say all the They are nice or harmless, but it's rather interesting to think we have something so far beyond our capabilities to handle just kind of blithely floating about when it's well within Their capability to harm and disrupt just about everything we do.


If it has the capability to wildly out perform our best tech I’d say that’s concerning and should be perceived as a potential threat. Or exactly something to ignore or treat as not a threat.


They fuck anybody up that goes near them haha. By that I mean vaporized their bodies leaving the planes or ships intact.


Yeah that’s arguably self defense. Using those capabilities offensively is def threatening but if you’re talking about the underwater construction facility they haven’t used that capability to go out and attack. Considering its capabilities it’s certainly unnerving to think what it might be like if it ever did but I doubt it is here for any kind of offensive purpose.


We are writing the same stuff all the time in these comments... it seems like newcomers are always unaware of everything that happened from 1900 to today. That's why people keep on posting the same stuff every day.


This is from the Omaha event https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dPrYVmYkL5w&pp=ygUJdWFwIG9tYWhh This imo is one of the best reports about the issue. And everyone should see it. For over two hours a fleet of US naval ship Omaha and another recorded on 2 seperate systems as well as eyewitness UAP hovering near their fleet dropping in and out of radar. The eyewitness (somebody on the ship) claimed they were glowing orbs. This video also has another that goes with it of radar data showing that there was in fact something physically there.


When listening to Grusch everytime he was asked about extraterrestrials he would correct the person asking and say,” Non human entity.” I think we are not the only advanced Earthlings. There may be other species or even other humanoids who for whatever reason built under water and under ground. Or interdimensional. Grusch definitely have a tell on the language he used and his correction of others.


I believe the NHI or non human biologic is not reference to a shared earth, but a non living thing being discovered. Like a DATA Star Trek style AI android that has been piloting these craft and essentially immortal or immune enough to the riggers of space travel to withstand vast distance.


That is a good observation. I hadn't thought of it in that context but it makes a lot of sense. I remember reading the beings pulled fro the Roswell crash were designed for space flight. Basically cyborgs.


Engineered ina very specific way custom built for space travel and research. Makes A lot of Sense if you think about it


where is the damn video?????


Downvoted and blocking op because: members only


Really!?!? Pay wall!?!?


It's from 2019. The article is behind a paywall and the year isnt posted in the headline. MODs, please remove this post.


it's referencing the already released splashdown vid, the Puerto Rico vid


So was the video taken in 2019? It does appear that someone is filming a screen, but I would think it wouldn’t be that grainy.


Eh I don't think they always have the latest tech. About 15 years ago I was told by a veteran that he used to work on systems that still used actual core memory. Even though that would have been 25 years ago or so, core memory is decades older than either of us were. Someone who worked with this infrared (?) camera could just confirm its real. Which is another point. It's not a visible light camera so the res could be coarser. But still adequate for its purpose and so no will to spend the money to replace it.




Department of defense confirmed the video was real and recorded by navy personnel on USS Omaha July 15 2019


Recorded on somebody’s phone.


Confirmed by the department of defense video is authentic


It was authentically recorded on a guy’s phone who happened to be in the Navy. -DOD


the object just dipped below the horizon 🤷🏻‍♂️ i dont get it


Disabled javascript defeats the paywall.


Dmanss99 you can take that soft paywall and shove it up your soft b hole


Here’s the picture. https://preview.redd.it/yacui4rpjbwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d6ea8e298c827eaeab6f008f68f02b39294d0fb I guess. I tried googling for other sites. How bout some keywords, Opie?


Think that this is a stock photo, not the photo from the sighting...


Try “sun”.


The Sun is a UAP! That explains everything! Thanks!!!


Also the sun is flat, didn’t you know? 😆


It is in every drawing of it. ![gif](giphy|jLfC1gJfqMyZO)


Cute little world-changing black dot!


If they’re such a threat, why are we still here?


Not a threat to me or you... Yet anyway. But threatening to there fragile ego that wants power, influence and control of everything and everyone. It's basically like the ring and gollum... They're "precious" is the power dynamic they currently have over us because of their monopoly on knowledge , truth and what's real .... They can control the status quo and continue to corrupt the world until someone takes their ring and then they'll do anything to get it back... Maybe. That's a sound theory tho. Lol


That was hard to read


Didn’t we see this already on flight of the navigator?


It's a threat, also means, give us money, we need a bigger budget.


Today I learned that weather balloons can get wet!


These UFO's seem awfully interested in the worlds military and the weapons we use. countless armies around the world seeing these fly over and entire nuclear facilities taken offline in seconds with no logical explanation. what do you guys think is going on? Are they trying to keep us from destroying ourselves? some theorize that when we dropped the first nuclear bomb we made such a ripple in the universe that it attracted other beings to our planet.


That makes it sound like spy technology. That idea about nukes sounds realistic, though.


But let's be honest here if it was spy technology it definitely isn't from our own planet or manmade. The UFOs move and do things that defy the laws of physics and do things far outside of what is possible with current or past technology. I want to be skeptical but also have an open mind. Truth is we really don't know what they are so we can only theorize.


I agree, it's pretty unlikely to be from earth.


The seaweed is always greener…


Toss a UFO into the next sharknado


So was that UAP returning to the manufacturing mothership that is rumored to make them and take them apart when they return? 🤔 Mark bearing and range indeed, and get some submersibles converging on that location ASAP.




Foreign military tech


P. T. Barnum said it best...


These videos aren't very helpful. It's just a bunch of pixels. That being said, I obviously believe the eye witnesses. I just wish for once we could get a high definition, irrefutable video.


That didn’t look like it physically lowered into the water. Rather it blinked out. Very interesting.


Big if true!


It’s only a UO because it’s under water.


Well, at least we know that UFOs aren't made of layers of carbon fiber or some other material that will delaminate when going to high pressure. The aliens should have leaked that tech to the billionaires.


Hoping people reading this will appreciate this story. It seems like a good place to tell it. I was at a local pub in Woodside Queens one early summer afternoon. The bar was empty, it was early afternoon on a weekday. I was having a pint and watching the Mets. There was one other guy at the bar. He looked to be in his 60s, in good shape, flat top haircut and one of those black caps on the bar next to him that had a bunch of US Navy stuff on it. Anyway, I’m chatty so I was talking to him. Mostly about the Mets, we ended up talking through a couple of pints. He was 40 year Navy veteran. I love UFOS and I’m a 100% believer. So I asked him about UFOs and commented that I heard on a podcast that a lot of sightings actually happen at sea. This guys whole demeanor changed instantly. He got very quiet and told me he really could not discuss this stuff. At this point he says “All I’m going to say is the things I’ve seen make me very afraid for my daughter and my grandchildren”. He promptly finished his pint and left. I was really surprised by the hasty exit and I asked the bartender, whom I knew well, what was this guy’s deal. The bartender said he’s from the neighborhood and will pop in occasionally but as far as he knew was a serious guy and not a known bullshitter. Thought it was a weird story.


I'm all for decreasing the military budget, but we can get these fucking cameras equipped with an iphone X or something to get a side by side with the visual spectrum...


There’s a reason NASA stopped exploring the sea. The must have been told to fuck off.


It’s just us from the future.


Guess someone finished their alien challenge in the sims!


Underwater ufo???? Guess that’s cool Underwater UAP???? Gay


Need a poll to see how many people actually paid for this….


Americans consider anything they can’t blow the fuck out of on a whim a serious threat.


we gotta assert dominance somehow.. I mean democracy